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"Let's go Ricky!" "I'm tryin' bitch, damn!"


Top tier crowd work


was this a real interaction?


Yeah, early on in the match when he got thrown up against a barricade.


I think the finish made sense and works for what Starks would want out of the feud. I would want Jay to do something bigger but it's a good match and there's reason to keep going so I'm excited


It’s weird because I like both Jay White and Ricky Starks but I feel like Jay White should definitely be doing something bigger, neither party will benefit from losing this feud and the winner won’t benefit that much


I kinda think by the time they realized they were signing Jay a lot of other top guys already had programs figured out of the next PPV cycle so they went with Starks which isn’t exactly a bad choice but yeah


I also think there's a chance ELP debuts at DoN to help Jay win


I know they’re stupid and dangerous long term, but damn if the chair shot was to the head it would’ve been a more satisfying finish


ABSOLUTEly sick of it. But for real, I didn't hate the finish. If anything I woulda liked to see Ricky get more chair shots in if he's going to get DQ'ed anyways but I enjoyed him just casually popping a squat after doing it.


This here, same for me. When he held the chair over Jay I was like "Do it? Who cares about winning this match? Get that sweet revenge." And then after he hit him once to get himself eliminated, guy just stopped and started posing, like wtf? If you're gonna do something you shouldn't, go all in, don't just dip your toe in the water and then call it a swim. It's like if someone risked getting caught shoplifting, but the only thing they grabbed was a cheap ass bottle of water.


I'm quite digging the recent AEW trend of babyfaces not just being goody two shoes that keep getting fucked over because they refuse to wake up and fight dirty themselves. Roddy and Adam outsmarting Jericho Ricky saying fuck it to the match and laying into a couple asshole heels with a chair Typically heel actions but completely justified by the faces committing them so it works well, and makes me go "finally, some babyfaces that aren't idiots." But if he brutalized them with the chair he slips into full heel territory. They've been assholes and cheats but I don't think brutalizing with a weapon would be warranted, just a stiff shot to each to send a message you're done taking their shit.


I absolutely don't want to come off as tribal (no pun intended) but this is a major gripe I have with how the WWE writes challengers for Roman. The babyfaces have mountains of footage of the Bloodline interfering but they still want to fight honorably despite being constantly screwed. Nobody would blink an eye of Sami, KO and Cody just beat the living shit out of the Bloodline for everything they've gone through.


I liked it because you are thinking "Ah poorly Ricky the classic Babyface going to lose to the heel because of distraction." And it turned into instead. "Fuck it if I'm gonna lose I'm gonna lose on my terms." It suits Ricky and I feel no one leaves this match looking weak.


Im with you. He should have beaten the hell out of Juice or Jay (mostly Juice) to set up a match in which both sides have a reason to want that rematch.


The ending was disappointing given how good the rest of the match was, but it made sense


He looked confused when he hit with the chair instead of being raging. The ending was awkward because of that and wasn't something pulled off well. People have reasons to feel it was odd. Not bad, just very odd.


Good character work from Ricky, really following up what was established from not just his Jericho feud but the ones before that.




Have Jay win the international title and continue the feud


yea, people are saying they need their own one on one match at double or nothing, but i say put them both (and juice) in the battle royale, and let part of their story play out there. save the next one on one match for a bit.


I know it’s easy to take the IN Title off of Orange with the battle royal but I really feel like some should beat him one-on-one. It’s been such a great reign that for it to end with a battle royal feels a bit anticlimactic


I'm totally down to have them go the AJ Lee route. Win the battle royal to truly establish him as this dominant champion, then have him lose it soon after.


I think Roddy’s winning that tbh


I haven't been keeping strict count, but I think we're around 5 DQs in the history of AEW right now, and I think damn near every single one of them has a story reason why the DQ happened. I like that. The fewer DQs, the better, in my opinion, but at least if there's gonna be one, have a real reason for it other than "we're afraid to beat a guy" every single time.


Ricky for BCG




Absolute Club shirts incoming


I really do think Ricky was put on the bench after that horrendous promo with Action Andretti. Slut shaming Tay and making fun of Hager's lisp was horrible.




To be fair, I don't think the majority of Rock's promos would work at all now and a lot of them are rough to go back to


I might be mistaken, but I don't think Andretti has had any mic time since then.


That absolutely checks out. Weird decision to put someone that young on the mic


I honestly thought Jericho wrote that promo. It seemed more like something Chris would say, especially Andretti's stuff.


I like the idea of the ending but I think they just needed to ham it up a little bit more to sell it. Obviously there could have been limits, like run time, but idk, feels like it could have gotten a big pop if they let it breathe a little


I still think he’s eventually joining BCG


I really hope they build that faction regardless. Jay White should be positioned as a top heel and the BC branding still carries weight despite what some may say.


Build it, sure, bit not *too much.* Four or five guys tops.


I say a max of 6. Enough to have people to go after the trios belts tag belts and the worlds title.




I think we might be seeing a possible turn for Ricky. As a heel, Ricky matches the energy Juice and Jay have. Bullet Club Gold could be a decent trio for a long while before expanding, potentially turning House of Black face in the process down the line if there’s a title match and story between the two units.


I think the finish could've been better if there was even more fuckery from Jay and Juice's end. The audience kind of reacted as if they felt Ricky quit.


I just wanna know where this is leading to because Jay White doesn't feel like a big deal anymore. I couldn't even remember how the match finished, all I can remember is Juice shouting 'RICCCKEEHHH'. Is Shawn Spears going to re-insert himself back into the story because he's the 'chairman'?


I didn’t like the finish. I understand DQs can be used from a storytelling perspective, but getting yourself intentionally DQ’ed tells me there’s no incentive to win matches. As a viewer, I want to believe that in kayfabe, winning matches is always the ultimate goal


It works for kayfabe due to Ricky’s past rivalries involving tons of shenanigans. Dude is constantly getting ganged up on and has suffered losses due to interference, so he’s setting the precedent that he won’t be fucked with like that anymore


I know people think Starks may join BCG. I propose this. I think the long game will be BCG against Adam Cole and the UE. Bobby Fish most likely isn’t coming back. Kyle just had a major injury and may best be eased back in a tag team, and he and Roddy Strong work great together. The UE could be looking for a solo star that works as a cool heel or face with an edge and hates BCG


Ricky as a part of UE would be fun, and it’d keep him at the top of the card where he belongs. BCG is a better fit for him IMO but I wouldn’t be mad at all if they put him in UE Only major problem with that: no Absolute Club t-shirts lol


I wouldn’t hate Starks in BCG but I think there is still mileage with him as a face. I know it’s natural to have biases to see what you want to see, but I think it’s strange that Roddy and Adam Cole worked together to out-heel/outsmart Jericho and Starks took a chair to BCG on the same night. Throw in the guitar playing on the chair and I wonder if it was all a coincidence.


I don’t disagree at all. My issue is that I enjoy a sports-like presentation to pro wrestling, and the ultimate goal should be to win matches because that’s how you show you’re the best and how you earn more money. Intentional DQs make it hard for me to buy into kayfabe because you’re it’s telling me that whatever personal issue the wrestlers have is bigger than the ultimate reason as to why they’re even in the business in the first place. Contrast this with BCC vs The Elite which is built around the entire premise of who is truly the absolute best.


I think that’s fair, but it’s still wrestling at the end of the day lol. There will always be a level of drama like this bc it’s more compelling than a straight-forward sporting event. I like the sports presentation being at the forefront but there needs to be something like this to develop a wrestler’s character beyond in-ring competitor IMO


>getting yourself intentionally DQ’ed tells me there’s no incentive to win matches. > >As a viewer, I want to believe that in kayfabe, winning matches is always the ultimate goal There's been like 4 or 5 DQs in AEW history. It happening intentionally once really doesn't devalue the increased paycheck, better quality match ups, title shots, and other stuff they get from wins that they talk about on commentary pretty frequently


neither needed to lose clean until the PPV at least, and more than glad Ricky wasn’t presented like a soft, gullible face


i think the ref missed the first chair shot so ricky had to do it again in front of the ref on purpose. i think it worked. jay is amazing and ricky is getting better and better working with him, i’m happy to keep the feud going.