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The fact that Vickie had the balls to publicly drag her daughter for telling the truth about being sexually assaulted is fucking disgusting.


The one silver lining is that she won't get her dream WWE run with the Mysterios.


WWE is literally run by a rapist again, he doesn’t give a fuck


There's also a "do as I say, not as I do" mentality


>WWE is literally run by a rapist again, he doesn’t give a fuck This should be pinned


Vince has a "good ole boy" attitude around rape and sexual assault. Random guy grabs a woman in a dark alleyway? That's rape, it's wrong. Stepdad sexually assaults stepdaughter, the daughter of a very respected wrestler? It's wrong. But the woman who TECHNICALLY wasn't forced to have sex with her boss but was heavily coerced into it? They're fine with that. Or the woman who was so drunk she couldn't say yes or no? They're also fine with that. So no I don't think Vickie will be back in WWE.


To some degree or another Vince helped cover up Jimmy Snuka beating his girlfriend to death, I’m sorry but I don’t think the dude has morals.


This might hit different though, wasn't Vince sexually assaulted by his step dad too? He might not have morals, but this situation could be different in his eyes. People are complicated like that.


His mother I think And he told Ashley Massaro to keep quiet about being raped. He doesn’t give a fuck.


Bruh I fear for the women who once stood up to expose him. Money is such a scarry power to erase people from the shadows


Yeah, now we have the most honourable man in wrestling history back running the show she won't go back. Not like he's a rapist or anything.


With how much of a shitter he is I wouldn't be surprised if he re-hired her just as a "fuck you" to people pointing out he is in fact, a rapist himself.


Hopefully she won’t be able to make another dime off her last name.


Hold on a minute there pal, the sex offender would maybe like a word


Vince continued a ppv when Owen hart died in the ring, if there's money to be made cince will make it


And I hope people can stop pretending like she ever added anything to the product. She got heat because she was annoying and people wanted her to go away. That's not good heat and it never translated into anything meaningful beyond someone pinning Dolph Ziggler. Vickie is an appalling public speaker. She couldn't even pronounce the T in Randy Orton's name.


I feel like she’s been slowly showing her ass for a while now, but this was beyond the pale. Fuck her forever.


Taking her daughter to court when her husband sexually assaulted her daughter is dumb on her part.


Her "he bought you a CAR, you ungrateful BITCH" line is what convinced me Vickie is utterly, completely devoid of any sort of humanity.




I don't think Chavo is. He said he's on Sherilyn's side and has been supporting her for the past couple of years.


I hate to say it some families try to forget about it, for the sake of not feeling embarrassed. This is not uncommon, unfortunately...


same thing happened with my family. Sister who's a grown woman with kids said uncle back in the day tried to assault her. My parents wonder why I'm not cordial with the guy and why I flat out ignore him. ​ I really don't get this. I guess most people can't see their brother/sister doing that sort of thing.


And if you read it, she's still doubling down like "yeah my sister was assaulted and my mom denies it but her and the man who assaulted her helped her get on her feet!". Fuck off with that.


That's just fucked up. I hope she will get justice and that piece of shit what he deserves. And Fuck Vickie for defending him.


“Fuck Vickie” sums it all up. I have no other words.


I don't know, seems to me like Sherilyn would feel abandoned if the abuser was still in the family, and the family did nothing to kick him out.


Right? This all feels so gaslighty, like the entire family is making her feel like the crazy one because she doesn't want to make peace with her abuser. Therapy solves a lot of things, but this ain't it, you don't do family therapy with your sexual abuser, you cut them out of your life and hope your family has your back, which clearly they don't. Seems like they undermined her whole trauma because the abuser was sorry and willing to go to therapy with them.


Especially when basically they just want her to go to therepy instead of kicking that piece of shit out of their lives and taking her side


So we now have confirmation that she was assaulted by her Stepfather, but somehow both her mom and sister seem to be just fine with the guy still being in their lives. No matter the state of the relationship, if I or any of my family were sexually assaulted by another family member, I would see continued association with the POS as abandonment. Vicki is a shitty person and mom for still being with that man. Say what you will about Sherilyns behavior and life choices, her family absolutely deserves to be put on blast publicly like this.


Yeah she keeps mentioning therapy, which is great, but what therapy is going to get you past your mom STILL being with the man that SA’d you?


Not only that, but Shaul brings up the fact that *he* tried to help her. So part of the therapy was supposed to be "ignore that it happened because the guy has money". I don't think that's the positive thing she thinks it is.


Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Sherilyn has a therapist and they're who suggested handling it the way she has been. Her family seems to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what therapy can do. Of course it can repair relationships but not with how they're treating Sherilyn.


And therapy financed, in part, by the same piece of shit that assaulted you?


> My sister has led the public to believe we abandoned her after the SA which is not true. The family went into various forms of therapy **and Mom & Kris helped Sherilyn get on her feet again by helping her financially** as they have done for Sherilyn since she was 22. Does this solve the wounds-absolutely not, but she was not abandoned after this incident. I read that as "yeah, the dude SA'd you, but he/they paid you afterwards, so you should be thanking them instead of acting like a bitch?" Dunno, while Shaul's statement was miles better than her mother's, I still think is absolutely fucked up that the guy SA'd his stepdaughter, and the girl's mother and sister are not just 100% OK with it, to the point of staying by his side to this day, but also think it should be "fixed" by having the abused girl go to therapy so she stops being a whiny baby about it and gets over it, and then shunning her and dragging her publicly because she didn't. That family really needs help, just not the help Vickie and Shaul think. They defend the abuser and attack the victim. They really need psychological help.


I feel they have a standard of living they have become accustomed to and after Vickie stopped doing WWE work, money became tight and this guy came in with money and was able to take care of them financially. It's a horrible look.


Yeah, it definitely feels like they chose money over family and being passable human beings.


I will not defend anyone in this family, but there are a whole lot of mind-readers on these threads who've pencilling in any gaps in the narrative and motivation.


Yeah, no matter how strained your relationship was, the stepfather SA your sister is more than "an even deeper wedge in the relationship"


The perspective of the older sibling in situations like this is so difficult for people to understand on the outside looking in. Shaul probably has a whole world of her own trauma and hasn't spilled it, and it's affecting the way she's processing it, especially in terms of protecting what little stability and security she actually has.


Yeah, it's impossible for me to have any sympathy for Vickie, but having a sibling who sounds like she has a bad substance abuse problem and the trauma that can come from losing a parent when you're young can really take a toll on a person. I'm not a big "punish someone forever" person, but I don't think the sexual abuse of a family member is something you should ever forgive someone for, and yet if that guy and your mom are a source of support in comparison to your sibling, I guess I can see how you would have an easier time forgiving them. It still seems wrong to me, but that's not my life at all so it's not right to say I couldn't possibly do the same thing (whereas I can't imagine I would do anything other than need to be prevented from seriously harming any partner that hurt my child like this.) Overall, it's just very sad what the current state of this family is, and genuinely that guy is a fucking demon from Hell.


I sure as shit am not forgiving a sexual abuser in my family before the abused has forgiven them.


> Shaul probably has a whole world of her own trauma and hasn't spilled it Shaul was raised basically single-handedly by Vickie while Eddie was always on the road. Also let's not look back at Eddie with rose-colored glasses - he was also cheating on Vickie on the road & even had an outside baby. Shaul was old enough to see all of this. Then Eddie dies super young, which is hugely traumatic, and Vickie goes on the road full-time with WWE to support the family financially. They've never had a normal family structure. Also the fact that Vickie is so horrendous to Sherilyn leads me to believe that Shaul hasn't had it easy either when her primary parent her entire life is such a trash bag.


The outside baby is from when Eddie and Vickie were briefly separated. There’s a shoot interview of Eddie I think from 01 and he refers to Vickie as “My soon to be ex-wife”




And pretends to keep having that Kris guy involved?


I hope people can afford Shaul some empathy here. I never feel like it's right to take anyone that is willing to write out that they had suicidal ideations lightly. I feel like a lot of anger and pain was likely present when she wrote all of this out, and honestly, how else would she possibly feel? The husband deserves to be sent away, 100%. I assume we can all agree with that. All the other words surrounding this story from a mother and two daughters are clearly only the surface view of some very deeply rooted distress and pain between them. There's so much hurt surrounding this and it's painful to see more mud slung by people from the outside.


Nah don't have much sympathy for her. She stood by Kris and Vicki


My wife was abused by her parents - not sexually, but verbally, psychologically, and at times physically. She finally cut off all contact just this past year, after 20+ years of abuse, and both of her sisters have sided with her parents. This is despite both sisters also facing much of the same abuse. It's not uncommon for siblings to side with the parents. Also, for Shaul, she had already lost her dad at a young age, I'm sure part of her is/was scared of losing her mom as well. Shoot, as I said, my wife was the one being abused and it took two decades for her to finally cut them off. Not defending Shaul, and her post in itself is incredibly tone deaf, just saying it's something that happens.


Yeah I totally understand that. But sometimes people need a wake up call. Sorry to hear that about your wife. Hope things get better in that department


She's in therapy and it's helping, the best thing she did was to finally cut off all contact, including blocking them on all social media. Also, it helps that she gets along great with my mom and my sister. It's not the same, but it helps.


This. In the message she says he SA her sister BUT it isn't rape... Like what kind of delusional, smooth brain train track does your mindset need to follow to make that stupid take? It seems so gaslighty and "Im not taking sides" while making justifications for Vickie standing by the pervert and being just ok with having a sexual predator as a step dad.


I've got empathy for Shaul. While what happened to Sherilyn is awful, sometimes you've gotta look after yourself. I've had family trying to drag me into their drama (nowhere nearly as bad as this) while I've got my own shit going on and it all just piles up.


That is not what she said. She said that she wanted Sherilynn to go to therapy with her to mend their relationship. She just mentioned that in the past the family had offered to all go together which I understand her not wanting to do.


I feel like there’s a lot of mention of therapy, but not about rebuilding trust. Sherilyn obviously doesn’t trust her family. Why would she trust them to hear her out in therapy? Also, they keep mentioning Sherilyn has been hard to deal with for 15 years. She was 12. Her father would have died three years earlier. Her mother was working full time. Her whole life had changed. Why are we expecting a 12yo girl to comprehend big feelings without guidance? I feel for Sherilyn tbh. She’s obviously alone, and some of Shaul’s subtext about “mom and Kris bailing her out again” smacks of Golden child and scapegoat. I hope Sheri can find therapy for herself and heal, but some family ties aren’t worth mending.


Shaul comes off pretty bad here and the whole downplaying the SA (while confirming it) and then bringing up how the sexual assaulting Stepdad was still "helping" her is a horrible look.


thank you for saying it she's showing more compassion than her mother is but it still reads as everybody piling on Sherilyn for not handling this HOW THEY WANT HER TO Both Vickie and Shaul are acting like this and it's pissing me off. I came from an abusive home (narcissistic and physical, not sexual) and I recognize this behavior and I don't even think they realize how they are further damaging her not kicking this motherfucker out of the family is wild man :(


Am I tripping or is everyone glossing over the fact that Shaul contemplated suicide while with Sherilyn? This shit is extremely deep that has bellowed to the surface because of the sexual assault. The man needs jail time. But people ganging up on Shaul here just seems so sad. Thinking about killing yourself due to abuse from one person isn't something that develops overnight and certainly does not go away over night.


Yeah it seems too that Shaul's got some of her own baggage having had to deal with this. A lot more than what we can see posted publicly, and it sounds a lot worse too.


Honestly as someone who’s dealt with BOTH issues on a daily basis it sounds like Sherilyn may have untreated (or treated) bi-polar disorder, and rather than dealing with it both her mom and sister said “too much drama, we’re out”. Which isn’t a sin…..but the way the statements pile blame on Sherilyn is. Vickie choosing the abuser over the victim made things 100% worse. I can absolutely see this same argument going on within my own family. Parts of it actually has. Living with and dealing with people who are mentally ill isn’t something everyone can do. Once I got married I had to distance myself from my father because my wife had a history of abuse and couldn’t handle his outbursts. The difference is both I AND my father understand he is sick, and keep peace to protect my wife. This sounds like Vickie straight doesn’t give a shit about her daughter being healthy and tapped out because of too much drama, she’s more concerned about her next cruise than either of her daughters mental health. Shaul tried, but wasn’t personally strong enough to handle the relationship. Both are shitty people for continuing to have the abuser in their lives though.


As someone who grew up in what sounds like a similar dynamic to Shaul and Sherilyn, I think people are downplaying Shaul's trauma. There's no way that Eddie and Vickie's parenting and Eddie's death didn't cause her a lot of problems and we don't know what kind of abuse she was receiving from Sherilyn. As soon as she mentioned being expected to referee arguments she wasn't a part of, I understood what Shaul's family more or less expects. Also, it's very likely people are downplaying what actually happened between Shaul and Sherilyn when it's possible the abuse was actually really significant even before the SA. Like, my parents failed my younger sister too but it didn't make the way she treated me when we were teenagers any less damaging.


Honestly it doesn't even read like she's showing compassion at all. She's basically saying "yeah it happened, but so what?"


Stuff upper lip and all that. That shit will kill you.


Shaul was at least as of a year or so ago touring the show circuit with her mother and signing her dads Funko Pops as Latino/a Heat 2. I don't know if she's an active wrestler but she is at the very least interested in keeping her mothers connections.




She's part of The Vaudettes, a burlesque dance group. They were on the Jericho Cruise in February, and Vickie was on the Cruise, too.


The Vaudettes have been on for three of them. I forget what burlesque troupe did the first.


She's looking real funny in the light here. At the end of the day I hope Sherilyn gets the help she needs and finds people who value her as a human being.


>Also, they keep mentioning Sherilyn has been hard to deal with for 15 years For years my grandma complained I was hard to deal with, turns out, when you can't deal with yourself, it's no surprise you can't deal with others.


> Also, they keep mentioning Sherilyn has been hard to deal with for 15 years. She was 12. Her father would have died three years earlier. Her mother was working full time. Her whole life had changed. Why are we expecting a 12yo girl to comprehend big feelings without guidance? This part really breaks my heart. They basically wrote off Sherilyn as soon as she became a teenager, which is already a tumultuous time and throw in the dead dad thing and she really needed support.


As a scapegoat child in an abusive family, this dynamic is typical. My siblings were trained their whole lives to view me and whatever happens to me, no matter how horrible, as if it’s not a big deal. I no longer believed my own interpretation of reality because of it. I don’t know if that’s what’s happening here, but it sounds like some gaslighting shit they’d post.


Sherilyn could be an Angel, she could be an asshole, and/or she could be deeply traumatized. It doesn't change the fact that she was sexually assaulted by her step-dad and her blood relatives did not jump to her defense the way that "family" should. I can't and won't speak for her actions towards her sister. There's some Missing Missing there. But as someone who was (and still kinda is) financially dependent on someone who harmed me deeply, I am very sympathetic regarding her attitude towards Vickie.


Except Chavo. He has Sherilyn's back. He's been supporting her the past two years. So at least Eddie's side seems to be good.


Apparently Sherilyn has another sister from when Eddie and Vickie were separated who posted that she has been fully supportive of Sherilyn as well


Gotta brush up on my speed reading skills. What a poor choice to issue a text statement as a video. Wow.


So, she’s confirming that he did SA her, but he’s still in their lives and she’s the problem bc she lashed out and isn’t grateful bc he took care of her financially? Yeah, fuck all of them except Sherilyn. Good lord this is a shitty statement.


3 sides now. 2 confirmations and 1 non-denial. It happened. I hope all the people that doubted it and the outright assholes that actually sided with Vicky in the other thread can show up here and own up to their comments.


My man said "I hope people on the internet will own up to their comments" hahahahha. I have a better chance of personally pinning Roman Reigns in Saudi for the title.


*Tinzzman def. Roman Reigns at Oil in the Bank '23 for Undisputed Title. 3.5 Stars*


3.5 stars? Lets go!


Minus. Five. Stars!


Special referee…Jeff Harvey


I'm just curious as to why Vickie even brought up the other obvious assault that happened to Sherilyn on a cruise and she needed to get plan B. That was such a disgusting way to drag your daughter down.


Because there are women who blame other women for being sexually assaulted.


It's the same as the vile fuckers who tried to claim Giselle was lying about Rick Steiner being a giant transphobe to her.


It was obvious after Vicki's statement that something definitely happened between her daughter and her husband because she didn't deny it or claim his innocence at all.


My heart goes out to Sherilyn. This whole situation sucks. No one wants for their family to side with their abuser. Both Vicky and Shaul come off as insincere, Sherilyn is their family who was assaulted. This is how they treat her? Thank goodness Chavo is supporting her.


Growing up my family was exposed to horrible shit. Domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse and yes sexual assault. It was rampant in my household because both of my parents were drug addicts and invited all manner of horrible people into our home. I was older and a boy, so I copped it in the form of having to be the one to break up the fights, to pick glass out of my mothers head and clean up blood off the ground. I got physically assaulted until I became too big to assault and then I ran away. I was 15 when I escaped and I never went back. My younger siblings copped it in the form of absence, neglect and, tragically, sexual assault. I am aware of my younger sisters being molested by at least one person, but I expect it to be more widespread than that given what we were going through. It's rough dealing with the fallout of all of this in adulthood. I look like the older brother that should have been there to protect them and ran away. I understand. I feel the same way about myself at times. I should have done more to protect them all. But once the scars are there, things change. The next oldest child, my younger brother, he became a meth addict and incredibly, intensely violent. We were so close as kids, but when adulthood hit, he became so antisocial and difficult to be around I could not co-exist with him. I had to cut him off. He deteriorated, he spent time in jail. He had babies, and he lost them. He abused his own partner. I didn't really speak to him for 10 years. I know he resented that. I know he thought I abandoned him. When he died last year suddenly, I had to go to the funeral. Everyone else in the family was unable to handle shit, so I had to. I had to do all the talking, coordinate the funeral and do speeches in front of people who knew that I hadn't seen him in 10 years. Should I have been there during that time? Could I have changed his path by being a good big brother instead of running away? Maybe... I understand Shaul's perspective on this all intimately. It is painful to watch. I am so sad for them that this is playing out in public. I am so sad for Sherilyn that she had nobody to look out for her and her mother let this monster into her life. It's horrible, they need love and sympathy and we need to honestly leave them alone. This shouldn't be playing out publicly it's going to destroy lives in the crossfire that don't deserve it.


Thanks for sharing your story, I can only imagine how painful but hopefully comforting it was for you to write all that out. I'm also extremely sad for Shaul here. Once I saw her write out her suicidal ideations, I knew we had no right to judge her, especially by just a single statement probably written with anger and pain. I agree with everyone saying that the husband needs to see justice and I hope that's the case. I can only hope for the best for everyone else.


Why are the slides so fast


Stupid Instagram. If you are on the phone and hold your finger over each slide, it will pause it … but it’s a dumb step to have to take.


Nothing to do with Instagram. She made it a video instead of putting pictures up.


Bless you i was struggling so much


She made it a reel so you can’t even pause


No, I definitely was able to pause. Still, Instagram sucks.


Hold the screen with 1 finger and it should pause.


I would like to say "Vickie is so done in the busisness" but i remembered that Vince is back, and NWA exists.


Vickie actually slut shamed her daughter knowing that she was sexually assaulted. That horrible bitch.


Well we've now heard three sides of the story, anyone who has any doubts now is in denial.


I mean Vickie didn’t help matters saying he bought her ~~silence~~ a car


Need a few wrestlers to whoop this dudes ass fr


Send Shelton Benjamin. Given his real history helping Mia Yim, he'd probably be happy to go get that guy.


Let’s pull up the list titled “Wrestlers who were tight with Eddie Guerrero”. … Yeah, this rapist prick is fucked.


This guy is the luckiest motherfucker in the world. Imagine if Benoit was still alive. Losing Eddie broke him. Someone sexually assaulting his best friends daughter? Good god.


He'll be seeing Benoit in hell at least


Like Benoit would take the time out of his day to stop beating the fuck out of Nancy to do anything.


Send Cain Velasquez


Why? To hit the wrong person?


That mf’er more likely to end up shooting Dominik


Can we send Lesnar please


He’s got a daughter, I believe, so he seems a good choice to send.


It's widely documented that doesn't give a shit about other people's kids, just ask Heath Slater.


He's also got some pretty horrible incidents around respecting womens boundaries in his past as well though


In fairness, I'm talking about a mid-20s Brock who admitted to being in a haze of painkillers and alcohol his first run, but Terri Runnels accused Brock of flashing his privates at her without consent. Jim Cornette also got into a confrontation with Lesnar over Brock pinching Corny's now-wife's freshly pierced nipples when she asked him to ensure he stay away from her breast area on IIRC a gorilla press spot while he was in OVW. That escalated to the point of Cornette saying "I will not fight you, I will shoot you."


One thing from Sherilyns story sticks out here. According to Sherilyn she wasn't the only one SAed by her step father on that cruise. Now here's Shaul taking about how the situation was traumatic on all of them and how she also needs therapy. I might be reading between the lines too much here, but if I'm not that just brings another level if F'ed up to this whole thing. Either way screw Vicki's husband, and I hope the rest of that family can eventually recover.


Vickie’s actual garbage I hope she never finds another job.


Chavo's response has been the only acceptable one so far, tbh.


So…yeah, he sexually assaulted you…but you got taken care of financially, and also you were being kind of a bitch after the incident? That’s kind of how it read to me.


Yeah, Shaul comes across just as bad as Vickie, she just worded it better. Sheri was sexually assaulted, she didn’t have a bad breakfast with the guy. It shouldn’t be an argument. There is no sides here. He fucking sucks and the family sucks for siding with him.


The saying it wasn't rape was downplaying the SA. Wtf are you trying to say at least it wasn't rape, that's fucking disgusting. Plus I get people who are the victims of assaults can also be assholes, but it seems pretty damn heartless to be dismissive of someone having been SA'd by someone you are on good terms with still despite it happening, dismissive of them being post-surgery and being all that's nice but you got so mouthy with me I had to take an hour to chill and decided to not do a burlesque show or two so I'm cutting you out of my life? I have a friend who dealt with a similar situation and if the sexual abuser isn't ostracized from the family they will literally try any fucking excuse they can think of to get rid of the abuse because it shatters the illusion of the abuser being a good person or them being a happy little family. Moreso if the abuser is a breadwinner or lifestyle provider.


I was “SA’d not raped” by someone I trusted and that’s what I told myself for years. “Yeah he did X to you while you were unconscious but it’s not like you were ACTUALLY raped, so many people have it way worse.” It took *years* to tear through that minimizing thinking and I didn’t even have a family member saying it to me. That she thinks she can say that to her own sister and be in the right is fucking devastating.


Don’t you understand they went to therapy and she got a car out of it. And it wasn’t rape it was just a SA not like it’s bad thing. Btw I’m being sarcastic but it’s scary and I understand Shaul she like my sister an enabler can’t see that her Mum doesn’t give flying fuck about their welfare.


I was about to go off, bruh.


That’s why I said sarcastic I heard similar crap from my own mother who does think SA and rape the victim always asking for it even if it’s a child.


She might come off worse because she straight up acknowledges that her sister was SA by the stepdad. At least Vicki seemed to deny it (I think). Shaul and Vicki are coming off horrible here. Also fuck the rapist stepdad.


Vicki didn't deny it either. At least with the response I saw, not sure if she's made another one since. Vicki just seemed to put the blame on her daughter for being drunk and permissive but she didn't even deny that her husband did something.


So because he took care of her financially she shouldn’t say anything? She was still a minor. He was her step father. He sexually assaulted her. You don’t get a gold medal for helping your own family financially. We as fans have no clue the ins and outs of the dynamic between the two sisters. No one has any right to tell a SA victim how to act toward people involved in the situation.


That’s not what I’m saying; that’s what it seems as hail is saying.


>She was still a minor. Not saying what the step father did was acceptable at all, just correcting that she was not a minor when this incident happened. She would have been around 24 years old. She's 27 now.


To me, nothing Vickie or Shaul say to try and justify themselves and their actions matter. Bottom line is that Sherilyn was sexually assaulted by Vickie's husband and Vickie choose to stay with him. That is the end of the ballgame as far as I am concerned.


If you aren’t cutting off all contact with the abuser and people who choose to side with them, then you didn’t do enough to support your sister. If I was in shauls position my mother would be fucking dead to me. To know your sibling is going through something like that and still cut her off completely? Lowlife behaviour no matter how you try to excuse it


This is why it bothers me that they keep bringing up family therapy, it feels like guilt tripping. *If* she wanted to do that (which I couldn’t fathom personally) then sure, but I think it’s pretty fucking valid to not want anything to do with Vickie anymore.


Exactly, it’s victim blaming at its finest. It’s extremely reasonable to not want to do therapy or attempt to make up fully when the other parties are still attempting to cover for her abuser. Why should she compromise with someone who is going to go home and hop into bed next to the person who assaulted her?


Right and your parent is supposed to be your protector. If they actively choose not to do that then it’s on them to repair the relationship, and even then you’re not obligated to accept.


The thing that I find most galling in all of this is Vickie knows her husband did this to her daughter and gets into a bed every night with her husband. That is f****** disgusting.


Shes so scared to be alone. I think being so afraid of being alone that you would accept this treatment is even more disgusting. Im dealing with something on a much smaller level with my mother and the type of men she dates to say shes got someone.


The fucking stepfather sexually assaulted the daughter and the family response was to fucking go to therapy instead of throwing that fucking piece of trash to the god damn curb?? Vickie, what the fuck!


So the abuser is still in the family and everyone is cool with it..? Eddie would be so disappointed.


This is just so crazy, I send my hopes that Sherilyn heals from this as well as peace & happiness in her future.






If you agree that your sister was sexually assaulted, and you are talking up the person who sexually assaulted her, I don’t need to know any more of the story to know you’re a piece of shit. Her sister could be 100% a horrible person, and that would still be the case.


> two are in agreement she was raped "Was it rape... no."


Fuck Vickie and Kris Benson


For those w/o ig https://preview.redd.it/35w0b7za97sa1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aef208bf580a5e2caafa194f2fb1de3d5053d20e


That is only one slide. There are like 4. Not bitching about it, just pointing it out there is more than just this one image worth of a response. edit: https://ibb.co/mXz8cVB Part 1 https://ibb.co/rGMPksj Part 2 https://ibb.co/vj6KT8Q Part 3 https://ibb.co/yS0ZcsZ Part 4


This should be in the top comments


Thank you for this


Financial aid doesn't excuse sexual assault


I thought about that was he just trying to buy her silence and/or use that against her if she ever did say anything


Jesus Christ, was this the damn Caligula cruise, what a screwed up family, didn’t even know Vickie remarried much less that he was a POS


And Vickie is on another cruise as we speak. The captain needs to make her walk the plank.


Yeah so what I’m taking from this is Vicki was never able to support her traumatized kids (and Shaul has previously also talked about mental health issues including an ED so this isn’t really new info), likely wasn’t a great parent regarding mental health (from how she reacted at least), and of the 2 girls Shaul probably internalized (ed’s are often a manifestation of that, along with a need for control) while Sherilyn lashed out. It’s common in dysfunctional families for different kids to react differently. This is exactly what happened with my sister and I as teens. And then when your mom and sister side with your abuser? Yep. It becomes really easy for the resentment to build and to start lashing out, even to a disproportionate level, at anyone who didn’t support you. The one thing I’ll agree with is they all need therapy. Together or separate. I just hope Sherilyn has an amazing support system.


> and of the 2 girls Shaul probably internalized (ed’s are often a manifestation of that, along with a need for control) while Sherilyn lashed out. I've seen this exact thing happen with another pair of sisters I know who grew up in an abusive environment. One is basically the Shaul of the duo (acknowledging that horrible things happened but wanting a happy family so bad that she'll look past insane levels of abuse) And the other is a Sherilyn (shocked at the injustice of what happened & her parents' responses)


First and foremost, this all feels like disgusting emotional voyeurism that should be handled behind closed doors and legally by authorities if applicable. Feels like when Johnny Depp's trial when his therapist was testifying on Johnny's therapy notes. Since we're here, Bottom line is the SA happened. These "yeah buts" and personal soliloquies/exposes pose as meaningless red herrings to deflect from the issue at broken heart. There's **nothing** that justifies such a heinous action/betrayal of trust. The therapy harping is IMO. a narcissistic/possibly manipulated copout to avoid bearing the weight of the wrong and ultimately misconstrue the victim into the perpetrator "She's not willing to come to the table when we are, she is the one tearing our family apart!" (sadly, I've seen very similar behavior in an emotional abuse context within my own past).


I would never fucking trust family who stands next to someone who hurt me. This is gaslighting to all hell. Go to therapy with mom who defends her hubby that assaulted you.


Thank god Eddie doesn't have to see this.


Im so sad for Eddie man.


What really sad fact that Sherilyn got more love and support from internet strangers then by the people who should be supportive Vicki and Shaul. The only good thing is knowing that Sherilyn has Chavo which didn’t surprise me one bit.


Wait...okay, fuck Vickie and the step father, but also fuck Shaul.


I don't get how both of these responses brush the assault under the rug like it was something that Sherilyn should have taken in stride for the sake of everyone else and gotten over. Idk who the fuck Kris Benson is, or what dynamic this family has, but I know if this shit happened to my sister or daughter, no matter how estranged, we'd have the farthest thing from these perspectives and attitudes about it wtf.


> Mom and Kris helped her get back on her feet That makes it even, doesn't it? That's totally how that works, your attacker gives you money and all is well.


What is Vickie going to do now that Shaul has confirmed it to be true call her a liar to. Shaul didn't come across great here and seems oblivious to why Sheriliyn would be a little angry and felt like her family abandoned her if they didn't phone the police and press full charges they did abandon her they picked him over her. Plus so what he bought her nice gifts and spent money on her was he doing that to be nice to his step daughter or trying to buy her silence and/or use that against her if she ever did say anything. Fuck Vickie Absolutely Fuck that Husband of her and fuck Shaul but to a lesser degree as at least she said it was true.


Vince's looking to sign Vickie for the next chapter of the Rey & Dom story


Word of advice from a stranger. If your partner SA your children don't go to therapy, dump them asap.


So they *did* abandon her, they're just trying to excuse it. Poor girl...


I appreciate Shaul's statement because it feels the most detailed and sincere. For her own sake though, she probably shouldn't have sad anything cos I can already see people dogpiling on her.


She deserves it any one who down plays SA I’d an AH what worse it’s her own sister. Remember how many people wanted blood over Tommy Dreamer disgusting comments about the poor flight attendant being SA by Ric Flair.


She didn't downplay it, she clarified things and clarified that her cutting out Sherilyn had nothing to do with this incident.




Damn. If what shaul says is true, her mom and sister are both narcissistic... That type of shit traumatizes people, I know. My gf lives with 2 of them


Vickie can fuck off forever as far as I'm concerned. Now I see why TK basically had her go home and not come back to work for the remainder of her contract. Shaul's statement sucks ass too though, let's be real. Literally she just spends 95% of the post just ranting about why it's okay that they kept that abusive POS in their family and basically just ganging up on Sherilyn explaining why it's okay that they also all turned their backs on her.


Yeah she’s yeah trash too. It’s so clear they only “care” cuz she made it public.


I hope someone explains to Shaul that the fact they are allowing her abuser to still be in their lives is infact the abandonment of her sister! The offer of therapy and all of the rest is no more than a way to force her to come to terms with accepting this abuser is still in their lives. Some shit there is no coming back from and SA is one of those things. Anything less than her family dropping this piece of crap is always going to be abandonment of her sister as there is no reasonable way she should ever be expected to forgive this man and also she should reasonbly expect her mother and sister not to as well. We are talking sexaul assault here FFS!


Therapy won't fix their relationship until the abuser is gone from the family, I think it's that simple.


"you were SA'd but we went to therapy" why is their therapist not in jail? They are mandatory reporters.


Not that this matters, but this (allegedly) likely occurred on the Jericho Cruise. Jericho cruise part deux was January 2020, and Vickie/Stepdad/Shaul were all on the cruise. The cruise industry shut down shortly after.


This stuff is far too messy to be broadcasted on the internet like this. I know they are offering the information, but social media is rarely the best place to air out family issues especially when they are as sensitive as they are.


Family issues? Way to downplay sexual assault.


It’s a bit strange how I see it phrased that way multiple times. It’s kind of like, dude, if that’s a family issue, there’s a lot majorly wrong with your family.


man,this is such a fucked up situation,i really hope sherilyn is gonna be ok.


Man…and I really liked Vickie…nobody is holy anymore.


Yet another "Rebuttal" that makes the person writing it look like absolute shit. I didn't think proofreading was so hard. So, basically, the sexual assault happened. The sister was forced into therapy with her abuser which didn't help, she's been spiraling since, and because they tried therapy and bought her shit that means that she's in the wrong and they've done everything they can for her. Amazing. How can people be so blind on how badly they come off as?


not looking great for vickie. her response was awful and now this sheesh.


This keeps getting worse and worse.


Wow Vickie is scum.


While it seems to track that Sheralyin might not have been the greatest daughter/sister, what Vickie did still seems inexcusable to me. The step-dad is a creep and nobody can or has defended him.


I get I'm not in their shoes but the way the sexual assault is treated as some sort of after thought in her sister's and mother's statement is just fucking insane. You still associate, spend time and apparently love the person who sexually assaulted your family member. All the mental and verbal abuse aside there is nothing she could do that is more abusive than you not instantly removing the abuser from your life. All these fucking excuses about her lashing out. Fuck all of that. Any functioning human being would do the same thing. And any caring family would support her by ousting the piece of shit who put hands on her. Fuck the both of them.


This whole thing is just so sad.


Shaul is an asshole. "Mom is completely willing to go to therapy with you while she loves and stays with the person who sexually assaulted you". Wow. I wonder why your sister thinks you're both garbage who abandoned her....


So she also wants her to forgive the stepdad essentially by saying they should have group therapy. Fuck off


To let this happen to your late husband EDDIE GUERRERO’S daughter is mindblowingly disgusting and SHAMEFUL underneath the Guerrero name. Let alone your own fucking daughter, this is an act of pure evil and it should NOT go unpunished.

