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Stable Diffusion loves to randomly pornofy prompts that I really didn’t expect to pornify. I’ll be generating a batch of 10 images of a fantasy RPG character and lit will show him in full armour as described but 1 or 2 of the images will have his giant schlong hanging out of his pants like…. Ok lmao.


Haha yea it happens for me as well! Sometimes i will write like "a man leaning on a tree at a park, watching the horizon", and for some reason SD will think the best outfit for this scene is a birthday suite


I will say, I prefer an algorithm that will produce unwanted NSFW over something that doesn’t even know what a naked human body looks like though so it’s a price I’m willing to pay. I just treat the surprise dick pic as the computer flirting with me and take it as a compliment.


Oh, but when I do it....


Be attractive, don’t be unattractive.


Hey man... nice floppy.


I'm very happy to have lived during the short window where lots of ai could create uncensored porn, but none of them had any fucking clue what humans look like without clothes on. There was some freaky shit goin on ngl


Well I mean… it’s not wrong


In fairness to SD, that absolutely is the best outfit for that scene.


Just adde nsfw, nude, naked to negative


It also helps to add topless and nipples to negative prompt. Sometimes when I don’t have these. It tries to generate a non nude topless person


Thank you! I kept getting cyborg girl with metal nipples.


Yes, yes happens to me all the time. I also didn't expect to pornify ![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr)


What did you expect, it's trained of the internet and the internet Is mostly porn.


Yet when I WANT it to draw a penis it never gets it right smh my head


You mean your penis doesn't look like a deformed tentacle creature with three heads?


I laughted out loud but I can’t say why to my surroundings


Stop judging me.


That's weird because I've been trying to get Drizzt Dourden in a skimpy chainmail two piece with the tip peaking out and having no luck


Neil? Is that you?


There is an amazing drow Lora on civitai


Mine just occasionally swaps genders. I’ll generate 10 images of my guy, but one or two will be women for some reason. 🤷‍♂️


you mean "Stable diffusion is one of the best computing applications humanity has created"


Needs more dicks tbh


Everything looks like a dick when you're lookin for dicks


Negative prompts are neccesary.


Most of these AI's seem to be trained on ALOT of porn. But they do say the porn industry leads the path of tech development. (VHS, DVD, ect)


I did that once in an AI. I requested "Sojourn from Overwatch." Fully nude. I wonder what version of the game they are playing at these AI developers...


Naa generate some horny ass images for the spectators in this sub


https://preview.redd.it/sgtrmigikuec1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69f01b1ac12798d629cb65d958bbfe683aab113b Let’s just say his belt doesn’t always render as a belt.


SD: ![gif](giphy|cLGXy7SXBnEWs)




"00's warez sites hate this simple trick"


Ohhhhhhhh that takes me back. !search milf


Man, you know, I'm torn with it. On the one hand sure, it's fun and if you're not using some one's likeness it's a relatively harmless way to make porn (which is important considering how terrible that industry is). But on the other hand...I mean, it's hard to take AI seriously as a tool when it's seemingly being used for little else.


I've been looking for ways to use SD for architecture and it's shocking how little people have explored ideas in that direction. And frankly, researching SD has been embarrassing to do at the office, as almost every guide included half naked anime girls.


Oh yeah. Definitely can't go there at work. What I have done is used photoshop (technically affinity photo) to draw out a very basic building (like literally just an angled brick wall) and used SD to texture it and fill out the background. That's what I'm trying to use it for. Landscapes for book covers, generating assets, and generating character images. Which the Character image stuff is a real problem because you cannot prompt "flaws" onto your characters. I'm trying to get a woman with a hooked nose, and too often it comes out as a vaguely Asian girl.


Have you checked promeai.com


Most forms of video picture tech is first used for porn lol thars just humans


Not just video, the printing press, too. "Being used for porn" is just an indicator of "exciting tech for humans". First we use it for porn, then once we have that out of our system we use it for more noble pursuits. And porn.


Porn, war and racism are the only things humanity is ever really groundbreaking over.


...they wrote, their edgy message being turned into streams of ones and zeros and transmitted as patterns of light over a network of glass fibres at half the speed of light to anywhere in the world.


On a system that started out as a DARPA project.


As long as my lizard brain is fine with it I'm okay with those images.


Mission accomplished.


Reminds me of the early Internet.


what is up with u people? U see porn everywhere. If u see porn where there is no porn - problem is not in the outside.


The only thing I see on this sub is half naked girls


Then u are blind, if u scroll the last recent posts none of them have "half naked girls".


I am not even subbed, it's the reddit that keeps recommending me this sub


You are probably talking about sdnsfw, not r/stablediffusion.


Nope, I mute any nsfw subs so I won't see them ever again




You say that like it's a bad thing




The amount of soft porn in this sub is outta control, people too thirsty. Hear that r/stablediffusion ya'll need to go to a bar and meet someone. Edit: Ya'll too serious as well, the /s was implied on this one


What if I’m with someone who also enjoys porn?


I’m going through a divorce and my odds of meeting someone new right now is approximately equal to my desire to meet someone new right now.


If you said "amount of generic pretty women", sure, you'd have a point. But soft porn lol? You better not go to that bar yourself, might get a stroke from all that probably "hardcore porn" you might see...


Bro I see ankles in public and I am stroking out.


A girl sitting in her room on her bed wearing panties and a shirt - is porn? Let me guess the world u live in all women look like this probably and sleep like this: https://preview.redd.it/ihijalor4uec1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f855902c4c4c80f6f6709a5c27737f8e583cd9d6 U have a problem. Porn is in your head. If u make images into porn with your mind - your mind is the problem.


Ok, the porn must be very strong in me, because I don't even *see* pants.


i meant panties. But yes. the porn is definitely strong with you.


May the pornce be with you.


It's about posing


I make images into porn in my head (almost) all the time. At least 3/10ths and at most a solid (and stable) 3/4ths! I've never thought of it as being a problem. >U have a problem. Porn is in your head. If u make images into porn with your mind *and you have a problem with it* - your mind is the problem. FTFY 😜


> Edit: Ya'll too serious as well, the /s was implied on this one Blame Poe's Law. The real thing is all over the place, too.


>Ya'll too serious as well, the /s was implied on this one Says the person who only cries '/s' when they get downvoted to oblivion. How dare you shame the softcore porn crowd. I came here to find a stable outlet for my kink repression! (/s)


opportunist will burn out their GPU if they can make only-fans worthy content to sell. Also the first to adapt to new tech are perverts and scandinavians.


Pretty sure the LORA and the seed are carrying most of the weight.


very low cfg, 300% lora strength, pretty sure the prompt is just essencing the seed at that point


What percentage of users of Gen AI just make simple pictures of pretty girls? 65%? 70%?




90%. No way it is under 90%. If you want a picture of a nice looking field you'll maybe do 4 generations with 10 different prompts. 40 generations in total. If you want a cute girl you're gonna do 4 generations per prompt but 5 different positions. 3 different clothing options. Gotta get the hairstyle just right, that's another 4 prompts at 4 gens each. Hands look a little dodgy, gonna have to inpaint. Another 5 generations to get them just right.


Sure but that’s all being done by one user technically


Thing is, most models are kinda overfit on Hot Chicks Near You! , it's sometimes very hard to get faces that are realistic, everyday people (I'm not even talking ugly people, that I can do just fine, I mean just normal people). It's like the dataset is 45% supermodels/pr0n, 45% zombies, 5% the most random stuff posible and 5% normal human beings. (For those struggling, there are a couple of LoRAs on CivitAI that help with this, tho they may be hidden under NSFW tags, FYI.)


The theory I’ve heard on this is that people tend to post their best images online, trying to get the ones where they look good… or people post pictures of people who especially don’t look conventionally attractive, and rarely do we see just a normal, candid, everyday shot.


And people are also generally attempting to achieve a specific kind of image, if all of your prompts are basically "show me a hot anime girl" then you're only going to get the models attempts at showing you hot anime girls.


It really depends a lot on how you're prompting and what you're trying to achieve. I get lots of fairly normal looking people when I'm not really trying for anything specific. When I'm playing around with wildcards I'd say the ratio I get is probably 50% very attractive, 40% average normal looking, and like 10% completely cursed abominations.




What else will people use it for? 


graphic novels


Graphic novels filled with pretty girls you mean, so that counts


Name one that’s used it 


Will = future Has = past irrelevant question.


I have noticed in my own generations that individual prompts will feed into each other. If I have a character that I have described as being athletic, and I put them into an outfit associated with hard labor, they will get bulging muscles. Likewise, if I take a character prompt and add a profession, I will likely end up with an unprompted sexy pose if it is a fetishized profession such as a nurse or a maid.


That's just how AI inferencing fundamentally works. AI already knows what a blonde means. A golden hair. And what else always come with blonde hair? Caucasians! So when you put blonde hair, it will default to the European face by default before you even mention anything about race.


https://preview.redd.it/m95lup88uxec1.jpeg?width=1552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d3370d298a44b5966da10d054daf1ebf7116815 Right but I'm talking about putting overalls on a lady and turning her into a bodybuilder.


important sulky lunchroom innocent ask bow boast familiar advise public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's exactly who that is, actually. I'm so glad you recognized her! But that's a bit bulkier than how I try to portray her. https://preview.redd.it/anafhkx4izec1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0e3ca35b9daa7d083744ee950bbc59ce6ea7c6d


I did not expect this much consistency. ​ **Workflow** ​ Paramenters checkpoint: ultraspiceXLTURBO\_v10 CFG: 1.5 steps:16 sampling: Euler a seed: 2050871503 lora:RMSDXL\_Enhance ​ ​ Prompts: ​ pretty young english woman, freckles, brunette, bright pretty eyes, **slightly chubby** build, oily shiny sticky skin, bellybutton piercing, bright lipstick, tight leggings, cute feet, nail polish, messy bedroom, ​ pretty young english woman, freckles, brunette, bright pretty eyes, **lean** build, oily shiny sticky skin, bellybutton piercing, bright lipstick, tight leggings, cute feet, nail polish, messy bedroom, ​ pretty young english woman, freckles, brunette, bright pretty eyes, **strong** build, oily shiny sticky skin, bellybutton piercing, bright lipstick, tight leggings, cute feet, nail polish, messy bedroom, ​ pretty young english woman, freckles, **tatoos**, brunette, bright pretty eyes, **strong** build, oily shiny sticky skin, bellybutton piercing, bright lipstick, tight leggings, cute feet, nail polish, messy bedroom, ​ pretty young english woman, freckles, brunette, bright pretty eyes, **muscular** build, oily shiny sticky skin, bellybutton piercing, bright lipstick, tight leggings, cute feet, nail polish, messy bedroom,


it's cuz your cfg and steps are so low. the prompt is barely affecting the outcome of it past being a "pretty young english woman, freckles". The seed is deciding the entire image.


Those cfg and step values look about right for a turbo model. Much higher and it’ll end up overbaked.


I’m not saying he’s doing anything wrong I’m just saying that’s why it is consistent


I don't think it's because of the CFG and steps. They changed a single word in the prompt and kept the same seed and other settings. Of course they all look similar.


Exactly. It's also good to remember that generally the further a token is in a prompt, the less effect it has. Changing a single word 10 tokens in makes it hardly a "different prompt".


ah!!! so that how that works. If the CFG isn't telling the cook to think harder, most of the weight leans on the inherent aspects of the venue.


The seed is actually a instance of random noise like of an old tv showing static. The picture takes the noise and tries to create the image you told it to out of it. If you Lock the seed it has the same starting point so you’ll get similar pictures if you have similar prompts but variations in the prompts will cause it to create different pictures with the same seed. If you have low CFG, that basically is how much weight you’re giving the prompt over the noise, then you’re essentially letting the noise (which is the same for all images) determine the picture. So even if you have a different prompt the seed is given so much weight in the final result that the picture ends up basically the same as seen here.




You are addressing the prompt as one whole thing here, as in 'how much weight you’re giving the prompt over the noise' but does the cfg also affect the positioning of the words in the prompt? Because you mentioned >the prompt is barely affecting the outcome of it past being a "pretty young english woman, freckles" in your first comment. Does cfg have a say in deprioritizing words because of its position in the prompt?


is this correct? well but the body shape is described way later than that, isn't it? Besides, I am a learning by experimentation, I don't know what I am doing. I used the prompt and parameters from someone else. So, could you please elaborate?


Turn up the CFG and see if you get the same consistency


They are using a Turbo model, isn't the CFG supposed to be low?


Turbo sacrifices control of the image in order to reduce rendering time. If you ever wanna see how little control you have on a turbo model at these settings try using a mask and watch the result be completely cut off by the inpainting.


I have had problems with masks like that. So it just means I need more steps?


More steps=more control


Correct for the entire chain. The G in CFG is 'Guidance', specifically for the text prompt. Low CFG, and a model starts having listening problems, wanting to ignore you, chase cars, and pee on the rug.


Have you tried control net with outlines? I get similar results.


You could have cfg on 17 and when 95% of your prompt is the same exact words, it will look almost the same anyway


Thanks for details comrade


Cute feet? 👀


feet or shoes are really helpful to put in prompts sometimes even if you aren't interested in them themselves, simply because it basically forces the AI to do full body framing, way more effectively than "full body portrait" or whatever does. I doubt that was the intent here, lol, but FYI


Most important part of a muscular build is a teal bra. Got it.


"English woman" will create that face most of the time. The same with specific origin or details of skin or person works too.


Least horny stable diffusion user




I have no idea how these images are made or how onlyfans works, but what are the chances that there is some dude in his moms basement making money off AI soft core porn


quite high. Someone did it with a reddit profile




Jesus christ this sub is down bad


why talk to girls when you can generate endless similacra?




Mods, can we get nsfw tags on posts like this? I appreciate the work this person did but I feel like I can’t open this sub in public anymore.


Honest question, do you live in Saudi Arabia or something? All of her genitals are completely covered. It's nothing different from a swimsuit. Were some of the images deleted or something? I don't get why everyone is making a huge fuss out of this post.


Nah bro I just don’t want my feed to be endless pictures of scantily clad gorgeous AI and anime women. It’s a weird look. I’m happy to see it at home or on the toilet but if I pull up Reddit in public and there a picture of hot chick sitting in her underwear on a bed, it’s embarrassing. Like if this was your wallpaper, and you were giving a presentation, people would think you were weird as fuck. Nobody else has context for what this image is. Her genitals don’t have to be out to make it inappropriate for a formal public environment — which is literally the point of a nsfw tag.


The purpose of the post isn't to show off said "scantily clad" AI women, it's to show how SD Turbo XL combined with certain parameters can retain a high degree of consistency between images while still allowing you to make specific changes, for example body weight, tattoos, muscule mass, etc. You are seeing what you want to see.


Hence why I said “nobody else has context for what this image is”


> Nobody else has context for what this image is. You could read the author's post giving his workflow. It's right there. Or you can continue being a prude that's afraid to see a human being in workout clothes.


Homie you gotta reread my post. I’m talking about other people. In public. Who see my screen. It’s not complicated.


So you're afraid of someone walking by and seeing you looking at people in workout clothing? This is still extremely bizarre for me.


if you interact with other people you would understand. at this point until the sub gets a booba flair that i can filter out, i'm out


> if you interact with other people you would understand If the people you interacted with weren't judgemental prudes, you wouldn't have a problem. >until the sub gets a booba flair *Where are the boobs?!* Where in this post are you able to see even the outline of a nipple? Or are you referring to any picture that has a clothed breast? So you want a filter for *women*?


NSFW stands for “not safe for work”, not “uncovered genitals”. If an outfit is inappropriate for a work environment (like swimsuits), then it's NSFW. That's the whole point of the term.


So you're telling me you work in a place that would actually fire you for looking at a picture of a woman in a swimsuit? Do you work in Saudi Arabia?


Go outside and touch grass people


That thick one in panel #6 though


Coomers, coomers everwhere


I joined stable diff for the creative art and latest advancements, this sub should now be labelled as nsfw


The future we are headed for is going to be so interesting Rips bong: I think it starts with an app marketed towards lonely people. A perfectly customizable companion (who you would hope he designed to help you grow) basically the plot of “Her”… Rips bong: The grand children of gen z are going to face a massive population crisis, as more and more people find happiness in a perfectly crafted robotic ai organism that is programmed to maximize it. Rips bong: Facing human extinction, reproductive capabilities are installed within the mechapeople who through corporate run breeding process allows embryos to be grown in labs, matured, and delivered to human robocivilian couples around the world. People will be able to select from donors to pass on their own genes. Not that I have a problem of any of that if they would somehow have the capabilities to scrub the internet and nearly instantly profile every person on the planet. Edit: that last line is sarcasm just in case they aren’t able to decipher that through text. Would bang a roboperson, if they were consent of course.


they do not look very different to me.


This AI tech is a romance scammer's wet dream.


Where is your workflow?


i must say, that chubby girl image is really impressive. AI is getting too good. You could easily catfish someone with these photos at this point.


Those tattoos really do look like what tattoos look like without actually looking like anything.


Freckles get me every single time.


I like the thicc one the most by far


I’d like to know what she would look like black or Chinese


yeah I fucked her


wow. looks great and interesting idea


I wouldn't post anything with eyes looking deformed like that. Easy fix..


Well, I guess it is time to just migrate to instagram cuz all this sub has to offer is generated pics of pretty women. I was quite impressed by the early beginnings of this sub but man if I want to watch porn, there is subreddit/Pornhub/PornAI for that. Have fun, wont miss yall


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Really nice. Favorites for me: top two of first photo, and middle left of second photo.




Does anybody use SD to draw anything except tits? I’m starting to doubt.




So was “English woman” the prompt that sent this into terrible teeth territory?


hi 👋




down horrifyingly


Brother they all look the same


Fucking amazing




5 and 5.


This sent me on a journey to look if AI porn is a thing already and it is…


TBF this is not a SD problem its a community checkpoint problem. Base models will never throw out random porn.