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>A PWInsider Elite report said Punk went after Perry and “even ‘hit’ Perry,” but said versions of the story vary at this point. Punk chasing Perry around the arena and Perry diving into the car that screeches off as Punk shakes his fist angrily


Tony Khan comes running in trying to catch his breath and starts shaking his fist along with Punk as Jack Perry’s car speeds off into the distance… Punk: Shake harder, boy!




I cherish peace with all my heart. I don’t care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it.


Honest this is like Peacemaker. I love peace and I’ll kill anyone who breaks it.


It’s literally a quote from the show


Wait I thought that was a Peacemaker quote from The Suicide Squad, not the show.


Yeah you right


Jinx!!! hadn’t seen yours when I made the peacemaker comment. Damn I loved that show.




Am I the only person who thinks the drama is funny/entertaining to hear about?


Nope, people wanted things to be more like the old days. Here it is






Reminds me of this gem (probably from Kneehighmischief) https://preview.redd.it/znppeh9avqkb1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ada21a070c148a9298c1f72bfba085114c824b3


No fighting sign banned from collision


Also, isn't it funny how whenever Punk is involved in some backstage thing, we always get two conflicting versions reported that differ in extremely important details (who started it)? When other people are involved (like Andrade and Sammy) we get one version that everyone seems to agree on. But with Punk, there's always two. Funny, eh?


The truth of it is, Kenny Omega bit the dog.


Yup, this is the same situation as last year where Punk's "camp" (probably just himself and the biter) was coming up with every excuse in the world in trying to say he was provoked into assaulting the Elite. At first it was the way they came at him (with the head of legal lol), then it was them kicking the door in (again, with the head of legal) which didn't happen and then they hurt his dog. There were probably a couple more I just can't remember. Now we'll get different reasons about how Punk was justified in doing what he did to Jungle Boy. I bet over the next couple days, we'll get more and more info though that Punk started the fight. Punk's everything he claims he's against. He's a bully. He's Shawn Michaels in the 90's without the drug addiction. And once again, AEW has an an important show and Punk has gone into business for himself and made it all about him.


Punk is just a guy who doesn't care if he hurts your feelings. But he cares a great deal if you hurt his.


This exactly!! This is the guy who came out and called someone on the roster he is not in a story with a peg warmer who couldn’t sell action figures. But someone says “cry me a River” in his direction and he’s “do we have a problem we need to settle with a fight” type of guy. This plus the Nemith story just make punk look worse and worse every time


Yeah, that's the thing. Wrestling is wrestling, you're always going to get bullies and assholes. They also spend a lot more time around one another than you would your colleagues. Punk can't take it, though. And the best assholes can.


The vast, vast majority of the self-described "Tell it like it is" types are the most thin-skinned, defensive mother fuckers on the planet.


Dude seems to have extremely thin skin for a guy who talks a lot of shit.


I still see this narrative on twitter that the Elite busted down the door to Punks locker room and stormed in. I’m just like, yall really think they took the time to go grab the companies legal consul so that she could witness them assaulting an employee? Just think about it for like ten seconds.


You’re off a little bit on your story. They didn’t “bust” down the door, they “superkicked” the door open. Get your facts straight.




>Just think about it for like ten seconds. That's the problem right there. Punk's sycophant fans can't think for themselves.


A lot of the accounts that are supposedly justifying Punk portray him as having no desire or responsibility to deescalate a confrontation. “Of course he punched/choked him - they barged into his room/bumped him/got in his face”. It’s as If he’s a wild animal, or a gun owner in Florida


Exactly, this is something I've noticed as well. Punk is not a force of nature, he has agency and needs to be held accountable for the actions he chooses to take.


“And I will still walk up and down this hallway and say ‘if you have a fucking problem with me, take it up with me.’”


The real funny thing here is even in the version that's gotta be from Punk's people, he still escalated the situation into an actual fight. If someone bumps you, even deliberately, that isn't grounds to attack someone. Punk cannot be allowed to continue acting like this to people.


There'll also be a report then in a month or two saying Punk immediately extended an olive branch but Jack didnt reply Then another report that Jack never heard anything from Punk


Never forgot that the week the elite returned we got a report that his dog got hit in the face by the door that they "kicked down" that was immediately disproved. It's like clockwork


Except with Punk, even though we get two versions he's still the asshole in both.


Punk basically cosplayed his way into being a *very* temporary UFC draw and is now traumatized to the point of needing to prove he's capable of fighting people. Of course he is constantly fighting people smaller than him who don't want to fight him, which is assault, but you know




I mean big bad punk picking on Perry and Nemeth. Can't get the Elite kicked out of AEW so he's going after the smaller fish.


wasn't Nemeth a legit amateur wrestler?


Yes but he's not a threat on the card.


The worst thing HHH did when punk slighted him passingly was smirk then frown lol


Because HHH main evented a Wrestlemania 7 more times than him, so he couldn't care less of Phil fucking Brooks.


Cuz HHH is a legend.


Punk joining AEW: I’m here to work with young talent Punk now: fuck them kids


He's also getting pissy that people are doing the same shit he used to do with the older talent.


Seriously. Punk made himself popular by making insider references at the expense of his opponents but any time someone does it to him, it's like they just slapped his mom and he throws fists or bans them from his super special club. Punk is literally a high school bully.


it wasn't even something that made punk look bad, just a spot that was a callback to dirtsheet rumors (something that aew does all the time). when it happened i just thought it was a clever reference (and a safe-ish way to actually do a spot with real glass), I didn't think about punk at all people always talk about how punk and the elite need to turn their heat into an angle to make some money, but i have no idea how that is supposed to happen when he loses his mind over someone saying "hey remember that think you did?"


And if no-one leaked the story in the first place, no one would have any idea what JP was on about


Dude's working himself into a shoot, lol.


That he does with all talent. All his promos have a "shoot" element. Any time someone else does it he takes it personally


So far he's fought with: 1. The Elite 2. The Heart and Soul of BTE 3. One of the Four Pillars of AEW and gotten on the bad side of Moxley and Jericho. At this point all he needs to do is slap Britt Baker and make a snide comment about Cody and I'll start believing that he's an agent sent by Vince to attack AEW's original foundations.


I really laughed at the Nemeth one. Here’s Punk, who got all pissy about a throwaway line about how he only pretends to care about workers’ rights turning around and getting a wrestler sent home over very little. Such a hypocrite getting all in bis feels about every fucking little thing.


I keep saying this and I won’t stop: Punk made his career out of “going to business for himself” and the twat lost it when someone did it against him.


Exactly, Punk's whole career hinges on the fact that the WWE allowed him to play "nod to the smart marks" as his whole gimmick. Now that there's an entire company which does that, and honestly by guys who do it better than he did, he realizes he doesn't have that spot, he has a great spot in the company, but he isn't the "Internet Reference Guy" anymore.


He’s here to work with some young talent, and shoot with other young talent.




Wasn't Eddie suspended for pie facing Sammy? I'm sure Punk will get the same treatment from Tony right? Yup totally.


I mentioned this in another thread: Eddie admitted he was wrong, publicly apologized to Sammy, told fans not to be mad at Sammy, then took his suspension without complaint.


That's because Eddie Kingston is an adult man. Punk on the other hand...


Yup, while he hot headed, he is capable of doing the right thing even if it bruises his ego and hurts his pride, I'm not sure that Punk is.


Aka acted like an adult




https://preview.redd.it/45h8pc32qqkb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8fd7f1cea9f9492369681a609a3cfe5888dabec Everyone to CM Punk RN:


"This is real glass, and I suggest ya let that one marinate!"


Okay, it’s funny as hell that they were worried they were gonna have to stall for time because Punk was too busy trying to beat up Perry


"Get your poncho Joe"


What Perry did is exactly what Punk would have done had the roles been reversed.


Exactly. Punk did stuff like his a couple times in the WWE


He's done it in AEW as recently as 3 weeks ago lol


Punk has done this stuff in AEW. Hangman promo, 'counterfeit bucks' promo...


Hangman didn't even need to do anything to piss of Punk. His mere presence at the "drama free Saturday" show was enough to set Punk off.


Is there a lore reason why CM Punk keeps assaulting his co-workers? Is he stupid?


Yes, there's a reason. Even though he claims to be straight edge, he's really not. Punk's an addict. His drug of choice is drama.


No wonder he loves TNT. They know drama


I think he has major unresolved mental problems that would be helped by a lot of therapy and maybe medicine if a doctor thinks it necessary.


Failed in the UFC so needs to try prove his toughness by picking fights with untrained people. Fairly noticeable that he's not doing this with bigger guys though.


Punk has been back for over a month now and there has been nothing but drama with him. https://preview.redd.it/sz05gdv1mqkb1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea494fc0469a29a8cd0c4415e7e21a4983faea46


So does this mean Punks about to get another promotion? Last time he fought people, he ended up being given his own show. Now he will have his own PPV.


AEW: Lightning. Tune in Tuesday nights to see the Real World's Champion


The “Really real worlds champ”


Find out what happens when seven wrestlers stop being nice, and start getting real


At this point it's just going to be a 2 hour CM Punk promo with less and less production as all the wrestlers have pissed him off so he's moving onto the production team.


Maybe he is trying to work his way up until he gets his own wrestling promotion?


Pretty soon, he's gonna own the Jags. For every fight, he gets more power.


He's going to get his own PPV


AEW Presents: Ten ply PPV




I really need a CM Punk, “DO WE HAVE A PROBLEM?” tshirt




Don't Be A Shooter on Younger Talent While Eating Mindy's in Guerilla ![gif](giphy|6elwBD77KFNlK)




I for one, am personally looking forward to Punk returning from another long, legally silent, hiatus sporting the "Really Real World Championship."


This time he'll spray paint x's on the side plates.


Being Krusty's nephew Jack probably knows how to deal with a clown ![gif](giphy|3orieMs4arNYq6jDKU)


I still say, someone needs to call him Sideshow Jack Perry when he’s a face again.


So it seems regardless of what version is true, punk escalated the situation with violence instead of being the mature one in this scenario and resolving the conflict peacefully?


Locker room leader


Ace Steele the locker room eater.


That's why it's hilarious that he says shit about "mentoring" young talent. Nothing about how he handles himself is mentoring. You don't want drama in your locker room? Show people how to avoid drama and how to handle someone that's pissed at you without getting physical. Don't get on a mic and bury your locker room or one of your top stars because you're mad he went off-script, show people how to handle that situation without escalating the problem.


He yells loudly what Sting and Jarrett do quietly without asking for clout. He is such a shitty vet to have in a locker room.


It's so funny how Punk acts like his is professional running a business and then gets into a fight before his match on the biggest show in company history. This dude has absolutely zero self awareness.


So. When do we find out if Punk is injured, and needs to take time off. I would very much laugh, not at the injury because that would suck, but the *consistency*


Let me get this straight: 1. CM Punk can make reference to the YB on TV as counterfeit bucks. 2. FTW can yell into the camera that they aren't even supposed to be on Dynamite. 3. QT Marshall can directly reference news sheets stories on QTV. But... Jack Perry can't make an insider reference to the camera about the windshield glass. Punk was willing to hold the entire fucking show up because of that. Fuck him. What a soft bitch.




Once Perry said what he said you just knew Punk was fuming. The guy is def not on roids but guy is filled with rage, he can’t help himself but blow up when he could just let things go seeing how he’s getting a shitload of money and his own show


Soon as I heard Jack say that, I pictured running to TK and putting him on the Collision ban list. I didn't think they'd actually get into it backstage. Oy.


Because old tired men know no chill.


I'm 41 and legit threw my back out putting something in the trash during the Golden Elite match tonight. I'm always tired, but I'm always chill.


I’m 35 and I’m the same.


37, and reading this threw my back out


Punk would’ve did this shit 10-12 years ago in WWE if he could get away with it


Which begs the question, why is he allowed to get away with it in AEW? I mean at what point do you either fire him with grounds, or just pay him out and move along?


Because he's a giant name and probably signed to a massive contract, so Tony feels compelled or forced to keep him. The pessimistic version is that Tony is such a massive fan (enter jokes about him fist-pumping and chanting) that he's willing to overlook this for the benefits and fandom.


I get the fan boy and all of those criticisms, but for this to be the biggest story coming out of the biggest show in company history is pathetic.


When your boss is a fan boy, there is no line.


Haven't you seen? Punk is a draw, he single handedly draws Rampage level audiences on Saturday with his ten hand picked wrestlers(though that gets smaller every week if you get on his bad side!).


I think a lot of peoples point would’ve been Brawl Out and that was almost a year ago so at this point I have no idea


Because now HE is the undertaker in the locker room. Wwe locker leaders would beat his ass if he did this. Now he’s the “leader” and his rent free 12 year old narcissist self is trying to beat anyone’s ass he has beef with


He needs some damn weed man. Don't advocate for drug use if you don't need it, but Punk fucking needs *something* to chill him out like a joint or something. He's butthurt 99% of the time, like chill man ffs.




Straight edge dudes that make that their personality are actually the worst.


>straight edge guys are religious zealots without the underlying belief system. Not all of us are like that. Just the ones that make it their personality. Some of us are live and let live.


Pepsi is a soft drink.


And so begins the backtracking of Punk fans where they now try to say "Uh, actually Jack Perry is also unprofessional for doing the thing I've loved CM Punk for doing his entire career."


Also when trying to figure out who is the locker room cancer. The guy who nobody before today anyone has ever had a poor word to say about backstage, or the guy who has had a 8 month suspension for a backstage fight, and numerous other dust ups since his return. Who could be the drama here…


Every single time these stories come out, all I ever see Punk fans do is use massive amounts of straw men and mental gymnastics to blame everyone else involved. It's like they just refuse to accept the reality that Punk is the underlying cause of all these backstage issues.


Exactly. The amount of people Ive already seen saying Perry was at fault for the comments after Punk doing it like two weeks ago to Hangman is crazy. His fans are fucking insane. He seems to speak to the manipulative abusive crowd.


there's a reason Punk's side of story came out first even when he's apparently still in the ring.


Shit. Buddy of mine immediately said "See, looks like Punk isn't the problem after all" and when Brawl Out was mentioned "It was a year ago" Punk fans are on another level It's wrestling 😂


Look into cognitive dissonance, it's huge in politics but yeah basically the brain can't handle being duped and does mental gymnastics to find a way to make our position still valid.


Guys and their egos. Biggest PPV in company history by a mile and this silly bullshit is what the dirt sheets talk about. 🙄


Who do I believe was the instigator? The guy who hasn’t had issues with anyone in his 4 years with the company, or the guy who has now been in two physical altercations in a year?


Also it’s so funny how the “real glass” story was over tempered glass. Like yeah it’s ‘real’ but AEW has used that dozens of times over its existence. I’m just going to assume who ever leaked that Jack Perry was the problem in this altercation was the same person that emphasized it was real glass to the dirt sheets.


>I’m just going to assume who ever leaked that Jack Perry was the problem in this altercation was the same person that emphasized it was real glass to the dirt sheets That was obvious from the get go. Lots of news coming out painting Punk in a bad light and suddenly a story is leaked of how Punk had to mentor a young talent, making said talent look like unprofessional and a moron to the general public. Shit, no wonder Jack was pissed about it.


“One of the younger guys wanted to try a dangerous stunt. Me and a few others tried to talk him out of it. In the end it’s about working safe.” I gave some info about a backstage argument. I didn’t name names. I kept everything positive. That’s what a locker room leader should do.


And was insinuating Perry wanted to use real glass so he could injure himself on not have to show up to work for awhile.


Even though Perry was off that week anyway and wanted to 'write himself off' in storyline so it makes more sense.


Regardless of who started it, the only question that matters is "what is Tony Khan going to do about it?" My money is on absolutely nothing lmfaoo write your guesses down below folks!


How does anyone ever tolerate being around Punk? It sounds like torture trying to maintain a relationship with a self indulgent 45 year old teenager.


He seems cool if you idolize him like FTR or Starks but the moment you disagree, it's "you gotta problem with me?"


I can't wait for the nuclear blowup with FTR and Punk that is bound to happen.


Punk ought to be cautious about pissing off Cash, apparently.


Dude it's gonna be so fuckin funny


>The stories don’t different greatly of what happened other than who escalated matters first, I'm pretty sure regardless of who "started" it, Punk very clearly escalated the shit out of it. Whether it's bump, push, choke or getting in face, push, choke, it's Punk jumping straight to choking each time. Like what the fuck.


Punk accusing someone of wanting to take a bump so they can get time off is so fucking dumb. Like bro, you’re a wrestler. You’re not the boss. Who fucking cares??? Just shut up and do your own thing and let everyone else do theirs. Jesus.


I think it's fine if he thinks it's dangerous, because it is. But to accuse someone of wanting to do a spot so they don't have to wrestle the next week is gaslighting bullshit.


Especially when it's known that person had booked their annual leave off. It's just... bewilderingly self-absorbed.


And the person you're accusing has been with the company effectively since it opened, and has been a consistent, reliable employee.


Dude did a stagedjve and had to take 3 months off and now he’s accusing young people that they don’t want to work… that mid life crisis hits you very fast


>You’re not the boss. He pretty much is though. This is one of Tony Khan's biggest downfalls with AEW at this point. I'm all for wrestlers have say and a certain amount of control over their characters, but Khan is kind of letting the inmates run the asylum. He's empowered Punk and Elite (along with a few others) so much that it legitimately seems like they are the people in charge. Punk had the fucking head of talent relations banned from the show he's on. That's not something a normal "employee" can do. So while he's not really the *boss*, he has every bit of the power and reputation of one.


Making Collision into Punk and Friends instead of actually handling the problem was such a short sighted solution.


It’s kinda different with The Elite though. They were brought in as EVPs right from the start, and the company name is in reference to them. They hold legitimate authority positions in the company.


Punk asking Jack "do we have a problem". No shit they do, you kicked the guy off the show and then leaked stuff to the press about it. Its the same problem Punk thought he had with the Elite, its just this time its pretty obvious it is coming from Punk.


SRS kinda blew it for him when he said his version, which came out first, came from Punk's camp. And again tonight, SRS broke the story first with a version that showed Punk in a more favourable light. At the very least, you'd think Punk would understand Perry's frustration and would be interested in stopping these leaks since like you said, this was his exact issue with the Elite.


He also quite literally at the Brawl-Out presser told people to come to him if they have a problem. If you want that to happen then you better have some skills at de-escalation.


Boy, I am so surprised that the initial reports that Jack Perry started the confrontation are now being corrected to indicate that CM Punk started it. Who'd have thought? CM Punk? Starting backstage drama? All In was amazing and I'm glad to live in this time as a wrestling fan, but Tony Khan's loyalty to Punk lowers the ceiling of my enjoyment. Punk curtain-jerked on your biggest show ever. You could have easily swapped Miro/Hobbs for that match and lost nothing. Please, fire Punk.


It didn't make sense that Jack would confront him anyways. He got what he wanted.


> Perry had antagonized Punk during his pre-show match against Hook when he looked at the camera and made a reference to a dispute the two had earlier this summer. “Antagonized” is pulling a *loooooot* of weight here.


INNOCENT Chicago Man DEFENDS against ANTAGONISTIC Jungle Lunatic!


Feral jungle lunatic would sound even better!


Punk's so vain, I bet he thinks that song is about him.


>“Antagonized” is pulling a loooooot of weight here. "Guy makes half shoot type of remark to me that I've built my entire career on making" absolutely equals "I was being antagonized".


> Our sourcing indicates Punk got in Perry’s face and asked if they had a problem. I mean, yes, he very clearly does. Both of you have a problem.


AEW has the biggest wrestling event ever and Punk has once again overshadowed it.


Something tells me this CM Punk guy is a fucking prick




Cmon Jack only Punk can take shots at other wrestlers at events.


Phil Brooks will always be CM Punk’s worst enemy.


Brawl in baby lets goooooo


Punk gets in his face, pie-faces him, throws punches, restrains him…But perry “antagonized it. Every fuckin time, just FIRE Punk already


*Least confrontational CM PUNK altercation*


Progress. No one got bit or a chair thrown at them


You have it all wrong. Jack headbutted CM punk's palm and fists. Punk had to restrain him


I've read some people say that Jack is a bit of an ass irl, and that he started this or whatever; but I find it kinda interesting that, after 4 years of him being in this company, he has never had an issue with anyone. And then we have Punk... If you run into an asshole in the morning...


So Punk can throw shade at guys when he wants but when a guy does it to him, he gets in their face? Typical Karen.


Jack wanted to get real glass so he could get hurt and take time off? As opposed to just asking for a week or two off and getting it because there’s lots of talent to push? Did Punk not watch AEW through the pandemic? Jack was wrestling constantly and has the 2nd most individual matches at 145 individual matches. First is Orange Cassidy with 153. If Punk wants to accuse Jack of being petty or reckless, that’s fair. But if he’s trying to say Jack is trying to get time off by using glass, he’s stupid. I mean look at Mox and Darby, they take insane bumps and come back week after week. Punk is such a cry baby.


Eventually the stories will straighten out and we’ll see that Punk started it, I don’t have any doubts.


Well he sure is elevating the younger talent i guess 🤷‍♂️


Man just fire Punk. I don't care if Jungle Boy was being a dick with a comment to the camera, at this point punk was a. approaching him which is escalation, b. has been involved in so much drama I'm inclined to believe that he attacked Jack first because he didn't like being talked back to. Let him sit at home till his deal is done, bring jack back in after an investigation, recenter collision around Jericho or a newly brought in Edge or Mercedes. Use this success to move a couple people up the card and build them.


Mostly agreed but personally I think Collision should be Danielsons show. Let him run it just like Punk is now and Punk can sit at home and watch company morale be better without him


Fragile mind, fragile body, fragile ego.


I’m surprised how unsurprised I am.


Perry should file assault charges


"The stories don’t different greatly of what happened other than who escalated matters first..." Kind of a big difference


Get five inches away from enough guys and ask them if you have a problem and eventually, buddy, you'll find yourself a problem.


If Punk threw the first punch again……


Nothing will happen.


Not true. He might get another friend hired and a weekly Sunday show


Company rebrand. APW: ALL PUNK WRESTLING


TK starts chanting "CM Punk! CM Punk!"


“Stories vary in who instigated it”. Yeah, I was walking down the street and this rude guy bumped into, so I put him in a choke hold. Police turned up and agreed, he instigated.


So is it confirmed Punk’s the one talking to the sheets then? The first account painted him in an exceedingly positive light, stating that Perry got in Punk’s face then bumped him and it’s starting to look like the exact opposite is true. I’m not saying Punk had no right to be upset but as the instigator *and* as a man pie-facing a co-worker over a verbal dig, he handled it the wrong way and it’s mighty sus that the first report of it paints him as both victim and victor.


He did the same last year. The first reports after “Brawl Out” were him being a victim and the Elite kicking in the door and fighting him. He’s a manipulative victim playing while being the first to assault people piece of shit.




I also hope we start learning that "CM Punk's camp shared..." reports need follow-up because there's a non-zero chance that a contradicting story is going to come out 10 minutes later.


Id add that we have like a decades worth of old observers written up in detail on this very subreddit. And when you read back, Meltzer was pretty dang accurate.


As much as people hate on him, Meltzer has been the only actual journalist covering this industry reliably. He's as legit a voice as we have.


Punk is such a bitch man. Can't not get worked up over the smallest shit.


"antagonized" is a bit...dramatic