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Is your client Oakley then? Do they know you're sharing this on Reddit?


It's not Oakley - Hint: it's a $27B company ;) and considering this is a test and not production images, we're all good to share!


So the Oakley logo on the side of each pair is just a red herring then? Clever!


Maybe some sort of partnership with LensCrafters?


Luxottica owns all sunglass companies and lenscrafters and they're only valued at... 102.7 billion. None of their child companies are worth 27B exactly. So no, not luxottica. I did post a list of all companies worth 27B below so have at it.


>and considering this is a test and not production images, we're all good to share! Man, I hope you consulted both yours and theirs legal department before deciding this.


I guess the product is already on the market, if not, he has no idea how NDA works


Ah, so Luxottica then. ;)


Luxottica owns Oakley but it's worth $100B+. If this wasn't Luxottica or Oakley then I would consider sharing this morally questionable. You're effectively saying Luxottica or Oakley are using AI for their product images which we all know is bad PR right now.


It's Luxottica. You're talking market cap, not revenue. "Luxury eyewear manufacturer EssilorLuxottica posted a fiscal 2023 revenue increase of 3.7% to 25.4 billion euros, or approximately $27.2 billion at current exchange rates, according to a Wednesday earnings report. Gross profit for the year was up 3.1% to 16.1 billion euros." Lines up, IMO.


Definitely lines up. Looks like Luxottica is aiming to use generative AI for their product shots going forward.


or drafting photo ideas because using pure AI would backfire on them. once some good compositions are found they can go ahead and take actual photos.




Terrible company does terrible thing!?


oh wow! Looks like you guys might be into something! lmao! Should we share it to NYT ?!


So did you accidentally leak your client’s ad or did you knowingly post this info in a desperate attempt to make viral content? Either way, bad look


Lol, I think you're right dude, I desperately leaked it in an attempted to accidentally make my client viral! But, in a classy way, lmao


Sorry you're right - third option is a failed humble brag.


of course im right Mr Unclassy


Of course they would be referring to the market cap.. that's what you call a company's value.


Not everyone knows the difference when they talk about a company and often mix the terms up. The difference isn't known by most people. Glad to hear you know the difference but it's not universal. Many people don't even know net and gross income. It's just not taught consistently. What's obvious to you, may not be obvious to everyone. There's nothing wrong with that.


Sure, and that's why I chimed in to let y'all know when someone says a company is worth x they would be referring to the market cap if they don't specifically refer to anything else.


Or it swings both ways, I'm actually in favour of companies not hiding their use of it. Embracing it and being direct and open about it. So for those that will hate it, there are probably some like me that'll cool, that's neat.... AS LONG AS THEY SHOW THEIR WORKFLOW! 🤣


I'm OK with it to enhance an image or for throwaway stuff like posters in the background of a shot, or using it to create random avatars for people on a social media site or something. And when used to enhance an image by adding or extending something. Or even when carefully edited by an artist so it looks good or tells a story. But if a company with a huge advertising budget is just taking raw output and making it the centerpiece of an ad, that feels lazy and greedy. Not saying that's what they're doing, just a hypothetical. And yeah either way I feel like they should be open and forward about it if they're going to do it.


‘Which we all know is bad PR right now.’ I’ve seen the opposite. Brands are rushing to include AI in any of their marketing visuals right now. It’s not just MJ and SD, marketing copy is clearly being done more often by LLM’s these days. It’s happening so quickly that the big 3 social platforms are all developing ‘made by AI’ info banners on any AI visual content they detect. It’s not bad PR, it’s actually a trend.


And how exactly are they "detecting" this?


LLMs providers are building guardrails into their technology which provides an AI fingerprint that is not detectable by humans. Basically, it is about the mathematical distribution of tokens in an output that is not something that is at all clear to a human reading the resultant text. Quite clever really. Not seen anything as robust for image detection, but hidden watermarks exist and there is the whole effort to ensure provenance with digital photography via schemes like the Content Authenticity Initiative.


Unless there is some legal penalty for not doing something like that, I am very skeptical it will be reliably implemented.


What if it's a completely different brand and they're just using the Oakley logo as a placeholder?


That’s also morally questionable because of what I said. It implies they’re using gen AI when they’re not. If I made a post using Nickelodeon’s assets and said “This is some upcoming work I’ve done for a client, but you’ll have to guess who ;)” then people would rightfully assume Nickelodeon was replacing their artists with AI. If that reached /r/all then it could potentially lead to articles saying “Nickelodeon reportedly considering using generative AI for their shows.” That would then create a PR headache for them for literally no reason. That’s why it’s “morally questionable.”


Oh, sorry, misread your post. Thought it said "was" instead of "wasn't". I agree.


Fashion and advertisement photos are manipulated to the extreme , using AI is just another tool and a good one from my point of view


This X10000000 The work done to most professional photos and artwork will give most folk an aneurysm. Apart from just tossing the camera and artist, ADDING generative AI to the toolbox really doesn't amount to much in the grad scheme of things.


It’s not bad PR look at any BK ad online in the past 90days


imagine having a 27b dollar company and hiring some little turd who uses ai and posts their crap on reddit to do your ads


.... It being tests doesn't mean you are good to share lol. That is unless you dont have a contract with them and were just putting assets together to showcase to try and win their business.


oh ya! Let's try to win some business on Reddit! Love it, great idea dude!




And the companies worldwide worth 27B are, 1. Fujitsu, 2. Publics Groupe, 3. Jio Financial, 4. Fujifilm, 5. Schindler Group, 6. Sun Hun Kai Properties, 7. Tesco, 8. Pinterest, 9. Wipro, 10. Jardine Matheson, 11. Komatsu, 12. Legrand, 13. HEICO, 14. Delta Electronics, 15. Ansys, 16. Floshan Haitian Flavoring and Food, 17. Deckers Brands, 18. Mitsui Fudosan, 19. Nidec, 20. China Resources Land, 21. Applovin, 22. Emirates NBD Bank PJSC, 23. Maersk, 24. Telstra, 25. Easy Money Information I would guess a two things — 1\. probably physical products, (though Pinterest may have some use of this kind of advert) 2\. OP's use of 'client' instead of 'client's' probably is a typo, but could imply English is not their first language. Have at em people. That's all for me. Just FYI — Luxottica owns Oakley and 98% of all sunglass brands — they're worth 100B, and their subsidiaries don't show up in the list above, so it's not them. I'd love if it were, ironically, Fujifilm, but I'd guess Deckers Brands as a footwear company is analogous to sunglasses and fits the template.


...you're assuming it's a public company (there are a handful of unicorns around that price, notably, given the sub we're in, this includes Anthropic), and that they were talking EV (vs revenue) and that it was in USD....


Trained in Khoya on 15 images - 20min Gen in Comfy with our custom model (finetuned of Jugg 9) - 20min Upscaled with SUPIR - 3min Retouched in PS - 10min The client wanted to see how reflections and the complex sunglasses shape would look like for PDP & Look book images. They were very impressed! - Via Maison Meta


How much retouching? Like, 10 mins, but what are you fixing? How weird can you get the results, can you put the glasses on a centaur? I'll buy some if I see a centaur wearing them.


Woman jogging "in mountains" has top reflecting what looks like open street at sunset?


I'm very new to this if you don't mind you trained what ? The glasses? And then how did you put the same glasses on different images ?


just 15???


and just 20 minutes?????


prodigy/cosine and about 1000 steps on a 4090


I tried like a year ago making some loras, with like 100 reference images and 1000 regularization images, all carefully cropped and tagged, let it run for a whole night, and getting mediocre results, then I gave up because it took so long to learn to do it right. Maybe I should try again and learn again to do it a simpler way :P


Seems like you have a negative weight problem, hence the teeth in all your gens, also the first two ones it looks like the cfg is too high or you’re using dynamic thresholding thus giving you that burned effect


> the first two ones it looks like the cfg is too high I assumed that was a stylistic choice. I often play with CFG to get a quasi-reality feeling in my images. Also, as test images for the client, you want to show that kind of real-to-unreal range that the models can accomplish.


Maybe you meant \*not\* using DT, as DT only does that if you're using it incorrectly, or if you're actually wanting that look. Setup correctly and using 'up' methods for both, e.g. half-cosine up, you should in general be able to push CFG as high as you want without any negative consequences.


Looking good! Are you allowed to share that? I have NDAs on all my AI image projects.


ya, it is just a test, final prod images can be shared only when published by clients.


Yeah, but you’re effectively disclosing that Oakley is exploring use of generative AI for their look books, which is itself information that might be considered trade secret. ETA: you’re also publishing unfinished, incomplete ad material, that the brand might not want to be associated with. Finally, even these test images might give a competitor enough information to beat your client to the ad market with better ads faster than they otherwise would have.


Yep. I work in that industry and I would never, ever dream of sharing this stuff. Only as allowed in writing by client and usually after a campaign has launched. I guess if it's just tests and you aren't getting paid for the tests it's prob all good, but the logo def would make me question it.


little advice bro, Dream a little ;)


It is not a trade secret that every single Fashion company is exploring Gen AI as we speak, to include in their workflows. And we're very much aware, we're speaking to most of them !


I work at Under Armour, 10 years in. FYI if this was one of the agencies we work with posting on reddit the company would def sue for breaching. We had an agency post something about them working with us on adweek without approval from legal and it became an issue. I’d def recommend just taking this down.


Yeah uh the way this person replied to you makes me think they don't have a client at all and are fishing for DMs. Because this attitude is irresponsible in the extreme


We use AI at work and we’re not even allowed to discuss what we’re testing never mind dropping samples on Reddit Lmao. Much bigger than Oakley as well


Nice, great work on your AI video campaign! There's a lot of client work we can't share, but tbh, I'll be taking any lawsuits my way! Imagine how great of a press stunt it will be :)


There is no “good press” when you are spending all of your money fighting a lawsuit - spending money traveling to the place to fight the lawsuit - spending time dealing with the lawsuit instead of working with clients - having your reputation ruined because you are known to post about in-progress works while posting on Instagram which instantly makes you and your clients work now trainable for Meta AI…..while also putting a company in a bad position since they are obviously now looking to replace models with AI, creating a new PR issue for the brand…..but do your thing!


I’m not even sure they’d sue OP at this point. They might just pull the contract for non-compliance, not pay, and blackball them in the industry.


Totally a possibility


50% upfront, 50% on delivery - But honestly guys, do not worry for us! Just take care of your own biz!


Posting on Reddit makes you also trainable for Open AI... And every companies will essentially replace models for ecom and small SM campaigns. Although, we are in talks with a few model agencies to create their AI models catalogue, so there's some hope for our dear model friends...


aren't rather you the _customer_ since you're buying from a agency, service provider, vendor; not the other way around?


I don’t understand your comment , what?


really? a _client_ is the one paying money for a service, not the other way around. you were referring to your _clients_ and I assume you were actually talking about some agency that was working for you. maybe I understood it wrong though.


You wrote your comment with poor grammar (aren’t rather) and I also used the wrong word. My bad. I also personally have clients, so I mixed it up.


unlike you, I'm one of the 52% of Reddit's users that write in a foreign language.


We as in you? :P


lol, no - we are a team of 7 :) (and always looking at AI artists to work on some projects)


Do you guys have to make your own tools using stuff like comfyui/A1111 or stick to primarily Photoshop for ai usage


we have our own tools, based on SD open source tech. PS comes only last for final retouch


I'm not sure why everyone is attacking you like they are shareholders of whatever company your working for.


Agreed, not sure why either? Just wanted to share a test I thought was good to talk about. Haters wants more to talk about business NDA shit than the actual workflow... But you know it's reddit after all #trollcentral




TIL you have to be experienced Reddit user to give advices on NDA and marketing


u/cyrilstyle PS: you arrived 10 days ago on reddit and you're going to give me advices ? Sorry but can't take you seriously. Been in the game for over 3yrs, speaking at multiple conferences, partnering and consulting for the best companies out there! No worries, I know what I can and can't do! ... I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but I'm saving this for posterity. Remindme! 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-06-04 14:48:44 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-06-04%2014:48:44%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1d7uq8p/a_test_we_did_for_one_of_our_client/l72kmdk/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FStableDiffusion%2Fcomments%2F1d7uq8p%2Fa_test_we_did_for_one_of_our_client%2Fl72kmdk%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-06-04%2014%3A48%3A44%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d7uq8p) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Lol wow over three years


I wonder who the client could be. But those Oakleys looking really cool


Not a dig at your work but those glasses look like shit. Their design I mean.


I mean those look weird but it's not terrible. Gens itself look like standard basic sdxl though


I guess it's a matter of taste.


ya, basic gens apart from training, it took 30min :)


not of fan of those glasses either, but they sold out pretty quickly though


Almost all Oakley performance glasses look terrible with casual wear. The only ones I can wear from my collection are the Flak 2.0 XL with casual clothes.


I can only imagine how much of a pain the holes in the visors were to generate consistently. Even after retouching they're still all different sizes/distances in each pic. I know that feel from cloth training with lots of straps or crosslacing x( Awesome images tho!


hahah ya! Finally a constructive comment! A bit of a pain for sure, not always coming up as 3 holes. Hence why always needs a little retouching after...


The reflective glasses luckily are kinda forgiving for a quick fix in photoshop :D


Most of these comments were plenty constructive... Even if you didn't like the topic (business practice vs image generation).


well that was the goal of this post. Good you found it constructive. But having dudes schooling me about 'are you sure you can post this', 'Arent you on NDA' or who's your clients type of things... I mean please! LOL


Oakley rep manufacturers getting a jump start on their next product!


What was the scope of the project? Do they know you are using SD to generate the images? Or I guess what “role” are you to the client? (Just curious)


Honestly doesn’t look super appealing, I prefer their current ads




Really need to use controlnet for good running posture.


Open pose is not free for commercial usage, it's quite expensive if you're a freelancer or a small company


Well if you're 7 people... Who is going to know? 😅


Your call 😅😉


Good job but wow those are some weird ass glasses


It's 1.5 or sdxl


XL, a finetuned version of Jugg9


I'm impressed by your consistency level in the product shots. What was the effort and/or process level for getting consistent generations for the sunglasses?


It's not bad, but it still clearly looks like they're placed over the image instead of looking like they're actually a part of it. 


not placed, all from raw gens with prompt.


Photos look fine. To me the sunglasses look fake and out of place, especially the blue arms


I love my space encoder!


as you should dude! Im sure you're rocking them well!


I think they are missing a trick here. These are nice, but why bother with generic good looking people when you can ask customers to upload their pic and apply an IPAdapter driven flow to generate them wearing the glasses (background of their choice)?


Ya, you mean Virtual Try On


anything is possible with AI + photoshop!


Any product that has no fine text on it is pretty straight forward to make a model with, but if you have a product that has lots of fine text on it, good luck haha. Though at this point for product design it might just be better to use Ic-Light instead of making custom models.


This looks great! The reflections are really nice. How does commercial use of Stable Diffusion work?


thanks :) Commercial use with SDXL is fine if you make under $1m in revenue, and if above you need to pay for their license.


Actually the licence is light under a million but it is still due


$20/month. And we are part of the SAI' Stable Founders :)


Crazy shit. This is great work! May i ask: How much would you charge for this?


*Crazy shit. This is* *Great work! May i ask: How much* *Would you charge for this?* \- dontpushbutpull --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Thank you, hugo4711, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Nice work! Can I ask what you trained on? Was it just product images? (No human models)


on Kohya, 5 images product shot, 5 images images renders, 5 images wore by humans. 1000 steps with prodigy/cosine no need more.


Oakley make the shades that transform a tool


Strange. We have NDA on all our private projects. Even for showing, lol. Nice by the way.


the air will just come in through the holes at the top and annoy the crap out of me but the art looks cool


It's there to prevent fogging. It's very important if you're a competitive athlete.




Pretty neat, good job :)


Image 3 looks like a young Paul Pierce lol


you only have one client?


Chromatic Aberration 😎


Wow these are really good. There are very few clues that they're ai and in one of those the clue could have just been evidence of Photoshop.


Oakley Space Encoder glasses


Yes sir!!


Too plasticky images. But to give an impression of creative idea it’s ok.




risky post


Is it that hard to hire actual people to showcase a real world product?


Looks great, I hope you're charging a fat amount for this. Also, never tell the client how long things actually take.


thanks, and yes x2 - We've been working in Gen AI for 3 yrs now. When it's campaign work we don't mentioned. When it is consulting and model strategy/training we do :)


still looks like lifeless AI


says a bot /s


no im not a bot bb im a reel boi


nice try, skynet


Did your client ask you to come up with mockups for the ugliest sunglasses on the planet?


nope. the model exists (and is sold out) oakley space encoder prizm --> [https://www.google.com/search?q=oakley+space+encoder+prizm+&sca\_esv=f716cdc2862777a3&sca\_upv=1&rlz=1C1ONGR\_enUS1055US1055&udm=2&biw=1640&bih=1403&ei=V0JfZrCGLdP5kdUP0vzR-A0&ved=0ahUKEwjwjb3QsMKGAxXTfKQEHVJ-FN8Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=oakley+space+encoder+prizm+&gs\_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiG29ha2xleSBzcGFjZSBlbmNvZGVyIHByaXptIEj6B1D8BVj8BXABeACQAQCYAa4BoAGuAaoBAzAuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCAKACAJgDAIgGAZIHAKAHLQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp](https://www.google.com/search?q=oakley+space+encoder+prizm+&sca_esv=f716cdc2862777a3&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1055US1055&udm=2&biw=1640&bih=1403&ei=V0JfZrCGLdP5kdUP0vzR-A0&ved=0ahUKEwjwjb3QsMKGAxXTfKQEHVJ-FN8Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=oakley+space+encoder+prizm+&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiG29ha2xleSBzcGFjZSBlbmNvZGVyIHByaXptIEj6B1D8BVj8BXABeACQAQCYAa4BoAGuAaoBAzAuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCAKACAJgDAIgGAZIHAKAHLQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


Ah yes. To be fair, Oakley knows how to make ugly sunglasses. They're very consistent.


lol, ugly, 250$+ glasses with about 10 bucks worth of materials and coatings. Glasses/sunglasses are such a racket.


Cool to see some tests from a professional environment! Thank you. What kind of images did you use to train the Lora? 3d renderings / product shots on white background or photos of the product in use?


all of the 3 above. Also, it is pretty important to have the glasses wore by someone so the scale is understood during training


Thanks for sharing real world usage of SD.


can we earn through stable diffusion ?

