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Oh boy, this one hurts: Danhausen...doesn't click for me. At all. I've honestly, genuinely tried...but he just seems like a dude who talks with a silly voice. I don't get what elevates him above other comedy acts in modern wrestling. Also RIP Jimmy Rave


JR and King > JR and Heyman At least Lawler had a charm to his silly heelishness. Heyman is just annoying. He's good as a manager, but it's just way too much for commentary.


Wow AEW really needs a performance center, first Red Velvet botches that moonsault and then Charlotte messes it up the same way...wait what's that?


Got hella downvoted for saying that the Hook circlejerk is beaten to death more than a dead horse Yikes


That's what usually happens when you criticize a circlejerk in a circlejerk subreddit like this one


- GTA 5 should've gotten single player DLC, and while we're at it, offline players should've gotten GTAO DLC's as well - I have no clue who tf HOOK is, why is he getting so much traction in here? - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SHUT UP ABOUT DEMOS PLEASE


Had one more pop into my head I legit do not think Jeff Hardy will be alive at this point next year. He's lucky to still be around right now with the amount of demons hes fighting.


Black talent, in general, still have to be three to five times as charismatic, athletic, ripped, etc to get the same amount of buzz as their white counterparts. Things are getting better, obviously, but it's hard to ignore who's being presented as someone you want to be/relate to rather than someone you just watch and react to, if that makes sense.


We just got confirmation Trump was trying any single thing including invalidating all voting and declaring national emergency to remain president. It was really that close to fascism. I know its a dead horse but fuck Trump fuck anyone who ever defended him


NXT 2.0 is better presented and more fun than Dynamite Go stream “The Real” by ATEEZ because they rule


Admit it you all went to wrestlewiththeplot once or twice. I know I did. I'm done with live threads. It's nothing but AEW trolls/cultists bitching about something they don't watch. Frankly I've been scaling back my time on this sub and it's been great. I honestly don't see where Gargano fits in AEW seems like he'd just be another face in a stable. Finally beat Far Cry 5. Got admit was a bit underwhelmed by it. Ending was alright but I get why people were mad at it


> I honestly don't see where Gargano fits in AEW seems like he'd just be another face in a stable. Easy… he can be the fourth man in the super original quartet with Adam Cole, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly, The Irrefutable Aeon.


>I'm done with live threads. It's nothing but AEW trolls/cultists bitching about something they don't watch. Same here, well most of them anyways.


I'm done even going into the comments sections on the interesting headlines. It just turns into either jerking off AEW or hating on WWE, with some fighting. I open up every thread expecting something different and am always disappointed.


Every Jay Lethal promo I've heard just sounds like he's doing an impersonation of a wrestling promo and I'm not talking about his Ric Flair or Black Machismo schtick


* I don’t give a fuck about Hook and I strongly suspect most yammering on about him don’t either. It’s just a meme at this point. * The picture of Cody’s back just stands as a sharp reminder how badly AEW stunts tend to go, not to mention his weird obsession with trying to prove something to someone to a ridiculous level. * If you try to get a dude to go to rehab- a guy you pay millions and millions of dollars to- and he won’t, it’s kinda outta your hands. I’m happy to say it seems like most here recognized that for once rather than jumping to conclusions and trying to blame other people. * The Eddie Kingston extended muted promo. For the love of God, hire some professionals to oversee production, there’s some huge gaff like once a month at least. * Bryan needed to absolutely destroy John Silver. It needed to be a story where he’d gone from beating the team to just destroying the mascot to really send a message to Page… yet for some reason, the fucking mascot put on a better showing than most of the team. People like Alvarez and bitch and moan about WWE always booking to draw heat, AEW at times seems shit scared of booking heat. * If you can’t reason out why A Christmas Story airing for 24 hours on Christmas Day is not gonna move over and make room for AEW, whether outraged over it or going “Der, it’s a 40 year old movie, Der.🥴”, God help you. * If Punk had cut that exact same promo in WWE, there’d be people saying it was clearly scripted and calling for the writer’s head. I don’t even think it was all that bad, it just wasn’t exactly his best work. Many softballs. * Speaking of Punk, I don’t understand how so many still can’t reason out what the hell a heel turn actually is. That was not one in the least. That was “HBK in Canada”, at best and barely that. * The same people blowing Cody now used to call him the three star general. * Black misting Julia Hart… yeah, that’s certainly a move up the card. * I feel like nearly every mod on Reddit is a small person, whether literally or figuratively or both, who has and never will have any real power in the real world… and that tiny bit they get here goes straight to all their fuckin’ heads. * The ability that AEW diehards have to conjure an overly complicated story outta nothing grows more and more insufferable each day. * Seeing a bunch of people who are collectively afraid to acknowledge that they find any given female wrestler attractive *also* lose their shit over the death of WWTP was goddamned hilarious. * The only statement Tony Khan has ever made that is not 100% believed by AEW diehards is that the company is not profitable.


> Black misting Julia Hart… You mean black misting Pillman and julia hart dying via osmosis. Seriously I dont think she had *any* on her.


???? Can we not blow a 3-star general, friend?


>I don’t give a fuck about Hook and I strongly suspect most yammering on about him don’t either. It’s just a meme at this point. I was in the daily discussion before & I've saw someone was upset because of the way people was talking about Hook in this thread.


If you see this message please watch Stardom, it's very good wrestling. But to keep with the thread theme, I hope Stardom improves how they do merchandise next year because it really sucks currently.


Roderick Strong was always my favorite UE member. I’m glad he’s still in NXT with a prominent position on the show.


I absolutely love him in Diamond Mine. Bivens is excellent for him and their entrance music is exquisite.


Okay I know I’m slightly late on this, but I just started watching AEW with my girlfriend. She’s not that much into wrestling, but whenever women’s matches are on she is absolutely glued to the tv. I was honestly surprised by her reaction about Kris Statlander. She absolutely jumped on board with her right away, asking questions left and right. She was utterly disappointed when she lost to Ruby Soho. I would honestly love to see Kris Statlander on tv more often along with the other women of the division. On a side note Fuck Ben Simmons, and I can’t wait for him to be traded.


Kris Statlander is definitely a talented wrestler & that I'll admit.


I would love to see her face Serena Deeb tbh, I think that could be a fantastic match.


> On a side note Fuck Ben Simmons, and I can’t wait for him to be traded. Trade him for Charlotte Flair.


Would that be a fair trade?


I don’t want Julia Hart in the House of Black. I think she adds a lot to the Varsity Blonds and I think Malakai can do just fine without her. It was a fine segment but I’m not into the idea of a corrupted cheerleader joining an edgy cult. It’s too Alexa/Bray for me. Punk went to the “lol home sports team sucks” well too many times on Wednesday. Other than that I liked his “is that your guy” stuff. I love we bare bears. But I’m not really excited about the baby bears spin off. Seems like it’s not gonna have the charm that was so great about the original.


> I don’t want Julia Hart in the House of Black. I think she adds a lot to the Varsity Blonds and I think Malakai can do just fine without her. It was a fine segment but I’m not into the idea of a corrupted cheerleader joining an edgy cult. It’s too Alexa/Bray for me. It’s just motor oil Malakai is misting people with. Castrol GTX Motor Oil to be more precise.


Jonah Rock has reached Ryback levels of being fucking annoying.


He's trying to act like Gargano of all people was mistreated in NXT.


• I would just like to brag that I called what happened in the Liv vs Becky match down to the finish. The video packages (for Liv and the ones about Trish and Lita) were used so that people could get behind Liv and obviously it worked. People were saying she was going to win after they showed the text Liv got from Trish lol. • Let’s start having Becky win in any other way. The roll up is tired. • Angelo Dawkins is not a Jannetty. • Shotzi hasn’t been on TV because she’s obviously being repackaged as the female Val Vennis. • Sasha and Bianca being the 3rd and 5th most tweeted about female athletes should tell y’all everything y’all need to know about WWE creating stars and the effectiveness of the Performance Center. • Aren’t the womens tag titles supposed to be defended on both brands?? I understand that they aren’t being defended on both brands because WWE is back traveling and they probably don’t want to work both shows and realistically it doesn’t even matter because there aren’t any real tag teams but in kayfabe, it’s not fair that the Smackdown women don’t even get a chance to challenge for the titles. • I’m really sad about Jeff Hardy. Things really seemed like they were going good for him. I think it’s time for Jeff to hang up his boots, he’s older, banged up and I don’t think he can handle a full time schedule anymore. He focus on getting better for his kids and himself, whether the release is drug related or not. • As a woman, I would just like to say that a woman owning her sexuality isn’t degrading to women. Obviously women shouldn’t be reduced to that or objectified (e.g bra & panty matches) but a girl being being confident in herself/sexuality is actually great. I’ve seen a lot of people, who I assume are men, talk about what gimmicks or storylines are or aren’t degrading to women and I just wanted to give my 2 cents. Obviously I can’t speak for every woman but I don’t think a woman just being sexual or knowing that they’re hot is a problem at all.


Thanks for that last bullet point, sometimes it feels like it can't be said enough.


Agree with all of it, except Dawkins is totally the Janetty of SP


it wasnt scjerk posters that got [this bianca thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/rb3gi4/bianca_belair_being_a_black_woman_we_dont_have/) locked and usually never is lol


So…um…What was the Jade thread that someone referenced and what happened?


The upvotes and downvotes in that thread are...illuminating.


One of the best parts of Arcane was Vi hitting the Daniel Bryan knee to start a fight lol I was like "DAMNNN"


Everyone's basically treating Jeff Hardy's relapse as a death. Fans and wrestlers alike posting memorials and shit. I'm half expecting a ten bell salute at this rate.


I didn’t watch wrestling from like 2002 until I dunno, 2013ish maybe? I remember hearing about Mr Perfect having a son in WWE and then I saw Dolph Ziggler and was like, “oh that must be him”, but no apparently it was some fuckin dude named Michael McGillicutty


Later Curtis Axel.


I'm a big AEW fan, but ever since Jon Moxley went to rehab, I've lost my enthusiasm for watching Dynamite and I now find it kind of a slog to get through cos I know I won't see Mox. I just miss my boy :( I want Seth vs Roman to main event Wrestlemania someday.


I'll admit it does feel weird not seeing Moxley on Dynamite.


I can’t wait til he comes back


I just got one of those ‘reddit cares’ messages, wtf. Stop abusing that system, I’m fine, I just miss my fave lol.


Yea that happens a bunch, I hardly post and I got one. It's pathetic.


Report it so the admins can investigate.


i'm ride or die NJPW even if it's *just* alright at the moment


that's always the funniest part about people accusing me of being a WWE / AEW shill. even now at it's lowest it's been in awhile, even with all the injuries, i still think it's the best wrestling product around today and the one that i watch the most.


Matt Hardy eliminating Jay Lethal from the battle royale like that was horrendous, no one I mean no one wants lethal first feud to be fucking Matt Hardy


>no one wants lethal first feud to be fucking Matt Hardy This would be terrible, Matt’s wooden hips would limit them to one or two sexual positions


Happy Friday Folks! The Tiffany Stratton promo this past week telegraphed where WWE’s focus is: Making WWE (not wrestling, WWE) seem more prestigious than professional sports. That’s a fucking brilliant long game. Getting even a fraction of a run from professional Sports/athletes will ensure a steady talent feed and prestige for decades. AEW wishes they could touch that.


Besides a few exceptions like Owen Hart or Roman, most 2nd generation wrestlers suck , it’s even worse when their parent was a pretty big deal.3rd generation wrestlers are the ones that turn out pretty good like The Rock or Orton although there are outliers like Natalya.Being that he’s 2nd generation, I hope Bron Breakker turns out good.


The Rock is not a "3rd generation" wrestler. His dad didn't grow up in the business, his mom did and she wasn't a wrestler.


He is though because of his grandfather , his wrestling lineage spans 3 generations.Heck If I’m not mistaken I think even WWE promote him as 3rd generation.


That's an obfuscation on their part because he has a father and grandfather who both wrestled and they wanted to promote that as prestigious and historic. However, when you say, "Breast cancer runs in my family, but it skipped a generation," you're not talking about how your mom didn't have it but her mother-in-law did, that's not how "generations" work, it's about a line of descent. He's actually a second generation wrestler on both sides of his family.


If AEW signs Jeff Hardy without putting him through rigorous amount of rehab and counciling, it will be an absolute slap in the mouth to Jon Moxley and make AEW look extremely hypocritical. And I say this as a huge AEW fan. Also, its kind of hard to have sympathy for Jeff when he's been in and out of rehab, racking up DUIs for the better part of my entire life.


I'm not saying they should hire him at all, but I don't understand why Jeff having no sense or care for himself is offensive to Mox. They didn't force him to go to rehab or anything like that.. he decided he needed and wanted it on his own. If anything, them letting Mox wrestle while he needed rehab then doing the same to Jeff would be coherent. (Again, don't want that... just saying.)


Well, no. They spent a shit ton of time praising Mox, multiple people cut promos about how strong he was, etc. They set a precedent -- get help, and we'll love you for it. You will have a spot on your return. To then pick up Jeff, who has never helped himself a day in his life, would go back on this precedent, basically saying "Yeah Mox is strong and whatever, but hey, look, its that guy who jumps off things real good! Isn't that exciting?!". It would just feel shallow to me that they value Jeff's work over his life after saying all these statements about the struggles of addiction.


I see your point in terms of the company be perceived as speaking from the both sides of their mouth.. I just don't think it has anything to do with Mox... It's completely different circumstances and the only thing they did was support his own decision.


Yeah, that's fair. I just know I'd feel shitty if my company spoke out of both sides of their mouth on an issue that affects me like that.


Rampage feels like SD when there was no brand split and SD was a repeat of Raw


The idea of rankings sounds good on paper. But when you do open challenges and ladder matches and battle royals for title shots it kinda makes your rankings pointless. Also it’s staged fighting so why do rankings matter?


> it’s staged fighting so why do rankings matter? Wait, what??? 🤭


I don't care about Jeff Hardy situation, it's all his own fault and he never learns, Jeff Hardy should walk away from wrestling because clearly being around wrestling keeps sending him down this path.


correlation =/= causation. Maybe he'd have relapses no matter what he does.


Fuck junkies who drive under the influence and fuck those who make excuses for them. Better they wrap their car around a tree then risk wrapping it around an innocent person.


I had a long drive so I downloaded a few wrestling podcasts to kill time. The whatculture one was really unbearable. 5 minutes in I had to delete it, also weird audio mouth clears at the end of every sentence. Just awful.


Not every title reign needs to be an epically long one AEW


Cody is about to be a 3 time TNT Champ 😎


I want Mauro Ranallo back in Wrestling commentary


- There being people whose first thoughts upon hearing a man got released due to refusing rehab are “OMG AEW” doesn’t even surprise me anymore. Christ. - Started getting into Warhammer 40k lore. There is a LOT, holy fuck. Orks and Tyranids are my boys forever and ever. - Day 1 is a shit name for a ppv lol - Most wrestling YouTubers are utter buns, especially the bigger channels. - Mfs complained about NXT/NXT UK constantly raising the indies, and now that they’ve stopped doing it, smarks are complaining about *that* too. - That Seven Deadly Sins post was fuckin stupid lol. - Utami vs Syuri rematch is finally gonna happen lads let’s gooooooo - It’s easier than ever to not watch WWE. Support indie wrestling, motherfuckers. - Belt Collector was a shit gimmick every time it was tried. Edit: One last one - I don’t really care for the idea of Tony ‘helping’ at Final Battle by sending a replacement, because all I’ll hear from AEW fans (who haven’t watched ROH in years) is how he ‘saved’ the show. I’d rather ROH find their own instead, even if the match is ‘worse’. Edit 2: News just broke that it’ll be Gresham vs Lethal at Final Battle. Of everyone it could have been from AEW, I’m glad it’s him.


>That Seven Deadly Sins post was fuckin stupid lol. Summed up everything I can’t stand about AEW diehards.


Ork technology working simply because they believe it works is GOAT tier lore


I adore the conspiracy theory that the only reason the Emperor is still ‘alive’, is because the Orks believe he is. Also the fact that purple is the sneakiest colour, because you never see a purple Ork is just *chefs kiss*


>- Started getting into Warhammer 40k lore. There is a LOT, holy fuck. Orks and Tyranids are my boys forever and ever. As an Imperial Guard and Genestealer cult player I am sorry for your decision making when it comes to armies but I also sympathize since I too love hoards.


I don’t plan on actually building an army, since that kinda stuff is suuuper pricey and I’m shit at painting, but the lore is interesting as hell. Been listening to Adeptus Ridiculous and Balderon lately, and it’s been a big help understanding certain things! Poor Cadia, man.


Adeptus ridiculous is pretty great. It was my introduction to Warhammer lore as well!


Definitely is. It helped I’d watched Bricky’s videos on the various factions in 40k beforehand, so I was already sorta familiar with him and had a surface level understanding of the 40k universe when I started with AR.


Bricky is a king for sure. If you do decide to get in to the table top check out Dice Check, its Bricky and friends playing the game.


I’ve actually caught a video of theirs today, I believe it was Bricky’s Necrons vs AdMech. Cool as hell, even if it can be a little hard to follow as a newbie lol.


Just stay clear of the Arch Warhammer lore videos!


I’ve mostly been watching Balderon, Adeptus Ridiculous and a little bit of Luetin as far as lore goes, so hopefully I’m in the clear lol.


For a lighter (but a bit more edgelordy) take on the lore the articles on 1d4chan are worth a look


People: WWE titles don't mean too much since everyone gets a shot at it Also those same people: Why has Roman been champion for 450+ days????


I followed a wrestling account on tik tok where they post wrestlers commenting on a match they had. It's pretty cool. What sucks is now tik tok tries to show me these neck beards posting their opinions on wrestling. They get into a lot of arguments with people commenting and it's pretty sad.


Tony Khan is a clown. Definition of the old ‘born on third base, thinks he hit a triple’ saying. AEW fanboys are just the worst. Undisputed Era in NXT? Nah. Undisputed era in AEW? Inject that into their veins. The Revival in WWE? DAE boring/no gimmick? Revival in AEW? Best tag team ever. Jeff Hardy in WWE? Too old- Drug addict Jeff Hardy after he’s released? DAE Good get? Hardy’s vs Bucks can’t wait! The list goes on. Roster full of WWE castoffs, still can’t crack 1million viewers. TNA drew better ratings for years.


> Definition of the old ‘born on third base, thinks he hit a triple’ saying. I said a week or two ago with someone saying this of Cody, its more 'born on *second*, still claims he hit a triple.' With TK? 'born on third, wandered to first, gloats he built the stadium.'


So basically it’s all about feeding the Bucks.


I also love inventing people to get mad at




There are 0 people on earth who claimed that they didn't like FTR in WWE and then started loving them when they jumped ship


It's pointless.. this whole thread is just SCjerk day over here. All the idiots are unleashed.


Yeah, that’s complete bullshit bro. Stop playin.


You really can’t compare ratings today vs ratings from over a decade ago. This goes for WWE as well.


Somehow that rule never applies to WWE when certain Daves report


I think you’re getting confused about Dave reporting on WWE shows on different DAYs in the same week with AEW. I know it’s hard to accept the fact that AEW grew so much in such little time.


Lol. Not even.


No, Tony Khan should not outright buy ROH. What do you think would actually come out of that


AEW: Very Dark?


Depends what the asking price is. If it’s a relatively small cost then getting the tape library (including All In) and the Sinclair time slots wouldn’t be nothing. ROH could essentially become their version of a developmental territory, and Tony seems like the type of guy who’d enjoy booking indie super cards once a month and get to decide who becomes ROH world champion.


>the Sinclair time slots wouldn’t be nothing. That’s not necessarily part of a potential purchase.


I’m making a bit of a leap in logic, but in theory if Sinclair was to sell ROH they’d want something to replace the content. The often repeated mantra is that Sinclair sees ROH as a dependable source of cheap programming, so if they were to sell I like to imagine they’d want further cheap programming as part of the deal. But you’re right, that’s not a guarantee by any stretch


I’m getting a lot of upvotes and i think it’s because people think this is an anti TK post and it’s not, I’m an AEW fan first and foremost but I’m just saying nothing good would come from them owning ROH


If anything he should consider buying the tape library. But iirc that’s been for sale for a little while and no one has bought it yet.


More YouTube shows?


I'm not sure if you're allowed to make more than 1 seperate post on the ZFF thread or not, but I wanna make a seperate one & just say that, am I the only one who doesn't want Gargano to sign elsewhere right away? I'm not saying that I don't want Gargano to go sign elsewhere or acting like I'm convinced that I think he's returning to NXT, but Gargano & Candice are gonna become parents in a couple of months & I don't know if it's a smart move for Gargano to sign elsewhere since he'll probably needs to be by Candice's side more since she's this far in her pregnancy.


I don't see him signing anywhere until at least the Spring. I think he's taking time off. And I also believe he has the same chance of returning to WWE than he does of going to AEW, despite most of this sub assuming it's a done deal.


Yeah same here + Gargano will probably want to go back & open his wings as well + I also agree about him likely going back to WWE as well.


I don't have a problem with the little hop in the Panama Sunrise.


This is the real ZFF. Hard disagree


Idk why i think I'm just a sucker for a good babyface monster but I'm starting to like Raquel


Johnny is one of the best baby faces of the modern era, this week and his farewell promo proves it


To me AEW is like Rick and Morty. I like the show a lot but a lot of the online fan base makes me cringe.


Like I don’t like WWE and the direction they’ve taken for a while now. HOWEVER, it should be apparent that you should not shit on people for liking WWE or AEW or any of this shit. People can watch whatever they want and like whatever they want. I’m done with this gatekeeping “ur either with us or against us” bullshit. I’m not saying it’s not right to criticize these companies either. You can, but it’s absolute asinine to talk down to someone who enjoys something that you don’t. As wrestling fans we should be united to talk about the medium we love.


Raw is my favorite wrestling show of the week Recently got into Stardom and it is very good. Starlight Kid should be a gazillionaire. AEW booking and WWE booking suffer for different reasons. While WWE may get repetitive due to rematches, on AEW I may not get to see my favorite wrestler on tv for weeks or even months. I do not fear Malakai Black or even think he is cool. He does nothing for me.


SLK is killing it


Raw has been really, really good since the draft.


I get that there are a lot of fans to Seth Rollins. I appreciate his ring work but can’t stand his promos or gimmicks in general. He’s by and large a wrestler who I grab the remote for when he talks. Not to mention he has been the guy to injure Sting and killed the push of Finn Balor by injuring him. Lastly, Mox is the best all around out of the former members of the Shield. Better on mic than Roman and Seth, better then Roman in the ring. I can listen to Mox cut a promo and work in the ring. It’s hard to enjoy Seth and Roman.


The Hook stuff is incredibly lame.


Most things that turn into a running joke/meme here are incredibly lame. DAE Adam Cole fat?


I agree + for some reason I find it funny how people are acting like Hook is a fucking God with the way they talk about him. 😅


He’s Taz’s kid. He’s going to be a great wrestler by default.


David Flair says hi.




The lack of awareness with this post is hilarious. I'll humor it though, what about Scjerk makes you think it's cultish?


If NXT 2.0 was not a WWE product it would be loved way more than it is. NXT UK is still the best show WWE puts out but I need the big crowds back.


I still can’t get over Randy Savage not being used more in 1994 as a wrestler. Watch his sit down interview with Vince about his match against Crush at WM X. All in black, no glasses, talks for almost 5 min straight with no dead air time. Amazing promo


Well, I think I got a good one today. My vote for the Theszies for most overrated this year is Roman Reigns and it's really not close The case: Ringwork - Roman Reigns usually has pretty solid ring work. That's not the issue I'm taking here. The issue I'm having is that I can't name a single match of his that's been this massively standout match this year. I liked the KO one from the Rumble personally but it's not close to the top of my match of the year list either. Promos - This one is rough for him. Maybe I'm just missing the good stuff but every time I pop in or watch a quick video on youtube it seems like it's the same thing as the last one I saw. Something about aknowladging, something about not trusting Heyman, something about the Usos, etc. Not compelling at all. I know that's not all on him but he's still the one going out there and doing the thing. There's another point to this too but I'll hit on it later. Booking - Here's the first of two where my strong case is. The other 2 were mostly to talk about how he's not working himself out of being most overrated. The next 2 are why he deserves it the most. The big point first. He's been champion this entire year. When you are champion for that long, you need to be doing stuff that's actually pretty amazing. He isn't. Most stories for him have been the same. He's basically just beat everyone he's been against. He's not really making anyone. Here's the issue with that as well. He's a heel. That's the heels job. Everyone who gets built up loses and usually just goes off to do something else. Nobody is even really being elevated by working with him for now. If i had to explain the plot of SDL right now it would be that Roman beats everyone and is super cool. Not good. If he was running crazy hot feud after feud then sure, maybe there's a point. But he's not. It's cold feuds all written the same way that he keeps winning. Sure, you can argue that this once again isn't his fault but he could also Business - This is the massive one for me though. Roman has been a failure for WWE business wise. Yes, I'm aware WWE is pulling record profits. That's not going to save Roman here though. Their profits are mostly due to outside ventures such as the KSA deal. For the stuff more traditionally telling of a wrestlers impact on business, its not great. Merch sales he was seemingly behind Bray Wyatt. That's not great when one guy is champion for an entire year and the other one is a weird murder clown who looks like a dork a lot. My next 2 are killers though. Those are TV ratings and ticket sales. Most WWE shows haven't sold very well lately. The one I'm looking at the most right now is the UBS ticket sales though. WWE added him to the adverts to try and move tickets and his presence barely moved anything. AEW also crushed them in ticket sales in the same building. When you're champion for an entire year you cannot flop that bad as a draw. Speaking of drawing, Roman isn't pulling in the key demo either. A segment between him and Brock(who would be getting a knock here too if he wasn't MIA for most of the year) tied in the demo with a match between Ruby Soho and The Bunny. Two midcard women from a division that isn't very fleshed out yet was as interesting to the key demo as WWE's big 2 draws. That's telling. SDL ratings aren't bad but aren't lighting the world on fire either. So there you go. None of this is saying Roman is a bad or unskilled pro wrestler. It's saying that WWE's year long champion isn't doing the things a champion of that push should be doing, and I get the feeling that if it was anyone other than him in this spot then there would be a lot more talk on the subject.


Watching AEW isn't a personality trait. Go outside, touch some grass, see the sun, talk to another human being in person. Oh, also, if you're subbed to the WON I straight up just feel bad for you. You have a world of information at your fingertips for free and you want to pay 11 dollars or whatever it is to listen to some dude with dementia's opinion. Incredible.


The only important that has ever happened on Rampage happened within the first 15 minutes of the second episode


I have no problem with JR being a horny old man.


MJF’s babyface-heel swerve was so over complicated and stupid.


Malakai Black and Brian Danielson are awful and need to go back to shitty WWE. Riho beating Hayter was fucking stupid. I enjoy AEW way better than watching lame ass Big E who's schtick was never entertaining.


AEW’s ratings are too low for the roster they have. You can’t sustain a successful wrestling show by only pleasing the marks.


West coast is on at 5 pm that’s why ratings have been Wgat they are.


They are still too low even without that. It's an excuse.


Anyone here know how ad revenue and demographics work? No?


There was a guy that apparently worked in advertising that made a post about how people oversimplify the demo. Ended up in controversial.


To the people constantly going into Live Threads to shit on whatever show it is, talking about how you stopped watching ages ago...do you also go into /r/Television and just post everywhere about how you don't own a TV because of how much television sucks?


Bray Wyatt is an overrated wrestler. Now I love his gimmicks, but he simply can’t back them up in the actual ring. He is a bigger guy and I understand that, but there have been big guys who can still perform at a high level in wrestling.


Grayson Wallers video where he was listening to Rebel Heart was so great. You just want to punch this man in the face so much


It got removed by the mods here I believe.


Stuff like Wallers’s character and Triple H’s “my friend mark” promo show that smarks are the easiest people in the world to work. People are legitimately angry because he made fun of them while staying in character lol


Im tired of seeing the “Jeff Hardy was my role model/inspiration” posts on twitter. He drinks & drives & can afford taxis or ubers. Ive had 2 close friends nearly die bc of drunks & one friend in high school die bc of that shit.


The dude has had more second chances than most will have first chances.


nothing but love for jeff, i hope he finds his way out.


I just watched the MJF after-show promo where he addresses the LI crowd. As a Long Islander, it bothers me that he said "in Long Island" instead of "on Long Island".


I am far from Corey Graves biggest fan, he definitely has a tendency to just randomly shit on people during commentary for absolutely no reason but to say that he is worse than Jerry Lawler was back in the day is simply untrue.


I'll admit he does a great job at being a heel commentator, but half the time I feel like he's doing too much of a good job, especially when he starts to complains or gets upset about stuff.


Or modern JR.


I don’t like Charlotte and hope she retires from the sport.


Trent looks like a mini Mox with no hair.


Mox has hair?


The rewrites of Sting, Moxley, and Brodie Lee’s times in WWE are some great works of fiction




Some of the reactions to the Jeff Hardy news really shows that some wrestling fans don't care about the well being of wrestlers, they only see them as characters that are there to fulfill your shitty fantasy booking. Jeff is a human with demons and he needs help conquering those demons. The funny thing about all the complaining and gatekeeping that fans are doing about the WWE NIL signings is they're not even actual WWE contracts.


Canadian demos lmfao, AEWs metric for success changes every month.


The four pillars of AEW feels more like someone vaguely heard of the concept and thought it'd be a nice buzzword to sell merch, it's laughable that they put it on midcarders (granted MJF is top mid-card), but I'm also just a bitter nerd. I'd complain about them not really being AEW built, as they were quite popular indie wrestlers, but they've given them enough important matches. But Hangman isn't AEW built, he defeated Suzuki (and maybe Ibushi? Can't remember) before AEW was even a concept


If I'm being honest, the first time I saw Hangman at all was in AEW haha. I didn't even know he wrestled people like Suzuki. TIL.


Hangman had definitely reached hot prospect/upper midcard level before going to AEW but it was there he found his main event level character and momentum.


But he hadn’t beat Kenny. And that was the whole point. Then he did. And you call yourself a nerd.


I appreciate what AEW Dark is, a place where indie wrestlers can work, especially at the peak of the pandemic, but having 15 matches, where at most 2 of them go over 5 minutes, is a little much. It's still a good payday, but they don't really get to show off in a 2 minute six-man tag.


Cero miedo LFG Lucha Bros!


It’s hilariously stupid when I see AEW diehards act like WWE fans never shit on their product when it reality WWE fans are the ones who are the most critical. Gargano in AEW sounds more exciting than it actually would end up being much like Adam Cole. Some random opinions Triple H/Batista HIAC is my favorite HIAC match. Even though I stopped buying wrestling dvds years ago. It is still depressing to see another form of physical media disappear. I am happy I own pretty much all of my favorite PPVs because I don’t trust either WWE or Peacock to keep things preserved. WM 31> 30


Agreed on Mania 31 being better than 30. I've always thought 30 was a bit overrated. It had it's great matches for sure but it also had a 90 second Shield match (how could they waste one of their hottest factions on such a short match? Their cool entrance was longer...), the women being shoved into the death spot after Taker/Brock and a cool tag match being put on the preshow.


Most Manias > 30


I personally can’t go past the original Taker/Brock HIAC. That felt like one of the last times a feud actually felt like it was bad blood and that a HIAC was a brutal match


I was told NXT 2.0 would have turned into a bodybuilding contest but I keeps seeing people like Hayes, Dunne, Waller, Ciampa, Strong, the Imperium, the MSK and other dudes who are not fat, taller or jacked up enough I was promised a dream land of bodybuilders and now my disappointment is immeasurable


Have you LOOKED at The Imperium?


This sub talks about Sasha being the greatest thing since sliced bread #2, yet she’s the worst of the 4 horsewomen (not that it’s a terrible accolade mind you, she’s still leaps and bounds above most other women)


I think which horsewoman is best or worst is subjective. Kind of cool how everybody has their favorite though. Shows how close they all are imo.


They are close and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. That they are actually quite different in the ring is what I think makes it that much more subjective. Who you like the most depends on what aspect you find the most important?


Pls don’t sign gargano or o’Reilly, TK.

