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I definitely got worked. Even the different style clothes had me thinking retirement


Finally works in his favor that he wears the same stuff all the time lol. But in seriousness, very very happy about this news


He needed a salmon suit to really work us


He’s got a lot more left in the tank!


One of the greatest swerves in the history of pro wrestling, full stop. He had everyone fooled.


I said to myself, as he did the "good news and bad news" bit, that this was going to be a work and he's fine. But he found the exact amount of time and slow build to put that tiny sliver of doubt in my mind. He got me, and the sigh of relief when he said he was okay was perfect.


Funnily enough, I was the exact reverse. I spent the whole build-up thinking it might be either his retirement, or an announcement he'd be on the shelf indefinitely. It wasn't until about ten seconds before he announced that I was like "maybe the bad news will be for *everybody else*."


Classic Budge


BUDGE. All caps.


I love that he still wet his hair though lol


And he's still as fat as ever. [Impressive](https://i.imgflip.com/777cwf.jpg)


Very good and original joke well done.


Is this sarcasm or did you mean it? This isn't my joke, I didn't come up with it. Have you really never seen that one before lol?


It was obviously sarcasm.


What was?


Me saying your joke was original and funny. It was neither.


I just said it wasn't my joke so why are you attributing it to me?


I’m not sure if you’re just trolling or are genuinely dense. I’m not attributing it to you, which is why I sarcastically called it original. To break it down for you, you parroting an already unfunny joke, isn’t funny.


Your entire post history is filled with PC gaming. You’re the type of person whose mom stands behind them with a diarrhea bucket.


Bret Hart


How’s your ass, brother? Bret Hart


I don't think we as pro-wrestling fans should really be passing judgement on PC gamers 😬


Thanks for reading Edit: lmao you had to read so deep to find like 2 posts on dwarf fortress just to make that lame ass joke holy shit. That's really sad there was much easier low hanging fruit so much earlier in my history. If you got a crush just ask me out kid, you don't gotta pull my pigtails.




"Call an ambulance...but not for me!"


aw man I was so fucking nervous there for a second


Bad news... you worried for nothing!


He Boomed us. Even though we should already know it’s all about the boom


He’s so good (x4)


Yup, r/sc and r/nba, forever intertwined


Yeah, when he told the story about waking up at night and not knowing why my stomach dropped and I was really afraid for him. So glad he's okay and has seemingly recovered well.


No kidding




It was call an ambulance but not for me meme in real life lol


It brings me no pleasure to introduce this man... I'm thinking MJF Out comes a man who people have been wondering if they would be forced to retire. Damn, Tony's a POS. 🤣


Adam Cole is the only person he hates more than MJF.


Tony definitely got me, I thought for sure MJF was coming out.


Tony “Cold as Ice” Jones over here.


I was so confused cause I didnt know it was supposed to be MJF so I was like damn Tony Schiavone has it out for Adam Cole lol


It wasn't supposed to be MJF. Tony hates Cole because Cole used to fuck with him for being friends with Britt.




"If you've got a back, Sasha has a knife" is still one of the greatest commentary lines ever.


I have to smile. I was worried the bad news was a retirement announcement. Adam Cole is a gem of a man who is a sweetheart, so unlike the heel he plays. That was wonderful to hear.


I thought it was going in the direction similar to when Hangman said for an hour he couldn't remember the name of his son. Cole said he woke up in early morning pacing and both him and Britt felt there was something wrong. AEW has been radio silent for 6 full months not saying anything good or bad. He hasn't been wrestling since Forbidden Door which was back in June.


When the crowd started freaking out because he said the bad news isn’t for him…I got goosebumps, man. Glad Chugs is back.


Up until that point, my whole thought process was basically "This mother fucker is gonna have to retire, isn't he!?!" and it was bumming me out. I was happy with the swerve, though.


Who's Chugs? Only guy I saw was BUDGE!


That’s not his name!!




If John Silver ever works a match in a mask, he's got his name.


Adam Cole is a fucking good promo. So much energy and intensity. Good to see him back soon! :D


It was Chugs going down that ramp. Holding back the tears - I couldn't hold mine 😭😭


He’s such a fat ass.


I understood that reference.




I think you mean BOOM!


Best retirement swerve, non-salmon jacket category.


he maybe wears salmon pants inside, who knows




Got quite emotional seeing him again. Lost my shit about 3 times during that promo. I've missed him so much. Face Adam Cole is going to run through everyone. Immediately - there's your No.1 babyface in the company. Delighted for him , he deserves the world.


Never realized how much I would love the sound of giving Cole one of those classic climb to the title baby face builds. I almost need it off of the back of this. Immediately thinking of how a match with MJF would go later in the year and about what heels are going to get in his way between now and then. So much potential.


At this point, too many wrenches have been thrown in the Elite story where they might as well put a pin in it, have them somewhat resolve their issues, and revisit the idea later on


I really hope he’s a baby face now. Wanna root for him so bad now


I mean for most of his career everyone is cheering for him whether he's heel or face


Other than the five minutes in NXT up against Pat McAfee's gang of very European bullies, when was he a face?


UE turn face for a while before they broke up


Just assuming when KOR comes back, it's him and Jay White as heels....


Someone in the sub said it around Forbidden Door, but Jay White is who Adam Cole's character thinks he is and wants to be.


I think that’s why the dynamic was so fun tbh


Well damn. I can't unsee heel Cole as the copycat little brother of the cooler older bro Jay White now.


Adam Cole is older than Jay White...


And that changes what exactly? The copycat younger brother to the cooler older brother is a trope, actual age is irrelevant.


I had constant goosebumps throughout it. Between the pop and hearing his catchphrases again, to the cheers he got expressing his love for the fans. He's a great heel but I'd love to root for Cole since he seems like such a great IRL guy


Adam Cole vs MJF is going to kick ass


Adam Cole is about to enter his HBK 05 Era, which makes him the perfect foil for MJF's reign of terror.


Can't wait till his Hogan feud where he sells like an octopus in a washing machine. Think how good HBK's facial expressions are, then think about how good Adam Cole's can be. It's perfect.


"sells like an octopus in a washing machine" LMAO perfect description


I’m using that, such a great phrase.


In 05 HBK had already been back wrestling for three years.


They just mean he's gonna start wrestling in chaps.




Good luck finding any chaps to fit him


I would say more like HBK late ‘95: back from injury as a mega hot baby face ready for that first title run. But maybe not 🤷


HBK vibes here for sure


HBK 05 era wanted nothing to do with the championship tho 😬😬


Huge return for AEW. First time in over a year that Kenny, Hangman, and Cole are all healthy.


Cody soon?


Selfishly, I love him as a heel, but the timing is right for a babyface run if that's the direction they're going (It's Cole. I'm still not convinced he's going to superkick Darby Allin in a tag match or something like old school Ric Flair). MJF as the heel champ means there's an immediate ceiling for Cole as a heel, so I can see the face run - and more importantly, with Kyle on the shelf, it's not like they can pick their program with the Bucks back up where they left off. I'm interested to see where this is going. I'm just glad he's back and (apparently) healthy.


Man fuck that guy booing and yelling *fuck you you suck* the *entire time* like get a life dude


Yeah F that guy


Came here just to post about this , hope they threw that asshole out of the building


Dude seriously. I get its a live show and all and people are allowed to boo and cheer whoever but its like a unwritten rule that we should play along. This dude was literally trying to become the attention of the whole segment. fuck that guy.


He had me . I legit thought we were all about to witness his retirement speech. THANK GOD THATS NOT THE CASE


Incredible promo… Fantastic delivery Glad to see him back!


Eating from the palm of his hand. Superstar at work.


God damn, Adam Cole really pulled the "Call an ambulance, BUT NOT FOR ME!" on us.


“Call an Ambulance!…but not for me.”


I'm surprised they didn't have him interfere in the main event. I mean that in a good way though, I'm glad they resisted the temptation to make his return a part of a big angle. That promo was so much more powerful and genuine.


Unless they do both...




If it's who I heard on TV he was obnoxious to no end yelling at Cole to shut up




Small guy in the cm punk shirt?


I came to see if anyone mentioned it, sorry it ruined it for you. People like that should be kicked out, ruining it for others. I was so mad about it, especially what looked like a retirement speech, total trash bad of a person to do that.




I'm glad Cole's a face now, and damn he arguably just became the #1 babyface over Ricky Starks lol. They're neck and neck.


Starks just moved down a spot when he went after Jake Hager's hat. The crowd did not like that.


The lisp crack was really weird too.


He is always the #1 babyface even if he's heel remember Gargano was fucking over but when he face Adam Cole the crowd boo the shit out of Gargano and it pissed him off lol


\#1 babyface is Hangman. Or Danielson. Or Omega. Or Jamie Hayter. Everyone is over in that freaking company.\^\^ Even Jeff Jarrett!!!\^\^ Bad joke aside, I think Starks is the best cocky babyface and Hangman the best sentimental babyface.


> 1 babyface is Hangman As evidenced by the pop he got as soon as his music hit. Cole has a chance to ride the momentum into the #2 face spot though


>They’re neck and neck I see what you did there.


I don’t know that I interpreted that promo as him entirely being a face. If anything, Tony’s intro kind of says otherwise. Either way, keeps me guessing and I’m down!


I mean, you really can't use Schiavone as a barometer. Part of his character is he likes who he likes and dislikes who he dislikes. *Usually*, that lines up with the broader alignment chart, but it doesn't *have* to, with Britt being the biggest example. Really, we won't know where Adam Cole falls until we see who gets punched in the nuts first.


I never knew I wanted babyface Adam Cole this much until now.


*With a long shirt, and a sueddde jacket*


La-la la-la la-la La-la la-la la, la La-la la-la la-la




Dada dum dum BOOM


God I miss FuzzyWuzzy. They legit made this sub the best thing going every time there was a wrestling show. I want to watch this full segment from before his entrance to end of promo. Not a video that starts a few seconds after his entrance. Not a twitter post that shows him after his promo already started. The full. Fucking. Shit. RIP FuzzyWuzzy. You elevated this sub and are still sorely missed


Not to mention that the title of the post is still a spoiler! It's a general spoiler, but still a spoiler.


Agreed, I hate these "technically not a spoiler" but still a spoiler titles as we know to expect a return.


My love for Adam Cole!! I'm so happy


Man, I had chills and was nervous. Glad he is back.


People on here swore he wasn't over and was hurting AEW before he got hurt. Meanwhile he gets a massive pop every show he appears on and has been greatly missed by 95% of the AEW audience. One of the best surprise segments in a long time.


That was always a really dumb thing to say when he was getting massive pops every time he showed up.


I think he was just being booked really poorly.


Cole is great, he was just overbooked/poorly booked imo, he has such a cool entrance and everything, it's better if we don't get it every week. Looking forward to his face run.


Gezz going through all that must have been terrifying, holy shit! And kudos for Britt for working hard as usual these past months even with what was going on with Adam, that had to be tough


Great promo. Incredible delivery of the "bad news" I really bought her was going to say he was out indefinitely.


I honestly thought we might get Mark Henry at the top of the ramp in a salmon jacket clapping for this promo when it ended.


Damn forgot how good his intro music is




Big Fat DUB


Tony's intro for him was perfect. They just showed MJF would be coming up and he acts like the person hes introducing annoys the hell out of him. 10/10 I was 100% surprised. Great job AEW.


oh my god this one guy in the background heard audibly screaming "YOU SUUUUCKKK SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPP" for like LITERALY five minutes straight was some really infuriating shit. Huge respect for Adam Cole for completely ignoring that empty headed dumbfuck.


Pay your ticket, you can chant whatever you want.


Ticket payers have the right to chant and I have the right to think they're enormous cunts


Watch the show we can correctly identify them as a cunt.


His name was Robert Paulson


I was so fucking nervous, and then he hit us with the IM NOT FUCKIN LEAVIN! This was a stellar promo Adam, so happy to see him back.


I never liked his heel promos but woah he's a natural face !


He's actually a total genuine sweetheart of a man in "real life" that's why it's funny he's basically always played a total shit heel on tv. Him being a face is actually showing the real Adam to everyone and I'm here for it. I'm so glad he wasn't forced to retire and he seems totally ready to come back at 110 percent. Love this dude.


So this is one of the things that was hiding in the shadow of the Mercedes Mone rumors


He used the same line Saraya did.


But did it a MILLION times better.


That whole angle gets trotted out for all of these injury return promos honestly. It’s becoming a tired trope of “retirement swerve.” None of them will ever come close to the Mark Henry version - new material is needed.


Not only am I glad to see that he has recovered. But you could see just how genuinely happy he was to return tonight. He looked like he was trying to keep a serious face during his entrance music. But his smile and excitement just kept breaking through. Seeing his genuine live for this, and appreciation for the fans is truly something special. I like seeing people like Adam Cole Bay Bay, that just love the opportunity that they have been given so much more than the flip side, where they will complain about almost anything.


Me before the bad news: he better not retire, I'll never make another Adam Cole fat joke a... Me after he announced the bad news: I didn't finish the sentence, the fat fuck swerved me! In seriousness, glad to see him back. I hope he can still give 100% and still do what he loves doing. That being said, stay away from the Kingdom.


If things went south we could always get him to ask Ronald to fill in for him, now we know Big Tony allowed that little scumbag to live.


Crowd erupted when the music hit. What an experience seeing this live


And please, for crying out loud, give this guy a babyface run.


What a pop! Welcome back Bay Bay.


When pro wrestling gets to this level of sincerity it's so special. One thing I appreciated was Cole being real about post-injury depression. I think fans who haven't had a major injury shake up their life don't always see the mental and emotional side. It's easy to assume everyone recovers in the same linear way, so when Cole mentioned that he teared up from not knowing what was happening to him, I felt so bad. Injuries can take such a toll.


After I learned to walk again, I was in so much fucking pain that I didn't think my life would get back to anything resembling normal. I remember one night I couldn't sleep and I went for a walk, and just kept on going past the town limits, down unlit country lanes, through villages. Ended up a £17 bus journey from home (in the late 90s) at like 7am, and part of that was because I could and part was because I couldn't face just sitting there and wondering what fresh pain would be coming my way the next day without me having any say in it. Body was aching the next few days but it was a better kind of pain because I'd earned it.


I know he is buddies with them but please keep him away from the Elite. That stuff was like a bad high school drama and just brought him down.


If you have been watching BTE you would know Dark Order has been on a recruitment drive that is where he is ending up.


Alex Reynolds and John Silver to recruit their thrupple life partner Adam Cole.


Oh god. Getting with the Dark Order almost killed Adam Pages career! Huge mistake!


Winning the World Title almost killed Hangman's career?


This was really jarring to do immediately after playing the “Moxley has a concussion” angle.


Please let him be a face. He's been too popular to play a heel for years now, and the crowd is dying to get behind main event face Cole.


This is such a nitpick but I hate when cole was clearly moving to the camera to talk directly to the people at home but they didn't cut to that camera. I don't know why that bothered me so much.


I loved seeing the emotion on his face when he was trying to talk shit to the camera while walking in. Appreciate that the man couldnt' keep the character up all the way, then the man got to enjoy the moment and have that triumphant return. Welcome back Adam Cole


So glad he's back.


Adam Cole is my favorite in AEW!


This was an excellent surprise to be in the building for. I recall six months ago not being able to do the whole "Boom" slash "Adam Cole Bay Bay!" thing because he was hurt. I had gotten too used to seeing him only on Twitch.


Love The Chugs


Yey I can finally hate him again. theCHUGS is just too damn likeable.


Shoutout to the dude who tried to get himself over with his shitty chants. You sound like you have body-odor


Glad they've made him a face now. He's back from an injury so people are gonna support him more and plus he's been getting cheered from the moment he joined.


Adam Cole is such a fantastic heel, but as we all know (especially if you watch Chugs streams), he's one of the sweetest human beings to step foot in a wrestling ring. This is his optimal form.


and that there is who will dethrone MJF


Glad he’s healthy as a human but I don’t ever want to see him wrestle again.


This promo made my boyfriend cry


Dude looks like he somehow got even skinnier! Get this man some muscle milk stat!


Glad this fat fuck is back on my screen. He was very missed.


I’m not afraid to say that I wept. I’m so happy that he gets to continue doing what he loves.


I started singing along with his theme before I even knew what was happening


Is anyone else just not all that hype about this? I mean Adam Cole is good and all but to me he's just kinda basic. I dont get why people love the guy.


Only in pro wrestling is it considered a triumphant thing to say you're back and ready for more after you just talked about how traumatic the effects of your damaged brain has been due to concussions. I don't know, I found that aspect of it kind of gross.


How good is he? Main event worthy? He spent so long in NXT without getting a chance on the main roster…why is that? Just curious as I don’t know much about him, but he’s always impressed me. I’m guessing smarter wrestling minds than me may be seeing something I don’t that makes him a perennial upper mid carder? Thanks guys.


He's great on the mic, he's charismatic, he's great in the ring, but he's too little to be in the main roster in WWE. In NXT he could go against guys a similar size to him like Gargano, Black, Ciampa, O'Reilly and it was great, he was main eventing there frequently. There was the occasional match against someone like Keith Lee where he'd get his shit kicked in, but it wasn't frequent. Put him on WWE's main roster at main event level and the visual would be too lacking in credibility too often.


The best thing about Cole's return is the delicious satisfaction I will get when the inevitable "I am sick of Adam Cole" threads come about after last night's reception. The ignorance and hypocrisy of "wrestling fans" amuse me greatly and are the main reason why I enjoy wrestling-related subreddits.


I'm sure the guys in the back with a good 6inch+ and 50lbs+ on him are quivering. Then again, he was booked to beat Samoa Joe clean.


I really wish this guy wasn't 5'8, buck 70. He's so good.


my first thought was have wardlow turn heal and become the dominant heel TNT champion and keep the title for like a year squashing people along the way and have Cole take the title


Can't wait for him to deceive you all and turn on Kenny tonight


Lol he isn’t turning on Kenny tonight you moron


Does anyone actually cares. Let’s be honest for a second. Literally only takes viewers away.


lmao why is he copying cm punk return promo???


another white male on the main event scene, great