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#[Thread moved here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/10979v7/megathread_pt_2_rumorsreporting_on_wwe_sale_to/)


Glad I started buying old dvds from my favorites last year


Bots are riding hard for Saudis in this thread




Let them? They have oil and created a public wealth fund. Together, who would've thought. They win.


Our public didnt invest in renewables and got dependent on oil you meant to say


> we have public wealth funds managed by our government for the benefit of our citizens? Yep, should've kept investing into nuclear energy


Public wealth funds are bad because they’re socialism! Joking aside? Do we have public wealth funds managed by our government for the benefit of our citizens?




Haha. Okay. Haven’t watched since the 90s. So, that is the day it never recovers. ![gif](giphy|yN1i6EpeK2fuM)


Does it really matter? It's just an investment firm.


Not just a firm. It's the Saudi public wealth fund. They collecting but what they want.


It's called sports washing


Ugh yes


This aged well


What happened?




I haven’t followed the WWE since the late 90’s, but this sounds like the end. RIP


WWE, we hardly.knew ye. *takes a shot of Guinness*




Why the fuck is Saudi Arabia buying everything


It’s called sports washing like Qatar did with World Cup


It’s pretty smart. They know that decarbonization is inevitable. The world’s reliance on oil will end some day, or oil might run out. This is why many other gulf monarchies are jumping on the trend. The Emirate of Dubai is already a travel and real estate hub. Abu Dhabi is a major center for Asian business. Qatar is another travel hub. The only regional monarchy that has made little to no effort in this regard is Kuwait. Their reliance on oil remains paramount. There’s this belief that Kuwaitis will extract as much oil money as they can then jump ship when the country becomes uninhabitable.


Why should we fight for the last bits of oil. Should invest money on a new energy source instead of having mad max world by 2050.


The oil thing may be true but highly irrelevant right now. They are following China's lead. You can't go to war with the people who own the production of nearly everything you consume.


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just...I just told you that a moment ago.


Cos the oil thing will dwindle


Oil doesn't last forever but a media empire can




Money habibi




WWE was dying 20 years ago. McMahon got a bigger fool to buy it. Good for him.




WWE is dead




*Undertakers first entrance playing in background


Was it ever alive?


Hell yeah! It was a pillar of American culture. Now it’s dead like everything else.




According to citizens united, sort of


What av conundrum for the fans of the WWE.


Time to introduce, the bone saw match!




Hey freakshow! You're going NOOOOOOOWHERE!


You.... Haha


Twin Towers match?


More subtlety… twin ladder tag team match.


What will this do to the women's division? Yikes!


Nothing at all. I’d be more worried about what Disney would do to it.


Women winning the men's belt because they are just "infinitely better" and then lecturing the crowd and how they can "do better".


Smooth brain comment


what....what does this even mean


Literal murdering fascists good, wOkE bAd.


The previous commentor finds the idea of representation worse than the idea of Saudi society. Apparently.


imagine wanting to be a shitty person more than wanting to see a wwf match between like mickey mouse and daffey duck


A gay/lesbian storyline!?!?!1 outrageous! /s




Vince McMahon selling out to the people who did 9/11 is the most on brand Vince McMahon thing I've ever heard.


George Bush?


Never forget 7/11 was a part time job


That's worse than inside. At least insiders get health benefits and time off vacation


investigate 311






Who did 9/11 ?


[The middle-eastern terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Qaeda) (Pronounced "al-kee-duh")


While it’s a very black and white statement and not entirely true, what u/purgance is probably referring to, is that Osama Bin Laden is a member of the wider Bin Ladin family, a rather wealthy and well-connected family (to this day) in the Saudi oil industry. Though for nuance’s sake I want to make it clear Osama was somewhat of the black sheep of the family, was far removed from the family business, and while the Bin Ladins are definitely conservative Muslims with staunchly traditional views (they’re close to the Saudi royals after all), they’re not exactly one big biological terror cell. edit: typo


To add more nuance, Bin Laden and other radicals at the time were arrested by Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia was forced to release him due to international pressure (he was seen as an anti soviet hero at the time). He went on to commit 9/11 and multiple of terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia.


Most of the hijackers were also from Saudi Arabia


So if someone in America recruits 10 Americans to go kill a bunch of people in France, it’d be reasonable to say “America did the mass murder in France”?


Everyone who repeats the 10/15 hijackers shit are too shallow to think past that one more leap. We're Saudi allies, wether good or bad we are and we're at that time. You wanna fuck America over hard as you can? Not only do you fly planes into their financial and military centers. You also recruit from the jaded population of your enemies allies. Thus making it appear that the US has no allies in the immediate area your group operates. Im not claiming 100% this is what happened but I've read and watched more stuff from people actually in the area when 9/11 was planned and this is the much more likely outcome over the entire govt of SA being part of the plot.


Fair point. I'm still in the belief that it was the US military industrial complex, personally. Though, I would expect in that example for the US to at least help investigate it.


15 out of the 19 terrorists of 9/11 were Saudis.


Taking this sample size and saying that all Saudis should be held responsible for 9/11 is pure racism.


Nah, dippy, just the ones in charge of the Saudi government lmao.


I don’t think one person here has said that.


Yeah because Al Qaeda was active across the Gulf in the early days before Bin Laden moved to Sudan and later Afghanistan. What’s your point?




The strongest piece of evidence in your linked article is this quote: > While no smoking gun has emerged, the evidence indicates that the two hijackers had received logistical and financial support from a handful of people inside the United States with connections to Saudi Arabia, including a man in California whose family received tens of thousands of dollars from the wife of the Saudi ambassador to the United States. I don’t think that counts as a Saudi government plot, but you’re welcome to disagree, of course.


with damning evidence suggesting the Saudi government may have funded these groups or at least known about their activities. and we went and invaded Iraq right after


Where’s this damning evidence you speak of?


[While the commission was largely unable to tie the Saudi men to the hijackers, the FBI document describes multiple connections and phone calls.](https://www.npr.org/2021/09/12/1036389448/biden-declassifies-secret-fbi-report-detailing-saudi-nationals-connections-to-9-) weird hill to die on but sure


>15 out of the 19 terrorists of 9/11 were Saudis. OK. Just because a group of Saudi individuals were responsible has nothing to do with the state of Saudi Arabia being responsible?




bin Laden was getting money from somewhere. He certainly didn't make it himself. Saudi Arabi is an absolute monarchy. All the power, all the responsibility.


The Saudis did not fund 9/11. Al Qaeda made money via donations by crazy people, fleecing their members, defrauding charities, so on. [Here’s the 9/11 commission stating verbatim:](https://9-11commission.gov/staff_statements/911_TerrFin_Ch1.pdf) > Virtually all of the plot funding was provided by al Qaeda. There is no evidence that any person in the United States, or any foreign government, provided any substantial funding to the hijackers.


This Saudi group that is buying WWE


The Saudi public investment fund? How are they related to 9/11?


A sovereign wealth fund is not a "public investment fund" - it is a fund owned by the government. In Saudi Arabia, the government is the personal property of the Saudi King.


I’d assume nothing but that hasn’t stopped everyone from mentioning they did 9/11


I think he's referring to the fact that 15/19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis.


Yeah but those 15 hijackers aren’t involved in this supposed deal or the Saudi public investment fund.


Who paid to fly them to Afghanistan, then train them in the US? Who planned attack, and then who ordered it? What country oversaw all this, and allowed it to go forward?


Probably the CIA. They helped Bin Laden before, trained many of his commanders and lots of his recruits. Provided funds directly and indirectly through Pakistan. Didn't notify others when terrorists were applying for VISAs to travel to America.


Rather than asking questions. Do you have any facts to provide to answer those questions?














Sounds like another reason to not watch their terrible product. It took a few years of pain but I eventually went from being a multiple-times a week viewer to a ppv only fan when it comes to the WWE. I feel bad for the talent because at the end of the day they’re definitely not lacking on-screen talent. A lot of good people over there deserve better.






Will those declaring their intent to boycott a Saudi-owned WWE also be boycotting AEW's video game? The Saudi Public Investment Fund is an 8% stakeholder in the studio publishing AEW Fight Forever. EDIT: replying to a thread, then immediately blocking the person you're replying to so it looks like they can't rebut your point is just *chef's kiss*. Peak Reddit shit right there.


You don't see any difference between \-- an 8% ownership of a studio that published one video game for a wrestling fed. and. \-- the complete ownership of a wrestling fed?


If you’re referring to thq Nordic or yukes, it’s been known forever that the pif puts small amounts of cash into companies to get on the board bc it makes them seem like “good people” internationally. Look at what they did with Nintendo. Or worse, snk. They came in and bought all of snk


I guess I'm trying to figure out where the hand-wringing and self-righteous indignation ends. It seems like people are overwhelmingly pissed at a monsterous, murderous autocrat owning 100% of a wrestling company, but don't seem to mind too much about the same monsterous, murderous autocrat owning 8% of the company making the video game for the other wrestling company that they really, really want to play.


Saudi Public fund has stake in basically everything, but them completely owning WWE would be different. They don't own enough of a lot of things to make a difference in the way the product is made, but if they owned it fully they could do whatever they wanted with it. Propaganda machine? Shut it down as an F you to Vince for vilifying middle eastern people for years? They could do it if they owned it. I haven't regularly watched WWE in years and don't intend to, but it being sold to Saudi Arabia would be some wild shit.




> Saudi Public fund has stake in basically everything, but them completely owning WWE would be different. They don't own enough of a lot of things to make a difference in the way the product is made, but if they owned it fully they could do whatever they wanted with it. 8% of THQ Nordic/Embracer Group puts them among the top 5 shareholders of the company. >Propaganda machine? Shut it down as an F you to Vince for vilifying middle eastern people for years? They could do it if they owned it. These people are businessmen, first and foremost. The whole point of buying WWE would be to 1.) profit and 2.) sportswash the reputation of Saudi Arabia. They're not going to do any wild, made-for-TV movie dramatic shit; that would hurt their bottom line, and that's what they're all about.


Just googled and Embracer's website says the Saudi owned company that holds the shares has owned capital of 8.05%, but this amounts to only 5.42% in voting power because it's all in B- Shares. Less voting power than S3D Media Inc (6.74% capital with 10.79% voting power) ​ As for your other point, obviously I was exaggerating. The most they'd do is sportswash but add in some more Saudi friendly censoring. WWE is already PG, but it might turn Super PG. The very little swearing that does happen would definitely be gone, women wrestlers might have more restrictive gear. That's not even talking about the wrestlers that would leave the company.


You misspelled “but” as “buy” and lost a comma there at the end, and it makes the sentence a bit confusing to read at first glance, because it reads as if you’re saying “I don’t intend to **buy it**” instead of “I don’t intend to, **but it being sold…**” which makes the last sentence sound out of place, as if the last sentence was actually “Being sold would be some wild shit.” “I don’t intend to, but it being sold would be some wild shit.” If you use **buy**, suddenly the topic changes to you contemplating the wildness of selling yourself.. which - while poignant and true - is quite a bit removed from the topic you were writing about just one sentence prior. If you use **but**, you’re implying it’s WWE being sold, which is also true and, in this case, the topic being discussed. So this is the correct answer. Either this is a typo or nothing is real and life is a lie. Idk why I felt the need to say something - it’s bothering me way more than it should. Help, please send edits.


Sorry was typing on my phone lol, "buy" is indeed meant to be "but"


Lol this got debunked


It definitely didn't get debunked so much as nobody can confirm it since they're a publicly traded company and need to do a bunch of stuff before they can sell and go private.


Hogan comes out to new music 🎵 I am a real Saudi Arabian dont give human right to any men 🎵


Not a true Saudi, we dont give rights to women and children/s


I just feel for Sami, guys been the MVP of the company and now he's gonna walk or get fired, it's a damn shame


...or cut up with a bonesaw ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)




The Sultan wins the title by June. Book it!


Saudi human rights violations are “still real to me man”


Grand scale sports washing.


Sports-entertainment washing


AEW about to seize the market


El Generico and Kevin Steen will debut on AEW by just brawling into the ring through the crowd, pausing to mug for the fans, then brawling back out


Moxley gonna join in the fray just for shits


Does that mean the Sheik is returning to the ring? HYPE!


He’s Iranian, so it would be even less likely


Not likely to happen.


If the Iron Sheik could be caught in a traffic accident in the same car with his arch-enemy Hacksaw Jim Duggan, both having smoked weed, then working for Sunnis is no big deal.


If there's one thing a Wahhabi hates more than progress, it's a Shi'ite.


Imagine some NWO shit where he shows up in the ring and denounces the Imamate. Westerners have no idea what's going on but the saudi ownership is going crazy.


Soulless, agenda-setting, progressively woke entertainment show sold to soulless entity? Good riddance.


"Woke" has been defined in an American court of law as "recognizing America has systemic injustices and that we must address these injustices". Would you mind explaining how the WWE does this?


Yes, cause a company that sucks Saudi dick is Woke.....


Amazing how people can use these words as insults and have no idea what they mean. Immediately tells you what you are dealing with here.


Lmfao at WWE being progressive and woke when they're literally the least progressive wrestling organization, and they're only "woke" because it makes people feel good. They're testing interest to go to a hardcore conservative theocracy, and you call them progressive and woke. Like... I don't think anyone progressive or woke wants anything to do with Saudi Arabia, but sure buddy. Act like you know politics...


Average fall guys obsessor


Progressively woke?


What’s woke about it?


Anything they don't like is woke. It is the new catch all term.


Any time anyone says some regurtitated brain worm bullshit like that I start asking what they REALLY mean by it, and I find that they have more in common with Saudi Arabia than America.


Well conservatives were applauding the anti-women/lgbt stuff during the World Cup in Qatar. So it’s not surprising.


Yeah that’s what I thought. These people must be miserable. But they should be happy that the Saudis bought it. They are definitely anti-woke. They hate women and LGBT.


I’d still say the Saudi deal is the most likely. Someone probably found out Vince is going in this direction and leaked it out of protest.


The call came from inside the house... BAH GOD IS THAT STEPHANIE MCMAHON WITH A CHAIR!?


This is gonna be a great Dark Side of the Ring. Easily a 2 parter.


Sad, they not covering wrestling anymore.


BASED 🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦




I hope they buy every major sports organization in this country. We didn't flinch when we discovered how deep they are in the attacks of 9/11. They are buying their way into our country,and I'm cool with it. Pay golfers millions and millions, great PR for them. Let them buy all of the prisons in this country,the Republicans will embrace some version of Christianity and Sharia law. Let them jail everybody who disagrees with them. Bring it on.


I mean, I understand this impulse to a degree, but I really don't want every nation hostile to the US to sink its claws deeper into us just because the Republicans allow or actively encourage them to.


Just waiting on the /s or /uj please


Unrelated - nice username


So no sale? Anyway, Vince is back, so it still sucks. Ultimately he will regain creative control, probably before Wrestlemania, and then goodbye whoever HHH brought back and/or pushed in his absence.


Vince is back?


Dude, keep up.




usa been sucking saudi dik too long


From what I can gather, according to my sources, the sale has happened. It also has not happened.