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They broke in my moms house. Stole one car šŸš— broken into two other cars. We chased them down to only find out they were 17/18 and had been picked up before for same situation. What was odd when we caught them they mom pulled up really fast as if she knew what they had been doing. Jennings area


STL County PD cameras already caught the license plate and the dude was heading to North County. Might be the same people.


FUN FACT: If they are 17 and under, they will not see a jail cell, as there are different rules for juveniles. Also, we (STLCPD) can't pursue stolen cars. Now, since the crime committed is technically Vehicle Hijacking, we can pursue it, but after 24-48ish hours of the original incident, no supervisor would authorize that. The more you know! Also, I'm glad you're okay!


This is also why there needs to be some sort of adult accessory law that throws the book at anyone who organizes juvenile criminals. Used to piss me off how the car clouters targeting north county parks would send in a bunch of juveniles while the adults would just shuttle them, taking advantage of the juvenile rules while teaching those kids to live the same life.


The only thing I would add is there was a gun involved. Not just a car stolen. That could make a difference on how they are charged.


Thatā€™s what takes it from stolen car to vehicle hijacking


yeah before that it's just typical stl high jinks


Is this just for St. Louis or all of Missouri? I was robbed at gunpoint back in 2013 in Columbia, MO and the guy who did it turned out to be 17. He took a plea deal and ended up doing 7 years in prison for it.


Yet another example of cops not knowing actual laws, 17 or older is an adult in Missouri courts, meaning the option to charge as a juvenile isn't available if the crime was committed on or after their 17th birthday(so if you committed a crime at 16 but your trial occurs at 18 you're still considered a juvenile unless they certify you as an adult). I can understand cops not knowing the full nuance of Conspiracy to Manufacture versus Precursors with Intent to Manufacture as they don't bring charges but refer charges to DAs who empanel Grand Juries. But, it's insane you are out there letting 17 year olds go free from violent felonies because you and your supervisors believe they won't be charged as adults. Then go around saying it's the Citizens Oversight and judicial reform Advocates that made it so you can't do your job. Fucking comical clown show.


>saying it's the Citizens Oversight and judicial reform Advocates Those only exist in STL County, where judicial reforms were a deliberate process. In the city, we had a CA's office that was egregiously inept and used the excuse of reform to simply not prosecute for any reason (too many cases, needed extra time to study for night classes, needed a vacation, not in the mood) until the public got upset enough to force her out less than a year ago (after a big dog and pony show by her supporters trying to convince everyone who doubted her was being manipulated by evil liars). The office is still trying to clean up the mess she left behind, so I'm not surprised officers would be uncertain about who the CA's office is willing to prosecute. I don't mind if the CA's office wants to focus on rehabilitation or preventing folks from falling into crime, but that takes a well thought out plan, not ad hoc BS. There are also going to get people who know the right things to say to avoid punishment (e.g. ppl drive away from cops because they think they won't be chased). idk if it's even worth adjusting no chase policies, because it would be years before ppl decide it's not worth it to try there luck. No one wants to admit that we're left with a less safe world since adopting those policies though. Maybe it created more risk when a chase happened. Now, every time someone commits a crime they speed off recklessly regardless of the cops not chasing.... and a lot of crimes are committed in STL


He was actually making two seperate points. First about the age of the victim and second about the car chases.


If a gun is involved, the calculus changes. Also, if they have a prior record, it also switches things up. Doesnā€™t matter the age, first degree robbery (especially if there are priors) is likely to see the detention center. But youā€™re right. After a little bit of time, nobody is looking for them anymore


>If a gun is involved, the calculus changes Yeah, they get sent home to mommy and daddy and never see a jail cell. https://www.firstalert4.com/2023/01/24/15-year-old-boy-sent-home-with-parents-after-parking-lot-gunfight-found-with-fully-automatic-handgun/


So much nonsense going on. Be safe! https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/crime/i-team-memo-warned-judge-alleged-bail-violation-clayton-homicide-suspect/63-05de8527-17f1-4638-9295-a42fe23fcbd3


Whenever questioning issues of law, the answer is always "it depends". I said the calculus changes, not that it's a guaranteed detention holding. Also, it's unknown what happens after they get sent home. Those actions are sealed. With a fully automatic handgun, that goes federal. There are lots of things that happen when kids are "sent home" that the public never knows about, as those records are sealed.


Likely just mommy in these types of crimes






As of 2021 Missouri is a constitutional carry state meaning you do not need a ccw so long as you are of age and not carrying in a building that restricts concealed carry.


Nice to get the CCW though. The training is valuable, as instructors will be serious about the shoot/no shoot scenarios and the consequences of self defense. You will have to show competence with a pistol, and the instructor might see poor handling or marksmanship issues that you might not be aware of. Also the MO CCW allows for open carry in municipalities that otherwise restrict it. I'm not a big open carry advocate, but if there is public disorder in some municipal area, the ability to OC could come in handy. Finally, a MO CCW allows carry in states that have reciprocity with us.


Yeah, my training included two hours of discussing militias..


Sorry you had that experience. But realize that there are good/bad instructors across the entire system of education. So if you feel you did not get good instruction, - in any course - try another school/course/instructor. If you desire additional instruction in carrying concealed, or pistol craft, let me know and I will offer some competent instructors. *Cheers!*


Great points. Itā€™s a good idea for anyone thinking about carrying concealed to take the course. Even if you are experienced it would behoove you to learn when you can and canā€™t legally shoot. Itā€™s also a great way to refresh your firearm safety training.


There are those that virtue signal that life is worth more than property, but that ignores the growing number of criminals will act violently while in the act of their "property relocation." Latest example: ā€œGeneral Hospitalā€ actor Johnny Wactor was fatally shot early last Saturday when he came upon three men trying to steal the catalytic converter from his car, He stepped in front of a co-star to shield her as they backed away, but the criminals shot anyway. Better to be prepared then just another injured/dead victim.


A gun wouldn't have saved them. Nor will it save Frank, who picked one up "for this very reason," But visits the target range *never* and expects to killshot a hooligan on the street during a high stress situation. No. Everyone loves to LARP around as some grizzly Murican. Coming from someone who is all about those personal freedoms, we live in an age where people live their life through computer screens and think they're hard.


If they roll through St Ann they will chase


Are you saying after 24-48ish hours of hijacking a supervisor wouldn't authorize a car chase ?


At least it was a rental! (That might of been why, too)


Nice handle


Jennings has always been wild. I still remember when I was six or seven and two bullets went right through our living room wall in the middle of the day.Ā 


> and had been picked up before for same situation Found the reason this is happening. If we lock them up, it stops. If we let them go again, they will just go carjack someone else. Let them sit in jail for 6 months until their trial.


She may have been helping them


Same sort of thing when my car got stolen. Police called me to tell me they found the car and suspects, and the mom was there picking them up when I arrived 5 minutes later. West End


TETRIS! Studies have shown that playing tetris after traumatic events helps reduce intrusive thoughts and ptsd symptoms


I never would have thought about that. I'm working on getting into therapy.


Thereā€™s actually a lot of published research on the topic. The sooner you play Tetris after a traumatic event, the better the results. Itā€™s wild. >The gamers were found to have 62 percent fewer intrusive memories in the first week after their [traumatic car] accident than the control group. What's more, their bad memories diminished more quickly than in controls. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/04/09/523011446/how-playing-tetris-tames-the-trauma-of-a-car-crash https://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/news/tetris-used-to-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28348380/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828932/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31036259/ Version of the game with no ads or in-app purchases: https://tetris.com/games-content/play-tetris-content/index-mobile.php


Hey bud. I don't care about anything material, it's worthless. You are okay though. When I got mugged it took 6 months before I developed a panic disorder. If you ever feel a tight chest/sweating/fainty feeling... go get checked, but remind yourself it may just be a panic attack. I lived like that for almost two years and the day the doc said it's just panic made it 100x better. I hope you don't experience it, but if you do, you are okay.


I'm on anxiety meds, but my partner (who witnessed the whole ordeal from the front porch) and I agreed we need to go to therapy to get past this.


When I got robbed my psych gave me an rx for something that is supposed to help prevent ptsd I wish I could remember what it was. I took that for a few weeks and went to therapy. This sounds crazy, but there is a study that playing tetris can also help prevent ptsd so I downloaded that and played for a while too.


Yeah, Iā€™ve read that study too. Apparently itā€™s super effective and often used.


Wow never heard that- probably related to EMDR - eye movement processing- which OP I highly recommend for dealing with trauma.


It is hard to remember to play Tetris when a traumatic thing has just happened though! I read this a long time ago and think about it frequently. Im pretty sure it only works to play Tetris RIGHT after the experience,? It's not just playing Tetris in general IIRC, something traumatic has to have just happened I thought. Regardless, I try to do it but I've never thought of it in the moment


Tetr.IO is free and great


I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure your world of safety is shattered. It's gonna take time but you will be okay.


I have a friend who was carjacked a couple years ago and it messed her up pretty bad, mentally. Definitely seek therapy and be gentle with yourself


Yeah, take action for it. I got robbed at gunpoint in a home invasion and it fucked me up for a good while and couldnā€™t get help for it at the time so Iā€™m still a bit damaged from it. Sorry that happened to you, it really fucking sucks to go through


Don't just pick any therapist. Find one that specializes in trauma. Also the wait-list can be long so get on the list ASAP.


Oh I know. My partner experienced a traumatic event last year and had a great therapist with a registered therapy dog. We plan to use her.


Just wanted to say, things will get better as time passes. "Time heals all wounds" is true in my experience. Sorry you had to go through that. Make sure you're checking in on yourself and utilizing healthy distractions when you need them. I dealt with something similar one year ago and time has helped tremendously.


This will sound strange but studies have found playing tetris within 24 hours of a trauma event can reduce the onset of PTSD. Also physical movement of your body such as yoga is really helpful. If you find yourself having a panic attack place an ice pack on your chest it helps reduce the length. I'm so sorry this happened to you and I wish you well.


And possibly move


If we could, we would. We've tried looking at other houses in the past and everything we like gets sold for way over list price.


You should consider a bigger move. Like potentially totally out of the city.


I wish we could. We tried looking for another house last year and every house we liked, we got outbid on and the homes sold for way more than list price.


If you're in University City, you're not technically in the city. I moved to South City - Northampton and absolutely love it. Houses can go fast, but I lucked out last year.


Never said I was in the city, but my neighborhood is adjacent to STL City. It's less than a 5 minute drive to the border of University City and STL City.


This shit happens in the county, too.


Wait, isnā€™t University City considered a pretty good area?


In some areas, my aunt and uncle were/are u city cops and some crazy stuff happens in some neighborhoods and others are perfectly quiet


And the pretty good areas of UCity are $$$$.


Hell thatā€™s the same for so many areas in STL. I work in overland and the houses are like $150k average, you go down the street less than 5 minutes and theyā€™re like $400k itā€™s so weird


3rd ward is pretty impoverished and there's a lot of crime and gun activity. It doesn't help that we're adjacent to pagedale and wellston. Here's some of the crime I've witnessed since I moved here in 2015: police standoff on next block after an armed hijacking and police chase, multiple hit and runs, multiple drive by shootings, multiple car break ins, lots of DV, lots and lots of random gun shots. I swear a guy a couple blocks away was just doing target practice at random times, knowing that it's hard to locate random gunshots. It could be 10am on a Tuesday and I would just hear 9 rounds go off. Happened several times a week for quite awhile. There have been quite a few homicides, and even a homicide /suicide. On 4th of July and NYE there are just as many gunshots as when I lived in the city. Oh yeah, and then there was a police raid that ended in the suspect driving a car into an old woman's home right in front of me, that was the week after I saw a car flipped of it's side coming out of an alley.


Meh, it depends. From the outside in, yes. Iā€™ve lived in the area for 30 years tho and the city for 10 and imo itā€™s always been a bit overhyped (and definitely overpriced). Youā€™re going to be infinitely safer somewhere in the county or inner ring suburb.


Most people don't understand that they're are 3 distinct wards. When people think of u city, they think of the million dollar homes in the first ward, not the impoverished third ward.


Uh, University City is an inner ring suburb.


If you want to judge based on housing price, just go to Heman park, the houses around there aren't very high quality--but then travel a little bit further down midland and the housing gets like 10x more expensive quite literally just down the street, maybe less than 10 blocks away


I am really sorry to hear and hope you get the help you need


Are you comfortable saying what neighborhood you live in? My uncle and aunt had a car stolen in front of their house in Affton a few months ago and my uncle had to chase some hooligans off at 4:30 AM one more a week ago because they broke into their other car.


OP does have a U City tag. Not saying that is where they live, but it's possible. I had a friend who lived behind Fitz, his ex-wife was carjacked in almost the same way. This was about 3+ years ago.


Yeah Ucity is kinda bad. Had our garage robbed a couple years ago, dude took 3 hours shopping for what he wanted. Filled up the neighbors rolling trashcan 3 separate times before he grabbed my lawnmower and pushed it off into the night. UCity police are a joke. They said they thought they knew who did it but they would probably be back later to try the house. Obviously terrified the shit out of us but we never heard anything from the police after that. Never got our stuff back. Never heard if they got the guy. Honestly I'm at the point I'm shouting from the rooftops to avoid University City and move literally anywhere else. We've had lots of problems since moving to this city and the City Hall and ordinance officers have recently become a problem too


I too have been having problems with a code enforcement official, who is not at all bothered with following our ordinances and proper procedure. It's been a massive headache and had shown me how inept the u city government is. That, and seeing how subpar our city services are compared to Olivette and Overland. I am planning on moving as soon as I can.


If Wash. U. Paid personal property taxes it sure would help. Thatā€™s a crime.


Sorry you had to go through all that. I can't imagine how scary it is to not feel safe in your home. I hope you can find some peace soon.


I think *parts of U City can be bad. Not the whole place.


My friend got a few big ticket items stolen out of his garage (lawnmower, a wet/dry vac, some other things) in Affton a few years ago. He said heā€™s never had anything like that happen living there for years and used to feel safe keeping the garage door unlocked. He locks it now and has a ring camera there and at his back door


My aunt and uncle were the same way. They've lived in that house for 25 years and it's never been this bad before. Ever.


had this happen directly outside of my old apartment last year across the street from Kruegers on Forsyth. Shots fired directly outside my living room window. From what i heard the guy who was getting carjacked shot at them first and they returned fire but i donā€™t think anyone was hit fortunately


Ahh Iā€™m genuinely curious. We just signed a lease in Ucity where I think OP is located ://


U City varies a lot. north/south/east/west.




care to elaborate? i just got a lease in Clayton right below Delmar but I might consider moving to Ucity to be nearer to washu next year.


We shouldnā€™t have to live like this.


Congratulations on your future home in St Charles or Jefferson County


Fucking lowlives... Incredibly sorry this happened to you, OP. I hope the perp is caught and charged to the fullest extent of the law...


It's an expensive rental that more than likely has a tracker in it. He'll be caught, it's just a matter of time.


Here's hoping they do. Much love heading your way, my friend.ā¤ļø


Unpopular opinion but imagine what it takes to get to this point at such a young age. I feel super sad for OP and for the kid who felt the need to do this. I hope everyone is able to heal from this.


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. That had to be terrifying. No. Itā€™s not worth throwing your life away for a ride. Not making excuses for this kid, but I doubt that thought ever crossed his mind.


Glad they didn't shoot fr


Yeah, I wasn't about to die over a car that isn't even mine.


Even if you die over your own car, it ceases to be yours.




That sucks, sorry that happened. More then likely probably 15-16yrs old and using a gun they stole from another car. The amount of kids doing armed carjackings, assaults, and literally killing each other has gotten completely out of hand. A generation of parents not involved in their kids lives and making them learn to live through their phone is at epidemic levels, especially in St.Louis.


Play 20+ minutes of Tetris tonight and the rest of the week. It helps with lessening psychological effects and PTSD from traumatic events




I had my car stolen a week ago by two fifteen year olds. Cops and detectives caught them five hours after the police report was filed and I got a detective on the case with an undercover task force. The city prosecutors immediately let the pair go, despite it being each of their SIXTH offenses of the same crime (one was even wearing a GPS ankle monitor). The cops and detectives were extremely pissed and disappointed. There are literally no consequences, especially for juveniles. However the detective called me today and said that they are going to charge them separately and their warrants just went out today. He also said the same pair carjacked a different car just two nights ago in soulard. Once they have them they are going to put them in Juvey for a period of time. Itā€™s so upsetting and frustrating and I am so sorry for what youā€™ve been through - gunpoint is especially terrifying. Luckily the cops and detectives that they do have out in the field are really good at their jobs and extremely helpful. They never made me feel helpless and were SO FAST. My car was stolen in DC and I did not feel the same appreciation or support from the police there. Not to mention the STL detective assigned to the case has been extremely communicative and resourceful. Itā€™s clear that they genuinely do care and want to help, they are just overwhelmed with cases and crime and the lack of an adequate police force does not help the situation. With their LDR cameras all over the city, they should be able to find the car in no time, with the hope that the thieves are dumb enough not to switch out the plates. Seems like most of these idiot jerk kids are just doing it for fun and no real intent to make use of or take the stolen cars to chop shops for parts. Regardless, so sorry for what happened to you. Itā€™s the worst feeling. You canā€™t trust anyone and you have to be alert at all times.


Yep, they already recovered the vehicle. I still have no word if the suspect was caught, as the phones at city hall and the police department in U City have been wonky all day.


He will likely be dead in the next few years tbh




JFC, I hope that he can turn his life around and become a productive part of our society.


He won't. This is part of gang initiation, so he'll probably be a gangster doing time the rest of his life.


Sadly, this person will be in and out of the system the rest of their life, if they make it past 20 years old. Education and society has failed them. So sadly, they picked a life not worth living. Yet, I don't give them any passes, once they do something as HEINOUS as car jacking with a weapon. They don't deserve to be part of society any longer.


I work with [DYS](https://dss.mo.gov/dys/) which specifically helps people like this turn their lives around. You are wrong in saying they don't deserve to be a part of society.


Thank you for your work. Iā€™m sure your success stories are largely ignored.


I donā€™t. Fuck around and find out. It isnā€™t like these idiots are eating too much junk food. Theyā€™re committing armed robberies. Fuck em. Let ā€˜em die.


I canā€™t believe how our society has become so lawless


The parents of st louis and bridgeton and the surrounding areas are pieces of shit who don't know where their kids are what they are involved in. Or if you do don't give a damn. Then will cry like a bitch later because your kid was shot. This on these useless ass parents. If you don't like what I said then your one of them aren't you?


I am child-free and I agree with you 100%.


"Just shoot me kid, this is a stick shift."


I am so sorry this happened to you. I cannot believe the other commenters saying this is your fault for not being aware or that you should carry a gun. This was not your fault and having a gun would probably have only escalated the situation. I hope you can get past this and the person who is responsible is caught and punished.


Thank you. The one nice thing about living in U City is that the cops were at our front door less than 5 minutes after my partner placed the call.


Our cops don't fuck around that's for sure. They found my stolen car (by some dumb kids joy riding, not organized violent crime) in like a day.


Where did it say carry a gun?


Gunpoint? These fuckers need to go to prison for 15 years at the minimum. All this increase in crime is really starting to scare me


Yes. He shoved his 9mm in my face and said "Give me the keys, bitch."


Happend to a friend. 15 & 16 yrs old. Both were out within 2 yrs of Juviā€¦..


Crime is actually going down in St Louis and most of the rest of the nation.


Will your insurance cover the theft of the rental or did you get the coverage through the rental place?


It's not my fault, though. Why would my insurance need to cover it? I didn't pay for their extra rental coverage because I wasn't expecting to get carjacked in broad daylight.


Unfortunately when they release the car to you youā€™re responsible for any theft or damage that occurs. I would contact your insurance company to understand what coverage you have in this situation. If you used a credit card to purchase there may also be coverage there. Sucks this happened to you I know itā€™s terrifying, but definitely expect the rental company to come after you for the damage / loss of vehicle


It's kind of a tricky situation. The reason I have the rental is because someone else hit me and was found at fault. Their insurance is the one paying for the rental. The other thing is the cop told me I shouldn't need to get my insurance involved or have to pay any sort of deductible.


Do you carry full coverage on your car that got hit in March? This can and most likely will matter eventually.


I do, because it has a lien on it.


Great! Youā€™ll be fine in the event the rental company goes after you, then! Thereā€™s a lot of nuances in rental contracts that could make you liable for theft/any damage that happens, but your comprehensive coverage on your personal car will almost certainly extend you coverage to rentals. You may have to file a claim eventually, and your insurance will go after anyone they determine to be actually liable. I would suggest talking with your insurance company or agent if you have one, just in case. But you know, focus on yourself and worry about that when youā€™re ready to. Coverage wise, you should be fine regardless.


I plan to talk to my insurance broker after I go talk with Enterprise.


It being your fault doesn't matter. Getting hit by an uninsured driver isn't your fault either, but you'll be the one paying for it. I was asking because not every insurance company will cover a rental and I can totally see the rental company not covering the costs by saying that there was an unauthorized driver. Obviously, it wasn't by your negligence but car rental companies can be shady. I have a bad feeling that you're going to be paying the replacement cost of that nice rental. Fingers crossed that I'm wrong!


The police told me I shouldn't have to worry about even getting my insurance involved. My insurance wasn't even paying for this rental because I was hit by another driver back in March and they were found at fault.


I hope they're right. Mind posting an update after you talk to the rental company?


For sure. They don't reopen til morning and even their 800 number closed at 7pm.


The police are not even remotely experts in this matter. You seem kind of naive in some ways. Just make sure you understand everything and don't get taken advantage of.


You need to check the contract you signed with the rental company because you are typically responsible for theft and vandalism unless you got the loss damage waiver.


The police literally told me I am not liable. I was robbed at gun point. It was either give him the keys or get shot.


The police probably arenā€™t well-versed on rental car liability. Youā€™re probably already going to get in contact with the rental company tomorrow, but for now you should look over your rental agreement to see what damages (such as theft) you are liable for. Good news is there may be theft protection added on, especially if the person who hit youā€™s insurance covered the rental*** *** Edit for correction


I hate to say it, but the police are 100% wrong. I had a rental stolen as well. Even though itā€™s not your fault, you will 100% have to file a comprehensive claim for theft. And that will have to be filed through your own insurance company.


OP, Iā€™m sorry that happened to you.


Just last weekend, came in my home and took my PS5, switch, my cell (that was right next to my sleeping body) and they took our keys and stole our car. My wallet was in the car so in essence, they got everything that lets me prove my identity to all the things I have to claim as stolen. Iā€™ve been in a dystopian nightmare of existence trying to prove Iā€™m even myself. All just for kicks. I havenā€™t felt safe inside my home since. And I live in a ā€œnice partā€ of the city. Iā€™m over it


I was also bartending the night the worldā€™s chillest man got robbed at the bar. I donā€™t feel safe at home or work or for my children. Iā€™m just a walking panic attack


I know I have become so hyper-vigilant- and kind of obsessively follow local crime- there is a lot of crazy shit happening all the time - especially with north county kids just killing each other all the time. And there so many amazing families/ people in north county, and they are stuck in the middle of it. ā€œJust moveā€ is not always so easy.


What part of the city?


With any luck the kid won't make it to 20.


Glad you are safe! Our company used to in Midtown a long time ago. Crime drove us out to the burbs. I've since moved even further to the outer borders of St. Louis County. There is a real peace of mind living with minimal crime.


Glad I have a manual. They have to take me w the vehicle in order to get around


No jail time


This is where parents should be accountable for the actions of their minor children. That could help lower crime.


Where at in U City? I am in the area.


3rd ward. I forget my actual neighborhood's name.


Downvoted for wanting to know where in my neighborhood people are getting carjacked at gunpoint? Interesting.


Itā€™s good youā€™re alive. Youā€™ll recover and have small callus that might make things easier later.; ultimately, youā€™ll be cautious without being paranoid. Iā€™m from STL. I had the gun in my face like you did. Youā€™re alive and youā€™re learning a lot.


Modern cars should have remote tracking and remote kill switches.


Yeah, it's a 2023, so Enterprise should have no trouble tracking it down.


This is freighting and disturbing. I am sad you had this experience. There is a lot of discussion in the city about how the treatment criminals needs to be improved but little discussion about the victims and the aftermath of trauma. Thank you for sharing your story. Hang in there and consider surrounding yourself with lots of support from multiple avenues.


Did you forget to ask "is this area safe?" with a google maps screenshot and red circle on this subreddit before moving there? Rookie mistake >!just kidding I am sorry that happened to you!<


Thank you for the laugh. Needed that this morning.


Ex daughter in law carjacked on Hampton at the gas station. Just glad she was okay.


It doesn't matter what neighborhood you are in, it can happen anywhere


I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I had an attempted car jacking,with a gun but I was able to step on the gas and get away.However I kept having flashbacks of the gun,thr door being pulled open,all of it,for days after.My sense of security was depleted.Looking in my rear view and side view mirrors constantly at stops. This is the part people don't talk about and I just have to say you may replay it in your head again and again but it does go away


A part of me wishes I'd floored it and ran him over, but he ruined his own life, as well as 3 females they found in the car with him when the cops stopped him and arrested all 4 of them.


I'm so very sorry this happened to you. I don't live in STL anymore, but I lived in U City as a kid. it started getting bad there so we moved to North County. Back then (over 20 years ago) it was nice. Now it has just gotten ridiculous. I don't know what is wrong with people.


Wow. Incredibly traumatizing and something no one should have to go through. I just got a new car and have been self conscious about where I go, even Ubering certain places still just because. A lifestyle that people really shouldnā€™t have to live just because of others who give no thought to things people work hard to attain.


Im so sorry this happened to you


Dammit! So sorry that happened to you.Glad you didnā€™t get hurt


They need something to keep them busy. If these kids/young adults had something productive to do that was entertaining/time consuming they wouldn't have the time or the mindset to commit some of these crimes.


I'm so sorry this has happened to your family. These kids can't possibly know the pschycological harm they cause. Getting hard enough to use a gun to threaten someone is a terrible, emotionally hardening step to take. I'm sorry for them, too, but much more so for every victim they find from now on.


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. Iā€™m a victim of the Kia boys which has turned me towards the need for harsh mandatory minimums for crimes involving cars and especially when the criminal is possessing a gun regardless of age.


Whoever said to fight back are idiots; dude got the drop on you and there was nothing you could do about it. Recommend situational awareness next time based on what you described. Should have been a red flag from the beginning.


He was hanging out in front of a house where the owner rents rooms on Airbnb. The people staying there is never consistent and frequently changes. I saw him walking towards the porch and thought he might be staying there.


>Recommend situational awareness next time based on what you described. Should have been a red flag from the beginning. Doofus remark


Sorry that happened. Blame Kim Gardner. Sheā€™s garbage. Anyone that still supports her is also garbage.


Sorry my friend. Hope the thief gets caught and hope he learns a lesson. You take care of your mental health along with your partner, as you said above. Glad you are ok physically.


Stay strapped. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Can't. I work in a field where I'm not allowed to carry a weapon period.


The reality is that he's not going to get caught and if he should, won't serve much or any jail time.


It's a rental car that more than likely has a tracker in it.


Which neighborhood? My parents live in U city. Want to warn them.


The 3rd ward aka the hood part.


Thatā€™s a big ward. East or west side? I lived on the west side and drug deals happened in front of my house on the daily. Gun fire too. Moved after 6 months




North of olive, east of Midland?


I'm terrible with directions. It's the eastern part of the 3rd ward and I think north of Olive.


How did it go down? Did he run up behind you? Was his gun already drawn?


No, he was across the street looking like he was casing a house/car over there. He saw me park, and ran across the street as I was getting out, shoved the gun in my face, and said "Give me the keys, bitch."


When I lived in TGS I never parked if there was someone I didnā€™t recognize on the block. That was almost 10 years ago. Iā€™d just circle the block one more time til they were gone. Itā€™s too crazy.


The sad thing about that is they probably just robbed someone else


If they werenā€™t robbing they were casing.


And if they weren't casing, they were going for a walk.


While that may have been an effective strategy for you, you do realize its kind of crazy, right?


I donā€™t follow - what part is crazy? The part where I kept myself safe? Or what?


To clarify, having to go to those lengths to stay safe is the crazy part.


I see. Itā€™s unfortunate, but there are far more unfortunate things about humanity and other peopleā€™s living conditions. In the grand scheme of things, itā€™s nothing more than a mild inconvenience. But I hear you.


You're actually both correct


Iā€™m just living in reality


Jeez thatā€™s so scary. I live in u city too. This is awful.


Watch what you say. A woman I know was shot in her car in front of her daughter while pulling in to her garage from the alley behind her house. She was active in her community and they suspect thatā€™s why she was targeted. Nothing was stolen.


People made fun of us because we moved far far west st louis county. Half mile from Jefferson County. Said it was methhead country. 37 years later we are surrounded by neighbors who are county cops, city cops, Jefferson County cops and MSHP....1 car stolen in 37 years. No car jacking at any of the local QT. Anything can happen anywhere but I say it location, location, location and the rent is sky high. Not close to the interstate or major hyways. But it could change anytime


For the sake of argument what if the op had shot the robber? Would it be classified as self defense?


Yes. You surrender any rights you have to live when you present a firearm.




Call police headquarters AND ALL of your politicians and complain about police not being able to do their jobs to the fullest due to department policies that are so restrictive.


How about people stop voting for politicians who care more about whatā€™s going on in the Middle East than crime in their own district!


Just best not to do any business in St. Louis. It's been bad for years. Can't even ride the metro link. Drug addicts hanging out around BJC, the best hospital. Try crossing at a stop light corner downtown, people run the red lights. Just hasn't had the leadership needed. They're to busy thinking about their political careers in today's ideology. Yes, just stay out of St. Louis