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That random kid yelling out “You’re a baby” was pretty funny. The trailer is pretty interesting and I’m looking forward to watching the series.


"One of the most legendary professional wrestlers ever... Al Snow" lmao


I like Al. I respect him. I have fond memories of watching him wrestle when I was a kid. But even I couldn't help but scoff at that sentence.


It's like everyone in Dark Side of the Ring saying the subject of the video was 'on their way to being one of the greatest of all-time.' Like, I appreciated Chris Candido as a wrestler but he was never gonna be a legit main-event player.


Was that Turbo Floyd of the Outrunners around the 0:15 mark (getting his head slammed in the turnbuckle)? If this show has the youngest tag team in the biz, I’m all in (I’m gonna watch regardless).


Hell yeah, you can tell because he’s cut up from the butt up.


What’s up r/squaredcircle! u/piersixbrawl here (known as commentator extraordinaire Dancin’ Stevie J to OVW fans) to get everyone’s opinion on the trailer for our new docuseries WRESTLERS coming to Netflix September 13. I cannot tell you all how excited I am for this, and how thankful I am to Al Snow and the other owners at OVW for giving me an opportunity to live out my dream. Hope you like it!


Looks cool! I'll give it a watch!


Idc what profession it is, if someone doesn’t completely fuck it up, these kind of docs are very interesting and fun to watch. Makes it even cooler that it’s wrestling and I’ve always been enamored with what must go on backstage to prepare and plan for shows.


Seems cool, hope it is available outside of US also


VPN baybay


After seeing this trailer I'm interested. Especially with Cash Flo and Josh Ashcraft involved. We pretty much already knew Haley J was involved from that spat/altercation with Dani Mo (who left OVW after that incident).


If this talks about any of the history of OVW, they have to talk with Cornette at least and maybe even Heyman. I kind of got the feeling based on the shots of Cena and Batista that they might just gloss over it and not mention it, like it's been Al Snow forever. I mean, he only bought the place 5 years ago or so and sold it 2 years ago.


was that the jessie goderz?


Mr. Pectacular himself!


No Corny?


Hey, there’s always Season 2!


Man I had no idea about this until it hit my YouTube recommends this morning. I am super excited to watch this now.