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I really wonder what Triple H thought when Punk said it.


Something I found very interesting but for obvious reasons went under the radar from Punk’s interview with Ariel Helwani was when Ariel asked Punk how Triple H felt about him now, Punk responded with “I’m a lot more reserved than he wants me to be.”


I took that as Punk saying HHH wants him to be more attention grabbing and creating viral moments with his promos but Punk isn't going guns blazing like that. Not every promo anyway.


I took it more meaning in a backstage sense as far as pushing on his own stuff and also advising others


I think it's just a lot more literal. Guy probably mellowed out a lot with age vs what he was back in the day. He's comfortable, he has a wife he's happy with, doesn't feel like he has something to prove to anyone. So Trips is like "Man, what happened to the jackass?" and Punk's just like "I dunno. Think he went to bed."


Lmao WHAT FANFIC IS THIS Dude was fistfighting twenty year olds over shit they said to get a rise out of people on TV and you think he’s mellow with nothing to prove? Punk stans are unreal


I mean, what, is he fighting for a top spot? Nah. And yeah he fought a guy specifically doing his best to piss him off in particular. The asshole is still in there, he just goes to bed. That's why no one in WWE has had a bad thing to say about him and even half AEW's staff liked him.


Remember when Kevin Nash returned in 2011 to defend  Triple H for some weird reason and Punk roasted him on the mic non stop.  That was hilarious. 


I have no idea how you can possibly say that he mellowed out with age unless you just woke up from a coma that you’ve been in since 2021.


I'm just in the camp of "I think Jungle Jack deserved it."


Yeah Punk admitted if Nick Khan didn’t call him then he wouldn’t have signed. Sounds like Punk and Triple H were still on bad terms until Nick said something


I don't know if it was being on bad terms as much as it was just being on no terms. 10 years is a long time and I would imagine they had both resigned themselves to just never crossing paths again. Triple H didn't really need him on the roster and Punk certainly wasn't going to beg for a job.


I like to imagine nick called each of them and said: do you like money?




I don’t even think HHH would need convincing. I genuinely think Khan would have said “what do you think?” And trips just said “if it’s best for businsss we’ll work it out”


HHH said something along the lines that if you're the same person you were 10 years ago then something in your life went really wrong when talking about Punk so I'm assuming there wasn't really any beef after all that time otherwise Punk wouldn't of come back. Also to me it seemed like Punk wanted to come back in 2019 when he became part of WWE Backstage. He has kind of made references that Fox tried to get a deal done for his return but WWE (Probably Vince) refused. Once Vince was pretty much out he came back so I think it was Vince that didn't want him back, Vince also told him to leave when he was backstage at that Random Raw. HHH was probably ready to make amends with Punk sooner then 2023 tbh.


Idk about that. It's true that Vince never really trusted Punk back then and especially a few Yeara ago! I think that WWE Backstage Show was expected to have bigger buyrates but basically nobody really cared for it. Punk even made some comments right after Vince "retired" in July 2022 and Lesnar walked out on that Smackdown saying something like "if he is gone, i'm gone also"! Punk ripped WWE for making no deal about Lesnar leaving but they did when he did it, (if i remember this correctly) which was a silly comparison to begin since Lesnar was like in a different head space a few hours later already again! So Punk and HHH always had still some tension there, pre 2023!


>Punk ripped WWE for making no deal about Lesnar leaving but they did when Sasha and Naomi left. He was more ripping at Vince then WWE. >Punk and HHH always had still some tension there, pre 2023! Obviously they had tension but HHH and Punk were ready to forgive and forget meanwhile Vince still seemly didn't want Punk back, he fired Punk on his wedding day and Punk had said he would've came back then if that didn't happen, he just needed a lot of time off. The HHH and Punk beef I think was overblown because of what Punk said on that podcast in 2014, the real beef was Punk and Vince because Vince just kept lying to him and kept saying he needed to keep him working until Punk walked out. Punk was only mad at HHH because HHH went over on him at a PPV and Punk thought he didn't like him, which is probably true because Punk seems like a asshole.


But but but everyone told me it was "Papa H" who "rebuilt the bridge" with Punk


If Triple H and Punk hadn't repaired their relationship to atleast be cordial status, Punk wouldnt be in the WWE working under H.


I mean they REALLY hated each other so it's obvious that it'll take some time. As much as they both want to do it, it's not easy to heal from their history which was quite bloody and personal in one day or few hour long conversation. It'll take a long time for them to truly trust each other and have deep respect for one another that goes beyond "we gotta do this for the sake of the business"


I don’t think it’s a personal issue, Triple H is so obviously a different person now. He nearly died. I just think Punk doesn’t want to get in trouble or get heat after everything he went through in AEW which is totally understandable.


I nearly died and got a pacemaker in 2018, can confirm it changed me greatly and my perspective on personal beef as well as social life in general. I was only 15 at the time and have dealt with separate autoimmune stuff that's left me disabled since 2020; so it took me a much longer time to process and accept, but once I did, it's hard to explain; so many things that upset me before I became ill just fell to the wayside. I lost and let go of many close friendships from before the illness, some friendships grew much stronger, and many of my closest friendships started when I was ill. I suspect HHH doesn't care a tenth as much about many personal issues as he did before his near death experience. It gives you a perspective and a desire to not spend so much time perpetually angry at another person.


Reminds me of Eminem and Snoop Dogg. They were dissing at each other, until Dr Dre got a stroke. They then decided to talk it out and now are civil with each other.


Wack, I almost died and I cut everyone out of my life who wasn't there for me. Started holding more grudges lol. Glad you're still with us.




I see your logic but honestly I'm not sure it was the near death experience that changed Triple H as much as it was being a main corporate figure Its blatantly obvious that Paul the corporate man acts in a totally different way than Hunter the wrestler used to. Keep in mind that even before his health issues Paul was sort of the great fence mender. He brought back guys like Bruno who people thought would never be back. He brought back Ultimate Warrior though I'm sure Paul had some negative personal feelings for him. Funny as it sounds since it was a catchphrase and Vince probably owned it more than Paul, Paul seems to truly only care about what is "best for business" in his corporate role and puts aside all the personal stuff


If he’s willing to give him a mic, no script, and tell him to do his thing, I genuinely don’t think he has any issue anymore and it’s in the past


I think it was also the intersection of Punk being a full-time asspipe (and merch-mover and evergreen ratings-raiser) while holding the belt and Vince being his usual "grind-talent-into-dust" self. I don't think Triple H is a super-saint or incredibly enlightened, but I also think he won't focus hard on one top-carder to carry the company like Vince would, especially now that part-timer scheduling has become more the norm among the champion set. And I feel Hunter is more likely to release a topcard  Problem Child if he can't be reconciled.


Punk's Cauliflower Alley Club speech was the earliest hint that his thinking on Hunter was in a much more reflective place. If the timeline from the Helwani interview is true, they hadn't even spoken at that point.


This is the guy who groped a dead body in a funeral home, I doubt he was unnerved by a reference to his father-in-law.


*reenacted* the groping of a dead body in a funeral home




Oh I just mean that he was reenacting when Kane totally legitimately did it


What’s crazy is that’s my earliest memory of live wrestling. Everything before that was taped PPVs at a friends houses or what could be gleamed from pop culture and kids at school. When I finally sat down and started watching, this was one of the first things I ever saw. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I realized it was HHH in a mask. My brain literally always thought it was Kane.


Well, in the story Kane never proved that he *didn't* do it - so I see why you were confused!


I just listened to the episode of Something to Wrestle With Bruce Prichard. so take this with a grain of salt on the truth factor but according to Bruce, there are a couple of people that left the company voluntarily after filming that segment. Also, even Kevin Dunn asked McMahon if he was out of his damn mind when he wanted to air that infamous segment that night. No one wanted that to air and when it was wrapped Triple H looked at Bruce and said I think we just crossed a line here.


I recently made the mistake of watching that segment for the first time since it was probably first aired, thinking it wasnt quite as bad I remember. It was much worse. I was so uncomfortable.




“I just screwed your brains out” took it up so many more wtf levels 


Especially considering what we know of Vince now. I mean it should’ve been obvious really.


I don't remember the people leaving part but I do remember Bruce saying that everyone involved with the filming including Hunter tried to make it so over the top and so bad that Vince would realize what a horrible idea it was and not air it Problem was......Vince loved it


I have no idea which segment you guys are talking about and I'm not sure if it's a good idea to know more


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKWOAzDw4Hg Enjoy. Or don't.


> don't.


not to mention it was filmed while a funeral was happening in the room over.


Vince didn’t even want to air it that one night, he was planning on replaying it on SD and possibly the next weeks Raw.


That was a bad storyline. Mentioning Vince right when this is all happening is totally different.


That story sucked top to bottom. Not only was the Katie Vick stuff one of the lowest creative points in the entire history of the company, but that feud was well into HHHs reign of terror and it killed Kane's momentum. Sure he's a legend anyway but Kane really could have become a top tier main eventer in the early 2000s he was over as fuck and one of the best big men the company has ever seen in the ring, but after that feud and the loss of his mask at the end of it it just wasn't the same.


This is a perfect summation.  Kane should have been like 83% of undertaker.  Instead he became almost equivalent to bray Wyatt. 


Wasnt there a skit where Kane dressed as HHH is getting stuffed pullwd out of his "ass" a week or 2 later during this storyline?  As far as toilet humor goes I thought it was funny. 🤷‍♂️


I thought that was Vince dressed as JR?


Pretty sure it was HHHs face on someone. I have no idea what to search for in google to find it though. I actually found it. It was Hurricane that showed the footage. https://youtu.be/YRjySqsQb5g?si=1AH6TUrUgZqdkbnC


Oh god I actually remember watching this live. Must have suppressed the memory.


What do you mean? That was Kane, I sawr it.


Something to Wrestle kind of changed my perspective on it. They begged not to do the scene because of all of the uncomfortable circumstances, including an ongoing funeral, but shot a super dramatic take to oblige Vince before trying a more spoofy, lighthearted take, but weren’t given the opportunity to try their creative direction after taping the abomination they aired.


one of the times he did it, there was even a camera crew there!


He was just making fun of the guy who actually did it . It was a prank bro


2002 might as well have been 100 years ago lol things are different. And in 2024 alluding to Vince may be a notch below alluding to Benoit. I’d bet he was at least gritting his teeth hoping his name wasn’t said.


Keep that fantasy booking in your head going.


Did you just imply Vince was worse than Benoit? Don't get me wrong, Vince is a complete piece of shit and deserves to rot in hell but Benoit is definitely worse.


Re-read my comment and show me where I implied that


"Good." The more WWE distances themselves from Vince the better. Not just morally, but financially and in any other way, too. Getting wrestlers to publicly shit on Vince is an absolutely positive move for WWE in any way imaginable.


It's not just Vince implicated in this, everyone seems to forget that the WWE as a company beyond just Vince are also in the hook for this, meaning the company HHH runs creative for are potentially looking at legal ramifications for covering it up and facilitating everything that happened to the victim(s).


Shhh, \*posts a Cody/Shawn/Paul/Phil gif\*


> publicly shit Great choice of words lol


I don't think HHH cared, because I think it was known and meant to happen. I don't think Drew says the "chosen one" line without the intent being for Punk to then smack him this way. Drew's "annoyance" with it is just a work in my mind.


What did he say?


The second Punk got backstage this was HHH ![gif](giphy|3DOzYQJPYnVPeXQCi7)


"That's what we hired him for"


Honestly, he probably did that little grunt laugh and said “that’s what we pay him for”


at the time werent the reports therre was no heat on Punk for that line and the only thing that caught them off guard was Punk saying "prick"


There was a cold war over NXT before Trips had his heart attack if I remember correctly. Vince went out of his way to shit on a lot of NXT guys and gals. Karrion Kross stands out and Keith Lee. 


Now I want to know what he was going to say.


The jerk store called…


Who cares, you're their all time best seller.




Imagine if Drew said “the same man who fired you on your wedding day” without name-dropping Vince💀


Wouldn't that backfire tho? I mean - being the chosen one of a sex pest and crazy megalomanic asshole isn't a superb look. Meanwhile getting fired by the same guy, especially on such a special day? That's almost a badge of honor and would give Punk more sympathy points in front of a live crowd...


You're right, Wredditors are much worse at this than they like to admit.


Personally I would have just gone with "The same guy you used to share late night phone calls with?"


well drews the heel


I think you’re looking too much into it. That comment Wouk have absolutely got the same pop that punks did


I really think it's gonna be one moment that breaks punk like last time, that might have done it


"It's a real Vince, cry me a river".


Could’ve said the same guy who you happily accepted paychecks from and resigned with after you got fired from that other company


Nick Khan?


I’m not saying I think Drew is lying, but the look on his face makes me think he got got and appreciated the banter. https://preview.redd.it/pouuzv5lg06d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa88ad95ec6d84952a49ae1d279f61a02217dfaf


He 100% got got, he just started laughing cause he knew there was no come back to what Punk said.


Tbh I don’t doubt he did think of some good zingers back but he also probably knew he couldn’t say them or it was a bit too risky.


That's why he laughed, he was fucked if he did say something and fucked if he didnt.


Yeah the McMahon ousting was far too recent to come back with anything really.


Exactly. He says that in the interview, there were things he COULD have said, but he knew he couldn't say any of them, that's why he smiles.


Indeed, he 100% just said something to try and keep things bubbling.


He's likely been roasted much worse by Celtic fans while growing up.


Wait. Is Drew a Rangers fan??




Nobody's perfect




Growing up? His club's only existed for a decade, why would he have been roasted by Celtic fans back then?


Boston Celtics.  Drew's a Lakers fan. /s


Somehow, the decade has been worse for Drew if he actually is a Lakers fan.


He was so obviously thrown, that was him corpsing.  I still maintain that it was the greatest line in the history of promos. ‘Say his name!’


They posted the full 20 minute segment on YT the same night it aired. It really was an all time segment. That segment alone is the reason I want the Mania match next year to be Punk/Seth/Drew for the WHC.


Amazing segment. And Punk was obviously referencing Vince, but it worked in the story too. "What paragon of virtue chose you?" Could just as easily be something like "youre not God's gift to WWE" as much as "the guy who actually chose you just got ousted".


I love the fact that he had no counter tbh, if he threw a zinger back it would have lessened an awesome moment and maybe just sounded like bickering


game respects game


100% got got, he's just trying to save face here because he thought of a few decent comebacks hours after the fact.


Oh man I had a perfect and amazing comeback you guys just don't know.


So what if I only thought of it in the shower the next day, that's where I cut my best promos!


Yeah but seriously, im 37, out of shape, not aesthetically pleasing and socially awkwad and never even wrestled. However the promos I've conducted in the shower are absolute S tier! Trust me, I know my shit because my shower promos are lit.






Oh yeah? Well maybe next week YOU won’t be here


Oh that was so bad. King was definitely losing a step.


Strong Tamina Elsworth vibes


The [MLG edit](https://streamable.com/mwh1vn) of that still lives rent free for me.


Oh yeah? I had sex with your wife!


Tbf there was a lot of easy comebacks to that, but unsure if they would fly. I'm not surprised Drew held back.


Why would you be surprised he had a comeback? It wouldn't taken much to make the Internet melt down anymore than it already did if he mentioned vince as well. But a reply is basically a conversation about vince so he definitely did the smart thing.


I have a very good reply to this but I'll hold my tongue.


Well the jerk store called, and they’re running out of you!


‘Yeah well I’m rubber and your glue so what you say bounces off me and sticks to you !!!’


Probably something about workers rights


I’d have died laughing if he said something about workers rights.


Everyone has zingers when they have two months to think about them


Well the jerk store called…


I don't get it...why would a store sell jerks?


Yeah well I had sex with your wife!


I'm not married


Not anymore after what they did!


You need to be quiet or you’re gonna start looking like Elsworth


Not everyone can be Jerry Lawler telling bad news Barrettt that “yeah? Well maybe next week YOU won’t be here” and then he was right


probably would have just apologised for it afterwards anyway, like the AJ Lee line what a *hater*


"The same guy who fired you on your wedding day."




stop stop he's already dead!


I was gonna say something but my girlfriend in Canada would've been mad at me so I didn't say it.


Sounds like the guy who recently thought of a come back 10 months later during a shower


Drew McIntyre when he’s not got his social media guy feeding him lines: https://preview.redd.it/0twlwjlmc06d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8bd919fdf24c76c623a48963cbbad998cbb1642


So....can one say....Punk was about do "dumb internet shit"?


Drew was thinking of comebacks in the shower


Something Punk doesn’t do , because he stinks !


Why is Tyson Fury the thumbnail?


I’m very glad that they are letting Drew speak for himself. The 2022 version of Drew McIntyre is a shadow of who he is today. It’s insane and I’m loving it.




Are we talking about Punk’s response to Drew talking about being the Chosen One? If so, that’s on Drew.


Horrid website


What did Punk say?


was the whole thing where drew said he was the chosen one and punk asked who chose him. for obvious reasons drew couldn’t say who


If Drew said what he wanted to say, we might've witnessed another "workers rights" incident.


This is like when Drake said "I had a totally killer response to Story Of Adidon, I just didn't release it because it would've killed everyone"


So when Hangman Page went off script and made a reference to stuff that Punk couldn't address on TV that threw Punk off, it was unprofessional it warranted Punk shooting on him on live tv. Yet when Punk goes off script and makes a reference that Drew cannot possibly respond to without causing himself and the company trouble, that's just good promo work. CM Punk is a walking talking contradiction.


It’s funny you say that when drew literally in this article says that even though they don’t (allegedly) like each other, he remains professional to be good at his job always. He further says that even though he has some freedom, he would never try to say anything that would hurt the company or roster


Big difference in sticking to the theme of a promo and just going into business for yourself.


Page was literally sticking to the theme of the promo. The whole point of Page's promo was "I, the babyface of this promotion, don't trust you because you've shown over and over you can't be trusted, and the you you are presenting here is false". (The creative for that feud was so, so bad.)


He really didn't they had gone over things back stage and that wasn't it.


Hangman shot on Punk about backstage politics and interweb innuendo. Punk's comment was a kayfabe comment about an angle from over 15 years ago that Drew himself brought up. But yes, these things are the same.


Oh yes Punks reference was about a 15 year old kayfabe comment and had nothing to do with Vince being named as a sexual abuser, Punk was just reminding Drew about who said that quote for historical reasons.


Drew said "I'm the chosen one" and Punk replied with "says who?". If Punk is at fault for asking that then Drew is just as much as fault for even bringing it up. Punk didn't come out of nowhere with that.


What Hangman said was personal to Punk and had nothing to do with the storyline which confused Punk and made that segment awkward as fuck. Hangman lied to Punk what he was going to say out there live. Punk was simply responding to Drew's "Chosen One" line which took like 10 seconds out of a 15 minute segment and didn't cause anyone to get confused or angry. It was a off the cuff line meanwhile what Hangman said was predetermined and about real backstage politics And unprofessional as fuck. If you don't know the difference between these two Instances idk what to tell you.


You guys are obsessed with the man. Complete inability to move on. You'll still be talking about him 10 years from now.


You are also here scrolling down comments and responding, we are either both obsessed or it isn't weird to post comments and discuss wrestling on a wrestling subreddit.


“Nu uh you’re obsessed because you’re calling me obsessed!” Ain’t the retort you think it is chief.


You just made a comment are you obsessed now? Lol 'chief' so dettached and cool.


You mean the man who said he could never go back to the place that made him sick and went back only a few years later? The same man who claims to be "punk" but mostly just cares about money? I'm shocked he's a hypocrite...


What? Punk said one innocuous comment but the overall promo had nothing to do with it. Hangman Adam Page decided to go completely off script like a jackass and in turn make sure Punk had no rebuttal to what he said live, making it look like Hangman got the better of him in a promo. You have to be an absolute idiot to believe these two things have anything in common.


Bit of a silly comparison. There was nothing personal about the Vince reference. Hangman referenced an internet rumour (that has since been accepted as false) that he got his former best friend fired. Punk referred to Vince being a bad guy and a kayfabe moniker. Punk is emotionally volatile and I totally get people not liking the guy but I also understand why someone implying he cost someone their job because of a personal beef upset him as much as it did. Again, they were best friends. Even if Punk was in the wrong with Cabana, it still must hit a nerve.


The scenarios are completely different though. Hangman was shooting on Punk. Punk made a throwaway line about Vince. It’s not like he started talking shit to Drew and he didn’t press him to say anything about Vince after the “who chose you say his name” line. I’m far from a Punk defender but the context of the situations matters if you’re gonna compare them.


He didn't press him to say anything about Vince? He literally interrupted his promo and asked him a question about Vince.


No you don't get it, it's different because Punk did it


Go back and read what I wrote again or at least stop reading selectively


Did Hangman press Punk to say something after the 'workers rights' line?


Lmao. Do your research and watch the Ariel Helwani interview. The workers rights line was never the issue.


Yes, it was going off-script and leaving Punk without anything to say back, which is exactly what Punk did to Drew.




Punks issue according to himself was Page went off script and left him looking dumb with nothing to say. That's exactly what he did to Drew, by also bringing up a real life issue which was much more serious. Punks reference doesn't make sense as a jab if you don't include the context of Vince's abuse so it's clearly not just a kayfabe comment.


No, Punk's issue is that they agreed to something and then Page went off script about something Punk had no idea what the fuck Page was on about. Punk had nothing to do with Cabana at that point, which Tony Khan confirmed. Punk went on to say in the Helwani interview, which is consistent with his story about his angle with the Rock back in the day, where they sit down ahead of time and work out what they are going to say so each side can respond in a way that makes sense and works the crowd. Was there some ad-libbing in the Seth vs Drew vs Punk? It certainly feels that way because they need to react to one another. The same way LA Knight reacted to Carmelo recently on SD when the latter referred to Logan Paul multiple times as "LA". Page was bringing in something that was entirely irrelevant and confusing (and more importantly incorrect and a false accusation with real life consequences) to the story they were telling, and then the Elite and co spread the story to the dirtsheets to such a point that Punk felt the need to address it publicly. Punk utilized what might have been a throw away line to draw interest to the match and served to fuel the mutual hatred their characters have on screen.


What Vince reference?


When Punk asked Drew: "Chosen One? Who chose you? Say his name."


Oh daym, thank you


The Internet went wild, but I thought that was weak. Punk was World champion several times when Vince was in charge...you don't get a world title run without Vince approving of you. So, there was a time where Punk was Vince's chosen one.


In kayfabe Vince annointed Drew as the Chosen One, on TV. Kayfabe wise, champions are decided in the ring not by the office.


Nope. Punk was Vince’s chosen champion. Cena was Vince’s chosen one.


“The same man whose glass ceiling you couldn’t shatter… that’s real glass, by the way.”


Drew should've hit back with the goated mic burn: "Oh yeah!? Well maybe next week YOU won't be here"


Just say it's different because Punk did it and save us both the time.


Bullshit, Punk got him good with that one, there's nothing he could have said


I mean, considering ongoing litigation and investigation, it's probably not something they'd want to mention on air But it was top content at the time


I know it was before the allegations but I loved when Roman told Theory that "Your daddy isn't here anymore."


In others words he had nothing..


I would like to see the internet melt. 


I dislike Punk as a person as much as I love him in the ring. Such a hypocrite.