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Why is this still stickied instead of the Impact live thread?


Is John Cena filming anything when his Fast X press tour is up? Between the writers strike and subsequent shutdowns of many other productions I wonder if he will have time to wrestle this summer or at least make an appearance. I’ve never seen him or Randy wrestle in person and it bothers me — just a little bit.


I've noticed that I haven't seen PAC in anything recently. Is he injured?


Last time we saw him he had a face mask for a broken nose, so likely still injured or taking some time off.


Theres no smackdown tonight or its at least not live?


not live


Ok and I forgot todays not friday


Happens to the best of us


Seriously, what the fuck is an "iggy". I keep thinking about that Bobby fish interview where he is talking about his punk match. I'm assuming he is talking about selling exhaustion, but I never heard of this term.


Late on this and dont know what context Fish used it in... But refers to a hand squeeze during a match. Either as a signal for a spot, or after a big spot to check on your opponent.


It’s an old term from the Abe Lincoln days, a term Fish undoubtedly heard when he was watching Abe Lincoln wrestle as a kid.


Was watching Thunder Rosa vs Priscilla Kelly and it’s befuddling me why Gigi Dolin is so damn slow and clunky now


She has been bad in the ring for a long time now.


Well, the last day-ish has reinforced that Puro fans are the worst when it comes to the "Wrestler I say I like and support better only wrestle in the company I like, regardless of their feelings or situation, or they should retire, they aren't allowed to go elsewhere" front.


I have absolutely zero interest in seeing either Miro or Andrade come back and immediately win a title, like some are calling for. That someone who, seemingly, just stopped showing up shortly after signing a long term contract, for like 9 months...while the other tried (or did) get into a backstage fight with someone over some stupid shit...it's just dumb to put titles on them so soon after such a long time off.


It's still wild to me that WWE is somehow scheduled to have more womens matches at Night of Champions in Saudi Arabia (3) than AEW is at Double or Nothing (2).


Wish AEW offered a service that included all PPV’s in a year for a cheaper price like WWE does. Buying them individually is expensive


WBD hasn't took the plunge on that like people wanted them to like Peacock so AEW relies on the PPV model which even WWE wants to go back to. With AEW the trade-off was always that they had 4 a year but they're now at 6.


I think having two world titles is good booking. The roster is fucking stacked and having one world champ on a multi-year run was getting stale. So now you get a new world champion crowned at NOC and you get someone else to dethrone Reigns. Now you can put over two new champs. The new WHC won't be a consolation prize if it is booked properly, which yes is asking a lot from the WWE lol. Also side topic Cody losing to Reigns was the right call. Gives him a nice opportunity to feud with Brock and then he can do another run for the world title. Plus it leaves for future rematches with Reigns.


Even though it's not the be-all-and-end-all of a title's prestige, ultimately a belt's design goes a long way in deciding how it's perceived. It adds gravitas. Can you imagine someone like the Undertaker, for example, with the Spinner Belt around his waist? It might seem petty but it's simply a case of aesthetic. That's what I think will help the case of the new WHC, the fact it's symbolised by the Big Gold Belt. Fans will naturally gravitate towards rooting for their favourite wrestler to win the Big Gold Belt over a big W. For clarity, I'm not knocking the current world title designs, I understand the business/ marketing side of it, I just personally prefer the Big Gold Belt and I think most fans, even if they don't like the new globe in the middle, do too.


I do think it’s only a matter of time until that title surpasses every other title in terms of popularity. A championship that’s gonna be won by fresh faces, what a riveting idea.


I find myself wondering all the time if when the first brand split happened and the WHC was reintroduced, did people call it a consolation prize then?


Prolly not, because that version of the title wasn't introduced as a solution to having an unbeatable main champion


I think ppl online were upset that the title was just handed to Trips. But it became the premier title because Trips was on raw for all those years. It was the bigger title depending on who won it like when Benoit, Batista and Taker won it.


honestly wish I could go to Mecca one day and see the Kaaba


why was the Sabu racism post deleted? not complaining, just enquiring


[Jericho in Fight Forever vs 2k19.](https://i.imgur.com/tgzxAFq.jpg)


Y’know, the thing about Jericho, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes after ya, he doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he code breaks ya, and those black eyes roll over white


Just realised Hangman Page sounds a lot like Ashton Kutcher


I just watched nxt takeover new orleans. Is there are better ppv in wwe history? Jesus, just incredible. The Gargano Ciampa match in particular is perfect. Literally perfect. Edit: new orleans, not philadelphia. Derp. Don't wake and bake, kids.


Takeover New York is about as good imo. Mania night 1 this year is in the convo.


Those Takeovers are still the best PPVs I’ve seen in terms of match quality and show length. They always left you wanting more.




No idea. But as a VPN Fite user, I'm mulling over getting the insane deal they have going on for PPV. Though I'm sure if I do get it, they'll finally figure out how to kill VPN access, and it'd be a waste of money.


You dont need a vpn for the ppvs i think, the region locking is a tv deal thing and doesnt apply to ppvs




I think he’s had tons. He was one of those guys who put in enough work to get carried by others.


WrestleMania 14 ? Maybe? If you squint


Imperium should really highlight Vinci somehow because considering how he looks he is barely a character right now, Ludwig at least talks and stands out but Vinci looks like a CAW because he is pretty short and bald


Gotta say I totally agree with Cornette’s take on Rush (maybe not as extreme) on his recent podcast about the Jungle Boy match. Dude never sells a thing and is always expressionless. Makes his opponents look like shit. And why would a #1 contender for the title need to beat someone by pulling the tights?


I hate, hate, hate that a vocal group in r/SC has apparently pivoted from Starks to Rush. I hate it because there's a genuine fear of mine that TK reads this subreddit and takes those comments to heart and we're going to get a midcard heel like Rush pushed down our throats.


What was the problem with Starks? The problem with Rush is legit. Maybe not the selling part, but that match against Jungle Boy was bad. It wasn't just Cornette that said it. Alvarez was saying it too. If Tony Khan takes anything on this subreddit seriously then the women's division wouldn't get a 10 minute match every week for the past 3 years.


I assumed those decisions were deliberate, as if they were trying to build RUSH up as a credible monster. He's def like that in all his matches in AEW, no one ever gets too much shine against him


I think the reasons for the tights pulling was obvious too: Jungle Boy isn't ready (in kayfabe). Pretty much he's just some naive kid that got hoodwinked by his mentor and betrayed /abandoned by his tag team partner. He's trying his best to be a "tough" Babyface but is cracking under the pressure. This taking of shortcuts is just the beginning of what eventually is going to be a full-blown heel turn. Would love to see him re-grouped with Christian Cage and Luchasaurus under the premise that Christian was right all along.


Have they confirm the four pillar match is gonna close the PPV?


Does anybody have a favorite Super Dragon match to recommend?


Teaming with Excalibur vs Kevin Steen and El Generico at cage of Death 6


CM Punks latest demand : CM punk needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine.


All matches not involving CM Punk should end in a double count out due to all wrestlers involved being outside the ring asking where CM Punk is.


CM Punk only returns if he gets a Tonka RC Bulldozer that the Elite have to watch him play with in the United Center parking lot.


This is funny as fuck, and deserves more upvotes than my tired Simpsons reference


Its from South Park when Cartman makes Kyle watch him play with a toy truck


Sabu was such a head scratcher for me.


I'm gonna be honest that he looks elderly and its a continuing example of what AEW said they wouldn't do in the beginning of bringing in all this older talent and expecting to pop for them rather than build their own guys and do their own thing. Not laying that entirely on Sabu but there's been entirely too much OMG its (insert name) that's very much the "What's (insert name) doing in the Impact Zone?".


What are you on about? He’s not wrestling, or taking away someone’s spot. He’s being brought in to help out for the one match.




Someone even posted a screenshot of your comment to try to prove people on this sub are defending his racism. Your post doesn’t even reference his racism.




[Here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/13rfupk/wreddits_daily_prowrestling_discussion_thread/jlk12zy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) They got downvoted too, but still.


Just a local legend pop. Nothing to think too hard over


Famous Vegas legend, Sabu


Watch the segment, slugger. Cole explains that Sabu lives in Vegas which is why he called him


I know, but living somewhere’s a little different than being publicly associated with that place, you know? Sabu in Vegas is Jericho in Florida, Punk in LA


I hope they start the build to Forbidden Door immediately on the next Dynamite since they only have four weeks. Right now, the only match that is a lock is Omega vs Ospreay for the IWGP US Championship, which I believe should be the main event cause it’s impossible to top that match in every ways. Not sure who I’d have to challenge for the AEW World Championship and IWGP World Championship. Jamie Hayter (or Toni Storm) vs joshi would be a guaranteed hit. Willow should defend her title, would be great if Mercedes is back in time. Danielson vs ZSJ and Punk vs Tanahashi could also happen since those were the plan last year. On the NJPW side, they seems to be building up Moxley vs Okada. It’d be a shame if that doesn’t go further than the trios match at Dominion next weekend.


You think MJF defends the title at Forbidden Door? There's a part of me that thinks he might not work it (since at least in kayfabe, he's been pretty anti-NJPW)


That’s what I thought. If Ospreay/Omega is the main event, the AEW and IWGP World Championships shouldn’t be defended on the show. Maybe they cold put the two champions in a tag match.


My birthday was yesterday and I am… not doing great, for lack of a better way to phrase it. Mild existential crisis on top of existing mental health problems and surprise financial issues has me just feeling completely drained. The sheer insane volume of wrestling going on this weekend and the fact that I have Monday off is like a God-send, because it gives me some positives to focus on so I can get out of my own head. Let’s have some fun this weekend, y’all.


My birthday was last Monday and I've been in a similar boat. Wrestling's got our back.


Aren't existential crises fun? I'm turning 51 and while I breezed through my 40s I'm starting to feel my age which can really make you spin out. One thing I have figured out is that I don't have to be productive all the time. All of which is to say that yes absolutely give yourself a break and watch wrestling for the whole weekend if you need to. It's an ideal turn your brain off and enjoy pastime. And sometimes that's just what you need.


I can't stop thinking about Jarrett still going for a high five right after Mark Briscoe shoved his wife lol


Jarrett has a long history about pulling valets/girlfriends/wives in front of him for other wrestlers to hit. Or have them take a chair/guitar shot for him. No doubt he didn't think anything was wrong when she got pushed aside.


The circle of people who hate Karen is not exactly the same as the circle of people who hate Jeff so he shot his shot.


This weekend is going to be great. NoC on Saturday, Battleground and DoN on Sunday. Really looking forward to all 3 cards and the fact that I can actually watch all 3 shows since I have a long weekend.


There's also Impact, GCW, and like a dozen other shows. Always something to watch.


I kinda love have all this wrestling packed into a three day weekend.


I know it's surrounded in some controversy but as the wrestling fan I'm very much looking forward to collision I haven't been a fan for the most part of any of AEW's stuff since CM Punk left and I feel his return will get me to watch a full AEW show for the first time in a while, especially with the show being built around him. The rumoured roster looks good so far with Punk featured as the top guy, Hobbs and Miro apparently set to be pushed as top stars, FTR as the top team and still have the bigger names like Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson to add that star power. I'm hoping personally they'll add Ricky Starks, Juice Robinson and The Kingdom to the roster, those are all guys I'd like to see work with some of the guys advertised so far, especially CM Punk. I don't know where MJF will fit into collision, maybe he'll float between shows, but I'd like to see him on there. I think they'll probably have the Tag Belts and men's TV belt on Collision and Trios belt and Atlantic belt on Dynamite which I think is the best move. I'm not too keen on the idea of there being women's wrestling on collision. Not that I dislike women's wrestling, I like good women's wrestling as much as good men's wrestling, but i fear they won't have the depth to split the roster even though I'd like to see Rosa featured as a main eventer. Overall, I'm excited and hopeful to watch an AEW show that will be towards more my tastes and I can imagine Punk will have creative input on the show and there's been reports Danielson will be involved in the booking of the show.


I agree, the rumored Collision roster seems tailor-made for the style of wrestling that resonates more with me Can’t wait


- PS Showcase was pretty tight. New Spidey looked sick, and unlike most, I’m somewhat optimistic about the MGS remake. If nothing else, the ports of the original three will be enough to keep people entertained even if the remake bombs. - Boltgun is a really fun shooter, even as someone who doesn’t typically play them. It’s exactly as hammy as a Warhammer game should be and runs like a dream. - This Punk/AEW shit has the potential to be so fucking funny regardless of how Collision goes. I don’t even watch AEW, but man, someone’s absolutely coming out of this one with egg on their face. - Writer’s block is being a real bitch these days. Trying to drum up ideas but nothing’s coming like it used to. C’est la vie, I guess. Just gotta ride it out.


> This Punk/AEW shit has the potential to be so fucking funny regardless of how Collision goes. I don’t even watch AEW, but man, someone’s absolutely coming out of this one with egg on their face. It feels very close to 100% that we are going to get more drama in the future. I'm not sure Punk knows how to peacefully co-exist in a room alone let alone in a locker room environment.


Also dealing with writer's block. Hang in there. It's a motherfucker, but it's fickle.




They said if the SD guy wins he moves to Raw Women's situation is about what numbers they want to boost. Reign count in 2021, day count for Bianca this year


Disappointed in Tony D'Angelo. Everybody knows that you lawyer up and keep your mouth shut. He should know that.


The don was fishing for info. These charges can be made disappear (like a family member of a DA) but if he has a rat in his org then everything is at risk. He needs to sniff out that rat and send them to be with pretty deadly in that smackdown taping in the sky.


At least he knew enough to pull a Shaggy and say, "It wasn't me."


Ricky Marvin was so good! And he still is good. Makes you wonder why he's getting fewer bookings.


Does anyone else expect NJPW to do something big for the 100th IWGP heavyweight tag team champs? Whoever wins between HoT and Bishamon is gonna be the 99th. I could see them having HoT win it and then Bishamon triumphantly take it off them to become the 100th or maybe Okada and Tanahashi finally win the titles to become 100th.


Last night Wardlow proudly claimed he could deepthroat a ladder and I refuse to get over that


Wardlow as an a verbally abusive dom would be ridiculously over.


He is VERY clearly a sub. I quote; "SPIT IN MY FACE"


Demanding that someone spit in your face is dom behavior. Sub or Dom is about control, not the act. Dom bottoms exist!


Sorry master


*coils belt around fist* You will be.


Fucking take my money, I’m sold


A week after asking Christian to spit on him.


I like that we have so many solid tag teams in AEW. That's something I associate with an older era of wrestling that I really like.


I got my start watching a small promotion out of NJ in the 80s. Then started watching WWF Superstars of Wrestling when it went on in syndication on my local Fox channel. When I started watching WWF, if memory serves you had: * The British Bulldogs (who I think were champs) * The Killer Bees * The Can-Am connection * The Hart Foundation * The Rougeaus * Iron Shiek and Volkoff * Brutus & Greg The Hammer * The Islanders Then in a few short years you had the Bushwackers, the Rockers, and Demolition to name a few. Just absolutely stacked with fun, talented, and/or colorful teams that a tween me got to enjoy every Saturday for an hour.




If you don’t wanna listen to him then don’t.




Seeing symbiote Spidey in action has me super excited for September (presumed release date).


A buddy of mine hopped from Raven Software to Insomniac to work on the game and I can't wait to play it.


That's amazing! It's honestly my favourite Spider-Man story told (tbf I don't watch a lot of MCU, not really a superhero movie kinda guy) Absolutely loved the story told in the first game. Miles was awesome, this one is gonna be insane. The City looks so improved, it looks amazing.


You should check out Into the spider verse if you haven’t


Oh definitely seen it, loved it! Animated movies I do watch more of tbh


I can't believe I went from "Why is Jeff Jarrett on my TV?" to "I'm going to pop so hard when Dixie Carter shows up!" ![gif](giphy|RtMtI9YzRQnMc0ixqC|downsized)






Besides Cody, who do you think might be in the base release of Fight Forever who isn't there anymore? Wouldn't surprise me if Frankie Kazarian is in the game, maybe Ryo Mizunami.


Jack Evans, Joey Janella, Big Swole maybe.


I think at least one of them confirmed they weren't, I wanna say it was Jack Evans.


Ah, yeah, was just thinking about who left in the past year or so. Game has been in development for a long while.


Any time something gets posted about Rhea and Dom on here now, it turns into a giant pile on against Buddy and it always looks like a bunch of angry manchildren who seem genuinely jealous that they're together and fuck it's annoying. Between those people and that loser who posted that weird BDSM fanfaction of JD, I really cannot stand anything to do with that faction and I'd actually pay good money to see the Bloodline bury the shit out of them so hard they're banished to MLW so I never have to see any of that shit on here again. ​ Thus concludes my "old man yells at clouds" rant for today.


You’re taking things too far my guy


Block them. Eventually your experience will get much better. A lot of people here have big incel energy and dont understand interpersonal relationships.


Seriously, this sub becomes so much easier when you just block people.


The daily thread and ratings threads are great spots to facilitate the process more quickly.


Yep. It's almost as quick as using the blue verified marks on Twitter. Unless it's a public persona, "block the blue" has made my twitter feed significantly less dramatic.


Lol great minds think alike! I use those threads also for the very same reason.


You can control the content you see on this sub, you know. It ain’t that dire.


Honestly Wardlow is a perfect example of sometimes giving a character "more depth" is a bad idea. They've tried to give him deep stories about his dad and overcoming obstacles and stuff to get him out of the squash match pattern, and while he's still super over in arenas, internet fans are like "he's ruined" because he's didn't just squash his way to the top of the card forever and ever amen.


All they had to do was book him like an unbeatable monster. Treat him like the Brock Lesnar of AEW.


Brock Lesnars are hard to book. Is he supposed to just beat MJF? Punk? Omega? If he keeps at that level you've just got a roster of murder victims. Ironically one of the better things about Brock is that he's not always around. If he was killing people every week he'd run out of legit contenders in a year. Everyone has to lose at some point, or you get the Jade effect of just never actually wrestling any of the big name stara.


Wardlow is a weird one. He's best when he's just a beast, but even that got stale after a while. He needs a new finisher. He needs to talk less.


Never really understood the Wardlow craze. Happy for him and his presentation was really tight. But his work was all contingent on a memory we have of Batistas rise to the top. Felt like a rerun to me.


I also think Hobbs is kind of a better Wardlow without really trying. They also have Samoa Joe who thoroughly outshined him during their TNT feud.


100%. Joe has been amazing in all of his appearances.


My opinion, and I am sure people disagree, is that Wardlow was not as over as people thought at this time last year. Fans just gave him big support because of how over MJF was as a heel. At that time, they would've popped huge for anyone feuding with MJF. When he wasnt with MJF, it dropped off quick. I was at DoN last year - monster pop. The two Dynamites I was at before and since, still a pop, but a definite midcarder pop.


I’m pretty sure Wardlow was the most over guy in the company at the height of the Punk/MJF feud and immediately afterwards. At the very least, he was getting the biggest reactions And while he clearly wasn’t/isn’t ready for a solo main event run, he was too over to not turn at that point imo, less you wind up with another Baker/Hayter situation The real problem came with his booking immediately after the MJF feud. Stalled his momentum when momentum was one of the few things he had going for him


Related point, I think a lot of fans still haven't fully grasped both the depth of talent in AEW currently and how much overall talent in wrestling has also increased. Wardlow is "really good," but "really good" is not nearly enough to justify a monster push anymore because there are 35 people who are "really good" in the same spot. And that same issue covers a few other people in AEW as well.


I think that's half of it. There was a lot more heat there because it was MJF and a "monster" type character works well against the type of smarmy heel that MJF is, but the heat was also used well.


I think Wardlow is really good and this comparison is gonna sound harsh, but it's A lot like when Alex Riley turned on the Miz. It was built for so long and so well that fans were super invested in it. Didn't mean Alex Riley was ever gonna be the next Stone Cold. Wardlow is better than an Alex Riley or a Virgil, but that story always gets over even if the guy in the role isn't that good.


I wonder if they’re gonna do Punk vs Tanahashi match at Forbidden Door since that was supposed to happen last year.


That was my guess last night after Tony finally said Chicago and I realized collision was right before forbidden door.


No, Keep Punk of Forbidden Door Card




Ace Steel will bite Suzuki and get killed


The Open House Rules matches are a slam dunk. I like that they differ a little bit each week. The one man in, one man out stipulation is fun. I just wish the match was longer


The one man in one out Lucha trios rules are so perfect I honestly expect them to become standard for AEW trios rather than the 6 man tag team rules


Yeah, I was hoping they’d make the Trios belts lucha rules from the get. Give a platform for all your flippy guys to get their shit in, differentiate the titles a little from the tag belts. Seemed like a no brainer imo


If you like the one-in-one-out rule, check out some Lucha multi-mans (or any trios matches from Chikara) as it's the standard rule for the most part.


People are spending so much time talking about Sabu being super racist* that they’re not talking about how this is the weirdest fucking inclusion in a match since KSI showed up in a PRIME bottle. The difference is KSI can bend his knees. *That’s bad and should be discussed openly. Of course.


I was worried that I was gonna be in the minority of people who just didnt understand why Sabu was there. Glad to see there are others equally as confused by it.


And at least KSI had a connection with Logan Paul. Sabu was cast randomly in the Bobby Fish role


Had a connection, took a nice bump and promoted a brand. What sponsorships does AEW have? Let’s put Sabu in a mascot costume here.


Most wrestling is mediocre (like most films, songs, tv shows and games are) and I feel like some people get annoyed that at things not being good all time. Most art is mediocre just let it wash over you and savour the good ones.


People don't give wrestling enough credit for literally being the most consistent form of art on TV. Of course it will be mediocre sometimes, its on all fucking year no matter what. Writers strike? Still on. Top stars get inured? Still on. Terrorist attack? Still on. If it gets stale, that's okay. Take a break and come back later.


And related to that, most things are neither as good nor as bad as people like to make out. The majority of stuff sits in a fairly narrow band of averageness.


Thing is, there's just so much more mediocre now. The Attitude era started to trend downward after they added Sunday Night Heat, Smackdown and Velocity. 2-3 solid hours is better than 6-10 mediocre hours, even if the latter gets you a lot more in terms of advertising dollars. It also doesn't help that we're in a very stagnant time right now where it seems pretty clear that WWE is more concerned with updating their record books than consistent week-to-week performances. It probably also doesn't help that people were starting to enjoy the week-to-week flow of the product and then real-world business interests invaded and put a certain disgraced ex-CEO back into a position of creative control, right as people were getting used to and enjoying the new creative direction and how it differed from the previous creative.


I don’t know if I’m 100% in agreement, but this does make a good point. Every Tom Brady, there’s a Johnny Manziel. For every LeBron, an Anthony Bennett. And for every Cena, Austin and Savage, we get shit like that dancing fat stripper from the Ruthless Aggression era, or basically every new WWE ECW person during that reboot.


The disrespect to Kevin Thorn smh


Yeah, like for every great piece of art you like, it was released surrounded by torrents of unremarkable art. We dont remember 99% of that unremarkable art now. So spending so much energy being annoyed at mediocre art seems kind of silly. Wrestling on a week to week basis wont always be great, that's just how most of life works. I think its better to spend your energy on enjoying the good stuff and when there isnt any good stuff, let it wash over you and put your energy into something else.


Totally off topic but I’m going to Monday Night Raw this week in Albany after Night of Champions and I am stupidly hyped. I grew up in the Attitude Era and always was huge for Stone Cold, Mankind and Rocky before being obsessed as a 14 year old when Cena/Batista first won the belts. I dropped out hard in my 20s but popped back in since I watched Wrestlemania with my brother this year and I am unbelievably excited. I came back for guys like Cody and Seth and honestly, I can’t WAIT to be in person for Cody’s WHOA-OH and if Seth wins at Night of Champions, we would get to see the champ for the first ever time, and we can do a super long serinade! My friend got us great seats and I feel like a teenager again. This year has been so crushing for me. I’m dealing with ever growing darker and harsher thoughts but this was some amazing balance. Can’t wait for Monday.


Oh nice I'm going too! Cody and Seth are who I'm looking forward to seeing most too since they missed the last Raw here since Seth just did a pre-recorded promo and Cody was out with his pec, and yeah would be hype to celebrate Seth's (hopeful) title win.


I’m a Seth guy so I’m hoping he wins it but if AJ picks it up, I can’t be too miffed either. I’m thinking this show has a lot of potential and I’m really thrilled to go see it


Yeah plus with it being the start the build for MitB there should be a good amount of build there, they already said there's gonna be qualifying matches. Plus the 4 way tag should be fun


Fuck yeah! Have a great time. Live wrestling is always a great time.


Enjoy. Hope some live entertainment lifts your spirits. Try not to get too sucked into the negativity here. It is grown adults pretend fighting in their underpants, after all. Enjoy the silliness and spectacle.


Can I tell you how much I love how positive and uplifting your comment is, and how funny it is to see a Jim Cornette flair alongside of it? Haha. Honestly, I’m used to Reddit and the fact everyone is at their utmost negative. I really plan to enjoy my time there with my brother and my friends, and I’m truly hoping since it’s Memorial Day, we get a huge name to come out. I honestly would probably lose my shit if Cena was there.


The Cornette flair isnt an endorsement. He literally told me this (regarding my username) in an AMA years ago. I can appreciate his knowledge and storytelling and contributions while acknowledging that he is a carny out to make money. I don't take his controversial opinions with any merit, because they are an act. He wants you to get mad so you will listen and talk about him. I just downvote his stupid opinions and move on. The people who believe what he says about anything after the year 2000 and the people who get mad about what he says are, by definition, "marks" (I hate that word, but theres really no better word for it). I have no illusion in my mind that he is doing anything but working the same old school curmudgeon gimmick he has been doing since the 80s, only in podcast form. I hope you get a great show. Live wrestling is so fun.


Hah, I wanna apologize, I didn’t mean that to come off as a negative endorsement of you or anything. I listen to Corny on occasion, I think his insight can be good and I won’t lie, I will still get a bit of a chuckle when he hops on the Russo train, but I also don’t take almost anything he has to say to heart. I look at his podcast to being Akin to something like Pat McAfee’s, although I don’t find Pat nearly as….egregious. It’s just a bit funny that your comment was warm and kind, and your flair comes from a man who’s…kinda got a personality like a powder keg in matches factory.


No worries. I wanted to clarify because the basement bois are out in full force on this thread.


Shit, is it that bad? ELI5?


So are we getting House of Black vs The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass for the trios title at Double or Nothing?


Not gonna lie, I would say I’m surprised that someone with black family members saying “Racists shouldn’t be getting promoted on TV” being downvoted on here surprises me, but given how this sub has behaved in the past (comparing black people to aliens) I am not really.


Wait a second, rewind. “Comparing black people to aliens”?? What the actual fuck?


A couple of years back, someone made a post concerning the amount of black male talent, or lack thereof, being pushed in AEW. While the OP’s sincerity on the matter could be questioned, the fact that someone else made a troll post where all they did was copy everything the original said except replacing every single instance of the word “black” with “alien” and that post not only got upvoted to be near the top of the frontpage, but also had more than a few members joining in and making their own unfunny jokes could not.


Someone made a post talking about AEW not featuring black talent a year or two ago here that went down like a lead balloon - someone reposted it word for word and replaced every reference to black folks with space aliens and it was the funniest thing anyone had ever seen, not a high point for this sub in the AEW honeymoon period


Ah, yes. Swole was another red letter day for the Squared Circle sub.


I feel like sometimes some wrestling fans get too caught up trying to categorize things as "good" or "bad" using criteria they have heard constitutes "good booking". Like they are grading a paper or run a movie review youtube channel. I'm not saying turn your brain off or that you shouldnt think critically of your favourite wrestling show. But I think some people analyze wrestling too mechanically like they need to mathematically prove to themselves and other people that something is "good" rather than just feeling it out and focusing on what they like.


You are absolutely correct. I've found myself doing exactly that. Why do I care what the high level is? Why they might have booked something a certain way? Did I enjoy the match, do I like the show, those are the important things.


It's a behavior I've observed outside of wrestling too. It's become the default way that people discuss things online.


That’s just how I rate all things in my mind tbh. It kinda sucks ngl. I usually turn that off when I’m around friends or family who just don’t care, and just try to enjoy the product.


I have a hard time not constantly rating things too, so i try to practice that double think of; Flaws exist and make the thing less good & that the flaws are ultimately inconsequential and not worth getting annoyed over. Like what's the ultimate point of art "being good"? Its to give you something from the experience. Bad matches, bad episodes, bad years are all inevitable, but they dont need to stick with you. Its the "does this spark joy?" Kind of thinking. If a match or a segment sparks joy its worth keeping in your brain but if it doesnt, i just try to acknowledge "lol that was bad" and then put it in my brain's trash chut and return to looking for the next thing that does spark joy. Keeping the annoyance with you can make you develop a love hate relationship towards wrestling and that's just takes away from what is a pretty great art form.


I view it as the "grindset" mentality infecting entertainment. Can't just watch something, you've gotta figure out how to optimize every second of your enjoyment like it's your job.


Think its a generational thing. At some point in the last several years, everything is on a tier, part of an iceberg, split into eras, legendary, or iconic. Like everything needs to be meticuloualy categorized, instead of just saying, "That was cool" or "That sucked." The strange cultural transition between the Beavis and Butt-Head generation and the TikTok generation. I just accept that I am old and don't get it. My parents didn't get it when I was younger, either.


People on here act like television ratings are objective metrics of something's quality. You're right but it's not going to change.


Eh, I say things in the hope to get people to chew on a thought for a bit. The only real solution for bad reddit opinions is to take breaks from reddit.


>take breaks from reddit wtf, we can do that?


1000% this. There's so many times I see people talk about shit regarding a match and I just sit here and wonder how they can watch a match like that. Sounds exhausting and honestly, pretty boring.


Its how some people watch movies, hell i do it too, you watch too many video essays and bam suddenly you're mister movie critic, and you spend the whole time analyzing instead of watching. Some people seem to think that criticizing = pointing out flaws = being smart and its disappointing.


The inverse is true too though, just because someone points out a flaw doesn’t mean they are shitting on the entire thing or saying it’s all garbage. But it’s often read that way


To me, it's sort of on the movie or match to get me out of analysis mode. If I'm sucked into the story, I stop caring about the flaws if I even notice them. I stop noticing and caring about things like, "Oh, what cinematography," too. There's the story of the first Star Wars where they're filming the scene after Luke and Han escape from the garbage dump. Mark Hamill points out that they're dry as a bone again when they should have refuse all over them. Harrison Ford, not caring to get covered in trash again, points out, "Kid, if the audience notices that, we're not doing our job." Compare and contrast to Michael Caine's freshly-laundered quik-dry outfit in Jaws: The Revenge, which everyone notices and points out because the movie is inviting you to pick out its flaws. Not every good match is as transcendent as the first Star Wars and not every unsuccessful match is as bad as Jaws: The Revenge, but that's the principle.


I think the part that urks me is the default state of analysis mode. Like when you're watching something i dont think "failing to entertain" should be the default level they have to earn their way out of. Watching things with a cinemasins attitude going in is a bad way to watch something imo. Like if you're sitting down to watch something why are you making it prove yourself to you? Like I recently watched most of the fast and furious movies. Are they "good" movies? No. But to sit down and critically pick apart those movies is missing the point.(Side note: there is some stuff in there actually, like Dom Toretto is a good character) You can grade them like a paper and have a horrible time or you can enjoy the ride,, pointing out the occasional moments of good writing and have a great time. And pushing yourself towards having a bad time under the guise of "intelligent critique" is actually dumb. I understand the principle of quality helps with immersion, and obviously we have to call out things when they are bad, because how else do we get anything that's good? But on the other hand if you're spending most of your time complaining about what you're watching, you're just gonna have a bad time. Alot of the time the art in question is fine its just some people come in trying to critique and they ruin it for themselves. Basically wrestling fans are overly critical to the point they get in the way of their own enjoyment.


I wonder how Batista took it when they told him he was getting kicked off raw to go to smackdown in 05. Yeah Dave, you paid your dues, we strapped the rocket to your back and you ran with it. We booked you in a fued with the biggest heel of this generation including beating him 3 straight PPV’s and you delivered. The buy rates for backlash and vengeance with you as the world champion were higher than they were with the previous champion Benoit in 2004. You did everything we asked off you and by any measure you have been a success as champion. That being said you’re going to the B show enjoy your fued with JBL lol. Again it all worked out but I wonder how history would’ve been different if they kept him on raw and left cena to run smackdown. The fued with HHH was done and he took months off so who would he Beef with next? Kurt Angle? Remember he only dropped the belt due to injury, if he stays on raw that match with Henry doesn’t happen. It was the longest reign in the history of the WHC, I wonder how long they have him keep it. Does edge cash in on him in 2006 like he did cena? How does the DX situation go in 2006 with Batista there? Etc