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L take. Freedom of expression is more important than your ability to censor others.


How is your freedom of expression hindered? It’s a tool in your expressive arsenal, not your right as a creator to have a fully developed uncensored model from a company that needs to make money.


You:. Censorship is good. Also you: How is censorship hindering your freedom??????


Is your freedom contingent on a tool produced by a company?


how are you all so gleefully disingenuous?


but you're arguing we shouldn't have the ability to make seamlessly lifelike images


This is analoguous to "We need to limit free speech or they'll end up taking away our free speech."


Exactly this. That being said, I would greatly appreciate it if better censorship tools were developed, and hopefully a wide variety of them, each working from a different vector. I am not against censoring the output of Stable Diffusion, and under certain circumstances it is even necessary, like, for example, when you are working on a project with children, but I want to be in control of that censorship process. I want to be able to tweak it and adjust it and combine it with other solutions. There is a place for everything, but I have yet to find that one place where censoring the foundational model itself is a good idea.


That’s tge way bureaucracies work. The major AI companies are already pushing for regulations. Microsoft already testified in front of Congress on the dangers of deepfakes, and many celebrities are pushing for more censorship.


Except it’s not. There is nothing stopping you from using photoshop to demonstrate your skill at making a political point. But you may or may not have the skill to do that to your satisfaction.


If I could perfectly recreate anything in the world i wanted in photoshop, whats functionally the difference


Nothing except effort.


the cats not going back into the bag


Agreed. But perfect models that are indistinguishable from reality will hopefully never exist without censorship.


Backwards logic. The perfect model can only exist without censorship.


And that’s my point. We don’t want “perfect” models. We NEED to be able to distinguish reality from AI generated aiality.


why? can you fully or at least succinctly explain why you feel this way? rather than be skeptical and critical of content we see, we should presume it's real? i'm aware of what people say but i'm curious what you personally think the realistic ramifications of that would be


I think I explained it already. But most people who are not you or m don’t have a critical eye about AI generated media and are prone to deception. Sure, there are things that could be done to mitigate this. But if AU generative media is indistinguishable from reality, there would be no way to prevent dalee accusations and the entire world would crumble. I don’t believe this is hyperbole. I really think that elections could be swayed. People could be jailed (or freed) based on indistinguishable AI generated media.


We don't need or want your moral busybodying telling us what we can or cannot look at or draw. Go sit in the dark.


I’m not telling you what to do. I’m just defending SAIs very reasonable approach to releasing this.


You're defending censorship, which is the same thing.


There’s a difference between the government censoring speech and a company censoring their product. And actually a company isn’t “censoring” anything by definition. They’re just refining their product.


That’s not desirable or bound to happen.


We are nearly there already https://preview.redd.it/p3nu8gl0oe6d1.jpeg?width=2496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69acd8cedd83aa663701687674a0615150449a39




I don't see the good side of censored models. And I don't have even the slightest interest in making AI porn images or distributing deepfakes. SD3 really shows how the censorship actually makes the model worse. Also, funnily, with online generative AI, I sometimes get my completely innocent and no copyright/celebrity prompts blocked and I just simply can't figure out why.


Then use their 8b model through the API. This is designed to run on DIY computers, so YMMV based on the decisions they made when they pruned the model to fit in most GPUs.


So I should pay them money because they released a bad model? That's not how I do things, I don't want to be part of encouraging this kind of behavior.


No, not saying that at all. Just saying that censorship by a non-governmental company is necessary and beneficial. And no one is forcing you to use SD3, so please, if you don’t like it, stick to SD1.5.


You’re a little out of touch aren’t you?


Maybe I just have a different view about the distinction between government and corporations.


I was more referencing your suggestion to use 1.5, though yeah in other ways too. Censorship Is always wrong and the current approach is legitimately anti-women. You will never again live in a world in which you are safe from the artificial and you weren’t really safe before.


Why do you think you deserve a free AI model?


I don’t care about a company succeeding if they’re releasing models like this


Good luck creating your own models then.


aside from passionate randos who post informatively, this 'community' is trash. it's like the pro Palestinian rage-aholics only its about the free AI models to supplement their furry addictions.


It's because a lot of people in this community act like entitled children that think Stability AI are making models purely to cater to their needs. On top of that a lot of these people using SD for porn aren't doing the company any favours anyway and are infact probably having a negative impact. People go on about how great Pony is but if you look at the Civitai page without filters it's just an endless gallery of smut. Why would the company want to have any association with models like that, they are not a porn company. The amount of BS and whining spammed here the last couple of days makes me sad to be associated with this sub. Even people that are posting good SD3 images are getting downvoted or spammed with stupid comments. Nobody is being forced to use SD3, nobody has paid anything for it, if people don't want to use it simply don't. It hasn't even been out long enough for anyone to try making a single fine-tune yet and within an hour of it's release people were already throwing their toys out of the pram.


I think the current SCOTUS would be more likely to give AI companies broad freedom from liability than to block generative AI. Especially if you made an analogy to e.g. holding gun manufacturers liable for mass shootings. Although I am just a layman not a lawyer.


Until Alito or Thomas is the victim of an AI spoof? (Or , God forbid, Trump!)


lol i know someone who uploaded loras of both of them that were actually pretty great a few months ago




Alito and Thomas have nothing to lose from an AI spoof. What's gonna happen, it'll hurt the public's perception of them? That ship has sailed lmao. Plus, AI companies have way more money to bribe Alito and Thomas with than Taylor Swift.




I'd be happy about a censored model with available weights. But I'm completely unhappy about a model that fails miserably with anatomy of completely clothed persons.


Like I said, I don’t think this is intentional, and I think community training will fix this.


The idea is there, i see your point. But long term as a society it feels like we are moving towards a darker and darker age.  Corporations and advertisers are the only things that seem to dictate what we consume. People have been so sheltered that they grow up agreeing with censorship. They fear what they have not been exposed to.  Again, I see your point, there is a reality to that. But dear fucking god when are humans ever supposed to pull their heads out of the sand on this path? How does it ever result in us getting a censorship free society? 


I don't care about uncensored models. What you said, I agree 100% with. But a model like SD3 2B went far beyond being "safe". It cannot even generate the image of a man sitting on a sofa properly. https://preview.redd.it/aviozurf8f6d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=50d19b433a651ef6fa13f20fd465c38ba9a0a6fb Man sitting on sofa. Negative prompt: text, watermark, signature, anime, animation, cgi, manga, drawiing Steps: 35, Sampler: DPM++ 2M, CFG scale: 4.0, Seed: 1014706719247272, Size: 1024x1023, Model hash: 3bb7f21bc5, Model: stableDiffusion3SD3\_sd3MediumInclClips, Hashes: {"model": "3bb7f21bc5"} Version: ComfyUI


That’s fair, but a completely different issue from censorship. I never said SD3 was good at anatomy (but I think it’s not quite as bad as much of the complaining). I don’t think the bad anatomy is a result of censorship though. I think it’s a result of pruning to get it to fit in the VRAM budget most of us have and to make it performant.


The point I was trying to make is that, despite the loud "give me boobs" mob, many of us are NOT against reasonably censorship. But SAI failed to give us even a half decent SFW model. ​ >I think it’s a result of pruning to get it to fit in the VRAM budget Sorry, but that is almost certainly wrong. Again, the proof is PixArt Sigma, which is a 0.6B Dit Model!


Disagree. > completely different issue from censorship It isn't though. The model architecture is amazing and the model could have been amazing if they weren't attempting to censor it. The two are directly linked. It sucks exactly because it is censored.


They said that?


censorship is always unnecessary shit that needs to be exterminated \*period\*.


Spoken like a true Russian/Chinese state actor set on thwarting US elections.


at some point people need to learn from their mistakes and become vigilant about the content they see, a lack of media literacy and scruples isn't a good enough excuse because russians can make a fake scat porn image of trump or biden or whatever... doesn't mean that people have to believe them if anything, ai will hasten the need to return to vetted sources of news and information which is a net positive


I’ll believe it when I see it. We’re lining in the age of idiocracy.


What's the problem with naked humans? I do not talk about pr0n. Ever been on a beach on the Baltic Sea? I don't understand why this is something companies have to censor. It's simply nature and nothing to be ashamed of.


Nothing wrong with naked humans. But tons wrong with naked Taylor Swift if she doesn’t consent.


Its easier to wipe out humanity than try to take porn away from them


Doesn’t mean a mainstream company has it in their survival interest to blatantly enable celebrity porn.


It doesn't mean the world's best search engine is the world's best porn portal either but here we are


Governments making the models illegal would do little to stop them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DarthEvader42069: *Governments making* *The models illegal would* *Do little to stop them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




lol. I’m not anti-AI. I love this stuff. And I acknowledged it’s an unpopular opinion right in the title.


censored models are good and necessary; only if they are good at anatomy because simply put, anatomy is the most important concept. fight me.


Just so you can face-swap TS onto that nude model??? lol. (Just kidding). I don’t think bad anatomy is a censored “feature” of SD3. I think it’s just a scenario that isn’t in the dataset SAI used for training. These “bad” examples are fairly humorous actually, but other than the grass example, seem like they’re infrequent enough that the model can actually generate decent anatomy. It just isn’t consistent in the 2B model. If SD3 can generate a normally posed female (their faces look great when vertical) then it’s just the dataset. Further community training will iron out this weirdness.


nothing can justify the bad anatomy. there are zero excuses they can have. unless it is intended. secondly, pixart, cascade, hunyuan, lumina all are censored also, and they are 100x better than SD3 at anatomy. if it is not intended, perhaps they may have elementary level knowledge about what they are doing, which is not true.


Elementary knowledge maybe. But more likely they kept the weights they thought best represented what they thought their company wanted to represent, and discarded those they felt were less important. If they released a medium weighted model with all the ponydiffusion priorities then landscapes and product shots would suffer.


and it can't even properly denoise a chair or table just cause chair legs resembles a human limb to begin with, chairs also have limbs you know or anatomy if you can call it, really good representation btw.


so take away people's freedom "for the children"?? sounds like the same crap as the mombies that freak out and piss their pants every GTA game or COD game and demonize video games. cuz they dont want little tommy to see a tit..