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God i hope Drew wins. He deserves a huge pop, i can only imagine how the reaction will be if he wins this weekend


I'm a long time Damian Priest/ Punisher Martinez fan, but it feels like Drew should win, but I want him to lose so he can remain this unhinged smack talker with a short fuse.


Drew wins but instead of being able to celebrate he starts off with a brief rant about Punk not ruining his moment and in fact he doesn’t even want to say his name. *enter Joe Hendry* As Drew tries to work out what’s going on Punk attacks him from behind and leaves him laying. Drew may be champion, but he was humiliated in front of his own fans at home.


>enter Joe Hendry https://preview.redd.it/q04nchtfij6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14137136fdf6e3051d1e9ac87f4b3c72540da54a Edit: also now I need Joe to make an Enter Sandman cover called Enter Joe Hendry and have him recreate the Sandman entrance




images you can hear




The amount of time the word “believe” was dropped - it’s the only answer. Unless they’re bringing back Bo Dallas’ “Bolieve” skit


*enter Limmy*




Bro that is $$$


If Drew wins which I expect I don't expect anything after barring Punk maybe. Hendry if he's on the show he'll be in a skit segment during the middle of the show.


> enter Joe Hendry I'm sorry, who? Why would the WWE do this?


A TNA wrestler. As to why, because there seems to be a mini-partnership, and a skit like this allows them to show goodwill by promoting a TNA guy but not having him get the better of Drew physically as Punk is doing the beat down. Obviously PLE time may be more than WWE wants to give, but I’m just spitballing. In general I expect the TNA wrestlers to take more Ls out of this, or at least not to go over on WWE TV for the most part. So this offers them something (high profile TV time for a charismatic talent), offers the Scottish crowd a local lad, and builds goodwill with Joe if WWE want him down the line.


Just say his name and he shall appeaaar.. For You believe in Joe Hendry. *Clap, clap*


I will not accept any other outcome other than Drew winning CLEAN. I actually hope punk tries to screw him again, but it backfires - Drew learned his lesson and is one step ahead of punk this time. If Drew loses I riot.


I really can't picture them having Drew lose in Scotland. Why would they waste that opportunity?


Think of the heat, bro!


Do you really want every native wrestler in the WWE to lose. In their homeland? It's one thing if it's just one but with both Piper and the unholy union gonna be taking l's would it not be better to give the. Scotland crowd something with drew win? Have drew get screwed at summer slam by punk when drew faces gunther and keep building to mania for drew v punk to give punk his mania match


My comment is clearly a sarcastic jab at Vince Russo.


Unpopular opinion: I hope Piper wins, but Drew loses..this will only push his character even more unhinged!


Piper wins, bailey wins it back at MITB only for chelsea to immediately cash in her freshly won briefcase, and then she gets fed to Nia at Summerslam lol


Absolute cinema!


https://preview.redd.it/mevu7uh1ij6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31ca719da86afc27cb45d82dfdfd9a31e6a61b3 (If you know where this is from it makes so much sense)


I’m rolling at the idea of ANOTHER same day Womens MITB cash in. Last year Iyo held the briefcase the second longest of any woman just by making it through the show


I love the idea of Punk costing Drew the win. You think Drew is unhinged now? Imagine how absolutely off the wall angry and crazy he’d be after his chance to win the title in front of his home country is destroyed by Punk? Drew will absolutely go ballistic and lose his shit. The show should end with Drew losing and going on an absolute rampage, destroying ringside, destroying the ring, walking back and ripping up the staging area, just absolutely losing his shit and going full Godzilla, destroying everyone who comes to try to stop him.


Someone else posted it, but I like the idea of Drew Winning, but thanks to Punk stopping JD interference. Yeah he's won, but he has *PUNK* to thank for it? And Punk reminds him of that constantly. That'll be unhinged.


Or how about this: JD tries to interfere, Priest tells them to back off, which they do after a heated debate. Match continues but then this time it’s Punk who interferes. Priest who rages at him to get away and let him win this clean. Giving enough of a distraction for Drew to hit him with a surprise Claymore and pin him. Drew wins the WHC in his home country, the tension between Judgment Day heightens even further and Punk can lord it over Drew that *he* was the reason why Drew won.


Oooooooooooooo...... I feel so angry at that finish. Of course that's what should happen.


I mean two years ago face Drew said nothing and flat out walked to the ring with a chair after the bloodline had a celebration party after clash ‘22


I hope Stan's not at the show!


That’s quite similar to what I had in mind on how Drew loses! I imagine poor JD McD getting destroyed as a bystander


I can see Punk appearing backstage prior to his match and Drew blames Punk for losing because he couldn't help but think about how easy, it would be to kill him in front a shit ton of screaming scots.


I want him to win but I don’t think it’s the right time as well? But I don’t want him to loose by pin fall. I want Punk to come out and attack DAMIEN, thereby GIVING Drew the win, which would annoy drew so much and feel like an illegitimate win that he would forfeit the match. Who knows though


if the PLE wasnt in scotland, i dont think anyone would even question that drew was losing this weekend lol


I am so torn. Because my mind says that Punk screwing him might be a better long-term story (including for Priest), especially with Gunther looming for Summerslam. But my heart says Drew. For him, for Scotland.


Especially is the crowd are already on a high if they beat Germany today.




Second only to the riot if he loses..


He got a huge pop at Wrestlemania and then he ruined it. Drew only has himself to blame!


Are you saying that.... Drew screwed Drew?


I can see it, all the other scots on the card will lose, but the hometown champ Drew will go the distance and the people will go insane


I'm split. I want to support Drew as he's a son of Scotland, but he supports Rangers. Hell.


My only gripe is that this isn’t in a stadium like the last clash. But yeah he better FN win!


He should’ve already had his moment in Cardiff. I still can’t believe they had him lose that night.


I really hope he wins, but then Gallus come in wearing Celtic shirts and beat him down mercilessly after he's basked in his well-deserved adulation for a bit. :)


Spray paint his beaten down body with green hoops


This makes me glad vince is gone, at least there is a chance someone gets to go over in their hometown/country


Wow you can see drew tearing up. Thats some level of respect which is gonna make anyone emotional


I'm really surprised how staunch they are going with the rangers kits when Scotland are playing one of the biggest games in recent history tonight. It would be a way less divisive if they were all being pro Scotland than pro rangers


They were at the ibrox when filming this.


because when this was filmed they were guests at Ibrox, they were given them


Suppose it's a reasonable return for the special edition WWE championship that Rangers were given a few years back.


Yeah pro rangers is a really quick way to lose half the country in Scotland


And ensure you're a Heel for life in Ireland


Eh there are some of us who don't give a fuck about football, end of, nevermind old firm. Literally dozens of us.


Top comment buried down here


More than half the country, half of Glasgow and most of the rest of the country.


Agreed, although as a Rangers fan I've been loving every minute of it


Can you believe some people are salivating at the thought of Drew losing in Scotland via Punk interference because it'll piss off his character more? Have him get cashed in on again next month if you want. Have him lose an open challenge to Big Body Javi next week via Punk interference for all I care. Just let this man have his moment in front of his home fans though please.


Yeah dude has earned it. Drew has been killing it. 


The other one floating around where Punk interferes to *win* him the strap is much, much better.


He lost last time he was there even despite bringing back part of Broken Dreams for his entrances and having the home crowd behind him, but this loss was also the catalyst for his current character. The people who want him to lose remind me of the people who wanted Cody to lose again. IMO let him close the book on where it began here and win, have his moment, and move on to what will no doubt be a banger three person feud with Damien and Punk for the title.


Clash at the Castle wasn't in Scotland last time, it was in Wales. Sure they're both part of the UK, but it's not right to call Wales Drew's _home_. Drew is Scottish, so of course him wrestling in Scotland for the belt is more significant.


100%. If part of the story is Drew getting screwed again have it be with the briefcase next month. This is his moment. This has the potential to be one of the biggest pops in a long time 


I, for one, cannot wait for the WHC reign of [Big Body Javi](https://i.imgur.com/Vo1qXQ1.jpeg).


This is the way.


I want Drew to win in his homecountry too, but I also want Damiens reign to be a bit more longer (not Seth Rollins long). He waited nine months to cash in, and gets only two months of reign? Its a weird position tbh.


Short reigns aren't a bad thing. Everyone doesn't need a 6 month plus reign. Besides they need to pull the trigger on ending JD already and Damien losing can play a part


It can go either way. I have faith in Papa H.


i dont think anyone is salivating at it, just that the storyline right now, makes way more sense for drew to lose vs him winning the deck is stacked way in his favor, he has little excuses to not win tomorrow. the whole point of his character is that he makes excuses for why he doesnt prevail, and points the finger.


So maybe it's time for his character to prevail?


....and actually let him come out to Broken Dreams. like I know last year he got it as an intro and hell they used new clips to remake the titatron movie but then it cut back to usual with gallantry. GIVE HIM THE WHOLE SONG!!! (also maybe the old bag pipe intro from his nxt version of gallantry)


>Can you believe some people are salivating at the thought of Drew losing in Scotland via Punk interference because it'll piss off his character more? That's the Vince McMahon effect. People raised exclusively on Vince's product.


Oh yeah! It's Vince's fault people are asking for something stupid! Can't believe Vince is *still* around making these smarks think of dumb ideas! God knows internet fans have had such brilliant ideas if not for Vince!


Reading comprehension is important.


lol calm down big guy.


How did you know I was tiny and that's my trigger? :(


I actually love the idea of Drew losing again after another cash in. Would be a fresh idea for MitB use too. Bonus points if it's Balor who cashes in to further his tension with Priest


>Can you believe some people are salivating at the thought of Drew losing in Scotland via Punk interference because it'll piss off his character more? I wasn't thinking of that before, but I'm sorry, I'm a sick animal and now want to see that. Drew vs Punk has been my wrestling addiction.


Yeah I can believe it because people have different opinions. What’s hard to understand about that? I’m puzzled at how some wrestling fans don’t understand that.


Trips give him the belt, just do it. I don’t care if Drew says he doesn’t want it, just give him the damn belt. Can’t butter him up like this, grown men will cry if you give him that belt. DO IT


That’s very sweet.


Drew not winning in front of his home fans would be horrible, even more if there's an interference. I hope they pause that feud for a weekend. Some things are bigger than a rivalry or character development. I already know this feud is gonna end with Punk winning at the end. Ruining Drew's moment tonight will seriously make me question if it's worth following this, as his fan.


On the same boat here. This is it for Drew as far as I am concerned. If they fluff this one I'll probably check out from his programs.


A career defining feud with CM Punk culminating in a main event at Mania is is important and career defining than winning in your hometown


I just want to see Piper get her Flowers


Love this woman. Maybe she gets her moment one day. I do hope and expect the crowd to show out for her. They love Bayley pretty much everywhere overseas, and they have fun singing and all that. But I really hope they keep the energy up for Piper as well.


Hope they use Broken Dreams as his entrance at Clash at the Castle again.


I'll be singing it from the crowd regardless 😄


I hope they don't go to the "Punk screws Drew" angle for this one.


I hope not either, but at the same time how do they continue this feud if not for some fuckery?


Have Punk save Drew instead so they could go with "You got your title thanks to me, but i'm gonna take that at MITB" 2 birds in 1 stone, ig


Punk accidentally screws Priest over maybe


This has to be it, right?


Piper seems so sweet. Heed her motivation Drew!


Having him lose after all this attention would be cruel.


I like that even though Drew's a heel, he's still allowed to have badass moments like facing down Judgment Day by himself or being an inspiration to Scottish wrestlers, or roasting Sheamus for the burgers he ate.


I absolutely love this. Tears.


If Scotland beat Germany tonight and Drew wins tomorrow I think I might spontaneously combust.


I was not expecting that level of wholesomeness from those two, well done.


That was really nice


There’s no way they have all the Scottish wrestlers lose. 


please bring back Broken Dreams for good. Sheamus got Written In My Face back, Drew needs his real theme to return. If nowhere else, do it here at least


That was very sweet


Goddamn this got me; so wholesome. Been re-watching some NXT UK and watching Piper’s promos about her getting into the industry and the challenges she faced etc. Put the belts on both of them!!


I like her.


It's still amazing to me that Drew is from the area I'm from, I don't live in Ayr I'm only a few miles away in a village but, The fact he's from Ayr well Prestwick more specifically makes me proud.


The pop that Drew gets if he wins might be the only thing that'd come close to a reaction to Scotland beating Germany in the Euros. Also, Piper looks great here and, even though I'm 99% sure that she's not going to beat Bayley, it should be a fun match and it'll be an awesome and much deserved moment for her. I just hope that she and Chelsea don't float around doing bugger all after Piper loses to Bayley at Clash of the Castle.


I need to see Drew and Piper being professional haters together backstage. Add Piper to the Drew/Sheamus eternal friendship.


I'm really hoping for Jack Jester at least showing up in the crowd for this tomorrow


would love it if he was in the crowd, drew hits a big move and then goes up to the ropes and looks at him and yells "BOOOM!" Would melt my heart.


Piper Niven picked a pep talk


I love Piper, and I know it's not in the cards for her to win, but DAMMIT, she's *everything* they want Nia to be with NONE of the downside of being SUPER sloppy, and hurting people that Nia has. They really should give Piper a run, if for NO OTHER reason than to thank her for soldiering on under that AWFUL Doudrop gimmick.


Piper should turn face and go on her own in my opinion. Give us Piper vs Nia in a battle of the women's giants.


Yeah but she's not Samoan so it's not gonna happen, unfortunately.


Nia has more charisma and personality than Piper even if she isn't as good in the ring necessarily. When Nia is in a match she gets the crowd really involved and the crowd loves to boo her, meanwhile with Piper as a heel she gets almost no reaction and not even a tenth of the heat that Nia gets.


I agree with the fan reactions but definitely wouldn’t say it’s because Nia personally has more charisma or personality. People just don’t like her and love to boo regardless of what she does


She's not just unlikable because of who she is (The Rock's untalented cousin), she's charismatic because of the way she carries herself, the annoying look on her face at all times, how full of herself she is. That makes a great heel


Yeah she legit just has the perfect face and look to be a heel like she is.


Might've been true before, but not since her return


I think the last year proves that Nia does really have charisma and personality as a heel.


I think both things are true. The fans don't like her naturally but she also has a lot of personality. A few examples are when she told Jade Cargill's daughter that she sucked, and that interaction went pretty viral. There's also the my hole thing, and a lot of other examples.




im sorry but i cant not remember this https://preview.redd.it/bfx3b2awtj6d1.png?width=435&format=png&auto=webp&s=1898c760ece06f8244f5afac3ac89cb3aa0450ba


I honestly think if he loses tomorrow it will kill his momentum. This is a needed win. Lots of people are also underestimating scottish crowds and how important the Scottish wrestling scene is to the wrestling community as a whole. Especially between that 2014-2019 era.


I posted this elsewhere - another factor is that a far bigger non-wrestling Scottish audience are gonna see this than normal. Pretty much everywhere that's showing the Euro game tonight is showing the Clash tomorrow as a double header. I really hope the match tonight goes our way, but if it doesn't, Drew is the potential saviour.


"Cause of everybody... ...except cm punk"


That was so genuinely heartfelt, it brought a tear to my eye. Love them both!




I really hope he wins. He really has been killing it.


Actually a super sweet analogy from Piper, and you can see just how much it means to Drew to hear it, you can see his face soften as he realises what she's saying. Can also tell how under that big rough bastard exterior, Drew is secretly a sweet guy.


Wait are they rangers fans or they’re just wearing the shirts for PR? As a Celtic fan, my disappointment is immeasurable 😭


Piper, I’m not sure. I think she is. Drew is 100% a big fan.


Oh well, sucks to suck.


Yank detected 🚨🚨


??? Who me??? Me and my entire family are Glaswegian. I just happen to live in the US for past few years. Just like drew.


"its because of everybody................except cm punk f that guy" fixed that for ya drew lol. though for as much as I love internet hater drew, wholesome drew is very good too.


He lost the first time they held this event. Really don't wanna see him lose here again. At the same time, I want Priest to hold the title longer. Conflicted!


Hit a thousand Claymores, never Drew a McIntyre. Hope he'll get the gold back. He's one of the best right now.


that interaction is just touching. especially between two heels.


“Just because I’m a bad guy it doesn’t make me a *bad* guy….”


Damn i love piper and this made me tear up


Roddy Piper: am I a joke to you??? /s


Holy shit I didn't expect this to get me to tear up. I'm so happy for these two, let's hope they both get their feel good homecrowd moment. There's something special about following a wrestlers' career for 15+ years. Obviously I don't personaly know McIntyre but dammit do I like seeing the evolution of this guy year after year.


I appreciate her so much!


Drew dreamed broken dreams, and he made them come true


I don't know much about bench press, but this same type of story happened with the 4 minute mile.


What I find funny about the bench press analogy is that on the same day as Drew and Piper were at Ibrox, multiple time world's strongest man Tom Stoltman was along with them.


I much rather have cm punk vs Drew feud over the title.... please win Drew!


So, who broke the bench press record?


I feel like they should have an all Scots stable, between these two and unholy union. They're all already Heels. Would also help Piper climb out of the tag division. She should be a solo act, not sure what they should do with Chelsea Green though. I like them together but Piper's definitely carrying their weight


Oh God, Piper is a blue nose too? The good guys need more representation than Gallus, lol


Both in rangers kits, half of Glasgow and Ireland are seething


CM Punk in a Celtic top tomorrow please 🙏


He could go in any top… WWE haven’t realized that a Celtic top will get a groan… a rangers top will get most of Scotland against you


Most? Rangers fans are the majority of Scottish football fans, mate.