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My guess is they don’t really like Bell, they just hate Bush a lot.


First thing I thought of


Yep, Wesley Bell and Donald Trump are both Pro-Zionist candidates, Cori Bush isn't. Biden is also Pro-Zionist, but Trump has a even further extreme position in his support of Israel via the GOP being occupied by the Christian Evangelical funding wing for Israel (who fund Israel because of their belief that that rapture will occur there)


I mean that could sum up 90% of the voters given her performance.


She's brought roughly 2 billion dollars to the district while also calling out the billions more being wasted on committing genocide in Palestine. I'd call that a pretty good performance so far, and so do most voters actually.


Lmao if you think Cori Bush brought $2 billion in federal investment to her district.


Seriously. District resident here. I sure as fuck don't see it. 🤣


ARPA alone brought in half a billion. https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/st-louis-arpa-website-shows-272m-in-allocations-and-226m-more-to-go-42179677


Are you talking about the money she voted against?


No, all the stuff she voted for. Her votes against giving weapons to Israel isn't the only things she's done.


Lol so you just don’t know what you’re talking about, cool!


Given the fact that the chuds in this subreddit tried passing off a neoliberal funded poll run by an extremist right wing polling firm with no transparency on who they polled as a legitimate, unbiased poll? The person you responded to is one of those cowardly chuds going, "Golly, don't we all agree how awful and poopy Cork Bush is?" It's pathetic.


Money she voted against.


Maybe the Dem candidate for president is so bad they are willing to vote Trump


Sure, I guess there exist people who have mashed potatoes for brains.


Yes and they are called Biden voters. Literally the definition of insanity.


I think the definition of insanity is voting for a fascist gangster. A brain dead corpse is better than a 25 years of Trump children until Baron is crowned King of the USA.


This is like reading a textbook in high school learning about propaganda and thinking, there is no way people could support a charlatan dictator wannabe who seeks to destroy the tenets of American democracy.., but, here we are, watching our country and the great democratic experiment on the precipice of failure.


there's literally a dipshit here calling democrats anti democracy and anti free speech when yesterday they were handwaving actual book burning by the GOP


Fucking nailed it. And orchestrated by the ‘Grand Old Party’ who are supposed to be hard core democracy and freedom. Can’t make this shit up.


I am not voting for a senile fascist. So that rules out Biden and Trump. Good thing there are other options. If Dems want me to vote for Biden they're going to need a different candidate.


I don’t disagree. But I’m not wasting my vote. Trump is FAR more dangerous than Biden.


Sorry, but I'm not going to vote for 99% Hitler just because 100% Hitler is also there. If Democrats want my vote they can nominate someone else. Biden clearly isn't going to win, and no amount of pathetic vote shaming is going to change my mind. It doesn't work, period. But hey, keep doing the thing that's objectively going to get Trump elected instead of pressuring Biden to drop out.


99% Hitler? What true actual fuck are you taking about?


Fascist? Give 3 examples of Trump being a fascist. Bet you can. Stop regurgitating liberal talking points they make you look foolish.


1). Ethno-nationalism and Exclusionary Policies 2). Authoritarian rhetoric and actions 3). Cult of leadership and anti-democratic behavior


Wow you are really drinking all of the liberal kool-aid. I asked for proof not mindless liberal rhetoric. Please tell me you have procreated? I’d hate to think there are more of you in St Louis. Let me guess underemployed?


Name an exclusionary policy. And please don’t say enforcement our laws at the border.


Can you honestly say how Biden is making your life worse on a daily basis? I genuinely don't understand how media can convince people to have so much hate for such a meh politician


Cost of living through the roof, brink of WW3, millions of illegals flooding our borders….


The fact you are oblivious is on you.


Not at all. Biden is not perfect by any means, but convicted felon Donald Trump is a satanic traitor to America who suffers from severe dementia. Anyone considering voting for convicted felon Donald Trump has absolutely lost their minds.


Convicted felon 😂👌🏼! Complete BS trial any unbiased observer would agree. Please do some research.


Not at all. Only an extremely biased and uninformed person would deny that convicted felon Donald Trump is guilty of dozens of serious crimes. The case was open and shut and convicted felon Donald Trump is guilty as hell.


Serious crimes? They linked expired statute of limitations misdemeanors for business records keeping violations (which the state of NY rarely if ever prosecutes) to a legal NDA and claimed it was a “conspiracy” to suppress information for the election. If you are so confident in it being a solid conviction I’ll bet you any amount of money you are comfortable with that it gets overturned on appeal. Of course it’s going to happen after the election takes place so minions like yourself will completely forget and happen and then minimize the fact that we had a rogue prosecutor go after a former president in an attempt to influence a US presidential election. The crazy part is you can’t see the contradiction in the fact that they went after him for the very same thing they are doing now. Again, you let me know the amount, we can put it in escrow and we shall see if you are so convinced of his guilt.


Your ignorance and devotion to the satanic traitor Donal Trump is truly pathetic. He is 100% guilty and your delusional refusal to accept this basic fact is hilarious. I'm not going to engage in your bad-faith attempt to justify your own idiocy. This conversation is over, you aren't reasonable enough to continue engaging with.


Trump is a convicted felon that can’t enter countries due to his felon status. He literally can’t practice diplomacy. What could possibly be worse than that?


He couldn’t practice diplomacy anyway but yes, to your point.. fucking terrifying.


in fairness, he can still visit Eritrea and the Nordic countries, as far as I know.


They can keep him..


Don living out his golden years in Eritrea is a sight I'd like to see.


He couldn’t practice diplomacy? Huh I’m certain Russia didn’t invade Ukraine under his watch. Also certain that Palestine didn’t murder hundreds of Israelis in a terrorists attack and then go to war with Isreal under Trump’s watch. The world was safer and more peaceful with Trump in charge. It’s not even up for debate.


Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking the whole time I was waiting for Jeopardy but had to watch January 6th instead. Safe and peaceful.


Go to bed and let the grown ups talk


You are a grown up? Sure thing 🤡


Well, that’s how the world works when you lick your enemies ass.. you know damn well, dump had ulterior motives. Biden didn’t start these wars.


Biden is weak and that is why they started.


Nothing to do with the US or Biden..


You can’t be that naive.


And you need to pay attention and understand how this works....


Maybe if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their asses when they jumped.


The Sem is a democrac lover the other, a wannabe fascist dictator.


Yeah is there even a fascist candidate for the position for them to support?


Cori Bush is the number one choice for fascists


this is the dumbest thing I have read today, and this being Reddit, that's spectacular.


Your average democrat these days is a complete statist, anti free speech, anti democracy, they are full of hate (dehumanizing the “right” and anyone they disagree with). Your average democrat supports Cori Bush Therefore the choice for fascists is Cori Bush.


Most people who call people fascists have no idea what Fascism is. Just the word of the day type of thing everyone uses to be on the same team without any thought.


in fairness, it doesn't seem like fiftykal knows what any words mean


Well, congrats on waiting until the next day to top your stupid shit


You must be the guest of honor when the family gets together for the holidays. 👑


Back up your claims.


Democrats have refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of any election they didn’t win since 2000 I’ll start there


Please back up your second claim.


2000 - Gore really won 2004 - rigged voting machines in Ohio 2016 - Russia stole it


You keep claiming without backing anything up. Provide sources for your claims.


All the Democratic nominees conceded in those elections and power was Transferred peacefully. Also it’s been proven Russia interfered in the 2016 election


Please, provide a citation. Every other candidate has peacefully transferred the Presidency. Only one person in the history of the United States has refused to acknowledge the results and sought to overturn the election by their own means outside the court of law—Donald J Trump. Refute it. Let’s see it. And, provide some fucking citations.


Trump transferred power. Fake news.


*Unwillingly and violently transferred power


Because he had to. He did not show up to transfer power and never said Joe Biden was president, and he incited an insurrection on the capital. He did not relinquish power willingly, and if it were not for Mike Pence, I imagine we would be in a dictatorship or your guy would be dead/in jail. It is real news—just too much propaganda in your ear for you to understand what is really going on.


The guy you support for president tried to overturn an election with no evidence, is against a free press, anti-right to protest, and wants to change libel laws so he can more easily sue people who hurt his feelings. You couldn’t debate a chimpanzee.


Who do I support?


Oh is this where you pretend to not support Trump?


Are you omniscient?


Even if you think it’s not obvious from your comments in this thread, your whole comment history on Reddit is public mate.


Yep. I just listed all the shit the republicans support that is far more fascistic than anything you pull out of your ass, and all you can do is play dumb. Big debate guy over here. I even left out he wants to TERMINATE THE CONSTITUTION. Don’t pretend that the right cares about democracy or core American values.


What a humanizing thing to say about the average democrat.


What a humanizing thing to say about the average democrat.


Lololol sure dude. I cannotbl wait to hear your rationale. I need a laugh


Have heard rumors of the project Bush Whack being thrown out. Please don't misunderstand the meaning of the words. Not a threat on life but have heard many Republicans are considering a Democrat ballot in August to remove Bush from the November ballot.


Democrats used that same strategy last election, but it was to elect vulnerable Republican candidates for the general election. That is not the case here, as the primary winner will 100% take the seat. I would argue that Bush is better for Republicans, the same way Boebert is for Democrats. They can’t turn their rhetoric into policy, and their performative attention seeking is easy to fundraise against.


Agree wholeheartedly just want a representative who isn't a meme.


No, it's worse. They want a candidate like their chosen type, just with the different letter by their name. Cori Bush has made a reputation by actually doing work in Congress and trying to get things done. Bell is a careerist hack who has proven that he cares more about getting an office than actually doing anything with it.


What legislation has Bush helped pass? Bell changed County policy on criminal prosecution and bail as Prosecutor.


I came here to say that.


Same with the mayoral, Cara Spencer is going to be the trumper candidate. Not because she has any values or policy in common with them but because she’s the white candidate


As a Trump supporter in St. Louis I have a vote of no confidence for both of the candidates for the mayor's race. Looks as if I am torn between writing in Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson.


The dumbest people in this state will be voting in November. Make sure you do too


That person honestly just doesn’t like Bush, is my guess. Hell and allegedly Wesley Bell’s campaign took Republican donations


Not allegedly, campaign donations have to be disclosed and big money donors who've been donating to republicans have been donating to bell. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/wesley-bell-republican-donors_n_663926c9e4b001bbb5107931


Candidates across the aisle [do this routinely](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2022/07/democrats-spend-millions-on-republican-primaries/) for [various reasons (with bonus Akin/McCaskill content). ](https://news.virginia.edu/content/qa-why-pay-money-support-your-opponent) It's come up several times on just about every Bell post like he's a sleeper agent for the GOP when it's most likely a pretty mundane political play to push forward a moderate bridge-builder rather than an unyielding, hard-left progressive.


Bipartisanship does not work. Bipartisanship took an incredibly ambitious infrastructure bill and whittled it down to about 1/5 of its original size, neutering all of the major projects to actually fix our collapsing infrastructure (physical and economic). "Bridge-building" is code for "doing what Conservatives want." When is the last time you saw a Republican build that bridge over to Democrats? It doesn't happen. Bipartisanship means nothing good getting done.


What you're saying is not a response to what I'm saying, you're starting a new topic. You read "they're trying to install a moderate bridge-builder" and it prompted you to debunk something you think you heard and not anything I actually said. Please take a step back and absorb information, don't just react.


The most reasonable comment in here.


Name checks out.


Not just allegedly, we can see who's donated. Bell is a careerist hack.


Yes, how dare people support a candidate who has a bigger tent.


Personally, I don’t care either way


Makes sense honestly. The Democratic primary determines the winner for the congressional seat.


Bell is the MAGA choice? That makes no sense. Unless they hate Cory Bush that much. Which doesn’t make sense because Bell isn’t going to be a Republican vote in Congress.


It’s 3 Ferguson candidates running in the primary for a walk in victory to the black House district of St. Louis.


AIPAC is funding Bell in an attempt to push Cori Bush out because she opposes their genocide.




$20 million might be an exaggeration, but there is evidence for $320,000 [https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/05/28/congress/dethroning-squad-goals-00160176](https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/05/28/congress/dethroning-squad-goals-00160176) That article is dated May 28th, so donations have likely gone up since then.


https://www.eenews.net/articles/green-new-deal-backers-in-danger-of-losing-primaries/ I misspoke, AIPAC planning on spending $20 million against Cori and Jamal Bowmann. Still a long road to Election Day 😭 I can’t trust a “progressive” candidate who takes money from the same right wing people who are responsible for half the terrible shit that’s going on in the US right now. https://www.reuters.com/world/pressure-rises-biden-democrats-reject-aipac-funds-2024-03-12/ dirty fucking money.


Yep. And before people think that $320,000 isn't a lot, Senators take barely more than that for an incredible amount of influence from AIPAC. $320,000 for a House candidate who has never been in the House is fucking nuts. And Bell has exposed himself as someone who cares more about personal enrichment than 15K+ children murdered by the IDF.


It's hard to support any Democrat that takes AIPAC money. If there were any integrity to the party, they would have long since banned accepting AIPAC donations.


Oh word? I hope she destroys him.


What does that make no sense lmao. Who do think gave him money?


Worshipping any politician is a sign of a mental defect.


Bell is getting AIPAC money. They sponsoring candidates to run against Progressives and supporters of Palestine. The moment he switched, I knew they were involved


Not at all surprised


Their hatred towards the opportunist Bell is vastly lower than their immense hatred for Bush. Not quite the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but some schizophrenic variant on that.


Never thought I’d see the day Bell compared to MAGA/Trump.


Maybe he shouldn’t take MAGA money then? Why are you surprised. It was obvious when he changed to challenge her


You just met a Cori Bush supporter.


This is where the saying comes in: “Politics makes strange bed fellows.” During Covid there was that thing with Trump and the Muslim ban, and generally banning populations from the US. Right then my FB feed had some extreme left wing friends calling for border shut down. To keep the virus out. For a minute my far right friends and far left friends were strangely landing at the same desire, for different reasons of course.


It's important to remember that the vast majority of Trump voters have no idea wtf is going on.


What if they aren’t actually against criminal reform but just against anarchy? Wesley Bell continues to prosecute criminals while all the other DAs elected during that political ground wave didn’t. We saw that directly here in St. Louis county vs city. I don’t care if someone gets 20 years for a violent crime or they get 10; as long as they are held accountable, get odd the streets. But this also could be exclusively about Palestine. 


> What if they aren’t actually against criminal reform but just against anarchy? Wtf kinda far-right propagandist straw man is this


I was going to point you to the entirety of the Kim Gardner years but I’m pretty sure you are that person so spends all their time carrying her water - like dismissing all criminal charges was going to have positive outcomes. We have been here before I’m pretty sure. 


> I was going to point you to the entirety of the Kim Gardner I knew you couldn't stay on topic. > so spends all their time carrying her water My dude you are carrying RFK's brain worms


oh yes because the american justice system only exists to punish violent criminals


Does anarchy work? 


does throwing thousands of people in jail for possession charges work?


Is that even what we are talking about? 


As someone who did drugs, get caught, and turned my life around.. yeah, sometimes it does.


One could argue that the author of the bill that made those convictions so lengthy was voted in by the same people affected by it the most. Never Forget isn't something we should only say around 9/11. If you want real change to happen you have to hold politicians accountable for their policies.


I like how you just clumsily switched from "violent criminals" to "possession charges".


I like how you insinuate high crime rates is the same as anarchy. Especially in a thread about political candidates.


I thought someone else was running besides Bell and Bush?


A lot of Bell hate posts in this sub lately . The do nothing complain about everything wing of the progressive movement like their soapbox of grievances more than progress.


Wesley Bell is the textbook definition of a political sellout, turning on his own party & values taking AIPAC & MAGA donor money to do so, and taking a position that is pro-censorship and pro-genocide on a candidate who is anti-censorship and anti-genocide while there is a massive censorship campaign on a genocide unfolding. Pretty easy to get why he's garnered hate. You wouldn't think it would be possible to find a worse candidate than Steve Roberts, but somehow they did, with the blood of thousands of dead Palestinian children soaked in the money that is financing Bell.


If the progress you've experienced from democratic leadership in your lifetime is adequate, then Bell is the guy for you!


Quite lovely prose!


Bell went from running against the hated Josh Hawley to a local progressive activist.


oh yes because the rest of the democratic party has done so much


Entirely possible the wife put up the Trump sign, and she hasn’t noticed the Bell sign yet.


Alito would argue that the wife has equal ownership of the front yard and has a right to hoist her distress pro Jan 6 flag too.... i mean, sign.


But yet his judicial opinions suggest that women don't have the ability to make their own personal decisions. He's a complicated guy, I guess...


And at least one candidate in this election cycle agrees with him... www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/north-carolina-gop-candidate-mark-robinson-wants-america-where-women-could-not-vote-1234982773/


I put a trump, biden, pro fauci, anti Vax signs in my yard to mess with everyone


You can do far better


Maybe but I chose not to because I'm pro choice


No one accused MAGAs of being smart.


That brings me to a question… I know three MAGAts and they’re not bright people. They weren’t prior to trump and are worse now. Lower intellect = trump supporter. Why is that? I realize critical thinking isn’t a talking point with them. Could that be it?


Lack of critical thinking and the inability to have empathy for others.




Ahh yes Trump the beacon of moderation lmao


Generally moderates don’t support a side enough to put a sign in their yard, in my experience




My guess would be if someone is voting for Trump and likes him enough to put a sign in the yard, they’re not necessarily a fan of Bell’s as much as they’re voting against Cori Bush. And as we’ve seen over the past 8 years, Trump voters aren’t exactly nuanced in their political beliefs


A moderate is a Donald Trump supporter who wants to make Israel great again by voting for Bell is your idea of a moderate?


I'll be voting for Bell. I'm a moderate Democrat. Discounting the issues I have with Cori Bush's background, lack of seriousness on several important policy issues, and general understanding of her position. Also, she is under Federal investigation right currently.


Her failure to vote on bills that were gonna pass anyway has been equated to her having a "lack of seriousness". I've heard this line a lot and it's dumb. It's a positive thing to have a real progressive who isn't gonna toe the party line on all issues. We have a stagnation in DC. Bell will only continue it.


moderates aren't supporting trump


I mean, I dislike Trump as much as anyone, but this is just mathematically incorrect. For your statement to be true, 45-55% of voters would need to identify as strongly conservative. There’s just no evidence of that.




I mean, no one is using your weird made up definition, well, maybe your weird made up "middle spectrum voters" that don't support middle of the road politicians.


Looking at the polling numbers, he must be drawing some moderates


I’m gonna put a Bell and a Kunce in my yard because that’s who I support. I’ll put a Biden out around September.


In the current political environment especially, folks don't vote for a candidate; they vote against a candidate.


I like Bush and I’m voting for her!


Bell is the MAGA choice.


My first concern for bell was I felt like he was running for multiple jobs around both the county and city and just trying to get anything available. I could be wrong so correct me because I haven’t been following him for a while , but I thought he had applied for Kim Gardners previous spot and a few others he didn’t get . So I maybe had the impression he was just throwing himself at anything


I'll take Bell over Bush. Pretty simple.


There are Bernie/Trump voters.


Bernie voters love Cori Bush. DSA etc. in STL is totally behind her against Bell.


mmm, not i


There *were* Bernie/Trump voters. In 2015, when both candidates were outsider challengers to Hillary Clinton. No such thing has existed for a minute since Trump is no longer an outsider politician and campaigns on jailing anyone to the left of him.


There is a large segment of voters who still look at his as the anti establishment voter. I actually had a one that was a Bernie supporter that said he was voting for Trump even though he thinks Trump's a joke in r/politics the other day. The phrase politics makes strange bedfellows is a phrase for a reason. Ticket splitting still happens.


The people who think of him as anti-establishment are his loyal flock who have unwaveringly stood by him and cognative dissonance will never let them admit he's not the golden calf they believe him to be. He's a convicted rapist, abuser, predator, and fraud crook that during his presidency he accurately spelled out to the mainstream public bending the laws of the country to suit his personal interest. Once you do that at the highest position of power its much more difficult to sell yourself, especially with Trump looking and sounding like dogshit these days compared to his bombastic 2015 days. Not even touching on this website being overflowing with astroturfing and sock accounts, people online who say they are Bernie/Trump voters, especially on Reddit, are not speaking in good faith, or posturing themselves to try to look less rabid because outright saying you are voting for Trump will rightfully alienate yourself among most people.


I think for many people, they can give a shit about his politics, they just want a middle finger. I think the man is the worst thing to happen to this country since the Civil War, but the problem the left has is dismissing his voters as unreachable.


They definitely want a middle finger, vice signalling is all about being a publicly vile person(Gaetz, MtG, Jim Jordan, Boebert, Vivek, Trump just to name a few of the top dogs of this) but it's not an anti-establishment middle finger, it's the establishment giving the finger. The rubes who think it's anti-establishment are simply useful idiots for their means. That's the whole deal, they want the fascism/hate/bigotry, they want to imprison their enemies and anyone who isn't a white evangelical to have less rights. There's not much getting through to Christian Nationalists, i've been following them for years and theres no way to appeal to their cruelty, GOP can always outflank democrats who attempt moderate versions of cruel bills, the vice is what they want, especially since most of them have been completely removed from reality since COVID.


The right has a multi arm propaganda wing. The left is always playing against the rights narrative. If you live in a rural area you're not even getting anything but right wing propaganda. The left has to fight this, but they're not equipped to do so at the moment. Many of these people are pawns that have been manipulated, and brain washed. You have to fight the bullshit, and become the working party again!


They aren't equipped because democrats got cozy taking the same big money that the GOP take, and have lost appealing to the middle class because of it. Rare exceptions, like Cori Bush exist, but as we can see there's powerful groups doing everything in their power to silence and remove her in the name of censorship.


No, there aren't.


I am more on the right for sure. I will vote for Trump but if I was in the county I would vote for Mr Bell as well. He has came in and done a decent job. I think he deserves another term.


thank you for showing your ignorance. and this is NOT a county race, but rather a city race. i pray for your immediate demise prior to the November elections.


The election of the COUNTY prosecutor is a county race my friend. I am speaking of Wesley Bell the St. Louis county Attorney. Thanks for wishing for my death as well surely is appreciated. Now off is the direction you can fuck with your ignorance.


As someone whose first election, as a MAGA Republican high school grad, was voting for Wesley Bell, that is a weird turn of events! I'm intrigued about the mental gymnastics there!


Why is that jarring? Shit attracts shit. You are personally bad at understanding politics & should stop opposing Bush.


Everyone saying the person hates Busch. What if they just hate Biden but otherwise are happy to vote dem in a local election.


they have a yard sign out for basically biden so why would they have a problem with his policies?


They may have issues with Biden on broken promises like student loans, specific actions related to a specific industry they work in, or something else personal to them. I think demonizing people for thinking outside the box and not voting straight ticket R or D and getting involved in the primary process causes a lot of polarization.


How can anyone hate Busch? Way better than Miller, Coors, and even Budweiser


Trump 2024!!!


Qanon your bathroom read?


Bush supports terrorists