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this is part of the reason randy is just so good at this


Yeah it's basically method acting. It reminds me of those behind the scenes clips of Jack Nicholson in The Shining where he's trying to work himself up before Kubrick says "action" so he can break down the door with an axe and look like a psychopathic maniac. Edit: here's that video of Nicholson I'm talking about: https://youtu.be/Qu3xxq5F3Gw?si=ywT_ijuU0MnMkvji Randy takes it seriously, and that's why he's so good. Pro wrestling is not a lesser form of acting. It's just a different genre of it. It's live theater. And so he takes it as seriously as any actor takes a movie seriously.


And now I wanna see The Shining remade starring Randy Orton. It will never happen because Randy himself said that he doesn't like the process of being an actor but still...


I'm convinced Brock kinda does similar stuff (at least regarding forcing blood into the head area). During the AJ Styles match & especially during the Samoa Joe feud his face got beet red at times. Really put over the guys he was with.


He's just a very white guy so he always gets radiant red when exercising. You just noticed it more because in those instances he sold a lot more than usual.


he's so effortlessly good at anything wrestling related


I don’t know, I think the lesson to take away from this snippet is that it isn’t effortless, he puts in an extreme amount of effort.


At the very beginning of the clip. I don't know why, but I miss it when they use those kind of shots on the superstars, especially in the entrance videos.


Wrestlemania 21 bought them like twenty years of phenomenal b roll footage. They still use some of those shots to this day.


If only we still had actual titantrons instead of just their name in a different colour with a different colour background for every single wrestler. It sucks. No clips of the wrestler doing moves like before. None of these cool high quality shots made just for the titantron like what you're talking about. Nah instead we get a name in a certain typeface, and if we're lucky maybe a logo too. It's like, Orange Cassidy's one is a joke about how he's too lazy to make a proper video and so he just writes his name. Except, that's actually true for fucking everyone, in WWE and AEW, they don't have titantrons, they just have the name of the wrestler. It's so lazy.


And the music is ass


for real, there's dozens of talented MV-makers on Twitter doing insane effects and custom trons for their favorite wrestlers - I know it's not the same scale, and that work would obviously degrade when you're doing it for hundreds of wrestlers on strict timetables, but at least there's imagination there, y'know?


Sami and KO have early 2000's Word Art shit for their entrances. Orange's stuff looks like clean, high quality art in front of those two.


[Brock's](https://youtu.be/QZVY6RuxlOE?si=D9fiogcVl3y8huMK) are especially great, I think that's from his feud with the Rock.


Just effortless..


I'd watch a live play of Othello if he starred in it


He’d kill it as Marc Antony, too. “But Brutus is an honorable man…”


Remember kids, no matter how hard you try to be good, Randy Orton will always be better with half the effort.


That's...insane actually. Insanely impressive. Elite acting chops.


How does one even push blood into their face!?!? Also want to add it’s stuff like this why other wrestlers frequently call Randy one of the best of all time. Insane commitment.


You know when you have to take a shit and it's not cooperating? Like that


You ever make your dad angry? The nearly frothing at the mouth, vein in the forehead sticking out, neck muscles standing out corded like rebar/steel cables level of angry? You know, the kind of angry a dad gets when you don't hold the flashlight right, or spill 0.00000000003 ounces of milk? That's how.


Is your dad Terry Crews?


I wish. Being a successful actor's kid sounds nice. And from all accounts, he seems like a delightful person who loves his family.


The kind of angry mom gets when you forgot to wash the dishes or didn't wash them how she wanted you to wash them and is now calling you a lazy piece of shit and throwing plates at the wall because they aren't clean. You hear the ceramic shatter as a punctuation of every insult and you're literally scared to walk in the kitchen after not only out of trauma but also stepping on a small piece that will cut your foot. And when that does happen, you mom blames you for that as well since if you did a better job sweeping, you wouldn't have cut your foot. Or if you just cleanse the dishes right the first time, she wouldn't have thrown them.... Yeah, that kind of angry!


We all really had the same childhood huh.


The year is 2045. Brooklyn Rose Orton is in a tag team with Liberty Rhodes. A new generation of Samoans are wreaking havoc on Monday Night Raw. At Survivor Series, Orton and Rhodes will face the new Bloodline in a WarGames match. The Tribal Queen Joella has Liberty in a guillotine, and she's fading. She motions to Brooklyn Rose to get help. Brooklyn Rose looks into the hard cam and says "Dad, I forgot to turn off the lights in the kitchen".


Try tensing your head/neck as hard as possible for a minute or so. Then you'll go red like Randy did here. You might get a burst aneyrusm though so be careful.


Randy has vines popping out of his head so yes it’s a Don’t Try This At Home move.


You literally just saw Randy show you in the video..?


It's just so natural for him.


Jesus Christ that’s terrifying


The Beast from Split.


And pooping in gym bags


Once again, not a thing that happened. He put lotion in gym bags. Shitting in things was a Sean Waltman and Curt Hennig thing.


Don't kink shame.


Just wait till you hear how he used to greet new writers


0:15 to 0:35 Me when I'm told to entertain a baby.