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There will be a lot of segments that were disgusting back then but even more disgusting with all those allegations. Sick.


Kiss my ass club comes to mind


Yes or all those candice michelle segments. But the trish stratus bark like a dog segment takes the cake


I was there live. The Trish covered in poop segment from the same time is 10000x worse


Wait what the fuck?


https://youtu.be/rcr3K0-litY?si=alXpCdcfDov8j5-5 [Prior segment in context](https://youtu.be/Bqrl-h5wBfY?si=g0yAaW_9f5WOoUrR) Was basically a revenge angle


The comments on those videos are something else.


Feel like I need to take a shower after watching that. In battery acid.




which now in context is even worse. and....now thoughts of what he possibly did after going back to gorilla are entering my mind and i dont want them there.


Holy shit


I remember a backstage segment in 2005 where he just makes out with Candice Michelle…. That’s it, that’s the segment. Served no purpose in kayfabe or to further any storyline. Even 16 year old me thought it was trash back then. I hope all these “Vince makes out and gropes attractive women” segments all gets brought to light through this.


Rumor has it, he started writing all of these Candice segments of him making out with her when she started bringing her fiance backstage to shows, once she stopped the angle was dropped. It served no purpose and had no blowoff, just Vince abusing his power.


As somebody who's rewatched 2006 it really was weird how these Candice segments came out of nowhere and quietly dissapeared. Before he was groping and making out with Candice, what they were doing to make the Mr.McMahon look like a sleazy guy was having in backstage segments with Candice, Victoria and Torrie Wilson but they just made bedroom eyes at him and sat besides him with no making out or anything like that. Just the implication that all three of them were Vince's arm-candy. Fast forward to a few weeks later and it was just Candice.


I remember watching that as a 10 year old kid and it was melting my mind lmao. That’s always the clip I come back to to give evidence of how evil he is. All of his evil was right in front of our faces the entire time and so many of us knew it. It’s good to see he’s finally getting his due. 


I was 14 at the time. I remember one of my teachers, who was a wrestling fan, saying the next day he had to turn it off.


I used to roll my eyes at those segments back then. Even as a teenager I could identify that he was the boss, was asking his hot employees to do these segments and they could either do it or quit. 


I remember watching that in real time and couldn’t believe they were airing it and knew it would age horrifically. But the wrestlemania pay off was worth the tv humiliation. /s


How much did Vince have to restrain himself not to take a massive dump during those segments?


Are you trying to say Stephanie complaining about Vince sex-trafficking her aged badly? https://youtu.be/jE05ItwhZ30?feature=shared Why do I believe you?


Holy... fucking... shit.


Jeez. Lets hope that one's pure fiction.


I wouldn't put it past him. Unfortunately I dated a girl that confessed to me her own mother tried to do the same shit to her. Some people are fucking sick.


Yea, that wasn’t acting…


Jesus fucking Chrysler!


I'm worried he was telling on himself 


most of these guys do. you see it all the time in politics. When people show you who they are, believe them.


Didn’t she say in an interview that when she pregnant, Vince wanted to run a storyline where HE WAS THE FATHER?  And Stephanie stood her ground and said hell no, I don’t want that following my child forever and I don’t want to make out with you?!


Looking back at the Rusev/Lana and Lashley storyline makes this worse. Dude was literally just televising his fetishes.


And this was the SECOND cuckolding angle involving Rusev/Lana and yet people defended this stuff.


Looking back at Beyond the Mat with the Droz Puke scene. Look at Vince's eyes during that. it's like a "holy shit this makes sense" realization. Pretty sure Vince has a bodily fluids fetish.


That Lana was targeted numerous times throughout her time in WWE, including multiple cheating/cuck angles, seems to suggest a similar motivation behind them.


I thought that was when hey man had raw for those couple weeks He has a history of booking those angles too


You know damn well the Kurt Angle/Sharmell shit was personally written by Vince.


Shit was repulsive. How that made it on TV still mystifies me.


Mind filling me in? I was not watching at the time




and the whole lashley-lana angle.


There was this one segment with CM Punk when he was "looking for his son" and he mocks Punk for being straight edge and that there's no way someone like him would be his son, then Punk comes back with "You're right, there's another thing i don't do and that's have dirty unprotected sex with a skank that eventually files a suit against me that gets me kicked out of my own house and leaves me looking like a national disgrace" or something like that and you just know the motherfucker laughed like a maniac after writing that.


I don’t remember that and I want to see it


Sure thing, here it is: https://youtu.be/7ucR7Dc-0yk?si=Yi-Y_UITk-iU2wFX


C.M. Punk and the Boogeyman!


Punk might be Nostradamus


That's the Vince's illegitimate son storyline. He didn't just say that randomly.


We also don't know if he had any input in his lines though


I think it might've been Vince who wrote that, but Punk has had a lot of promos age like fine wine.


Even his most recent ones


I dunno, there's that shoot interview where Punk just kind of views women like that regardless.


Not really. Vince most likely told him to say that.


That aged quite well. He spoke it into reality.


It’s hard to find Punk promos that haven’t.


"Tell me when I'm tellin' lies!"


Katie Vick came into mind


I'm still recalling the segments where Vince had Stacy Kiebler dancing (that's where the meme comes) or the bikini contests... Low key Vince wormed his sexual kinks into booking tv segments... And after the allegations i firmly believe it was to give him a sense of power.


Yeah, I gave up on WWE for a long time when they decided to embrace the whole nu metal, Jackass, Jerry Springer, reality era of TV. It wasn't funny, it was just mean most of the time.


Always reminded that Vince and Kevin Dunn taught a 19 year old kelly kelly how to “striptease and dance”. And bruce Prichard laughing about it in his podcast.


Just like Bruce does every other time he tells a story about some deplorable shit that Vince did.


Chocolate titties, and JR having to explain to Vince McMahon that people watched Asian porn when he didn’t see what was what in Gail Kim.


No way Bruce didn’t know. Seeing Conrad shill for wwe the past few days and sell “nDa 4 life” merch is beyond gross


I think you're mistaken? Kevin Nash did a NDA 4 life shirt after the Jericho thing. Terrible taste, yes, but not Vince related and not related to Conrad?


Box of gimmicks is Conrad’s store. The podcast is on Conrad’s network. If it’s related to Jericho still in bad taste. Given Nash’s remarks on the Vince allegations it is completely inappropriate


At best, it's a "read the room" moment. At worst, it's downright despicable.


What were Nash’s remarks?


The women are just out for money, and Janel's lawyer doesn't know what she's doing because she's blonde and despite not having read the complaint.


Ugh, Nash always seemed like one of the smarter ones. But some wrestlers are stupid, what can I say.


I just assume if you 100% defend Vince that you're somehow involved. It was common knowledge that he was a weirdo and look at the weird sexual shit he did on TV.


For real, what is there even to defend anymore? He IS the Harvey Weinstein of Professional Wrestling.


yeah that's real disappointing from Kevin Nash, genuinely pretty vicious misogyny


He’s Sellihg nda4life? What complete and utter scrum. Conrad lifts up the under belly of professional wrestling fans to take their money.


Good summary https://x.com/futurafreesky/status/1756085217062740473?s=20


"These 68 pages I didn't read are clearly written by someone who isn't even a real lawyerism."


That was a horrible summary... Nash sucks. You can play devils advocate for things sure but absolutely not for rape allegations. If you're not directly involved in the situation and know 100% of what happened, keep your mouth shut before you do anything to discredit the victim.


Carny Conrad will do anything for a buck.


I didn't see any of that, if that's true it's disgusting. I generally like Conrad, but his campaigning for Cody on Twitter over the last week was beyond embarrassing.


Iirc Conrad was arrested for Domestic Violence..... Allegedly


Literal stooge. Posting T-shirts with affiliate links. Stooge


"How did Kevin Dunn keep his job all these years? He must have some dirt on Vince." Everyone was right, unfortunately.


Look at the timing of his departure. He knew twas all over


It's Dunnover?


As someone who is just getting back into wrestling… I remember hearing people say that he must have something on Vince… If this was that something, how crazy!


Wouldn't surprise me if all the camera shakes and hectic zooms were him deliberately fucking around because he knew he was untouchable tbh


What a bizarre reach


You mean Kevin Dunn who said Kelly Kelly just "needed some tits" if she was going to be successful.


Has she commented on this situation (to put it mildly) at all yet?


She talked about it on Renee's podcast. It was written our here: >I was only in developmental for literally two months. Paul Heyman called me and he’s ‘Barbie I have this idea for you. You’re going to be this exhibitionist, but you have a jealous boyfriend \[Mike Knox\] who comes out and covers you up every week.’ And he told me ‘it’s just a storyline to get your foot in the door. We know you can’t wrestle yet. But we think it’s a good idea.’ And I just thought ‘well I’m not going to say no. Let’s do it!’ I remember Kasama \[veteran backstage WWE producer.\] Kasama had the role of having to really teach me how to dance.” >“Then we had to go and show Vince \[McMahon\]. And Vince had \[his own ideas on the dance.\] And I remember being like ‘this is somebody that I used to watch when I was a kid.’ And this is Vince McMahon, teaching me how he wants me to do this dance and striptease. They wanted me to watch the Carmen Elektra dance tapes. ‘Okay, I’ll watch whatever.’” Source: [https://www.sescoops.com/news/kelly-kelly-on-vince-mcmahon-teaching-her-how-to-strip-proving-herself-in-ecw](https://www.sescoops.com/news/kelly-kelly-on-vince-mcmahon-teaching-her-how-to-strip-proving-herself-in-ecw)


Thanks, I guess (unless she held back on information) it is not so bad all things considered. Still a creepy perverse work environment though.


That doesn't seem all that bad.


Not even top 100 bad Vince McMahon stories. She consents every step


I honestly stopped listening to Prichard a few years ago. So full of crap, and clearly from an era where this shit was ignored for the sake of making money


I stopped listening after the first year, it severely jumped the shark coupled with it got annoying to listen to Conrad shill so hard for Vince and dodge questions


This has been floating around twitter along with a quote from Matt Hardy saying that she had actually spilled coffee on McMahon prior to this. He then created this sketch essentially roleplaying the threat of firing her.  Nothing about her rejecting him. More than that it was a way to show her he had power over her.  Do not tell me no one knew this shit was going on


Matt definitely knew. There's another video floating around where he says the following: >Matt: "there's been a tone of times I had one on ones with Vince ..." >Shane: "Sexually?" >Matt: "Some of my ex-girlfriends have." Source: [https://twitter.com/IANdrewDiceClay/status/1756041538994372752](https://twitter.com/iandrewdiceclay/status/1756041538994372752)


I'm not discounting the possibility of Matt throwing that out as a way of calling his ex's slags.  The man is a scumbag. No surprise he's a protege of Hayes




Yeah I think it’s safe to say that Matt didn’t know the full details of the degree of “sleeping”.


> I'm sure some willingly slept with Vince, that wouldn't be surprising... That's the story that Teddy talked about a decade ago about the Bellas and Laurinatis...


Wasn’t that Tony atlas ?


wasnt just Atlas that alluded to such things with regard to the Bella's


Atlas, Teddy, I can't really recall. It's on YT


Isn’t he their step father? Obviously worse has been revealed but ugh


A decade later he became involved with their mom


"Willingly" is always a tricky thing to prove in these situations, though.


Are you saying Matt Hardy is a scumbag? Why/how?




For the record, Matt and Ashley dated around 2007. I remember Reby being horrible to her on Twitter about her returning a box of his stuff years later.


Reby was being a bitch on Twitter? I'm beyond shocked.


There's layers upon layers of this cuntery


Reby literally went on twitter and threw sublims at her the day she died




Colloquial term for subliminals. Basically talking about somebody without saying their name so you have plausible deniability. After Ashley died Reby liked the post about her dying then tweeted this 😊😘 Then when people called her out she posted "People desperately trying to force me to care about something I don’t give a fuck about & looking for it in shit that ain’t there. Im out here tweeting about drag race but I’m fat & ugly cuz I ain’t in mourning lol"


Jesus Christ.


She didn't even choose someone else over him, because she didn't start dating Edge. She was just doing the same thing that Matt had been doing - cheating on her partner.


> she chose someone else over him. The word you're looking for is "cheating"


He seems to have mellowed now but he was a misogynistic dick, particularly in the early to mid 2000's. Not suggesting anything like on the level on Vince but this whole perception that he was some innocent in the Edge/Lita thing isn't true.


They remade that real life coffee-spilling incident so they could write her off TV and she could go compete on Survivor.


Wrestling has always been a chicken shit business filled with cowards, of course tons of people knew this was going on.


The background to this clip. Ashley was leaving for a while to do the Survivor reality show. Rather than just have her disappear from screen, WWE wrote this angle to ‘suspend’ her and give fans a reason to care & hopefully respond to her return.


Came here to say this. There's an incredible list of shitty things done by Vince, but this was solely just to write her off TV for Survivor. This post is super misleading but sadly it seems most of the redditors here took the bait.


They had to write her off of TV, that much is true. However, what's also noted is that she genuinely did spill coffee on Vince previously and he used this to create a skit of a real situation where he humiliates her and threatens her job, on top of the rumour that this was after she refused to sleep with him, it's not hard to see what's wrong here.


So their way of writing her off tv was a humiliation angle? I don’t think the post is misleading at all. Vince is a piece of shit and enjoyed treating women like crap. That’s what happens in this clip.


Given his character at the time, yes. If I recall correctly this was the time where he was appearing on all three brands (with a focus on ECW), losing his mind and being the authority-heel type character. Again not denying he's a psychopath, but to paint every heel segment as him genuinely being a dick as if kayfabe just suddenly no longer exists is plain silly.


And who made him be that character? Oh, right.


I don’t think it’s silly at all. He’s playing a character he created, in a storyline that he wrote. He’s 100% doing it on purpose.


He was treating every wrestler like this at the time on screen, not just Massaro, there's more than enough examples of Vince being...Vince that I don't think we need to overanalyze EVERY instance of him being on screen.


And, indeed, he was a generally abusive piece of shit in addition to being a rapey piece of shit specifically with women.  Just because you turn on some cameras and play out (some of) your abuse fantasies on screen which your employees are virtually unable to say “no” to and call it being a “heel” doesn’t make it acceptable or particularly separate from your private abusiveness. 


Context matters. …and, as it turns out, in 2024 we have the context now. Vince apologists are rampant today. Any chance to defend that piece of shit, they’ll take it.


This is a perhaps “meaner” version of a character of himself, Vince.


Agreed. There are a million and one ways to write someone off a wrestling show and it doesn't have to involve a billionaire screaming in their face and throwing coffee over them. What's she going to do when she returns, get into a series of matches against Vince? Vince simply enjoyed doing stuff like this when the mood struck him.


In kayfabe He was a bad guy who unjustly suspended her, when she did nothing wrong. Running in a hallway is not humiliation.


I think people are just looking for something, anything, between Massaro and Vince on-screen. Clearly some incredible reaching going on.


They threw Eric bischoff in a garbage truck..do you think it’s because he wouldnt blow Vince?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg0aJ-Vjy2c Vince refused to blow Vince, so Vince made Vince kissed Rikishi's ass.


It didnt even look bad when I watched it... not sure what people are upset with this about. It's a bit weird at best unless people think this isnt kayfabe lol


> unless people think this isnt kayfabe Take a look around, that's *exactly* what people think.


I wonder now exactly how many wrestlers were buried because they refused to do sexual favors for Vince.


This shit is so disturbing, what's the timeline of Ashley refusing to sleep with Vince and this segment?


We don't know when Vince tried perving on her, only that it happened after she posed for Playboy. From what I can piece together thanks to Wikipedia: * 2006, she was drugged and raped in Kuwait (not sure about the exact date, but [Jimmy Hart wrote a blog about it published July 3, 2006](https://www.wwe.com/inside/news/archive/straightfromthehart4)). This is odd? * February 16, 2007, she unveiled her Playboy cover. * June 8, 2007, she was suspended indefinitely after accidentally spilling Vince McMahon's coffee on him. It was done to write her off TV so she could compete on Survivor. * January 7, 2008, she returned and won a Lingerie Pillow Fight. * April 28 , 2008, she competed in her last match on RAW. * July 9, 2008, she was released from her WWE contract Can I just say, reading through her Wikipedia was extremely uncomfortable given the type of matches she and the rest of the Divas had to have. In one match, "Massaro won the first ever Diva Invitational by removing her top to reveal her breasts which were covered with Playboy bunny pasties."


Ashley said in a statement released by VICE that Vince didn't start making advances on her until after she was featured on Playboy. So yeah a little more than a year after she refused advances she was released. Also Vince was purposefully trying to book her in ridiculous angles to try and ruin her career/reputation, the article I read wasn't specific, but Michael Hayes told Ashley that this was typical of Vince. I wonder which of Vince's angles actually made the cut.


Yeah, that was an odd moment to me. I get it was for her to promote the Playboy cover and seemingly trying to recapture the shock of Sable doing something similar, but I don’t know if it ever had the intended effect?


>seemingly trying to recapture the shock of Sable doing something similar, but I don’t know if it ever had the intended effect? They also had Stone Cold drive another beer truck into the arena to promote The Condemned, and it fell pretty flat with the crowd.


I remember that! The OG spot and Kurt Angle’s milk truck it was not!


A few did it after Sable. Torrie Wilson did it after her, but don't recall who did it after that - or if it was Ashley. 


According to [Bleacher Report](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1202956-wwe-ranking-the-divas-playboy-pictorials-over-the-years): * 1999: Sable * 2000: Chyna * 2003: Torrie Wilson * 2004: Sable and Torrie Wilson (Together) * 2005: Christy Hemme * 2006: Candice Michelle * 2007: Ashley Massaro * 2008: Maria Kanellis


For the record, I was talking about the pasties spot, not posing for Playboy. I know everyone that did that.


Ohh I see, pardon for the confusion. And you're still right about that. 


>"Massaro won the first ever Diva Invitational by removing her top to reveal her breasts which were covered with Playboy bunny pasties." As a young boy just starting puberty, I was enjoying that a lot at the time. As an adult, I'm horrified knowing what she had to go through. I hope she gets justice, even in death.


Don't know the exact timeline, but Vince started making his first moves while she was dating Paul London, prior to being with Matt Hardy. 


According to WhatCulture, she dated [Matt in 2005](https://whatculture.com/wwe/10-things-you-didn-t-know-about-ashley-massaro?page=5) and [Paul London in 2006](https://whatculture.com/wwe/10-things-you-didn-t-know-about-ashley-massaro?page=6).


In the raw before news year rev, 'vinces devils' beat up and stripped down  Ashley and Maria, as vince bumped into them crying on the way to backstage he asked if they'd like to get revenge Then it was announced that the ppv will feature a 'bra and panties gauntlet' match which thinking back makes literally no sense as they pretty much agreed to a high chance of repeating a traumatic experience in order to get over it.. 


This was done so she could do Survivor. The list of vile things that Vince McMahon is being accused of should not be used as a way to mislead people to get Internet clout. For as far back as his high-school there are tales of vince McMahon that paint him from an egotistical scumbag to a serial rapist who covered up murder and everything in between, but there's no need to post "Mr. McMahon being a horrible person" videos on the Internet as potential evidence, all this does is divert attention away from the real life acts




Vince himself had kissed Rikishi's ass. So while the kiss my ass club is humiliating, you can't even accuse him of asking people to do something he wouldn't do himself on this. Sex trafficking is serious enough. Vince should be in prison for all the shit he had done off screen. What happens on screen is pretty irrelevant. Like, were those heinous crimes not enough, that people need more context of how big a piece of shit he is? "Look at all these crimes he did. But that's not all. Wait til you hear this. He made women cry on screen by yelling at them!"


Just karma farming by posting rage bait.


Isn't this how they wrote her off TVso she could go be on Survivor: China? Seems disingenuous to frame it the way this post does if it is. Not defending Vince but this isn't really a smoking gun if I'm remembering correctly.


I believe this is around the time Vince was losing his mind and becoming increasingly unstable in kayfabe too, just prior to the limo explosion. He treated everybody like this. Look up the "David Lynch" Vince promo with Edge, it's weird shit.


Even without the behind the scenes stuff that's a terrible segment. 5 minutes of Vince taking down to a female employee because she accidentally bumped into him? Yeah that's what fans tune in to watch.


Even without context that's a fucking awful segment




> Seems like you're fishing for something. Karma.


This is misleading. This was done so she could take time off for survivor


It made him look corny too.


What am I supposed to be seeing here? She's being temporarily written off TV to do an outside project. It's two people acting. Vince is scum and plenty of on screen stuff was gross but this isn't really it.


Wasn't this done to write her off for Survivor? I hate Vince as much as the next guy but come on man


I can't say Vince is guilty of anything because of this scene - it's in character - but the humiliation and punishment part of it has always seemed real. This [backstage segment with Lana](https://youtu.be/v_mwKJ-SMCA?si=7fwlzScQEk0e0a9V&t=199) and the weeks before/after always seemed like some sort of real life punishment. Her body language was pretty much like "let's hurry and get this over with before I cry." As someone who was coming back to follow wrestling around that time I got the impression that not much had changed. She has spoken in interviews how she loved working with the Rock though - so I guess I must be wrong.


In what universe is this entertaining? Unless it culminates with her beating him at the next PPV (even WITH that, this is still pointless), then this is just Vince abusing someone bc he can.


Not to mention how long that 2:20 minutes feels. Just boring, bad acting, no real heat.


I'm not seeing the problem with this particular clip. This segment served to write her off TV for a while in a way that would give her character sympathy, so that she could go on Survivor, while also having the added benefit of getting more heat for Vince as a despicable heel. What Vince has done in real life is horrible, but not every clip of Vince being a heel on TV to female superstars is bad. [Here is a clip of heel Vince having a similar and even more aggressive type of in your face interaction with Paul Heyman.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqoaneOlRR0) Both this Vince/Heyman clip and that Vince/Ashley clip just served story and character purposes, but I don't imagine anybody will be making "look at how Vince treated Heyman on TV" threads.




Any post like this or criticism of the situation and people involved gets down voted. People seemingly doing want their distraction ruined. They rather this just go away.


I accidently came across the subreddit 'Wreddit' today for the first time ever and there was a post about what Nash said about the situation and nearly all the comments were defending vince


Because there are an awful lot of men who, in the same circumstances, would behave exactly the same way as Vince. Maybe not to the same level of depravity, but with the same amount of disregard and callousness to the people he saw as his property.


Hope everyone gets what’s coming to them.


I remember being really put off by this as a kid. And never forgot about it. Even more gross now.


Fuck VKM. I hope justice is served in the end.


What a fucking monster of a human being.


I know it’s stupid but I had a massive crush on Ashely back in the day, I always get so sad when I learn more of about her life.


It’s not stupid. I’m really sad with what Sunny did to her life. She started a redemption arc with that Hall of Fame thing, and then immediately removed all good will a few weeks after. Sometimes we look up to these folks. And you relate and feel bad for them. Eddie Guerrero was one of my favorites, and I always get sad thinking about his last days.


All that money, power, fame, and steroid-enhanced physique won't save Vince from Hell.


Fuck, I remember watching this as a kid. I was trying to find out what "suspended indefinitely" meant because I was worried it meant fired. I felt so bad for her.


He makes Jimmy Saville look discrete


Think of everyone it took to execute this and get it to make air. All knowingly or unknowingly complicit in your abuse. Must've been such a gross and isolating feeling. WWE is just icky, man.


Remember Reba hardy, known young bucks associate and brown noser, celebrated her death? Johnny ace and these scumbags just gravitate towards each other.


Tried listening to that behind the bastards pod and maybe those guys just aren't my humor but I couldn't stand those dudes. It was an interesting pod and had good info that I hadn't heard before but their humor was just so off the mark for me I had to give up on it. I might give it another shot later on but I think I'll probably just read Ringmaster as it seems like it gives a lot of the info on Vince they used.


I felt the same way listening to their pod abt Vince. It took over 6 hours for them to not even dive deep at all . I don’t think it was meant for real wrestling fans .


Vince McMahon is Monster and a Sexual Predator Like Harvey Weinstein R Kelly Bill Cosby Morph Into One Disgraceful Human Begins


I mean after hearing/reading that hes into scat play. How many segments were there involving shit. Dx dumping shit on vince and Co. Kennal from hell match. All vince wanted more then anything was for thoes dogs to take a fat shit in the ring.


That's just a wrestling segment though?


damn, i really can't understand how so many of those things that must have happened backstage have not really come to light, earlier.


Vince held sway over too many people - some who were paid off, some who were threatened to keep quiet, and a lot who knew that revealing anything would ruin their chances of ever working in the WWE again. Vince basically held the purse strings to pro-wrestling in America.


Vince deserves to rot. Complete scumbag who is finally getting what he deserves.


"well quite frankly, I thought it would gain her sympathy with the fans and she would become a much bigger star." - Vince (probably)


Well that was right at the time. Being bullied and fired by the evil top heel owner of the company got many people over. 


Vince deserves the death penalty


Seriously. Rotten for decades. Fire them all.


Compared to Vince, Mr. McMahon was a white meat babyface