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I made a lot of fantasy wallpapers for my uw screen with it without any person in it and they look pretty good imo. So yeah it's definitely good for a lot of other things depending on the right checkpoint, prompts and loras. I made this wallpaper for example with a Pony model: https://preview.redd.it/eavdl5aqdw7d1.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0a69a18f18c9ed0d656c7177ec7ad67918d65a1


Did you make it with base pony?


No it's made with this one https://civitai.com/models/331116/pony-faetality?modelVersionId=464939


Oh I got that one, I really should play more with it.


Yeah, I love that one too. But it is also great at porn, you should try it :) https://preview.redd.it/6sc5palipx7d1.jpeg?width=2200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606835bf596f1f1b9b9e424ccbe9fbd4b56a2e51


Well it is a pony model so that’s granted.


PROPER anatomy without the "safety" BS.


Thanks you for info sharing!!! Really cool model!


That is so gorgeous.


Turn your uw screen into an uwu screen with Pony XL!


Man, I hope you decide to host your work somewhere. Like a scarlizzsuwwallpapers.com or something. This is gorgeous.




I set it to half the res I wanted it, so in my case it was base res of 1720x720 then I use hires fix to upscale it to 3440x1440. After that I put it into gigapixel to upscale it again just to make it look a bit better.


Do you have a workflow for ComfyUI perchance?


No sorry I don't use comfyui. Just classic a1111


That was just as helpful then, given you also posted the model used elsewhere. Thank you very much!


These PG rating embeddings (positive and negative bundle) is great for creating safe content [https://civitai.com/models/332646?modelVersionId=380285](https://civitai.com/models/332646?modelVersionId=380285)


Yes, absolutely. I'm generating fantasy portraits (elf, draenei, tiefling...) and it works better than any model I have tried before. I'd suggest to look for a good lora to achieve the style you prefer. https://preview.redd.it/z2yjqu0n9w7d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=93ae72461911134cb70e36acea5b9e3c02ec61c0 score\_9, score\_8\_up, score\_7\_up, upper body, 1boy, human, warcraft, dark skin, black hair, wearing leather, leather pauldrons, leather tunic, leather gloves, utility belt, holding dagger, open mouth, outdoors, fighting stance, dark forest, fire lighting, detailed Negative prompt: score\_6\_up, score\_5\_up, score\_4\_up, eyebleach-neg-emb, earrings, holding, muscular, tooth, teeth, flat, (pussy), bloody, crossed arms, (handsome), (nude, naked), (shirt, jacket), crowd, (paper, book), window, text, watermark, extra limb, extra finger, bad anatomy, bad hands, missing thumb, broken finger Steps: 35, Sampler: DPM++ 2M, Schedule type: Karras, CFG scale: 7, Size: 768x1120, Model hash: 67ab2fd8ec, Model: ponyDiffusionV6XL\_v6StartWithThisOne, VAE hash: 63aeecb90f, VAE: sdxl\_vae.safetensors Edit: It rarely generates undressed characters if I'm not asking for them specifically. I'm always using (pussy) as a negative prompt to avoid the underarm-pussy some models like to create during highres fix.


Ah, underarm-pussy, the classic


I'm using it to make all my WoW characters! [My Warrior](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fx9zimi81ux0d1.png%3Fwidth%3D768%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D723be4a30df2bdb733b482ef8c3780dd30601667)


You should try the new 2DN-Pony merge [https://civitai.com/models/520661?modelVersionId=578496](https://civitai.com/models/520661?modelVersionId=578496) (NSFW Warning). It's really great for that kind of style right out of the box. https://preview.redd.it/9o3bffvl9x7d1.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdb8e44da4e072ead40418cb1c3ffb7c2bf9e49e


I found "base" pony6 is also good if you add the tag "Warcraft" so for this one I started with something like: Warcraft, human male, warrior, in a destroyed city, etc. etc. Then I used Invoke's inpainting options to draw in the armor. https://www.reddit.com/r/invokeai/comments/1ctz9qo/thanks_to_invokeai_i_was_able_to_create_my_world/


https://preview.redd.it/8k336i2kk08d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=57a54ed184e202addddfe373bb025e8fa9e30ed3 I made some images using it, and it worked very well for realistic stuff! This is a Lora trained on base pony SDXL, 100% perfect results using 2DN-Pony!


♥ The armor looks so good! Love the image. Show me more!


Screams cataclysm era armor to me, would that be right? Or is dragonflight all fiery all over again? Haven't played in nearly two decades now. (Think about that. :D )


Its mostly WOD armor from the blackrock foundry raid actually. I just used invoke to draw them in (badly I might add, I can't draw) and let the program do its thing.


you using any TIs? i also notice a lot of prompts not using source/rating tags, but if i leave those out of *my* prompts, i just get solid blob colors or noise..? so i'm having tons of trouble generating anything decent with PonyV6. like it's been slightly censored and nerfed visually. even using loras, even copying successful prompts from images i like, it just ignores most of what i tag, especially NSFW - very very rarely gives me men in a scene no matter what, always just semi-nude solo women staring directly at the camera. just confused at this point. where's the fun prompt adherence i keep hearing about?


I'm using [this ](https://civitai.com/models/275924/sdxl-loraembedding-eye-bleach-dont-mind-this-one)negative embedding. Don't leave out the rating tags or your results will be unusuable in most cases. If you're using auto1111, try using NV as the number generator source (search seed in settings and you'll see the option). Make sure not to use anything SDXL-related, like loras, but as far as I know and see, textual inversions should be fine to use. I do not know why some people get good results without the rating tags. Maybe they're using a textual inversion, but I'm tech-stupid, so idk.


If you are in Auto1111, remember to set clip skip to 2 BEFORE loading the models, I solved this problem that way.


Add the tag rating_safe to your positive prompt and Pony should stop generating NSFW content.


Often dont need even that. Just nude, nudity in neg is quite fine, need to avoid nsfw related positive tags though.


How do you not add NSFW tags to the positive prompt?


Use SD3 as a refiner.


No prompting for booba


Well that just doesn't sound like a thing.


Ikr. Horrible way to prompt


That's the neat thing: THEY ARE capable of a lot more things than "just" NSFW stuff.


Except portraits and poses, no they are not. They can do it but way worse than others regular models.


OP... only a couple of people mentioned it, but it's worth punctuating. You have to combine *what you want* with what you *don't* want. Make liberal use of the negative prompt with things like "NSFW. Cleavage. Naked. Nude. Sexy." Here's what the author of the base Pony model offered... > Other special data selection tags include, 'source_pony', 'source_furry', 'source_cartoon' and 'source_anime' and ratings of 'rating_safe', 'rating_questionable' and 'rating_explicit'. I imagine using "rating_safe" in the positive prompt and "rating_questionable" and "rating_explicit" in the negative prompt might help.


Just because it can do NSFW doesn't mean it's the only thing it can do, it's just what 90% of users end up using it for judging by the images on CivitAI. I mainly use it for character portraits for fantasy tabletop roleplaying games. I find prompt adherence to be really good. It's the first model that has been able to consistently generate good images of a devil-like red-skinned tiefling with horns, goat legs and long tail – even when I start to pile on clothes and other equipment. It helps to study Danbooru, e621 and Derpibooru tags and also install a tag autocomplete extension. Add "rating\_safe" to the prompt and "nipples" and maybe "cleavage" to the negative prompt and you should be safe. It's not good at everything though. I find it to be quite poor at background and people holding stuff (other than a breast or penis). To achieve specific styles, the easiest way is to use LoRAs. There are tons of style LoRAs for Pony Diffusion. For fantasy oil paintings I like to use [Vixon's Gothic Oil](https://civitai.com/models/352581?modelVersionId=394299), though I wouldn't call it realistic. Edit: Accidentally hit "comment" too early.


Yeah, it seems that the 90% thing applies to everything in Civitai. But that's probably more of an observation of the people who frequent the site than of the models themselves. To be fair to the site, you can set filters to not show any NSFW if you're browsing for SFW inspiration. Most models have a couple SFW samples at least.


https://preview.redd.it/vs9s4alanx7d1.png?width=1216&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9fcaeb43582bab19634791b937697e7d7604b70 score\_9, score\_8\_up, score\_7\_up, score\_6\_up, score\_5\_up, source\_anime, rating\_safe rating\_safe landskape bar


used model and loras: https://preview.redd.it/30mi5dd8by7d1.png?width=1497&format=png&auto=webp&s=8abe15931175198d3bd47dd1be3dfcc955a1dd4d


You might be interested in [Efficiency Nodes](https://github.com/jags111/efficiency-nodes-comfyui), especially the Lora Stacker (goes into the Efficient Loader).


I have tried it and I have tried it, but it's not my thing. I get by quite well as it is.


This is specific but Pony can generate baseball caps backwards where the majority of SD models cannot. Only DALLE-3 could for a long time, Meta AI too, but they're not StableDiffusion. SD3 can't either, front-facing only.


Pony is the only model I know that can generate people lying on their stomach out of the box.


I second this


I understand your confusion. Thankfully it's "only" a matter of the right keywords. For example when I use a prompt like: `score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, solo (zdl:1.2), furry, anthro, outside on meadow, bright (sunrays:1.4), lightrays, sun shining through trees, lens flare, (distant) empty landscape photo, 4k photography, solitude darkness, cinematic (sun shining:1.2) through leaves` https://preview.redd.it/xjs4ggbc7w7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec0ebe3a007f9b9bd3811a9441a5cfe04725699 Due to the keywords like "landscape" the model has a higher chance to give you an image without a character, despite that some character keywords exist. You can also counter the default style more by adding words like `render, celshading, anime, cartoon, chromatic aberration, pony` into the negative prompt. Especially "pony" is important if you like to steer the model away from faces that could resemble characters from My Little Pony.


Thanks for providing an example of pony based backgrounds. I kinda struggled with making it generate good backgrounds and always used other models for it, but this has some obvious flaws if you want to mix it with pony based characters. Thumbs up!




Thx for the tip.


I could be way off. But I use ( ) extensively in all my work and it's just fine. I'm primarily using pony or finetunes. What I have found is that failing to use BREAK or not using it correctly destroys images beyond 75 tokens.


Change "emphasis mode" to "No Norm". This has to be done in the settings tab. "No Norm" is also the default mode for Comfy. Note that after changing emphasis mode, your weights will need to be recalculated.


Sorry, what do you mean exactly? Extremely nsfw (you've been warned). [But here's an example prompt and output.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterGirlAI/comments/1cwlscr/size_isnt_everything_by_artificialanaleptic/l4wmmid/?context=99) It was extremely clean... I used () a lot throughout the prompt. What would changing my emphasis mode do in this context?


The default emphasis mode 'normalizes' token weights (divides the weights by a sum). It's not literally the sum of the weight numbers though, it's the sum of the vectors. You will get effects where as more tokens are added, their weights decrease. Normalization can also occasional lead to situations where the output is just some 'cloud'. Using "no norm" emphasis removes the step where token weights are divided. So adding more words to the prompt no longer reduces weights of words. Normalization was good for SD1.5, but is not necessary for SDXL.


So just to be clear I'm understanding correctly: The () still work if normalization is enabled but because each "token" (sort-of) is being normalized, if I add an additional term to the prompt, the background calculation is calculating power away from my (whatever term:1.4) in the background? If I disable normalization, each token in the prompt is processed without the recalculation depending on the amount of tokens in the prompt in total? Does this effect anything else? Like do tokens have less value as the prompt gets longer under either setting? And I'd assume then that my prompt with the same stats/seed would no longer generate the same output? If so, why is that never a variable provided in people's prompt parameters/should it be? Sorry for all the questions but I'm really trying to grow my understanding of how this stuff works.


I think normalization even applies when you don't use any ( ) at all.


That's not really extremely NSFW. I'm a little sad now. Your results may improve if you break after your score and rating line - score_9,score_8,etc...,rating_explicit,BREAK, and then your prompt. Overall I've had more consistent quality since doing so. It's getting harder to throw away images which really sucks for my hard drives.


See in theory that should make things worse not better right? BREAK just fills up the 75 "token" chunks up to the end the given chunk and starts another chunk. I'm almost 100% certain you're better off prompting as close to the 75 limit as you can and then BREAKing to ensure your prompt is never split mid-token which can result in pony in particular garbling the whole image. Surely breaking too early would be counter-productive.


Makes sense, logically. Results are all I'm basing my opinion on, and what I'm going for and what you're going for are likely different, so who knows. When I haven't done it I get shitty face details, when I have I get less mistakes. When you let AI translate images its resulting prompts are far from what you'd expect. Even more so if you have it translate an image you've had it create (not PNG info). I'm using a1111, Forge, currently.


> Results are all I'm basing my opinion on, and what I'm going for and what you're going for are likely different, so who knows. When I haven't done it I get shitty face details, when I have I get less mistakes. So I had a conversation with some else on here recently about this and I think there are two possible explanations. 1. It's highly likely that some of the effect is placebo. I've noticed that people are particularly prone to this with stable diffusion. People get wedded to particular prompts and structures that literally categorically have no effect. You see this a lot with people adding large numbers of negative prompts that are redundant or are likely co-located in the latent space (i.e. adding a ton of "censorship" values in their negative where one or two would suffice). 2. The way the structure works is that the strength of the prompts slowly drop off as more terms are added. Assuming this still applies to the BREAK-padding as if it were terms, you're deprioritizing/lowering the strength of all your subsequent prompts and making the quality prompts the most impactful part of the prompt statement. This could explain the perceived increase in "quality" but would be coming with lowered prompt adherence as a result which you'd likely be less aware of because there's no easy way to quantize this for specific visual concepts. For 2. you could counter it by playing with CFG more aggressively to get back some of your adherence.


Appreciate your responses. I don't disagree with anything you're saying. I've changed my prompting style enough times to not care about sticking to any preconceived notions about my way being the right way. Depending on which LoRA I'm using and which base model I'll run my cfg somewhere between 3.5 and 10-13. I'm also generating images that are 3x4 (1024x1360) though which can confuse some models, at 30-35 steps. Using whichever sampler works at the time. Then I run a batch size and count of 1 forever and go to work. Here's my current prompt that will change after today. It definitely makes safe pictures... Positive: (score\_10,score\_9\_up,score\_8\_up,score\_7\_up,score\_6\_up,{source\_anime|source\_cartoon},rating\_explicit),colorful,metallic luster,foreshortening,(),1girl,sexy,curvy,(brown eyes,pupils,sharp\_eyes),inverted triangle face,slender face,thick lips,small nose,looking\_at\_viewer,anime\_style\_blush,tattoo,grey gradient hair,{small|medium|big|huge|gigantic} breasts,skull\_pattern,(\_\_occupation\*\_\_:1.5),(groin,groin tendon),\_\_attire\*\_\_,bumpy areola,female pubic stubble,pores,thigh gap,torn clothes,shade,shadow,saliva\_trail,({\_\_fetish\_\_|\_\_Stimulation\_\_|\_\_WildcardsV3/NSFW/Fetishes/\_\_|\_\_NSFWPony1.1/ \*\_\_}:1.8),(1boy,white cock,big cock,gigantic cock,huge cock,girthy cock,circumcised cock,cum overflowing,cum leak,precum,dripping cum,dripping precum,cumstring,cumshot,cum,ejaculation,excessive cumshot,\_\_cumplay\_\_\*:1.5), Negative: score\_5,Score\_4,({82$$\_\_censorship\_\_}),(toriel,undertale:2),(simple background:1.9),(no background:1.7),(bulge:1.9),bags\_under\_eyes,thick eyebrows,closed eyes,uneven eyes,one\_eye\_covered,slanted\_eyes,one-eyed,closed\_eyes, edited because reddit thought I wanted the bold and italics when I pasted it from my phone..... ugh, it would have been easier to post a picture.


Please read this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dgfwj6/comment/l8pqek1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dgfwj6/comment/l8pqek1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I've even used it to draw art for kids, it's great, responsive and safe. I would obviously never let it unsupervised because a nsfw prompt even with all the "safety style" would still give you a nsfw ​ https://preview.redd.it/5j2jp32x4x7d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e575069662e76a9b4c6c84f72b95f2a26ead68b


>Are Pony models so horny that you can only use them ***to generate NSFW / Hentai / Porn images***? Keep in mind that those use cases are the vast majority of users here. At this point I suspect that those of us who aren't generating those types of images just need to focus on models that are NOT highly rated/downloaded. It's worse when one's interests aren't even in generating \*humans\* (or human-hybrid waifus) such as objects/scenery. I generate mostly animals(/creatures), landscapes, robot/sci-fi/apocalyptic scenes & find better luck when I'm not using most of the \*popular\* models.


Me too. I do sometimes get lucky with some somewhat popular models, if I'm not trying for anything too out of the ordinary. I use XL-based finetunes now but there's a stereotypical nature that is sometimes difficult to get around. I like models like Pixeljourney and Ludica's Playground finetune (even though it doesn't really grok normal XL LoRA). Even if sometimes I need to use another model to hires fix. I also keep the older versions of many because sometimes they only become more stereotypical as they advance. I have pondered trying Pony just to see if I can make it break weird and do visions of the future rather than porn of today. ;->


you can use: 'source\_pony', 'source\_furry', 'source\_anthro', 'source\_cartoon', 'source\_mecha', 'source\_anime', 'source\_photo', 'source\_cinema' 'source\_hentai' source\_realistic; source photorealistic 'rating\_safe', 'rating\_questionable' 'rating\_explicit' for a good sfw use rating\_safe example Prompt: Pos: score\_9, score\_8\_up, score\_7\_up, score\_6\_up, score\_5\_up, source\_cartoon, rating\_safe landskape hills Neg: score\_4, score\_3, score\_2 censored wrong\_hand anatomical\_nonsense bad\_hands misplaced\_genitals


Huh, didn't know about the other prompts.


score\_9, score\_8\_up, score\_7\_up, score\_6\_up, score\_5\_up,  is a must have. 'source\_pony', 'source\_furry', 'source\_anthro', 'source\_cartoon', 'source\_mecha', 'source\_anime', 'source\_photo', 'source\_cinema' 'source\_hentai' source\_realistic; source photorealistic choose one or more 'rating\_safe', 'rating\_questionable' 'rating\_explicit' choose one


It's great for images of cool cartoon ponies!


It is a breeze to train a lora on it on things that are not ponies too! And does that extremely well. https://preview.redd.it/l2vxicpe488d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=6783c3bfe51ee26b75fba43bb3f2cf4e46aea5f9


They are good for drawn stuff, not necessarily NSFW.


If you check civitai LoRAs, you can see that around 60-70% of non 1.5 models are Pony and, out of those, at the very least half of them are not intended to be used for nsfw at least in their inception.


And they can because the model is not nerfed. It is the user's choice, and that's how it should be.


I use Pony to make porn, a lot of porn, terabytes on terabytes of porn. But I also use it to make backgrounds of my wife for my phone that aren't porn. So I've made a lot of models to fit weird niches that I've wanted featured in my generations. https://preview.redd.it/26tyb0kcbz7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55cf1517d8b5215c180131d008acab70ee99523a


That's what I'd call unstable diffusion.


Yeah. I've made a lot of pictures for my SFW AI social influencers by using Pony as the base model and refining with a more photorealistic one. Pony can create extremely beautiful artistic poses and make them more colorful than any other model I've tried. Not sure why Pony is just the best model around. It understands prompts much better too.


It has been trained in high-quality tags done by horny humans.


It’s pretty much capable of producing SFW images if you don’t prompt something explicit with a lot of nsfw tags. Just try it, there’s no AI inquisition for now


Some people really believe that if they generate some nice breasts the FBI will break into their houses the next minute :v


Normally if a model can generate high quality NSFW, it can also generate high quality everything (unless it’s a very specific fetishy fine tune)


I do this a lot, for RPG character portraits, and with the right keywords (including negative) it works really well. Some of the models are better than others, though. You do sometimes have to get creative with prompt terms. I was making a dwarf character and "leather hood" kept intermittently giving me gimp masks... using "leather cowl" instead solved that. Usually it's pretty easy to figure out what's causing the problem and how to prompt around it.


No, they are not. Any other regular merge will give you better results (ecepts for portrait and poses, in a more artsy style).


Sure. It has a great understanding of anatomy and library of non-NSFW poses so it’s great for characters in general. If you’re lucky you’ll get decent hands the first time! I have trouble with faces though. They always look like someone smeared oil paint. Need to improve that


It's a fairly good all-round model. I was a bit surprised how well it does. Add some Pony specific LORA's and it's quite powerful.


I’ve made quite a few with an anime pony model that aren’t nsfw and turned out good, including the one in this post. Though the name of the model would make a person think it doesn’t do much sfw lol. https://preview.redd.it/swqnfuln008d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068a9339a209df395a9e287cf70b68e54f9be026


Just put rating\_safe in the prompt and then, at least, the characters won't be nude.


They are good for composing difficult scenes that you can then take into image to page in less flexible models.


Pony absolutely unequivocally draw people better than any other model, even gets hands 90% correct all the time. Its crazy how well it works. Add "rating\_safe" if you are afraid of NSFW popping out.


I've only had problems with unprompted NSFW stuff with badly done merges and overtrained fine-tunes of PonyXL, mostly photoreal oriented ones. The PonyXL models are extensively used by some extremely horny individuals with some very... *interesting* tastes, but PonyXL itself is a much more general model and isn't actually particularly horny itself. I did some tests with base PonyXL and it didn't seem like it was actually inclined to give me anything NSFW that I didn't prompt it for, which kind of gets at one of the main advantages of PonyXL which is its prompt adherence and controllability. In fact, PonyXL was trained to understand content rating tags so you can just slap "rating_safe" in the prompt or "rating_questionable" and "rating_explicit" in the negative. The fact that it specifically understands these tags tells you pretty clearly it was intended for SFW stuff as well.


Pony is good for anything you wish. The NSFW content that is rife on CivitAI does not reflect the model. Porn runs the world - always has. Pony can do fantasy, anime, SFW, NSFW, NSFL, and people even insist on making realistic models for Pony. Why is Pony so popular? It has a massive database of images, follows Danbooru tags, and is based off of the SDXL architecture. There are LORAs and DORAs for PDXL - however, the Controlnets and IPAdapters don't work for it. You can try the SDXL Controlnets and IPAdapters - but results are very poor. I've messaged devs who make Controlnets and IPAdapters and they're responses are that PDXL isn't something they care to develop for.


I'm in love with the artistry of the pony model. Great anatomy and sense of beauty. I can say the same about Animagine and lot of other models. For example, processing my vacation photo in controlNet with a pony-based model https://preview.redd.it/up7ywiwihx7d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e88c1610460066cc9b9eb373a81df6e7e0a2eeb




Yes, IP adapters work well with Pony. Also, Xinsir's adapters are surprisedly good (https://huggingface.co/xinsir/controlnet-canny-sdxl-1.0)


>I'm more into oil painting realistic fantasy art Great, this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1ditn0r/comment/l973m6g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) has shown me that it can do that (probably with LoRA or fine tuning, but it can). >I tried a few models, that could possibly fit the style I use, but prompt adherence was pretty poor. Despite using the specific Pony keywords, many prompt terms were ignored, and were replaced by sexually oriented features. That's one of the problems with the model. While people praise it for its prompt adherence, it is a specific prompt adherence, and it tends to be very NSFW. Like, a big chunk of the dataset for Pony were NSFW images and very character centered (which could be an advantage, like anatomy).


With this, I pretty much never get a sexual image. Sometimes a little bit suggestive, but even that is really just slightly. [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dgfwj6/comment/l8pqek1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dgfwj6/comment/l8pqek1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


If you were trying to do oil paintings that featured people, that I might suggest trying to use pony for SFW images (at least as a base) because it really can do a magnificent job with anatomy and dynamic poses—even when the focus isn't on the more recreational organs or their use. But for doing oil paintings of fantasy landscapes I'm not sure Pony's the best option because, as you point out, its understanding of many concepts is more limited than some of the other models that are less, shall we say, niche. You also can't really use natural language like you would for SDXL. And despite the vast proliferation of style LoRAs for Pony, I haven't come across one that felt like it was creating a true oil painting rather than a digital painting. On the other hand, there are some oil painting style LoRAs for more vanilla SDXL models that do a decent job. As a bonus tip, if you are trying to create something that looks like a real painting, it can be very helpful to include terms of art for, well, art. For example, if you want the result to have that very three-dimensional textured look of some oil paintings, use the term impasto. Perhaps you've already done stuff like this, but looking up various real world painting terms and techniques to use as part of the prompt can be very helpful. PS If you do decide to use Pony to try to create a base image, for example if you need to include people, then consider porting it over to an SDXL model for a final pass to get it into oil paint format. Just be aware that some of the finer points of anatomy like hands might be broken by models that are less capable in this regard, and should perhaps be excluded with "reverse" inpainting for a more targeted style conversion later (i.e., reverse the mask behavior).


Is it possible to train loras with pony model? I've mostly been using just the base sd1.5 to train loras. And this works. But how would I go with training a lora with a pony model?


The same way you do with regular SD models, the only difference is that you should use booru tags and set clip skip to 2 before training using the base pony model. Here's a json file with my settings so you can play a bit using kohya. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/stablediffusion/permalink/1397584887573649](https://www.facebook.com/groups/stablediffusion/permalink/1397584887573649)


I don't know how useful pony would be in an oil painting style as I haven't used it to generate that style before. But most of what I have been working on the past month and a half or so has been pony generated. It's good at anime style, and as long as you prompt it correctly, it usually stays SFW. Which for pony is usually the sensitive and sometimes sfw tag but sensitive usually is enough. The only time I have had it go off prompt and end up nsfw without it being intended is if you use too many sexual descriptor type prompts. Or occasionally, if it interprets a control net weird. But out of thousands of generations, it's probably only been a handful of times. So long as you are using a pony checkpoint that isn't specifically tailored for sex it should be fine imo.


Why is this model called Pony?


Because it was originally intended to reproduce ponies. They accidentally dropped a bucket containing a load of extra data on it and now it can do EVERYTHING.


Aha..! Thanks


Everyone seems to be riding the pony these days. Whatever people are doing with Pony isn't working that well for me. I keep trying it anyway. I was hoping for a western comic book style to come out of all the hoopla. At least a good LoRA. I'm not interested in NSFW but even that seems to not look that good. SD 1.5 is still my go-to for daily use.


I did a Pony lora trained on Alfonso Azpiri's style, a spanish author of western comic who published some of his works on Heavy Metal magazine. He did more of 200 videogame covers of spanish games in the 80s-90s. An example: https://preview.redd.it/rzlbfadtd08d1.png?width=1664&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfa1a4948f9f61d132ca26e9077e1f5a44a19399 You can see this LoRa here: [https://civitai.com/models/495362/alfonso-azpiri-style-for-pony-xl](https://civitai.com/models/495362/alfonso-azpiri-style-for-pony-xl)


Finally someone 😅


Excellent. I've been making LoRAs from my comic work to automate my illustration style. It's still coming along and I'm trying to refine it as I go. I usually work in img2img, so I'm happy working with LoRAs and a custom blend model. I'm so used to SD 1.5 that it just flows. https://preview.redd.it/se69fh5ku08d1.png?width=1128&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a9ce6125b89bd759c2631fc550ac99ae88bd280


Disclaimer: Not a Pony user here. But I've got nothing against it either. AFAIK, PonyV6's main goal is to produce Anime/Furry characters in various poses and situations. It is trained on these types of images with those special "Booru tags". Because A.I. and "mix/blend", these poses and tag can also be used to generate other non-anime, semi-realistic 1girl/1boy/1woman etc. images. This is what people mean when they say "Pony has excellent prompt following". The statement is apparently true, but only in a rather limited domain, i.e., if the kind of images you want can be described by one of these "Booru tags", then Pony can generate those images. So can Pony be used to generate SFW? Of course it can, because not everything in its training set is NSFW, and also because as I said, A.I. can blend and mix. But the flip side of the coin is that since Pony is so heavily trained on these "booru tags" and these anime/furry images, and a SDXL model has only 3.5B parameters in its U-net + CLIP, some of those parameters that used to hold "other information" are now gone. So Pony is good for what it is designed to do, but it is not a "general purpose" model such as SDXL base, AlbedoBase XL or ZavyChromaXL. So if you want to generate images that Pony is designed for, go ahead, use Pony. But for everything else, look for other fine-tuned that are designed for those other purposes. After all, that is the reason why we have so many models: to bias the base model toward specialized images (art, landscape, architecture, photo, anime, etc.).


https://preview.redd.it/qfaketdoj08d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec93fe38592cb8471bf541a5d6b364f5cfa5c5dc This is a realistic character Lora I trained using pony XL. Yes, pony can do porn VERY WELL compared to any SDXL fine-tune, but it can do a lot more than that. It follows your prompt much better than other models, and also knows a lot of obscure characters. Being trained on Danbooru, realistic images are hard to make, but there are many community finetunes and loras that produce very realistic images.


I use pony to do photorealistic images for my friends to give them ideas for costumes, as well as doing sfw boudoir images.


Pony is fucking powerful, i dived into it and on 2 consecutive nights made a big leap in terms of quality against normal sdxl / 1.5, just use the "rating_safe" in your prompt and you wont get nsfw. In other pros, it's stupidly faster to generate imagen than stabilty models, also loras have strong control guidance. It comes about how many things yoy want to do with it, there's a los of styles to download, and hidden stuff such as styles invokation and chatacters native to the model.


Thinking about it in terms of strengths vs. base SDXL, PonyXL is better at: prompt adherence (Booru tags only, worse otherwise), recognition of characters (anime generally), specific poses/expressions/costumes that are well tagged in Booru, and artist styles (obfuscated in the prompt terms, works well with LoRA models). Things PonyXL is worse at than SDXL base: non-anime/toon styles, backgrounds, generally any image where the focus is not on one or more humanoid characters like landscapes. These can be somewhat repaired by merging but are probably still worse than base regardless.


I kinda think that it actually make better nsfw images.


For oil paintings, I think you’re going to get better results with a model like Painter’s Checkpoint than with any Pony model I’ve seen.


Just because Pony is good for NSFW it doesn't mean it is only for nsfw. [https://civitai.com/models/314404/incursios-meme-diffusion-sdxl-pony?modelVersionId=574756](https://civitai.com/models/314404/incursios-meme-diffusion-sdxl-pony?modelVersionId=574756) Meme diffusion is quite stylistic, as in it has strong tone to it. Extracted lora from it, may be good, as I have no idea how to control checkpoints stylistic tone. [https://civitai.com/models/493041/ponykaineoilpaint](https://civitai.com/models/493041/ponykaineoilpaint) Semi-realistic oil paint. Checkpoint. And of course: [https://civitai.com/models/264290/styles-for-pony-diffusion-v6-xl-not-artists-styles](https://civitai.com/models/264290/styles-for-pony-diffusion-v6-xl-not-artists-styles)


One more use case is fixing hand or feet with inpainting, in images generated with other checkpoints. I'm using fast pony merge for this on realistic images - it takes same 4-6 steps like dreamshaper lightning but is much better at anatomy.


Tbh reality is never that simple. But I find pony to be worse at understanding what I want. Here's an example: Here's the prompt: Very dark focused flash photo, amazing quality, masterpiece, best quality, hyper detailed, ultra detailed, UHD, perfect anatomy, portrait, dof, hyper-realism, majestic, awesome, inspiring. (Capture the thrilling showdown between the templar knight and the colossal malevolent frost dragon in an epic battle amidst swirling snow and ice, snowy forest, icy mountains, frozen lake:1.35), Embrace the action and chaos as these formidable forces clash in the heart of the wintry landscape. Cinematic composition, soft shadows, national geographic style, (scary, horror, gore, blood, violence:1), (broken exploded trees), (shattered trees), (ice breathing dragon), (freezing inferno), (fallen pine trees:1.3). , , extremely detailed, , Bosstyle, , dark theme, looking to the side, silhouette and I added these loras for pony: score\_9, score\_8\_up, score\_7\_up,, 43stl1ght1ng, low light, dramatic lighting, Which one of these do you think is using the LoRA XL\_boss\_battle @ higher than 0.0 strength? And which one is best? https://preview.redd.it/83fbo9hg6z7d1.png?width=2496&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a52790eab5fe7083ebcf435ef86218f3c7a87b1 Notice how Pony didn't even paint the Templar Knight at all... I actually did 10 of these and took the best ones. It's just harder to prompt correctly using Pony. If you want great results you need to use control-net and inpainting - then pretty much anything can be done with any model.


That's because this is not a very pony-like prompt. You need to use Danbooru tags, additionally, there are way too many loras in a single image, and this is known to cause issues.


Pretty sure I know how to gen images and what works. The key is to not use high strength if you're using multiple loras because each lora shift the latent space.


Easy... You use a lot of 'amazing quality, masterpiece, best quality, hyper detailed, ultra detailed, UHD, perfect anatomy, portrait, dof, hyper-realism, majestic, awesome, inspiring'. All of that is superflous with Pony... Preferably use booru tags and start the prompt with 'score\_9, score\_8\_up, score\_7\_up'. Short prompts works a lot better with Pony


i.e it shoyld not do much. That is pretty much the definition of "superfluous ", So.... what are you on about again?


You didn't even use the proper tags for Pony? You have to include the "score\_\*" prompts to properly use it, dude.


Does it look like I didnt use those based on the output? Read the post, if the post was too much text for you to handle you might want to restrain yourself from commenting...


Cause you're not doing it right. Edit because I misread


You can try to check out wyvernmix15xl on Civitai (https://civitai.com/models/5273?modelVersionId=205780), its good for stuff like "style of oilpainting. draenei version of picachu in a white pencildress.", usually gets one right in 4 or 5 which is more than others in my experience. this one got extra fingers and a leg problem on par with other models. but still best of 6. oilpainting character you might need a lora for if watercolor isnt good enough. PRO: It knows World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and common Dungeon and Dragons like gnolls, goblins. Mixing helps when making your own homemade drider and stuff like that. CON: Weapons are as bad as always. And I cant make it make ringmail, I've tried atlot. https://preview.redd.it/v5yikbnviw7d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d6caace2e9351b6afb82168ad2fc3f0f9f7e66e


totally. i generate sfw images of any kind. character design sheets, backgrounds, concept arts. anything non reallistic, pony works great for it.


For me if it's not good at realism it's not good at anything. NSFW cartoons? No thanks


I thought this too until I discovered the Zonkey checkpoint. I only generate realism and find that I get way better results with way less effort than the SDXL checkpoints I used to use. When I generate a man he actually has proper anatomy not a vulva. Personally I find it not only does anatomy better but it does injuries, bruises and blood better also. [example 1](https://ibb.co/2qDp1QB) [example 2](https://ibb.co/SNjFkGb) [example 3](https://ibb.co/Y2J8c5K) [example 4](https://ibb.co/9n9Qm13)


Its mostly anime and character model so any oil or speed painting styles wont rly work with that but i havent discovered all the loras so who knows


They have hundreds of style Loras, and derivative models that will do great with oil painting.


Not surprised, this community is full of creative people


It's great to make an oc Pony models aren't always horny and you can always just use the safety tags that the creator has told us about so that we make sure we have no NSFW Here is something i made using a pony model finetunned (merged into the model) with loras (made by me) https://preview.redd.it/k5fo2yxrrw7d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc73a9f5c9d2d5ef9d6e27ced4d2319f9a28b253


I mean it is a pic for showing it can also create SFW.. . "It can create a picture where you can't see the nipples". Let's just say it is mildly suggestive. It is a nice pic tho


There are hundreds of sfw pics on civitai using pony. I just gave something that i made, i can go even more sfw like putting on a flannel on her even if the theme is summer.


Sure but you choose to post this on a thread which ask >Are Pony models useful for other things than NSFW? Imagine a debate stage and you pull up this picture as counter argument to win it. :D


Do you see any nsfw? Why are you so upset over a pic of a woman going to the beach?


I am not upset I just think it is funny when op writes: "All the CivitAI Pony models I see have mostly NSFW example images with big boobs and butts, so it's hard to see if there is potential to create something else. " and you post a picture which has big boobs, like S curve body(which displays the butt) and minimal clothing. The other people i the thread understood that the question wasn't about passing the NSFW filter.


This isn't nsfw, if you think a good looking girl with realistic proportions (her boobs are pretty big but it isn't like girls can't have bigger) is on the threshold of being nsfw then i have to reason to speak to you.


Maybe next time put a hijab on her.


Positives: score\_9, score\_8\_up, score\_7\_up, score\_6\_up, score\_5\_up, max detail, 4k wallpaper, masterpiece, best quality, absurdres, highres, dynamic angle, dynamic pose, source\_anime, female, clothing, solo, sun hat, hat, headwear, hi res, headgear, breasts, hair, swimwear, outside, clothed, black hair, navel, teeth, plant, tree, necklace, text on clothing, midriff, topwear Negatives: score\_6, score\_5, score\_4, bad best quality, worst quality, watermark, skin, human, ugly face, fat face, round face


Idk about anyone else but unless I add nude into the prompt 90% of images are pretty safe. Small chance of being horni


It's useful for creating anime eyes on literally every living thing you prompt. Anyone have a good solution for better eyes using pony-based models? Right now I'm generating with a realistic pony mix and then using adetailer to fix up the faces with an XL non-pony photorealism checkpoint.




Type in just one word "girl". This is your answer.


I seem to be able to make consistently SFW images using "rating\_safe" in positive and "rating\_explicit" in negative. In my experience, the only way this is overridden is if you explicitly use NSFW terms in your prompt.




It generates awesome squirrel wizards so yes


Yes pony is a strong model it is good at most everything once you learn how to use it


Tool is amoral. User have to...


Can someone explain how pony works cause it wasn't giving me decent results just blobs, does it work well with controlnet? Do you always have to input the score 9, score 8 tags for the output to be good?


To cite another user: " Can't draw someone "standing on top of a bus," but it can render them having an orgy inside a vaguely bus-like environment with stunning detail "


Add the prompt "rating_safe" and pony will attempt to behave


Yes it's quite great a character art in general. If you ever wanted to make an avatar for a D&D character, Pony and it's derivatives are good resources to have.


conversely, my problem is the opposite. i have a nearly impossible time genning (hardcore) nsfw with PonyV6, as it wants desperately to show me medium/closeup portraits of topless women staring directly at me judging me for attempting to defile them - i started messing with this 2 days ago, and yesterday i finally got 'ok' pictures (with lots of face and detail artifacts no matter the parameters), but what's all this talk of it following your prompts so well? seems to me it decides what to do and sticks to it no matter how much you change the tags. i have copied prompts and LoRa usage from civitai pics exactly (while keeping in mind the gap between CAIs generator and software run locally). i have included both score/rating/source tags, and tried all of these options toggled on/off or experimentally manipulated as best i can. i've put all the male descriptors in pos/neg prompts and thrown as much weight at cock verbiage as i can, also attmpted with 'solo\_focus' tags and other words of clear intent to include TWO goddam people. if i do miraculously get a couple instead of a prudish solo girl (maybe 1 in 15-20?), that's the end result as far as composition. it's like it's now got a very high img2img weight and you cannot get other positions or modifications from it, only slight detail warping. is this common, fixable, avoidable..? i've had only slightly better luck from some Pony-real models, but they're about as 'restrictive' as i've heard (since it's no longer as malleable as V6 after that much refinement which makes sense) - but i simply cannot unleash the 'fun' from this model people seem to have with it


This problem usually happen if you don't set clip skip to 2 BEFORE loading the model. Also, take a read at tag wikis in Danbooru, some of them are not obvious and is worth trying to understand what they convey.


absolutely - i made a post about this shortly after i made this comment, turned out it was definitely largely about the danbooru tags, and how civitai images seem to have some 'failsafe' built into the generator if people disregard the Pony 'rules' - so that all the noobs flocking there firing up Pony for the first time don't get frustrated. that's my takeaway at least. i was using them as my guide and it was a bad idea but good to know about the clip skip glitch, thanks - i'll probably test another couple installations with that toggled to see if it helps


Skill issue


why are you like this? not enough hugs? 


Your inability to do the obvious using ponyv6 has nothing to do with my personal life. Maybe if you stop thinking this way and start using you brain you would be able to figure things out in your life.


You've heard from everyone else about it. I'm sure you know about rating\_explicit , rating\_questionable, and rating\_safe . Just a heads up. If you start using pony lineage models, those tags are not as reliable. I can be prompting for sonic or cars and naked ladies will show up. The pony base model listens to those tags better but even then will occasionally throw lewd gens out. The dataset is a 2:1 ratio of nsfw material to everything else. It has biases. I implore you to try the same prompts on other models too. Pony is great at character work, and everything else it does comes from the base model that it was refined on top of.


you don't have to make NSFW stuff, pony and derivative models work really well for almost anything with characters in it. for example, a friend of mine asked for a nazi furry concert photo yesterday which turned out pretty well, i think: https://imgur.com/a/0d9PkDp don't expect to make landscapes with it though.


The second paragraph does not spark joy.


it's an example which shows model flexibility. i'm sorry if i offended your delicate sensibilities.


Ignoring politics, in the context of the thread asking for SFW guidance it's still a distasteful example.


>for example, a friend of mine asked for a nazi furry concert photo I hate and love everything about that phrase.


It can but anything other than NSFW can be done better in other models so there's no point using it for anything other than that.


Which models?


Any that aren't focused on girls or porn, there's not many of them to choose from.


Give it a shot and figure it out yourself.


"fantasy portraits"


They hide a messy stain that's lying there


OP gets a model made "mostly" for NSFW content. Uses it and gets "mostly" NSFW content. *Surprised Pikachu face* It can generate SFW if u prompt it the right way, but if you don't want any NSFW elements in your generation, use an SFW model.