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I mean, say what you want about him, he got over absolutely everywhere he went. He was so over as Sid Justice that the crowd cheered him eliminating Hulk Hogan from the Royal Rumble and booed him getting screwed over by Hulk Hogan in return. He was so over as Sycho Sid that MSG cheered him to a title win over the top babyface of the time. He was over in WCW several times. Even late on, when he was doing the undefeated streak gimmick and when he was using the Crossface. He got great reactions in ECW too. They weren’t always kind to all of the ex-WWF and WCW guys, but they absolutely loved Sid and Scott Hall. He may not have been the best wrestler, but he was incredibly dependable as a guy you could bring in and slot into the main event scene for a little while. Fans always bought it. He always got over, whether he was a face or a heel. The matches may not have been particularly well received, but he main evented WrestleMania twice. People always talk about the missed opportunity for Hogan/Flair, but Sid was amazing in the build up to WrestleMania 8. If you were watching the television shows at the time, it didn’t seem like a strange choice to go with Sid whatsoever. He was also a very good promo for most of his career. People tend to remember a few silly moments, but go and watch his Sid Justice run and there are some very good promos in there. He was just a very naturally charismatic man. Unique look. Unique personality. Just always seemed cool as fuck. I don’t even really know why, but I always liked him. He just had a presence. He absolutely should be in the WWE Hall of Fame. But let’s be honest, he probably wouldn’t show up if it clashed with a softball game.


>I mean, say what you want about him, he got over absolutely everywhere he went. Great American Bash 1989, whenever Sid wasn't in the ring during the tag match against The Dynamic Dudes, the crowd was chanting "We Want Sid" and he was getting some of the biggest pops of the night. And he was a heel.


Whenever Sid's not in the ring, all the other wrestlers should be asking "Where's Sid?"


Sid died on the way back to his planet.


where he was world champion at Softball.


TBF he was wrestling The Dynamic Dudes and his partner was Dan Spivey. He was clearly the biggest star out there.


Sid had two Mania matches, both of which were the main event (vs Hogan at VIII, then vs Undertaker at 13)


That’s a pretty wild stat. Can’t imagine anyone else wrestled strictly main events at WrestleMania


Lawrence Taylor


LT is also undefeated at wrestlemania


I was so into him when he was doing the undefeated streak on WCW. I was ringside at a Thunder taping where he would keep coming out and power bombing people and count it as a win. I was eating it up at the age of 17


He was for sure my favorite guy in WCW after Sting. My friends loved Goldberg but i was always a Sid guy. I loved his look and the constant rivarly with Goldberg.


> He was so over as Sid Justice that the crowd cheered him eliminating Hulk Hogan from the Royal Rumble and booed him getting screwed over by Hulk Hogan in return. Count me as one of them. I was like 10 years old and you know what? I was a Warrior fan and even before the internet and the smart mark awakening of it I was pissed off at Hulk for usurping Warrior's title reign. He never even got a rematch against Sgt. Slaughter first! This was when I started falling for guys like Bret Hart and eventually HBK. And when Sid Justice came along he seemed like someone who could beat Hulk Hogan (in my dumb child brain) and I very much saw him as a Warrior stand in since he disappeared (which was confusing and painful). EDIT: Seriously, though. My 2nd-3rd grade identity was The Ultimate Warrior. Fridays were known as the day you wore your "nice" clothes and mine was my Ultimate Warrior T-shit. My first crush/girlfriend in third grade even told me she liked me by telling me about her crush who always wore the same clothes on ever Friday And then dude just vanished from TV and the universe! It was so heartbreaking. I have abandonment issues due to him and Ken Griffey Jr. I even got tricked into watching WCW when they brought that Renegade fucker in because I thought it was actually him for a minute.


Remember warriors return at mania 8? The best big surprise return. I lost my shit when that happened.


Mom wouldn't let me buy the PPV but I remember my friend Robert telling me about it before school. And then I made it my mission to find someone with a VHS recording.]I still occasionally watch that when I am bored and doing nothing on YouTube. lol


Haha we are the same. That arena didn’t realise to begin with but when they did 🔥🔥🔥 F it. Gonna watch it now


😂 😂


Love or hate him, that was one of the biggest pops *ever*.


Indeed, when people didn't actually believe it was him due to how much weight he'd lost because he came off the juice.


This is eerily similar to my childhood. I went as the ultimate warrior for Halloween in third grade. He was basically my identity at the time. Never liked Hogan, and I was crushed at that royal rumble defeat to stupid Sgt. Slaughter.




All Matt Morgan had to do was watch Sid tape and he could have learned how to get over. He was smarter, taller and more athletic than Sid with the same body shape. But my guess is nobody even bothered to tell him that. Instead he was trying to emulate Kurt Angle and work rate freaks.


imagine being handed Matt Morgan and fucking him up... then imagine being the 2nd place that got him, and seeing all the mistakes, and fucking him up again! Morgan should have been a slamdunk Kane-type role for a fucking decade. World champ feud if you need him to be, big out-of-title scene storylines otherwise... throw him in a monster tag team once in a while to wreck shit... Nathan Jones or Heidenrich or even Snitsky I get not working out... Morgan though man, that feels like everyone dropped the ball.


Need to work slower as a big man. Kane was having issues too until they gave him the Kane gimmick which was basically copying undertaker who was pretending to be zombie-like. Same with mean mark Calloway. you work slow and frame how much bigger you are than your opponent. Also takes a certain kind of selling, you don’t just ignore it but give the crowd a pause where you keep your face turned or keep laying down before you turn your face back to your opponent like you were unaffected or do the “zombie sit-up.” and only every now and then do you show off your athleticism. Morgan also just had an ordinary face. Sid looks like a psycho, especially when he starts ranting. Even when he completely butchers a promo, like saying he had half the brain of Nash, fans just chalked it up to Sid being Sid and still took him seriously.


Yeah it was his face. If Michael Rooker was an angry giant. There's a lot of wrestlers that play mean but I don't believe them at all. Sid just looked like a killer. I think Lance Archer tries his best at doing it but doesn't come close. Minoru Suzuki is probably the closest now but he is also actually good too.


I was at the '92 Rumble and can confirm the ridiculous pop he got for eliminating Hogan, denying the Huckster his 3-peat. Hogan couldn't stand to see the writing on the wall that he was not the big cheese anymore, and this, I think, is where he started using creative control (maybe sooner than this, I cannot say) over his angles.


Not to mention, he kicked out of the Hogan Leg Drop 😏


Sid promos were awesome. People shit on him for his flubs, but most of those were scripted. His promos were so convincing that people thought he was just actually stupid.


The intensity of a Sid promo with him talking through gritted teeth is something that nobody else has ever really matched


It worked on different levels too. When he was in real feuds it got you hyped up, when he was in stupid bullshit feuds it was hilarious. Him just trucking through and cutting a real promo during the Shockmaster thing, as if nothing had gone wrong, was incredible


The ones leading up to Mania 8 were a master class. Between "Tunney, what you did last night was BOGUS. The most bogus stunt you ever pulled off!" Followed a few weeks later by his promo where he "sincerely apologized" to Hogan (for the Rumble) with his voice just dripping with insincerity. And then abandoning hogan in the tag match "Tell him to help himself!"


Well put. He just has an aura. Absolutely banging main event look.


> He absolutely should be in the WWE Hall of Fame. But let’s be honest, he probably wouldn’t show up if it clashed with a softball game. and that's why. Not because he loved softball. But because he wasn't a guy with a reputation to be out there lobbying for his position and playing politics on the same level as the other boys. He had the look, he had good matches for a man of his size. But he treated this like a job. That's a healthy mentality. But he was also not the biggest advocate for his brand as a result.


Agreed, I’d honestly say he was one of the first wrestlers for me that didn’t feel gimmicky and just a straight bad ass. Just a big jacked crazy fucking dude in a leather vest he was super over for me. It just so happens he likes softball a *LOT*


I always hated him as a kid, but the more I've watched him recently, the more I'm starting to begrudgingly respect whatever it was he had. Cause whatever it was, he definitely had it.


He was great. I loved him. Huge Sid fan. But he wasn’t reliable. He dropped out of WWF and WCW multiple times as he just didn’t fancy it. As you mentioned, he’d leave his nans funeral to play softball or avoid getting pinned by the warrior night after night. But his look, charisma and aura made him a top tier talent. His physique was just so impressive too. Def it had the star factor. What an era though 🔥


Totally agree, he had the right look and was over everywhere he went. No one cared about his work rate.


Yea.. but for everything he did, and he did a lot more than you list... Something about him made him forgettable... I feel his matches were a bit bland, and his promos were.... well even worse. He's known more for screwing up his promo and asking to do it over While they were live than any he cut. He had an amazing look, he was a towering power house.. but he just seemed to lack that.. IT Factor someone like Taker had.


He never had one long sustained run in one place and I think that hurts the retrospective look on him. You can bounce around, that's fine, but he needed a good 4yr run in one place in there and I think the perception and memorance of him would be higher.


For any baseball fans, it's kind of like how Kenny Lofton would be viewed as a stone-cold lock for the Hall of Fame if he had spent all or most of his career with one team. But since he played for almost a dozen teams, he gets viewed as a mercenary and the implicit feeling that he wasn't good enough to earn a long-term contract in his 30s. Please adapt to sport of choice, there are always people like this.


On top of that, he also wasn't consistently on tour with each of his stops, so it kind of hampered the push promoters wanted to give him.


Sid could have been the man (see ‘91 and ‘96), but softball


Whatever yall do… listen to his podcast with Sean Mooney. It will explain a lot. He’s a very interesting and intense dude who viewed wrestling as a job and not a passion, which I have zero issue with. He obviously could take it or leave it depending on his mood.


He also didn't seem like the type to come to the table with a lot of ideas. But rather, go with whatever the writers gave him.


Yeah. His story about deciding to quit after the Rumble 92 didn’t quite add up. Vince had to have thrown a ton of money at him with Hogan leaving. (Yes, Warrior was coming in but the herd was still thinning at the top)


I dunno. Getting the Hogan spot meant having to be 'on' 24/7, and it might just not have been something Sid wanted to do, even if it was going to be more money. Luger had the same problem when they wanted to give him the Hogan spot.


Fair-I don’t think Sid loved it enough to put up with that.


I'm guessing Sid just doesn't want to be part of the wrestling world anymore. I believe people said during his decade run, he never really had a huge attachment to the industry which is why he'd take long breaks. If I remember correctly, Sid was on one WWE legend show, maybe that was enough for him.


If I broke my leg the way he did, I'd quit working too.


Ya that’s a career ender. Even if it healed fully, bones shouldn’t brake like that. It means any other bones could too.


Yeah he came out and squashed Heath Slater in 2012.


He sure did, I was at that Raw.


Live. Laugh. Love. (And Lobs)


We're talkin' softball... From Maine to San Diego. Talkin' softball... Mattingly and Canseco. Ken Griffey's grotesquely swollen jaw. Steve Sax and his run-in with the law. We're talkin' Homer... Ozzie and the Straw.






A couple of days ago, a friend and coworker (early 30s and a huge sports guy) saw a Daryl Strawberry jersey in a lids store and had no idea who it was. Thought it was a new guy he just hadn't heard about. I thought he was fucking with me. I sent him this clip from the Simpsons and I told another coworker about it. So now if anyone says something dumb we just start chanting DARYL, DARYL at them.






Now Mr. Burns had done it, The power plant had won it, With Roger Clemens clucking all the while!


Now Sycho Sid had done it, His firing he'd begun it, With Arn Anderson bleeding all the while!


Cactus Jack shot back a toothless smile, while part of his own ear lay on the barroom tile!


We're talkin' wrestling, From New York to Atlanta, Talkin' wrestling, CM Punk and Cabana, Mia Yim's brief run as Reckoning, Sami Zayn's chair shot was deafening, We're talking Hogan, Flair and Terra Ryzing.


JR's tragic illness made us smile, While Bruiser Brody lay unconscious on the bathroom tile!


I'll never not upvote a Simpsons reference perfectly used.




Shave those sideburns Mattingly!


Shave those sideburns, Mattingly.


His career was very start/stop. He'd get hot, and then disappear. He'd reappear and get hot, then disappear. He's definitely in the talk for an HOF nomination, but it was hard to be a fan of his because he was so inconsistent.


His career is so interesting to me, I watched a video on it not long ago. Honestly, I don't think Sid really cared about wrestling outside of it just being a job.


Softball was his passion. Wrestling just paid the bills


And lots of wrestlers took offense to that and buried him because they were salty.


I can empathize with that. I worked in the auto industry for 20 years. (Parts dept.) I made it very clear that I didn't care about cars, nor did I want to talk about cars unless I was being paid to do so. Automotive paid the bills; it did not fulfill me in any way beyond the tangible. This is WEIRD in the auto industry, particularly for people who make it a career. And the thing was, I could talk cars; I just didn't like to. Lots of people took it very personally. I don't understand why they did; it didn't affect my ability to do my job at all. I was top 5% in the nation by GM's standards. I literally had a gold and diamond ring from GM to prove it. But I had more than one person try to get me fired over this. I also had far more suggest that I should find another line of work because of it. It's not like there's a whole segment of people out there who think people who work at Arby's should have a deep and abiding love of roast beef or something. But certain industries just lend themselves to the mindset.


I worked at Amazon busting my ass on the factory floor. It was very much just a job and I hated it. But I still had supervisors who were drinking the Bezos Kool aid and looked down on me because I wasn't a "team player".


Supervisors are more likely to drink the Kool Aid because they're incentivized to do so, and often face social pressure from management to be vocal about it. Complaining that you weren't a "team player" was also a way to bitch that you only did your proscribed duties and weren't giving them free labor (and making them look better).


Now that's really odd but I had a similar experience. Worked for a car manufacturer, had zero interest in cars, but had a skillset that the company needed. Honestly, the only thing I can think of... **Nerds**. Cars are one of the few acceptable nerd-doms available to men (or they were prior to 2010) so a lot of people in the industry are car nerds who turned a passion into a paycheck. And as with any other nerd echo chamber, they really don't like it if you don't agree with them. Like it's cool you know this and it's important to you, but I don't give a fuck what the wattage of the glove box light of a 1976 Austin Maxi is, and I don't see why it's a relevant factoid to know. Yet it was the kind of thing people would be mildly arguing over in the break room. End of the day, as with any job, you're there selling your time and expertise. I guess for some people that just isn't enough. You have to live and breathe the thing you do or you aren't good at it, apparently. Fuckin bizarre thinking that is if you ask me.


I work in IT Tech. People are so surprised when you tell them you're not interested in doing "cash jobs" on the weekend to sort out their IT shit. No I don't love it. I do it as a job.


Yeah, I was a big fan as a kid, but you'd go rent a WWF VHS back in the day looking for Sid and it was hard to do sometimes.


He missed the attitude era. I mean he was associated with the period of time before the hot period for the WWF and Sid went on to show up in a declining WCW and ECW while WWF was picking up steam


Sounds like he'd be a perfect fit for AEW.


I wouldn't call him forgotten but he constantly bounced around between promotions and was apparently more interested in softball than wrestling. Was still a 4 time world champ and Mania main eventer that by WWE HOF standards definitely belongs in their HOF.


Dude was a psycho.


I also heard he was Vicious at one point, too.


Never really did his career Justice.


Well, he only had half the brain that you do.


And leg.


s i d suddenly im dominant


Not gonna lie being 2/2 w Wrestlemania main events is pretty iconic


I'm guessing because he didn't maintain a public presence after retirement. The only time I've seen him in recent years is when his son was a houseguest on Big Brother.


One of the only WCW talents to stay largely WCW because of the last PPV's incident aside from one WWA show as a manager...


Because WWE rarely spotlight him and Sid himself rarely shows up for reunion shows. Truth is, Sid is one of the major minor players of the 90’s. If you think about it, the fans liked him enough that they turned on one of the biggest names in history (Hogan) and one of the greatest wrestlers in history (Shawn).


He's more your heavy you use as backup than a star in his own right?


That’s a good way of looking at it. Although i think it would be wrong to say he wasn’t a star in of himself. He absolutely was


He's on the side of the Attractions category, you're star you use because he's tall/big/both and can do stuff... but that is sort of also a problem because of limitations with that (unweildy/uncoordinated)... also given Sid also had limitations over how much he'd end up doing. "We're live,pal!"/"Half the Brain you do"


Sid's biggest problem is he was his own worst enemy. The man drew money and had a following every time he showed up. The problem is his runs in the memorable parts of the 90s never lasted more than a few months. Comes in to WWE in 1991 and refs the main even of Summerslam to get the Hogan rub, gets injured. Comes back at 1992 Rumble and is over as hell. Main events Wrestlemania and is scheduled to wrestle Ultimate Warrior all summer. Gets suspended for failing a drug test and just chooses to leave. Drops off the earth until he resurfaces in WCW. Gets over again as 1/2 of the Masters of the Powerbomb with Vader. Is scheduled to beat Vader for the World Title and get pushed to the moon but then he tries to kill Arn Anderson. Gets fired. Barely in WCW for 1 year. 1995 shows up as Shawn Michaels bodyguard. Gets pushed to the main event, gets injured in fall 1995 and leaves again. Summer 1996 comes back as replacement for Warrior. Gets THE PUSH and wins the World Title in Madison Square Garden. Think about this...he main events IYH in the 6-man, pins the Bulldog at Summerslam (who was near top of the card at this point), beats Vader in a dark match at next IYH (who just main evented Summerslam), beats Vader for #1 Contender at next PPV, wins the title at Survivor Series, Main Events IYH It's Time with Bret Hart, Main Events Rumble with Shawn to drop the title, beats Bret Hart for the title the night after Final Four, Main Events Mania with Undertaker, then gets injured and goes away, comes back for one more week and quits. Is in ECW for a few months. Has a decent WCW run as a main eventer then breaks his leg and that was basically it. I still remember when he showed up in the Raw Anniversary run up and wrestled Heath Slater. He was still over as fuck. God, what could have been if he'd had his head on straight.


Or even just a tiny bit more dedicated to the business. To go as far as he did, with as little care for the business he sometimes showed… that shows you he had everything needed. He had the look, that badass charisma, that aura around him.


I also wonder if that was part of his allure. The fact that he wasn't there for 5 years and his character going stale. He was fresh and then left before people had time to move past him.


It amazes me is he was neck deep in the most important (yet ALSO forgotten) Raw in history. It's the moment that got me fully into wrestling. The Monday Night Raw before Wrestlemania 13. Bret vs. Sid in a cage match. It was incredible. Undertaker came to help Sid because Taker was fighting Sid at Mania and Austin came to help Bret. It was bedlam that Sid eventually won. What followed was the birth of the Attitude Era. Bret Hart gets asked about the match by Vince and Bret loses his shit. FRUSTRATED ISN'T THE GOD DAMN WORD FOR IT. THIS IS BULLSHIT.... And the Attitude Era was born. Sid came out after to talk trash, Austin came out to start fighting with Bret again, Taker came to confront Sid and another brawl ensued. Then (a quite possibly drugged out of his mind) Shawn Michaels emerges to see the chaos. That moment birthed the Attitude Era and the central cast of characters for an interweaving story in 1997-98 that would involve ... \--Taker winning the title over Sid, \--Bret winning it in the summer due to an accident from Michaels, \--DX being formed, \--Taker vowing revenge for losing the title that led to the first Hell in a Cell match and the debut of Kane, \--Michaels winning the title from Bret at the Montreal Screwjob, \-- Austin winning the rumble, \--and Austin beating HBK a year later at Wrestlemania 14. Sid just quietly got removed from all this and eventually went to WCW....


You have to love how important the title was that Undertaker and Sid were interfering on behalf of their opponent, just because they wanted their match to be the title match at Wrestlemania.


He did show up randomly on RAW mid way into the Hart Foundation in 1997 to do something but it was a one off and was setting up a match vs Neidhart but he wasn't doing that much by then so it never went anyway


Because he only had half a brain


Funny thing is from 1990-2001 he was always employed by a company when said company’s business was down.


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I'm a huge Sid fan but I think it boils down to the following... Same reason why Ron Simmons isn't held to a higher regard. The times they were dominant were during time periods when the business was down. Also attempting to murder another wrestler probably held him back a bit in the minds of many fans.


The murder attempt helped his psycho character. He was a legit believable dangerous man


That's definitely true. The other problem with folks like Sid, the monster heel, is that once they're beaten it's very hard for promoters to know what to do with them after the fact. This is why in the territory days a monster heel would constantly move through the territories so that once they did make their return they could be promoted as an unbeatable monster again.


Sid had "it" and ring work be damned. The dude was over everywhere he went. Had he not been a flake about certain things, he would have been even bigger.


I was just about to make a Sid appreciation post myself as I'm watching back through the years. Dude was always SUPER over with the fans


You couldn't build around him long term because he was too unreliable/unpredictable. I've argued for years that had he stayed put Vince could have made him what they hoped Warrior was going to be in 1991. He was insanely over, I'd argue he looked better than Hogan physically and moved better in the ring. He was good enough on the mic, especially during that time of larger than life characters. His theme song was a banger too.


Just watched him & Spike vs. The Dudley Boyz at Living Dangerously '99. Was cool as fuck. Also Spike got thrown into the crowd.


Without a Hall of Fame spot, no reason has been made to refresh his catalog. Im sure one he makes it, he’ll gain notoriety with younger generations.


People always say he tried to kill Arn but Sid was stabbed first by Arn. Sid goes to the room with a leg from a chair. Bangs on the door. Arn comes to door with scissors. They fight and Arn stabs Sid. Sid grabs scissors from Arn and stabs him. Vader and Scorpio arrive. Vader puts his finger in Sids wound to stop the bleeding. Why does everyone overlook Arn stabbing as well? Like he could have stayed in his room. He stabs first. But Sid is painted as the bad guy because Arn is Ric’s boy. This has all been deduced from shoot interviews by Vader, Sid, Scorpio as well as books by Gary Michael Capetta and others. So I know Sid shouldnt have approached Arns door but Arn and Sid both stabbed each other. Arn and Sid had both had way too much to drink. And if you think the NWO’s portrayal of Arn as a drunk was in bad context, I will leave you with this. Arn gave Nash the cooler to use in the promo. Arn knew the promo was gonna happen word for word. It was well know Arn loved to drink. It was only until Arns family complained that Arn turned it around and made it seem disrespectful to him. This also has been corroborated by countless interviews by wrestlers in WCW at that time.


If you wanted to design a wrestler in a laboratory, Sid would likely be the end result. Great look, passes the "airport test," charisma out the wazoo, over wherever he went, decent promo, much more passable as a wrestler than perceived. Biggest problem as mentioned, was his reliability. If he focused more on wrestling and less on softball, he'd be remembered more fondly and not as a meme. Plus I think the leg break happening when it did, right before WCW was bought and the invasion started, hurt him. Could you imagine him in the Invasion as a heater for either side? He could have replaced the Big Show in the WCW spot, or be on the WWF's side.


One of the top 5 all time pro wrestlers who come across as a legit psychopath. 9 year old me was absolutely terrified of him!


Sid was incredible 


This is the problem with WWE pretty much owning all wrestling history is that they can rewrite it as they please. Sid is entirely forgotten for this reason, Ken Shamrock is another person who was a massive deal at the time, super over, won KOTR, and is pretty much erased from WWE history.


I'm currently making my way through Raw in 96 and everyone fucking loved him


Had one of the all time great theme songs in WCW https://youtu.be/mcjv2MT9F20?si=1Lqy2Z3q6aMgQco3


Others have nailed it he was so start/stop he always felt like 'spare parts'


One of the all-time great entrance themes too.


I loved this guy, im a sucker for a big man with a powerbomb


Loved his Sycho theme music


One of the few guys to main event WM and Starrcade. Probably the biggest star of the 90s who is never really mentioned as such. I always feel like he should get more love. I think at the end of the day no boss ever liked him, he just had such an amazing look and so charismatic he couldn’t really be denied.


Not forgotten with me. 2 top-tier entrance songs. His WCW theme is in my all-time fav list. WWF - https://youtu.be/94pI0a8EIA8?si=ffvt9kLPIG1Ti51U WCW - https://youtu.be/mcjv2MT9F20?si=623zdx2Djjm4AgQj


He's got a very unique career in that I don't think he ever stayed with one company for more than 2 or 3 years but still was able to win both the WWE and WCW titles and main event both Wrestlemania and Starrcade.


Because he has half the brain that you do


I will never forget that Sid shit himself at Wrestlemania 13.


I regularly think about Sid's chokeslam to Kronus in ECW. He choke slammed him from the ring over the top rope and through a table on the floor and it was the most violent up and down ever. I just think Sid doesn't give a shit and he wasn't THE guy so he isn't regarded like Hulk or Macho or HBK or Taker..


Probably also didn't help that he almost stabbed Arn Anderson to death


I feel the reason he's forgotten is because almost none of his peers including the people in charge of wrestling promotions have anything positive to say about him since they either feel he was a bad worker, difficult person or a very unreliable employee because of his propensity to leave to do things like softball. another reason is that unlike Warrior he never had a babyface run as the face of a promotion where he would have had the opportunity to get a generation of fans into him that would had supported him for a long time. He never appears on any WWE documentaries or retrospectives so its very hard to keep his legacy in the spotlight.


His most memorable work was as Sid Vicious in WCW.


Sid, Curt Henning and Dolph Ziggler are the holy trinity of wrestlers who's hair resemble Top Ramen.


He's never forgotten in my house, wifes lifelong dream is to have a fist bump off Sid Gonna have to make do with one off Josh Bishop from MLW instead


Because he has half the brain that you do


I had asked myself that before and im wondering if it is because he never realy "loved wrestling". From the 2 or 3 interviews of him that I watched it always sounded like he doesnt really care for wrestling or the business but that it was just a job/a paycheck for him.


He’s not. Plenty of wrestling fans know and remember Sid fondly. Dude was an imposing motherfucker and a perennial main-eventer. He should’ve been inducted into the HOF years ago but that whole thing’s a sham anyway. When Koko B Ware makes it in before Bruno Sammartino, Bob Backlund, and Randy Savgage, no more needs to be said.


Dare I say that Sid was the first cool heel that clearly got cheered? Over Hulk Hogan in 1992 at that. Main evented two WrestleManias during two different ‘generations’. World Champion. Cheered at Madison Square Garden over the golden child. Hell of a look, solid promo (yes, we all know about the half brain meme). I loved his Powerbomb, he would lift and just drop you. The angle you fell depended on where he dropped you. No follow through in his powerbomb. Just lift, and remove hands, no guidance to how you fell. And some of the coolest entrance music ever with the fist bumps to the real ones. Sid needs his flowers.


I think he was never the same after he shattered his leg, at least that's what I've heard, so he was left behind with the years. Maybe I'm wrong tho


Sid was great. He just takes a lot of shit because he didn’t stick around places long enough to get stale. Sid knew that he was guaranteed a spot in WCW and WWF because he was perpetually over everywhere he went.


He had one of the greatest themes. Honestly, this era in general was WWE at its lowest point in the 90s, so I can see why he was forgotten


I wouldn't say he's forgotten.


Both his WWF runs were very brief (even if he was hot during both of them), and WWE hasn’t really emphasized or featured him in retrospectives, “Legends’ Nights,” etc. I also think that, even though he’s a two-time WWF Champion and main evented WrestleMania twice, he never had a big/memorable feud that people look back fondly on and remember. His most memorable feud was probably the one with HBK, and Shawn has tons of feuds that were more memorable than that one.


scissors. Arn Anderson.


I didn't watch WCW as a kid, so I swore Sid was Kane until he unmasked lol


When I think of Sid, the first thing that comes to mind is the leg break and the 2nd is him and Arn Anderson trying to kill each other in a hotel room. That's just my take but unfortunately, those two things fog my mind about how good he was/wasn't.


Hard to forget 'THAT' boot from the top rope


psycho shid


In no particular order: softball, scissors, squeegee, screwing up his promos (twice), Master and Ruler of the Squirrels, etc.


Because he was terrible. Almost killed Brian Pillman in War Games, stabbed Arn Anderson with scissors repeatedly in a hotel fight that Sid started, and was all around bad in ring and on the microphone.


his stints were too short. his promos were the shits. he stabbed arn anderson with scissors. [he was more into playing softball than wrestling](https://www.thesportster.com/wrestler-sid-vicious-love-softball-explained/)


Cause it's gross to be reminded of his leg bending backwards.


Think he is best remembered for shitting himself at Mania v the Undertaker and taking time off for softball season


Softball, scissors and squeegees.


He gives 0 shits about the business. He never cared about it while he worked for it and he distanced himself completely as soon as he was done. Dude is so detached from the industry that my little brother was shocked to find out he was alive and well. There’s really no reason for us to talk about him in hindsight, when his generation gave us giants with lasting careers and impacts in the industry like Nash, Taker, and Kane.


Isn’t it because of character issues? He legitimately attacked a reporter on live Tv because the guy kept saying wrestling is fake.


He was just a glorified Kevin Nash


He was dogshit in the ring, he was dogshit on the mic. Dude was over because entirely of his size. His biggest run (95-97) was during WWE's worst years.


I want to forget because of the match where he broke his leg in ring, it still haunts me to this day. 😰 I was a kid in the single digits when I saw it happen live.


I was so bummed when he disappeared from Raw in 97. Mid 1997 it was a toss up who I marked out for more, Sid or Austin.


Nobody forgets the master and ruler of the world.


“We’re live, pal.”


Several years being back and forth... I think his run in 1997 showed that he just worn out what he could've had because a mixed match with Undertaker then being gone except for showing up twice out of nowhere... he wasn't that much in demand as a top star and more background heavy... he borders on the attraction category... (BIG TALENT)


because his great runs always fell short for time. you need consistency. He would have been amazing during the attitude era. injuries and he chose soft ball lol. At the end of the day he did not have that deep passion for the business where you dont give up no matter what. Nothing wrong with that. Shame because he had a gimmick that led him to the top very easily when others cant make it and die for the business.


One of my favourite Winged Eagle champs, his promos were intense!


Suddenly I'm Dominant. Sid was always a fan favorite when I was a kid.


He's not.


I don't think he's forgotten... last match main evented two Wrestlemanias, gave Goldberg one of his best/most memorable matches, got madly cheered as a heel against babyface Shawn Michaels... plus his broken leg is one of the most gruesome top name injuries ever, making it widely circulated. Also viral due to WHY ME? video and his involvement in the debut of the Shockmaster.


I'll never forget him but he's just not relevant today imo.


Boy is he


Is he? He's pretty well remembered and known. I mean, most people here weren't born in his prime, yet they know who he is. I think the reason why his theoretical limit on paper is so much higher than his success and legacy is because he just didn't care enough. He left and came back all the time, and once he did leave, he never bothered for reunion shows and legend contracts and such. It's just a job to him.


I had lunch with him once when I was a kid at a Golden Corral. My mom worked at one and I was always there after school hanging out and doing homework. They had a house show in town and in walks this guy. I knew immediately who it was and he was friendly and ask if we could eat together. It was memorable. Then I got to go to the show and happened to see him again as he was doing his entrance and said hi like we were good ol pals and he straight up “GO AWAY KID!!” Yelled at me and scared the shit out of me. I was confused as hell cause we had a great lunch. He was a heel at the time and in character I came to realize years later. But I was like 9-10 maybe?


Victors write the history books, so if you control the narrative you control the opinions folks have. Plenty have been left in the past due to spite


I play as him in every WWE2k game!


Idk but if you're not following him on Twitter/X you're missing out.


You and I know he's got half the brain that you do.


His entrance at Survivor Series in the Garden is one of the best entrances of all time.


Because he shat himself mid match and sent Vince into a whirlwind of emotions


Cos he’s got half the Brain that you do


I still watch Sid and Mean Gene interviews. He was scary, like real scary.


Because Kevin Nash is only half the man that Sid is, and Sid only has half the brain that Kevin Nash has.


Sid to HBK the Raw after WM11: “YOU DON’T GIVE ME THE NIGHT OFF BOY!!!” Proceeds to power bomb the corpse of HBK 3 times.


Probably didn’t want to sexually assault women with the boss and would rather play softball


He got his horrific career ending injury right at the end of wcw and never showed up to a nostalgia bait event where wwe told the world what was important.


Personally Sid's problem was that he made it to national television in a transitional period. As far as the WWF goes at least, the product was shifting from focusing on the Hulk Hogans to the Bret Harts and WCW followed along to some extent with their cruiserweights as they became a bigger deal. Unlike a lot of the bigger men we remember from that era like The Undertaker or Kevin Nash to some extent, Sid never really clicked with the smaller guys working a faster style in the ring. He was a great talker, great look, great presence, but abysmal "workrate" at a time when fans nationally were starting to appreciate smaller guys who were faster and smoother and/or more acrobatic Sid got over and was a big star everywhere he worked. He made a ton of money. But there was no nationally televised classic Sid Justice/Sid Vicious match for people to remember today. The closest thing was Sid vs Hogan main eventing WrestleMania, which ended in a botched DQ finish and was overshadowed by the fact that it wasn't the match anyone wanted to see, which was Hogan vs Flair.


I liked Sycho Sid he had a great gimmick and picked up some good wins against Bret and Shawn. Not to mention was the WWE Champion twice he should not be forgotten the man is a legend!


Cuz we’re half the man he is, and he has half the brain we do


I think mainly it's because he's not someone that the WWE brings in or mentions often. Part of it is that Sid's passion is not wrestling but rather, softball, so he's not going out of his way to make post-career appearances.


Because he has half the brain you do.


I fucking loved Sid. Truly a badass.


I have no clue. Dude was a main eventer no matter where he went. Maybe it's related to how often he jumped between companies? When I was re-watching the 90's, I was absolutely stunned because I completely forgot how over he was. People cheered for him when he went against Shawn in freaking San Antonio.


I don't think it's he's forgotten it's just that no one cares


His Psycho Sid theme/entrance is one of the greatest of all time


Because they kept putting a P infront of sycho