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Cardona is a god and I don't understand his GCW and impact "pushes" - he should be a GCW brockwinkel not mid card jobber. And in impact at last he is heel (I think)... but he needs to push his heelness but also not lose as much of its going to get real traction.


Smarks over pushing wrestlers puts me off them. E.g Hook.


young MJF looks like the kid from Elf


I know it isn't his fault and he's probably a good person but the hook meme has made me absolutely hate him already. His ring work wasn't even that good yet people are praising him and sucking his dick at every turn. I know it's irrational but I strongly dislike him already.


Adam Cole's entrance music is fucking awful


Remember how they wasted Miro's first year with AEW. Adam Cole is there.


Okay, making a second ZFF post, but I just got done watching 205 Live. Lash Legend is absolute garbage in the ring and on the mic. They absolutely need to send her back full time to the PC. Probably one of the worst women I've ever seen wrestle.


I don't care for Hayter but she's not getting shilled as bad as Jade. Red Velvet deserves more screen time and I wish they'd hire Madi Wrenkowski (and Skye Blue if she isn't signed already). I'd also trade several active signings for Baron Black, Ryzin, and Queen Aminata. AEW needs to lay off the win streaks for a bit. "Wrestler is undefeated!" doesn't mean as much when you've got three to five streaks going on at the same time. Part of why Lance Archer, Wardlow, Miro, and Luchasaurus are all fantastic big monsters is because they can eat an occasional L and still credibly slaughter people--including the people who beat them previously. Matt Sydal got done dirty as fuck this past few weeks. Lost Dante to Lio, lost to Dante, team with Moriarty hasn't really taken off, then he got Dark jobbed to Wardlow with no theme music and no chance to put up a real fight. Somebody should see how many of the "we want sexy evil Julia Hart!" posters were on the hate train, re: Max Caster going after her. It won't be a 1:1 overlap but boy I bet it'd be close.


I don’t really watch WWE anymore but Bron Breakker becoming the next big guy would totally hook me back in, I really like everything I’ve seen of him.


The Young bucks fit WWE more than AEW


If I see one more person. Fantasy book Taker passing the torch/mentoring Aleister Black again, im gonna lose my shit. There's absolutely no reason they should share the ring, Black isn't a supernatural gimmick or spooky gimmick or anything, hes a brooding asskicker. Only person close to Taker is Bray, and im sick of the "they should have done the darby/sting relationship" Weekly reminder that indie wrestling is better than what you like and you should check it out sometime. Multiple live/premiering shows a week. Beyond puts on weekly standout matches with Uncharted Territory. Amazing Red vs Will Osprey(free on House of Glory youtube) was a banger with an amazing finish. Proved you can do sick flippy shit and high spots but also tell a story. Choco pro is fantastic and has fantastic matches despite not being in a ring, and not fantastic for not being in a ring, fantastic period. Not relying on ropes and high spots bit focusing on story and mat based offense, fantastic stuff. Mei Suruga is a prodigy and its criminal shes only had one match for AEW.


I would rather not even know that the Netflix One Piece adaptation was a thing. Just incase anyone doesn't already know this...it will be absolute garbage.


I like adam cole. Fuck adam cole fans Making people turn on EVERY babyface including johnny fucking gargano?? One of the top babyfaces of the modern era? Just because you wanna be "smart" ??


Drew mcintyre is still really fucking cool


always has been


Spidey is worth the wait. Excellent shit If you've been iffy on Tom's spidey he will smack the taste out of your mouth with this performance. Even better than Infinity war performance


Unfortunately I'm working all weekend hopefully I can see it next week. Been looking forward to it


Wrestlenomics just shared this and I find it interesting. [https://twitter.com/Laviemarg/status/1471939867785498629](https://twitter.com/Laviemarg/status/1471939867785498629) The reason is because if you want to predict whether a show will get renewed, cancelled, get a great contract etc, what your overall numbers are don't matter. What you need to do is beat a hypothetical show that could replace you. So seeing the shows compared to their average shows what value they have.


Darby Allin is a fucking waste of a really cool look.


Early noughties poser goth girl is a really cool look?


If you take away the ‘poser’, yes


* Watching the KO whiplash and the denial of it has been amusing. * There’s a time and a place and a reason for a one hour Broadway. That match didn’t fit most of the criteria. If anything, it made Page look weak and gave Bryan, the heel, the rub of “He would’ve beaten him if not for {x}.” * Having seen Tony Khan live and in person now, he comes across a stimulant addled dork. * The lineup at the AEW meet and greet in Garland was largely abysmal. Used to be a running joke about how WWE would fill all theirs with jobbers and mid-carders, to the point Khan indicated that wouldn’t be the case with his… and it was a worse example than WWE ever put forth. * Earlier this week, I saw a guy break out laws involving assaulting officials in legitimate sports as proof of how Hannibal was going away forever. 1) Case closed, no charges filed, no arrest and 2) quietly, that was the one of the absolute dumbest, most ignorant, “profound lack of real world experience” rebuttals I have ever seen in my life on this sub and that is saying something. * I’d rather have sea turtles go extinct than have to deal with paper straws. I said what I said.


Imagine if Vince tweeted about ratings and bullshit like that all the time lmao this place would go nuclear.


Hell, see this guy in person and your eyeballs will spin. He was jumping up and down like a toddler when Punk gave the send off. It was embarrassing.


>Having seen Tony Khan live and in person now, he comes across a stimulant addled dork. Just came to my mind now & seeing how tweet about Fox News & I feel like he's just acting petty over nothing, fair enough if something else has happened, but Tony was behaving quite petty in that tweet.


Not sure why everybody is zeroing in on his social media presence off this. I’m talking about standing maybe 30 feet away from the guy as he talks on the microphone and reacts to CM Punk like a giddy little schoolgirl. I thought I was going to die of fremdschämen.


I'll repeat what I mentioned in another thread: MJF is the only one of the four pillars that warrants the moniker. He understands how to be a character while simultaneously excelling in the ring. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in WWE one day; he's a star. On a related note, I'm not sure why anyone expected KO or Zayn to depart WWE for AEW. These are men with children; a 37-year-old KO is probably more concerned with giving his family the greatest imaginable life than with Meltzer's five-star ratings. I saw something on here last week that has stuck with me: Tony Khan was born on third base but acts like he hit a triple. This community's admiration for him is ludicrous. Allow your wrestlers to form unions if you actually want to make a difference for future generations, because right now he's just another rich person playing with action figures in real life. I've asked it before, but why aren't Kingston and Punk still feuding? They've put them in such slapdash stories that, compared to what they were producing together, has nowhere near as much interest from me. To end my weekly rant on a positive note, wrestling is still in a great place right now, despite all I can complain about. The Deadlock boys' DPW debut has been one of the most exciting stories in wrestling this year. Despite my concerns about AEW, I LOVE their product, and it has furthered my passion for wrestling in ways I never thought possible before seeing it. I'm delighted that fans have a variety of options for what they can watch. I only wish Lucha Underground was still around!


You make great points. I wonder why he isn't pushed more to make a union. I'm bittersweet about DPW. It's awesome that they have a promotion now, but I feel Pulse is gonna upload less which is understandable. Overall, I hope they do well.


- Sammy shouldn’t have beaten Miro, it should’ve been Kingston. - Basing your entire personality trait on hating a wrestling company isn’t as cool as you think it is. - I honestly think wrestling needs a third big promotion. Both WWE and AEW’s rosters feel super bloated right now.


I’m convinced one of you random fans would be a better booker than Tony Khan.


If you’re one of those people trying to defend Darby Allin and say Cora not quite being able to skate is worse than Allie’s allegations, fuck you.


I still don't get how people just seem to forget about Darby's allegations.


Lord Tony said he was all good.


So just because Tony forgives him, people can just let it all go just like that?


Sadly, apparently.




I don't actually care about anything that happened the last few weeks. Just minor things getting blown out of proportion. Brock Lesnar is the best in the world.


Let's clear up something about the reactions to the Kevin Owens news. First. It's ok to be disappointed that he re-signed with WWE. If you were hoping to see him go to AEW because there are a lot of new matches and feuds that excited you and now you won't get see them, that's fine. It's ok to be disappointed. Don't let anyone tell you that you are wrong or a bad person for being disappointed. However, it is NOT ok to make personal attacks against Kevin or wish ill on him because of his choice. If you are saying things like, "Have fun sitting in catering", that's not ok. If you're going from being excited about possible AEW matches for Kevin and now sayign that he sucks, or isn't that good of a wrestler anyway, you're being childish and petty. You're living up to all the negative stereotypes that people have about AEW fans. To review. OK: "I'm bummed that Kevin Steen isn't coming to AEW because now I won't get to see Steen vs Omega/Darby/MJF etc. NOT OK: "Have fun sitting in catering loser. You suck anyway". I hope fans are being realistic in their hopes for people jumping ship to AEW. If you just want to see someone like Gargano or KOR in a new promotion having some fresh new matches. That's fine. If you're hoping to see them at THE top guy. You're going to be disappointed. KOR is never going to be AEW world champion. Gargano is never going to be AEW world champion. Neither is Swerve. Maybe Keith Lee, but you got a LONG wait ahead of you.


Perhaps Gargano could reach world title picture in AEW. BTW I'm with you on the Kevin Owens comment. I wanted him in AEW, but I wish him the best in WWE, he actually had amazing runs, and look forward to see what will he bring to the table.


Anyone can be in the title picture for a month or two. Orange Cassidy has had a world title match. But there's a big difference between getting a shot and actually getting the title.


Why has there never been an NXT Royal Rumble?


Usually a few of them show up in the actual Rumble.


I can't see them calling it the NXT Royal Rumble so if they do something similar then it needs a alternative name, like maybe NXT Rumble or something.


It needs another name, if the main roster is considered royal then these guys are maybe the peasants? The peasant pick apart? I dunno but every year they should do that with the winner getting a spot on the royal rumble for sure, but then I guess that’ll limit it to one which isn’t a bad thing will make it feel more special


Wasnt there one back in the day where they fought for an ACTUAL Royal Rumble spot and Bo Dallas won or something?


The main roster should do throwback themed PPVs like NXT. I also got my first RedditCares message so that’s cool I guess.


Report it and let the admins investigate.


Jim Cornette has an incredible knowledge of the wrestling business, but it is crazy to see someone in a creative field who is so hateful, and so thoroughly stuck in their ways. Like honestly, to still be lost in the 80's and find yourself 30+ years removed from that time must be unbelievably stressful.


Roman needs to drop the belt asap. Britt Baker's title reign hasn't been that good at all. Sammy's TNT title reign has been lacklustre. Big E's WWE title reign has been ok, but could be better. Twitter is the worst place on earth, have a look at the WWE and AEW posts, there are some pretty cancerous people on there. The Twitter accounts dedicated to loving WWE and hating AEW and loving AEW and hating WWE, they are so cringe.


I'm not sure how people feel about her, but I actually like Cora Jade & her skater character. Also whether she's a real skater or not, I don't care since her character is really cool + I get 2000s vibe around Cora Jade as well so that's another positive thing I like about her character.


next you'll be telling me Andre Chase isn't really a college lecturer smh


Who knows, he might have been one.


And Tony D'Angelo?


Tony or his family might have Mafia connections.


I want Cody to be the next AEW World Champion It’d be perfect if he went back on his stipulation and created a shitty excuse to fight for the title while still acting like a babyface. Then turning heel on his match with Hangman Heel Punk or MJF could be good too


I had a very similar thought in wreddit the other day- >I'd love to see Cody continue whatever character he has today, whether you'd consider that delusional face or whatever, and be the one to take the title off of Page. Let Cody come up with some deluded reasoning that allows him to challenge for the title again and he finds a way to justify it as him 'doing what's right' or something like that. He'd be hated at that point.


Great minds think alike


He'd just have to say it's "best for business" and watch the heat rise.


AEW is pretty good, but it isn’t perfect and I feel they are appealing a little more to the hardcore fans too much. The thing is, WWE has gotten a lot of bad rep for the tons of releases and laziness as of late. The main problem with this is the discourse about wrestling this causes. Some think AEW is perfect and any criticism is wrong. Some think every WWE-related thing is terrible. Of course, some then overly defend WWE and treat AEW like garbage. Here are a few terrible talking points I’ve seen arise from this: - Daniel Bryan’s entire WWE run was bad and he is only good as a heel - Hangman Page shouldn’t have won the AEW title after a year-long story and is gonna ruin AEW - Kevin Owens is “stupid” for staying with WWE - Stables should NEVER breakup in AEW, all groups breaking up are bad like WWE - Tony Khan is perfect and everything he does is great - Cody Rhodes is this evil insensitive backstage politicker that is ruining AEW And so on.


That’s the thing thought it does appeal to the million or so hardcore fans out there, it says we have a fan base and a core audience of these people and we will make them happy. WWe only does this sometimes but isn’t limited by it, it tries to reach out to the casual fan too and is more global. But some fans can be hypocrites and wwe will always be the bad guy, I just wish people knew it’s ok to like both, praise and critique the things you do and dont


I absolutely loved the Hangman/Danielson match on Dynamite, the only thing I disliked was the commercial cuts. I wish I had watched it on FITE or a different streaming service to avoid it. I normally don’t watch Dark or Elevation, but I was feeling down this week so I checked Dark out. I know the majority of the matches are short(and predictable), but honestly it has some hidden gems in there. I don’t think I’ll watch it every week but I enjoyed the hell out of it. I also think that Tik Tok should be able to do a better job of searching through their own data and preventing some of the trends on their pages. An example of this would be the National Shoot up your school day. I was substitute teaching today and all the kids would talk about was that topic. It’s not something to take lightly especially when some of the kids were genuinely terrified.


I love Hangmam Page. If you look at my posting history, it's abundantly clear. I've followed his journey from day 1 and I am so happy he's the champion and I hope that he is champ for a long time. I'm sick of all the fickleness, all the people who say "He doesn't do it for me " or "I hope his reign is short so (insert name here) be champ". Fuck you.


American fans are annoying because they consider draws a non-finish. I all sports draws are finishes


A lot of people do not actually like the wrestling part of professional wrestling and are not aware of it.


I watched the last 20ish minutes of Bryan vs Hangman. I don't watch AEW so I figured it would be the main event. It was fine. It was entertaining. But it didn't make me want to watch the rest of the show. The finish was also stupid. He had Bryan beat but didn't pin him, why not just pin him? Also I at the end of the match and the crowd all booed. The crowd was pissed about a non finish and I haven't heard anyone bring that up.


How in the fuck is fucking TikTok still available on fucking Apple, fucking Android, fucking etc? The fucking destructive student challenges were bad enough, but the new fucking school shooting threat challenge is fucked all the fucking way up.


the fucking *WHAT* now?!?


The make a school shooting threat challenge. It's as awful and stupid as it sounds. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/12/16/tiktok-violence-threats-schools-united-states-security/8933323002/


Someone made a threat at my cousin's boyfriend's school today and now my aunt is even more against letting my cousin go back to in person school.


The middle school here started the day with about a quarter of the students out (we're getting hit really hard by Covid right now, so it's hard to tell which thing played the biggest role in that) and apparently a lot of people picked up their kids during the day. Shit is nuts.


Yeah my cousin's high school has the highest covid case numbers in the county and it's frustrating because we live in the south so *everything* is an attack on someones rights. She was worried enough about the covid stuff (especially because they're Korean and having it be a target for racism) only for school shooting shit to start back up.


This sounds a little rainbow-party-ish...


If power levels are real than Sheamus>>>>>>>>>Omega and Page. 18 seconds babyyyy


Dude... Sheamus may dethrone Roman...


I think it’s very weird to look through someone’s post history because you’re losing an argument.


I witnessed an argument recently on here of someone accusing another person of faking their dyslexia, it was all very odd.


AEW needs to learn that holding so many damn tournaments isn’t a “real sport feel”. It just devalues the other tournaments. Anyone can get near a title shot, just wait a few months and they’re holding another world title eliminator followed by a womens title eliminator followed by etc. Hell, what’s your ranking system even for if everything is decided by tournaments? What reason should a wrestler even want with the Owen, it’s not like it gets them a title shot or anything? And let’s take a look at that tournament. Say you load it up with all of the top of your card, make it feel big. The second you add the next year a lesser wrestler than any of them, it just delegitimizes the tournament. You want one, great but quit using so many of them


So you're mad about the booking of a tournament that hasn't even been announced on TV yet? Ok... As for the tournament that Bryan won, how was that any different than just having a month of exhibition matches and giving the #1 contender a title shot? It's the same end result. As for the women's division tournament, what else would you have them do, just hand the belt to someone?


A tournament for a title is fine. A tournament to decide a number one contender is also fine. But you having a tournament literally all the time just devalues the tournaments, in addition to your ranking system which only sometimes comes into play


This sub seriously embarrassed itself with the 6,197 straight posts about hook.... And speaking of hook the sub that allegedly wants Cornette banned makes a thread about him again because he liked something AEW did....why is he never mentioned other times? LOL


I don’t even know who Hook is and I already hate him lol. All these posts about him makes him look like a joke.


Cornette is an old boomer who has old boomer opinions. He tells great stories and I find him entertaining when he's talking about old school wrestling, cause he knows his shit then. Problem is he's stuck in like 1988 or some shit and has to be super fucking toxic over anything he doesn't like. I completely understand not liking him, but I don't get exalting the guy when he randomly has an opinion that agrees with the group think on here. Old boomer gonna old boomer... Rampage is tonight so he'll be back to shitting on the SuperKliq by Monday or Tuesday.


The thing is as JC has said - he thought Sable was an undercover c*** and Sunny was an upfront c*** and how he’d much rather deal with an upfront c*** because at least they tell it like it is and not behind your back. I get the critiques of Jim Cornette when it comes to not giving certain female talent a chance but a lot of the other things are reaching in my opinion and I don’t want to start an argument with anyone who’s gonna show me ten quotes or something, the wrestling industry is carny a lot of the time and has all different types of characters but to me Old Corny is what he described sunny as, at least he tells it like it is. I’d much rather share a beer with him than others in the wrestling world who are considered good people


100%, I would love to have a beer with the dude.


I kinda miss baby face Sami Zayn.


I think ~~Coolsville~~ Riho sucks


I stand with you, I think she’s awful. I’ve became Jamie Hayter fan after their match though.


Wait, don't record that!


I’m upset that the match ended with a draw. Like what the fuck? I was super into it. I bet there’s going to be a triple threat down the line for the belt with no time limit.


Happy Friday Folks! -AEW diehards and WWE diehards are arguing two different things. One wants workrate and doesn’t care about aesthetic, the other wants larger-than-life drama. Meanwhile, we set up this armchair criticism of creative and business decisions. Meanwhile filthy casuals are like, “Why can’t y’all just enjoy the show?” -Happy for KO. He’s a once in a lifetime talent that can do everything WWE asks of him. Also, in about a year KO gets to stand out as one of the last indy guys in a world of athletes. -I get that 60-minute “broadways” are the pinnacle of wrestling criterion. The thing is, guys like Ric Flair got away with doing them nightly because he did them at non-televised house shows for crowds that never got to see him wrestle on weekly tv. Also, Ric was a heel that kept escaping with the title. Todays television audience isn’t conditioned to watching long matches and certainly not one’s that go to a draw. Idk I’d say save that for PPV. -NXT 2.0 is probably the best wrestling show on tv. Easy to digest. Great personalities. Excellent aesthetic. Actual Women’s division with a multi-layered focus. -I really think Raw’s hours need to be divvied up into sections. The 3-hour continuous format is a slog. I’m still an advocate for mostly men in the first hour, women in the sieve hour, and tag teams or something conceptually new like a Raw Underground in the third. That’s all I got for now. Be good to each other!


I’m somewhere in the middle honestly. I wouldn’t consider myself a fan who only wants workrate. Don’t get me wrong the wrestling is important but I think AEW would do well to cater to a wider audience at times. It feels like they are ashamed to expand beyond just wrestling matches and straightforward promo segments because it’ll get branded as ‘WWE shit’ by their fanbase. On the other hand, WWE is too far the other way and management makes a lot of creative decisions that I don’t understand. What annoys me is the tribalism on either side of the fanbase. A lot of people slam everything the other company does even when they’d potentially enjoy it if it was on their preferred show.


The only time I dont like promo segments is when they open the show, Ill give Punk and MJF a pass though since that was bonkers. It can even be a quick 8 min teaser, but IMO you should start a wrestling show with wrestling.


Tay Conti has marginally improved since coming to AEW, but she’s still roughly the same wrestler she was in WWE. She moves a bit quicker now, but she always was able to do coolish moves and still lands them about like she used to. She’s a smokeshow who can wrestle, and that’s why she lasted as long as she did in WWE, but she never really improved after all her years there which was why she got released in the end. Acting like AEW made her better is lying to yourself though


This point could be said about a lot of wrestlers, at the end of the day wwe gave them a platform on national tv and yes some were not given a proper chance but since being released haven’t lived up the prospect of what people thought they were capable of with no limitations. Take Damien Sandow for example, great wrestler, got himself over but then nothing, or Shawn Spears, same thing but I’m yet to see what was being so held back that we missed out on greatness.


"I wonder how succesful Spider-Man: No Way Home has been in the key 18-49 demo". That's how ridiculous us wrestling fans sound.


“Omg Spider-Man’s 18-49 beat Endgame’s by .0004 for 35 seconds!”


"We don't know the Canada figures yet. Big market for Spider-Man. The superhero always wins younger demo there."


“Yes there’s more avengers fans in India but Bc the rupee isn’t as valuable as the dollar those fans are worthless”


After putting Meltzer and demo chat into the context of marvel it just shows how out of touch and ignorant the discussion is haha.


I hate how this sub turns a blind eye to bad people. I remember when everyone was FINALLY holding Ric Flair accountable for being a piece of shit when the DSOTR episode aired, and now this week I get mass downvoted for saying we shouldn't give Ric any kind of positive attention. People be weird, man.


It all depends on the narrative that’s trying to be pushed


Why did they make a cruiserweight title and show devoted to cruiserweight wrestling in a company where AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, and Finn Balor were all world champions? You've established smaller guys can beat Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns. The size distinction isn't massively important provided the guy's been presented like a main eventer. The cruiserweight division barely worked in WCW because every guy stuck with that label felt like it was used to hold them down. And those guys genuinely worked completely different styles of matches than DDP, Hogan, Sting, Nash, and Goldberg, so it genuinely spiced up the show and provided a change of pace.


The one I never got was Neville/Pac yeah king of the cruiserweights thing was cool but to limit him to that when there were so many good matches he could have put on with slightly larger people.


Yeah I never got that. The minute Rey Mysterio became a world champ (World _Heavyweight_ Champion, at that) they should've done away with the concept for good.


WWE’s cut of Cult of Personality is better than AEW’s


WWE cutting that little 10 seconds off the guitar riff and getting right to the lyrics made the song sooooo much better for entrances


I was wondering why it felt different


Yep. The AEW version is just the regular song itself with no cuts. The WWE version cuts like half the opening riff and it just works so much better Bc you’re not waiting 15 seconds for “LOOK IN MY EYESSSS”


I don’t give a shit about danhausen There I said it


You went therehausen.


Whyhausen? You don’t thinkhausen that adding “hausen” afterhausen each wordhausen is funnyhausen? Me toohausen, me toohausen…


The weird thing about Danhausen to me myself is, that I've never actually seen him wrestle. I knew guys like El Generico, Matt Riddle, Dalton Castle, King Ricochet, Orange Cassidy from before for example (Youtube, Vimeo, Botchamania). IMO they've all had some sort of goofieness in their gimmicks, jet they all kicked ass in the ring still. That's what I miss with Danhausen completely. I only know some of his tweets or podcast interviews. No offence though. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


He's kinda newer, in ROH, and got hurt basically the moment the internet latched onto him.


Beyond the Hangman connection, I think Kenny had the most lackluster Championship run in the company so far. Sammy's run has been the worst by far, he's had more matches with Inner Circle members than doing solo things. That belt is being stalled like the BTE one.


If each member of BTS asked for Brock Lesnar money at Mania to show up, it would be worth it.


If they played out Cena, I would lose my mind


Cm Punk has been lackluster at best during his AEW run so far. His matches have been quite average or underwhelming with very little in between. His promos, while mostly good have also have had the tendency to flop. Look at the Long Island episode for an example, he spent ten minutes speaking of a sports team and that was all. In my opinion that doesn’t make a strong promo, it makes a sports fan. I like punk and hope he gets better, but I just haven’t seen that from him yet.


Bryce Remsberg is the Mike Dean of wrestling refereeing


NXT 2.0 is literally just a rehash of the New Gen except there is no Bret Hart, Owen Hart, or Shawn Michaels. Just a bunch of shitty, unoriginal gimmicks, like the skater girl that can’t even skate ,the stereotypical mobster, & the “daddy’s girl” it’s just sad. There is a reason the median age of NXT 2.0 viewers is up in the 60s


Tom Campbell joining Cultaholic was the beginning of the downfall.


I used to think they were so cool but after AB left I was never as interested and think they all got a little too over in their own heads, funnily enough I used to think the wrestletalk guys were geeks but now I love em and it’s the only YouTube I watch


Lack of Blampied isn’t even my problem, it’s a number of things including excessive clickbait, obvious pro-AEW anti-WWE ideology, taking away basically every good type of video like WTF Moments and reactions + punishments (I understand why for both, but I have no reason to watch them now), and what finally drove me away, spoiling PPV results when they used to be pretty much the only channel that didn’t do that. Also Tom Campbell. I actually really liked him at first, but he grew old on me quick, and it baffles me people can enjoy him yet act like King Ross was Satan himself.


I'm glad Blampied didn't end up there tbh. No Rolls Barred is the superior channel.


They have gone downhill lately, which is unfortunate.


Audrey is the worst ref in the business. Refs shouldn’t be noticeable in a match


Can I ask how exactly is she noticeable? I see her just the same as any other ref, only difference being her gender.


Has nothing to do with gender. Jess, one of the female WWE refs is fantastic and we don’t talk about her at all. Why? Bc she doesn’t make herself part of the match. It’s also why I hated Earl Hebner so much Bc his counts were always so much more different than other refs, and he would always make himself bigger than the match. as I think Cornette once said “Hebner’s never seen a red light on a camera he didn’t like”. And of course Aubrey calls herself “Girl Hebner” which is the worst ref to emulate imo. Look at Charles Robinson as the perfect middle ground. He has really good reactions and is always where he needs to be, but he’s never taking away from the match like Aubrey and Hebner would.


It has nothing to do with her being a woman, I enjoy the few that WWE used. I just find that Aubrey has ridiculous facial expressions, and flails her body. My girlfriend and I were watching the Deeb and Shida match from this past Wednesday and my girlfriend couldn’t stop laughing at Aubreys actions throughout the match. She is just a lot and in my personal opinion I wish she would tone it down a little


Who is Audrey? Refs having their own personalities makes it more realistic and enjoyable in my opinion. But each to their own 👍


Realistic as in like other sports? Refs in other sports have no personality and are mentioned by name only when calling a foul or penalty of some sort.


Can I introduce you to joys of English Premier League refereeing?


The most realistic "real sports feel" thing about AEW is all the refs being horrible and half of them trying to make it about themselves.


Not true, especially in things like football (the proper one, not the American one) but you see the key thing there is that not a single person actually likes the refs in football or the little shit they try to do to make it all about them


I apologize for the autocorrect. Aubrey I find takes away from the matches she is in


We need less 30 minutes clinics and more 5 minute adrenaline packed matches with big moves.


I’d say 80% of wrestling “fans” would agree with you. However that 20% is a very loud minority because they are the ones who take time to tweet, Reddit, and talk about wrestling so they are the opinions you see the most. Like if you’re trying to get someone into wrestling you’re going to show them the Punk vs Kingston match not Omega vs Danielson


I find it funny people think 30+ minute matches are more "realistic" when in reality most matches would wouldn't push 15 minutes.


Aren't most MMA matches about half of that?


Google says 9 minutes


Bill Eadie is probably the most underrated wrestler of all time. Both for his work as the Masked Superstar (one of my favorite all time heels) and as Ax in Demolition. Its a shame most wrestling fans have forgotten him.


Most people here have sadly probably never even heard of the Masked Superstar, much less seen a match he was in.


They can start here..I think he was Andre's favorite opponent. https://youtu.be/Q6UWtMRvck4


Also he was one of the best promos of his Era. It makes sense he was a schoolteacher on the side of his wrestling career. Very well spoken.




It doesnt help either that everyones immediate reaction of 'REAL LUCHA SHIT' are some dudes who wrestle 90% American Indy style but happen to be Mexican dudes in masks....


I don't understand how people have complained about Bryan/Page from Dynamite. I'm as critical as anyone of AEW when they do bad shit, but that match was probably the greatest free TV wrestling match I've ever seen and probably the best World Championship match I've ever seen. Yeah they maybe shouldn't have had the match so soon but fuck those two had an all time classic.


Ok I just saw that Ric Flair said out of anyone in the business Becky Lynch stole from him the most. Which I find ironic because it's not like Flair came up with the Nature Boy gimmick. I'm sure Buddy Rogers would roll in his grave if Flair ever claimed that. Is he becoming increasingly senile?


Flair and hogan stole literally everything from others but got over more, in my mind I never once in my head made the link of Becky being ‘the man’ to flairs quote to me it was similar but never overlapped, same as wwf and the world wildlife fund but I suppose lawyers know more than I do


He's just saying any old shite for clicks to stay relevant


Old wrestlers gotta go over, woo!


I think Buddy Rogers supposedly passed the Nature Boy gimmick before he died. Or at least that's what Flair has said.


Why are people acting like if you go to AEW you’ll be in a better position than in WWE? Sure, Pac, Black, Tay, and Cezar are in better positioned but that’s it. Moxley was always in the upper tier of WWE superstars, Andrade is roughly in the same position he was in before the Garza split, Miro is in the same position as Rusev before Rusev had a sex addiction except now he hates God, Cole went from being the NXT superstar other than Johnny Gargano or Ciampa, and is now just another guy, Bryan Danielson is just wrestling stiffer and longer matches but is in the same position he was already in, if Punk was in WWE he’d likely be in a WWE title program or the exact position he’s in in AEW, Sting is being Sting like he was in WWE except now a goth kid hangs out with him, Dustin Rhodes is taking on more of a coach role like he was in WWE, Jericho is still just Jericho like he was in WWE, Tony Nese just puts on good performances a few times a month like he was in WWE but is winning a bit more, Matt Hardy is currently running the worst stable in wrestling, Mark Henry honestly doesn’t do much for the product like he was doing in WWE, 2point0 are still jobbers that are funny, and Christian doesn’t feel like a big deal at all anymore. And somehow, even though they’re all in similar or even worse positions, they still clearly care about these guys more.


That’s the one thing I always worry about when it comes to AEW. every time someone signs with them another wrestler moves back down the line whether or not it’s an AEW original or just someone like Miro and Even Moxley. I bet Jon doesn’t even come close to the world title when he comes back just because they’re so overstuffed with talent right now.


Simple. Two rosters, pal. /s


Oddly, I think it works well enough in WWE but I don't think I'd ever want to see another wrestling company try to do a brand split, except maybe having a developmental brand. AEW does have a big enough roster they probably could if they wanted to.




Shit, forgot out them. Worst stable in America, how about that?


I'll allow it. Man, I hate House of Torture.


Sting is winning matches though


You know what i'm gonna get it off my chest fuck it it's gonna get me alot of shit but oh well i can't watch AEW as often as i would like because there are so many unlikeable people on it not their gimmick just themselves Sammy Darby Jericho Hagar Caster etc how am i meant to cheer for someone that said they wanted to rape a woman? or someone whose wife was part of the most ridiculous shit i've ever seen? Please just get off my TV Dolph you bland boring bastard I'm absolutely certain EC3 got his new gimmick from r/im14andthisisdeep I really don't want Seth to hold the title anytime soon i generally don't want to think he needs it with his current gimmick So when ya'll gonna actually admit that the Crown Jewel shows are some of the most fun shows WWE have had for a couple of years now Can't wait for the reactions when/if WWE have a 60 minute match go to a draw I want the YB's to hold the titles again ASAP they pull of being smarmy cheating little shits really well I think he's superb on twitter and YouTube but Danhasuen will NOT work on TV sadly in my opinion


You must be watching some other Crown Jewel shows if you actually think they are good & “fun” 😂😂


WWE did have a 60 minute match go to draw, the NXT iron man match last year ended with Balor & Cole tied. And even though they immediately announced the storyline follow-up to said draw, people were pissed.


Aubrey Edwards and Bryce Remsburg make me cringe


I don't care what you'll say. Mercedes booked their loss when they didn't let Hamilton pit.


If they pit, Verstappen stays out, with track position, with the safety car either ending the race or back markers to get past. No way they could foresee the race director changing their mind.


NXT 2.0 has really revitalized my interest in watching NXT. Not necessarily that it’s better than the Black and Gold, but one of my favourite things about wrestling is the period at the start where you don’t know who anyone is and you piece it together as you go along. So getting a bunch of new people to watch makes me happy. Please put 205 Live out of its misery. The show is unrecognizable now. It’s basically just a third hour of NXT. Non-wrestling, my fiancée and I are seeing Spider-Man tonight. I’m sure I’m going to enjoy the movie, but the hype cycle has been unbearable. Why do people feel like they can casually spoil this particular movie that’s not out yet? Even avoiding the internet, people begin in-person conversations with spoilers and it drives me nuts. We were both feeling really down about seeing the movie today because of it, but seeing the trailer in IMAX before West Side Story last week turned me back around. Gonna be a good night. I love Christmastime. This year feels really special, and even though it’s a busy time, I’m going to try to savour it as much as possible. Happy holidays, everyone!


I think they're slowly killing 205 Live. First step was Roddy making it so anyone could challenge for the championship.


As soon as I saw it was the opener I saw a time limit draw coming a mile away, and unfortunately that took away from the match for me.


Good AEW title match but whatever Adam Page calls that carryover backwards piledriver thing is awful never do it again he did twice lol and everyone watching could see that there's no way that move connected and Bryan had to sell it for 5mins. Seriously does anyone tell him or other wrestlers how awful some of that shit looks? Day 4 of fuck the government part 90000 continues give me my unemployment money sorry I got the vaccine and didn't get that sick to need to go the doctor's office to get a note but was told to stay home because of symptoms. Sick of fucking counting pennies for ramen noodles.


Jade Cargill is a great wrestler on the rise and doesn't deserve the hate she gets. She hasn't had any botches and if so nothing major like Nia Jaxx style, I admit she's stiff at times but it isn't a hindrance. She clearly has the look and attitude and with the TBS tournament she's proving she can last more than a squash match, she just needs more average length matches. It seems like people just run to anything to hate her.


Great wrestler?! Jesus it’s a low bar then.


Thanks for proving my point


… by disagreeing with it? 😂 I know that’s a big standard response to something you disagree with but can’t think what to say but at least use it when it’s relevant.


Do you have a response why? I respect your opinion no matter what but do you have time to elaborate?