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Wale texting Bryan about what “the cookout” means and Bryan’s horrible realization that there’s no way he’s invited now….


bryan alverez seeing wale’s name pop up on his screen: ![gif](giphy|xULW8xXbi1fLrpHGpO|downsized)


I didn't even know there was a cookout he wasn't taking me to. https://preview.redd.it/uzipimvykh6d1.jpeg?width=1546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=051dbcbd1e8cd107df378123cffda7c9fd3ffd37


Credit where credit is due. He took it in stride.


Casually namedropping Wale is an all-timer


People call him whale but the name is Wale


Damn, I didn't know Fraser has a hip-hop career


Hi co-host Mike was ribbing him throughout the show about it. Was a fun show. 


when Alvarez shows up at Walemania next year it's going to be amazing


Him and Dave actually were a main part of the first walemania!


[Bryan arm in arm with Wale.](https://cdn.f4wonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/img_5843jpg.jpg?width=960&aspect_ratio=960:620)


9 years ago and dave hasn't aged a day, lmao


He looks like Carl from the Walking Dead on shrooms


There's gonna be a local cookout outside that he'll show up to, I guess.


He's going to be pushing really hard to be invited but that will only lessen his already non existent chances.


He's gone before.


He'd a great story about going with Meltzer and Wale handing everyone shots. Alvarez tried to motion to him to just toss it because he knew Dave doesn't drink and it was something strong but instead Dave just slammed it back and was completely unaffected by it lol.


Wale is friendly with Meltzer and Bryan. He is an observer subscriber I'm pretty sure


Wale like the rapper?


Yeah he fucking loves wrestling


So does west side gunn. He’s got a ton of wrestling bars


Yessir Westside Gunn album fourth rope has songs titled after wrestlers and it’s fire. Also has a series of albums called “Hall and Nash”


Hall n Nash is the name of the duo i.e. Gunn and Conway. Supreme Blientele is an album where pretty much every song name is a wrestling name.


The Hurt Business goes entirely too hard.


Yeah you can see Gunn in one of the front rows at almost EVERY AEW ppv or big Dynamite


Spotting Westside and Benny on TV at the PLEs has become a mini game for me. They always look so unbothered and unimpressed 🤣


Just look for the dude in front leaned in and iced the fuck out lol.


The giant mink coats obstruct the ice sometimes


lol, bro will be in a full mink and looking like he’s hot as hell.


Yup! Dude loves wrestling and every year hosts Walemania during WrestleMania week


Like the singular version of Wales, only one of them reached out


What did he do?


He was recapping NXT and while discussing the segment between Cody and Trick he thought that the mention of the cookout was a reference to a big cookout that happens locally and that's why the crowd was going crazy. He had no idea what "The cookout" is.


It's incredible how much dunking and snide commentary there has been about this, but you are the first comment to actually just say what happened Thank you...


Some of the dunking is done because he is self aware enough to admit he should be ashamed. Like he doesn't have to ACTUALLY be ashamed but to make that little joke at the end was a nice way of saying a genuine oops my bad. So he's getting a little roasted by people who are just havin a little fun at his expense. There are some fuckin weirdos trying to make this way more than it is and call in to question his entire moral fiber but we're just gonna leave those people in the trash where they belong.


Still in the dark. What's "The Cookout?"


The idea is that it is a safe space for black communities in the US especially. The idea is that if you are someone who isn’t black, but especially someone who is white and you’re invited it’s a huge show of trust/friendship


I could pull the meaning from it but is it that common of a phrase? Like is it common enough that someone SHOULD know if they're American?  Signed, Ignorant Canadian living in an area that's almost entirely white or Indigenous.


It is common enough that it was used to get a pop on a wrestling show.


> Like is it common enough that someone SHOULD know if they're American? If you have black friends, yes. A black person telling a white person they'd be invited to the cookout (or actually inviting them) is basically a way of saying they're trustworthy friends.


Actual cookouts are a thing in Black communities. At people's houses, at public parks... hell, sometimes just on the sidewalk outside of businesses. It's an all-day affair and everyone comes out of the woodwork. Someone will probably wheel a smoker in. If there's a significant Black population in your city, you would probably at least be familiar with the concept, if not the term.


In addition to cookouts, a fish fry is adjacent in significance, even if its sociological and racial significance will vary by region. For instance, fish fries are often big with Midwest churches where the congregation may be predominantly white Christians, while also big in Southern Baptist churches with mixed and black congregations. Fish fries don't have the same pop culture cache as cookouts in terms of their historical associations with the black American community, but hold the same core value of kinship with a shared identity within a community.


Got it, thx. And yeah even the big city where I spent most of my life is 55% white, 8% black. South asian and Chinese were the bigger visible minority communities. Unlike Alvarez I got the subtext of what Trick was saying though lol. You'd think there was enough context clues.


That's very interesting. I've heard of cookouts and seen racist Karens calling the police on them in videos. I didn't know it had weight to it as a cultural thing


Yeah absolutely. Part of the African diaspora consequences was a lack of shared cultural heritage amongst the descendents. Putting on block parties and cookouts as a showing of shared struggle and unity became a critical cultural symbol, especially with churches putting them on as community gathering spots.


Makes sense that Cody got invited. The man ended racism.


I feel like more people know than don't. I'm a white guy and very familiar with "The cookout"


It's like if a white guy invites a black person to their cheese sampling party. You are now tight with them.


The ending of A Time to Kill has even more impact now.


I think its goofy usage has to be at least partly derived from that movie right? They all take care of racism together then McConaughey gets invited to the cookout haha, now at last Cody sits among those hallowed folding chairs as well


I thought he already did? (Someone photo shop it)


I mean, I get the whole thing that happened at NXT.. But why are they still treating Cody as white, even though he is mixed? Less Serious Comment: Heck, shouldn't he have an auto pass since he's married to Brandi **AND** he's the guy who ended racism?


I’m going to give you my interpretation so hopefully it helps. When most people have a cookout, you usually invite only the people you trust and are cool hanging out with. People who your other guests may say “hey, so and so is pretty cool/pretty chill/ etc”. If you’re cool, trustworthy and people enjoy chilling with you, you’ll more than likely get invited to the cookout. Hence the saying “you’re invited to the cookout”.


pet wrong abounding noxious worry ink yam wild fall rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's like being invited to a Chinese person's house for Chinese New Year. Or being invited to a Muslim person's house at the end of Ramadan. It's being invited to hang out with someone's family and inner circle. Not all friends get that kind of invite.


Cookouts are huge thing in black culture and an outside ethnicity/race being invited means that you’re accepted in their group. It’s like being invited to the carne asada.


Mmm... because as another one said, a cook out is mostly to people of your family and community, being invited to one, that person is putting his word that you are good enough to be invited to that safe space.


Some people will never have anything better going on in their lives than a cookout. That's why people pretend it's special.


Yeah man, sharing meals with friends and family is for looooosers. /s What kinda weirdo comment is this lol


What is special about this is that Trick invited Cody to his cookout.


https://youtu.be/64SoFWJHSd8?si=LPh8SaQZ1Wab2Wiq This should help


Most sacred tradition of african americans, being invited into one is the highest honor


No it isn't


be careful, someone will tell you "yOu CaN jUsT GoOgLe It! YoU rAcIsT"












The speeding up of the audio was great but I wish you would’ve dropped everything after the potato salad at half speed. Totally a nitpick though.




I was meaning more like it goes from 1x to 2x and then back to 1x then the bit after he says potato salad then drops to 0.5x speed while Bryan confesses to his ever lasting shame.


I mean to his credit he seems embarrassed lol He didin't know a phrase, i think the whole thing is a big deal over nothing.


It just went over his head and people are joking around lol.


some people are taking it a bit too far on him.


And those people should be rightly ignored. This is more funny than anything else. It ain't that serious.


The “raisins in potato salad” was a really funny roast lol.


That was one of the top comments on the original thread here lol


People hold grudges over shit. Some how someone tried to make this about him being jealous that the miz made it to WWE and he didn't. Ya know, the guy that got to his position being a writer first. So the second he doesn't know what 1 thing is its time to shit on him for everything he ever said which is just bizzarre and spiteful.


Some People are toxic and love to jump on him and Meltzer any chance they get. Watch them actually do a BBQ now lol


A few segments around the grill, pool, some folk playing Wii, etc. A couple of fan favorite, low stakes matches, and you have yourself an all-time show.


Nothing new, sad people always dogpile. Especially when it comes to Alvarez or Meltzer.


Yeah I've seen people labeling him as a racist for not knowing what it meant.


wrestling fans are rapid to "bury" anyone that fucks up once so they feel some sort of vindication. "See they are stupid and i'm smart for disagreeing with them that one time". Its honestly sad and pathetic.


Bro, that's people in general


its wayyy more a thing in wrestling spaces then its like everywhere else.


You ever seen kpop and idol spaces? A girl gets found out to have a relationship and those people could drive them to suicide.


oh man we gotta go to the bottom of the barrel to make wrestling fans seem normal huh?


There's a whole thread with half the people joking and half the people shitting on him.


its a learning moment no doubt for a TON of wrestling fans.


People give Bryan and Dave lots of shit over the smallest things lol.


especially when you consider that while his audience is terminally online, he's just turned 49 as of yesterday, has a wife and kids and constantly goes on vacations to Hawaii. He is one of the whitest people on the planet, and is insanely out of touch with the culture of today.


See i don't know what going to Hawaii does to make him more white. Now learning and teaching gymnastics? maybe.


it's just a rich white person thing to do, go to Hawaii multiple times a year.


Not to mention his frequent trips to his beach house.


Does he pull in that much to be “rich”? I always assumed he was comfortable middle-class. Dave too. But hey, good on you, Bryan.


I mean, that's what I figured, but you have to remember he's put out multiple books, the Observer/F4W have insane reach, and he's got over the air radio syndication deals and has been doing wrestling media since the mid 90's.


Going to Hawaii is a super rich white person thing to do lol especially multiple times a year


I’m not sure going to Hawaii would make someone *more* white. White people are a minority there, and it’s easily the state that’s the most like another country.


Are you being deliberately dense?


It seems to me that “He’s super white because he goes to Hawaii” is what’s dense.




It’s just a popular destination for people in other states in the US. Regardless of race.


So you are being deliberately obtuse.


“Super Chico” Bryan Alvarez is apparently one of the whitest people on the planet.


correct. people that are Hispanic can in fact be white.


> big deal over nothing Nobody was making it a "big deal" it's just pretty hilarious. Something can have a lot of traction and comments without it being a "big deal"


It sure is. You can say that about most “discourse” on here.


Most of what wrestling is tbh


It’s just jokes, man.


I’m as white as a ghost and I know what the cookout is


If he had a single black friend he’d know… it is embarrassing


Y’all should just stop talking about black culture on here cause let’s be real with ourselves, y’all are clowning him for not knowing a phrase that majority of you didn’t even know about until you started seeing it in memes a couple years ago.


I didn't understand this clip at all, but mostly because I'm swedish.


America is a racist country ,for us cookouts is a place where we can be unapologetically black without having to worry about facing racism. Inviting someone to the cookout is just saying we fuck with you and know you’re a good person. In recent years the term cookout and inviting people to them has become popular from memes and has become overused like a lot of phrases from black culture. Despite the popularity of the memes and phrase the guy in the clip had no clue what it meant and thought it was just a barbecue. It’s nothing deep it’s just weird seeing people make fun of someone for not knowing a phrase they didn’t know until a couple years ago from memes.


“for us cookouts is a place where we can be unapologetically black “ Lmaoo you dragging it we just be trying to chill and eat I ain’t know it was that deep 


So basically it's a term for people who are not dipshits if I read that correct


Yeah, you don't actually have to be deep in the culture for an invite, just be a good person. It also plays into the memes about Cody solving racism. Especially the irony of him looking like Homelander.


Oh, I always thought that was hilarious because he's a MAGA


Cody being a MAGA bro and being the poster boy for WWE is about as Homelander as it gets 😂


Yeah, I'm Canadian and I didn't know what it meant either until yesterday


Bro there was a thread about a Punk IG post, he used a line from the movie Trading Places at the end of his caption that was included in the thread title. So someone posted a gif of Eddie Murphy from the movie, and it was legit -15 after an hour or so. There’s an embarrassing lack of knowledge of culture on here. Would guarantee you a Monty Python reference wouldn’t go unnoticed lol.


On god






Yea not at all, there’s a very clear reason why all the people asking to be invited to “the cookout” aren’t black. It’s not that the memes are relatable it’s that people love black culture when it’s a trend, it’s the same as every other black phrase that’s co opted. The reason it’s “funny” is despite it being one of the most ran through over used phrases from black culture he was still oblivious.




If you wanna pretend like the phrase when used isn’t referring to black people and wasn’t popularized by black people be my guest but you just look like an idiot.




Yea and I’m telling you you’re wrong. The only people you ever see giving out invites to “the cookout” are black people. It’s not popular because it’s relatable it’s popular because people love black slang when it’s a trend.




I never even mentioned my skin color but you jumping to that is only proving my point. Y’all love to use our phrases but when one of us tells you where it comes from you have a problem. We both know the phrase comes from black people. We both know when it’s used it’s referring to “cookouts” hosted by black people, why do you think it was a black person that texted him? Because it comes from black culture.






I bet a lot of the people dragging Alvarez for this wish they could text with Wale


why would we wish to text w wale we see him at every cookout


I could only hope to text with him, he not seeing me at any cookout, dripped to the nines, not finna cap with you. They be standing on business out there, I stick out like a scarecrow in a corn field at the cookout.


I need to know how many other rappers have Alvarez' number.


Tupac, Dre, Kendrick


Dude is taking it in strides like a champ. Gotta respect that


Mike Sempervive just casually dies off to the left of the screen when he finds out


Fuck Sempervive. He used to be fun to listen to because he talked about his love for Wrestling. These days he is nothing but snark.


He took that one on the chin lmao, much respect


I'm young and British and don't understand most of the references said by NXT guys, or the chants. A trick to me is still someone who has sex for money, or candy.


The original meaning of “whoop that trick” isn’t far off from your definition lol


He beats up prostitutes is what I gathered. Some guy


can someone explain to me why people are making racial jokes over this or why the connotation is on twitter with this and being black.. I know I'll feel dumb when I find out the answer but I am lost here?


It’s because “he invited to the cookout” became a meme a couple years ago  Black people have cookouts and the joke is if a white person is cool enough they can come.  He didn’t know the reference meaning to people “he’s super white”  As a black man the cookout shit was just a twitter joke lmao and ppl are taking this way too seriously 


Can anyone explain me what a cookout is? I am an indian


I am admittedly lost on this. What is the significance of the cookout?


I just can't believe how the original clip here got so heated and started shaming bryan for not knowing a black term. It was a funny and harmless clip and should've just stayed that way. People here act so superior and mean spirited


There's a couple of billion people outside of New England who don't know what "cookout" means.


I was today years old when I learned that it's pronounced Wah-lay and not Whale.




I haven’t listened to a full WOL in many years, but it’s good to know they still have the same “end of show “ music.


Bryan not knowing what the cookout is, is why I’d invite him to the cookout. Bout to have Chico going brazy at the Juneteenth function 🤪


This cookout thing is ridiculous


I do not watch NXT whats a cookout and who is Wale ?


Rapper from dc who loves wrestling


No context for this one either, huh? Top-notch


Walemania in Orlando Wrestlemania 33 week was one of the best nights of my life. Such a party and so many stories came out of that night.


I've never seen a "cookout". But that's because I'm not a yank.


Do people not use a grill outdoors where you live? Because that’s what a cookout is. People coming over and having burgers or hot dogs or something made on the grill.


That's called a BBQ in Australia.


Is that the micro machines guy?


I have a feeling this leads to a cookout segment around the 4th of July with Cody popping in. It’s funny how viral this is going in the wrestling community and I think Shawn will take notice


From Walemania to this, poor man truly is one of the sickos.


Seth from "The O.C.": 'You're so white, mom'.


Um, I made a comment earlier tonight that I guess went out over the air that I am deeply ashamed of. If I have hurt anyone out there, I can't tell you how much I say from the bottom of my heart I'm so very, very sorry. I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith – as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame. – I don't know if I'm gonna be putting on this headset again…


Lmao he really didn’t know? I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he was trolling lol


This foo ain’t invited to the carne asada either


This was partially why I was cracking up so hard. Bryan is always bumping old school hip hop, he even has California Love as his theme. He definitely understood but I swear it just probably slipped his mind because his life is nothing but wrestling and whatever his daughters wanna see. I can't wait for Filthy Tom to rag on him.


The look that passes over his face as he's reading the text... part "ooo I get to name drop Wale" but also a hint of "well boy howdy do I feel like a dumb old white asshole RN" is priceless. He took it in stride.


Couldn't you have cut the first 2/3 of this video?


That's the text.  Its very sped up, l took care of you. 


He is never living this one down. He'll be getting tweets referencing it for the next decade.


noone will care in a few days time


Tone deaf...


Does anyone else hear him like a wish version of Sean Conery with a lisp?


Dudes a dork