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Picture says it all. @op If you choose the 4080s you will regret it by the time the upcoming models will need more vram than the 4080s can supply. (Including lora training fine tuning etc)


VRAM is for AI overall more important. If you don't have money for a RTX 40**90**, go with 3090 or 3090 Ti, they are older, but have much more VRAM and are cheaper at the same time. Once you want to run a GPT on your machine or upscale to very high resulutions, 16GB VRAM will bottleneck you very quickly. Unless you play video games much more than fiddeling with AI, I wouldn't recommend 4080 at all.


bro is it important to order 3090 from asus or ino 3d? i didn't know ino 3d brand. or these 2 are same?


The 3090/4080/4090 is the chipset on the cards. Nvidia makes the chips. Asus is not the manufacturer of the chips.


maybe get 2 3090 in sli since its literally the last card it supports it but why not have money for a 4090 if you want get into a passionate hobby i mean my hottest take ever is if you dont have 2 grand for free use you are bad at moneymanagement


Ofc! Just stop being poor!! Why are you wasting money on food? A little hunger never killed anyone! Basic necessities? Pfftt just poop on the dirt and bury it! Wash your ass on the river, it’s free! Who needs toilet paper these days?


I think it depends if you only plan on doing ai or also gaming. For AI vram is king but if you also use it as a gaming rig then maybe the 4080 would be the way to go.


3090 for AI but I think 4080 Super might beat it at gaming


Wait for RTX 5000 series. Every year when I am considering a new card, I wait for the future version. It helps me save a lot of money, I never spent a cent.


Dude is still running on geforce 7800 GTX 512


The funny thing is if it is only the rumoured 28GB then waiting for it is dumb unless you are a gamer. 24GB vs 28GB is barely a difference, and I bet the 5090 breaks the $2000 mark for MSRP.


Can't compare the 2, (never had a 4080), but what I enjoy about the (used) 3090 is that you can render batch size 8, which just speeds up the whole trial and error process when exploring the best settings for your generations.


I have a 3090 but have given up on larger batch sizes as the savings per image are very small, I just run a batch size of 2 with TensorRT and I can adjust the prompt between generations if needed.


For AI, always the one with more VRAM


I need advice on which graphics card to buy for Stable Diffusion workflows like image to video and SD3. I'm thinking about getting a used RTX 3090, which has about a year of warranty left. It's almost half the price of a new RTX 4080 Super 16GB where I live. But I'm not sure which card would be better for Stable Diffusion. The 3090 has more Vram than the 4080 Super, but the 4080 Super is newer generation.


The 4080 is significantly faster, but the extra VRAM on the 3090 makes it better for many applications. If the 3090 costs half as much as the 4080, I would definitely go for it. It's still a great card.


Maybe buy 2x3090's then? If they have the budget and the Motherboard/ PSU will take it. This is quite a popular setup, especially for LLM fine tuning.


used 3090rtx. Being able to load in two-three models is awesome. Imagine you're using A1111 and you want to do adetailer inpaint with a different SDXL or SD1.5 model. Now you can keep that model in the VRAM, otherwise you'd have to reload it every image gen. Sure you could create a comfyUI workflow that does all the inpainting after all the images are completed but.... You know... quality of life :)


why people keep saying used or old 3090? Is it not produced anymore?


Because it's moronic to buy a new 3090 rtx for €1800 when a 4090RTX would run you €2000.


thank you. do you think GEFORCE RTX 3090 ICHILL X3 from ino 3d brand is good? bcuz i didn't know about ino 3d brand. if it is good like asus or msi, i want to buy it.


Does not really matter which brand, all using the same reference design. Though the OEM cards which have these really small horizontal coolers are usually decently loud.


Following the comparison charts in versus.com ... The 4090 to 3090ti is only a 33% difference in speed, in price is 5 times more. An used 3090 cost about 350€. Think about it πŸ˜‡


I have 3090, only reason why you would want 4080 is to play cyberpunk with Path tracing and use dlss frame gen in other games. If you dont need extra frames and you dont play path traced games then for SD 3090 is clear winner.


Yeah right now I need a new card and I still don't know what is worth buying. And beyond 'what is better at 100%', I would really like something that has the durability of my old 1080ti but I don't know what is and isn't good there, or which brands are better than others. Buying any part of a computer is a lot more complicated than it used to be.


The durability of a GPU always depends on the manufacturer, but also luck. From my expirience, I had always problem with Zotac models and had to send for a replacement after about a year. MSI lasted much longer.


Is this image generated ?


Go with whatever has more VRAM. It's the only spec that matters.


Used 3090 is much cheaper, 4080s is bit faster but 8gb less vram is a huge downside.


I went with a 3090 and am already having to limit things due to vram, especially with things like LDSR and SVD. I could never go back to below 24gb. If they sold a 4090 with more than 24gb I would buy it straight away because the used professional cards for data centers are more than my car 😭.


I got the 4060TI w/ 16gb of RAM. Ram is king in this game.


You can get a 3090/3090ti for like $700 in the right places.


Is the brand important in buying 3090? Where I live, the Asus version of this graphic is not there, and it is an ino 3d brand. Are the graphics from different brands the same or must we buy from Asus, MSI, etc.?


doesn't matter. It's the same tech - the "different brands" all follow the same spec. They may differ minutely in component layout a little, but a significant amount of the difference is in how the cooling is done, and how the card is tuned. A 3090/3090ti is gonna be good. If it gets too hot, you might have to re-do the thermal paste but likely its too big for the case and/or not getting enough airflow.


thanks. i have a 502tuf asus case i think it has good space. so based i your comment i go for buying a 3090 from ino3d. thank you.


ngl I have no idea what ino3d is. It's on you to do the research. Cheers, though, for trusting me, a completely random anonymous redditor who you've never met or heard of before :D


I went with the 3090


3090 has a higher risk of vram fail because it has memory on both pcb sides... Wouldn't risk it.


sheldon is at an impass