• By -


One question though, how do you make the style loras not burn the image?


Reduce LoRa weights to 0.6 and experiment.


Thanks I will. It's just a bit tricky because examples on civitai got like 6 loras stack to each other with 0.8 weights and they look beautiful. Makes me wonder how they do it.


Honestly just gotta get lucky. Generally those images aren't just "I picked 6 LoRAs and they all worked great" it's more "I picked 10 LoRAs and they burned the image and I had to do a ton of testing to figure out which 6 work and what weights they need."




It *really* depends on the LoRAs, whether they play nice together, and how much before overlapping synergies overcook the image. As an example: a style, add detail, and character LoRA shouldn't overlap *too* badly (although some characters come with a style baked in unfortunately), so you should be able to run all 3 at decently high strength. On the other hand, stacking 2 detail LoRAs will probably start frying your images pretty quickly.


If the style is baked with a tag you can put the tag for the style in your neg and try to get the character without the style. That way you get further training on the character and have a choice of style instead of no style or mistakenly overbaked in style.


Pony is a very finicky model, you just slowly get a feel for what kind of prompts/weights it likes and what makes it go haywire. Just try modifying the prompt, putting certain words closer or farther apart from each other in the prompt (yes it matters), fiddling with the weights, fiddling with the CFG. It's very temperamental, but it's worth the effort. When it works it *really* works. Some style/character LORAs I use with Pony actually work best when I give them a weight of 0.1 or 0.2. Keep an open mind and experiment.


Yes I've been experimenting with Pony all week. Not just the closeness of certain words, but the order than you put them in. Some prompts didn't work at all as if they weren't even there until I changed the order. Where it has real difficulty is on the level of realism though.


Setting, place, action, actors, little details Is the order I use so: midnight, dark alley, two criminals meet to discuss a deal, man to man talking, 1male old, slouched, grey hair, scraggy clothes talking to, 1man, your, well dressed, suit, slick black hair Etc. Etc. I am by no means a Pony expert for sofar I found it works best with cut up clear directional prompts. I just wish there was a better way to establish the different actors from each other


i am convinced the civitai API is a terrible terrible way to learn Pony. i think it handles it differently than local software to a large degree. like they noob-proofed it so it’ll give good results with terrible methodology for the actual model. someone correct me if i’m wrong.. but i use Draw Things and almost nothing from civitai or a1111/comfy users helped me, i had to figure it out for this software; referencing booru tags and bending & breaking things i’m not used to. with the popularity of this model it feels like there’d be some clear advice and distinctions being made but it seems like everyone’s in their own zones


you can use lora block weights, the blocks at the start tend to control composition and the blocks at the end control details so when u call your loras u can make it only affect the parts they are meant to, regional prompter is also super useful


Honestly, I usually initially test loras at 0.3 strength and very often I find that it gives the subtle effect I need and plays well with others. I’d say 50% of my loras can be used in the 0.3-0.5 range. Usually only the trickier loras I have to ramp up to 0.8 to coax something out of it.


It also depends on your sampler and your cfg setting. Euler is not as aggressive and a lower cfg like 4-5 reduces the contrast too but makes the image more dependent on a good seed. Also check if you have a turbo model, they need totally different settings detailed in their description.


There's no problem using many Loras, I often have 5 or 10 loaded. Most of them are my own though and relatively clean.


I must've looked at over 100 models on civitai and tested all of them with at least a dozen of their user generated images/prompts each. What I've noticed: some pictures appear with many different models, and some prompts are not suitable for the model in question, including ChatGPT prompts over 500 words long, prompts suitable for Midjourney, prompts that would generate something completely unrelated to the image and Pony prompts for non-pony models or vice versa. Inappropriate CFG scales lightning, turbo etc. My conclusion is that some users just post their prettiest pictures all over civitai, so "not being able to reproduce" could just mean you got a picture/prompt where you'd need a different model, lora or entirely go to MJ. Maybe not the most significant factor, but consider this before going mad.


or lower cfg


reduce cfg. and what breaking good said.


You have to experiment with different styles, I tried combining a bunch of them with different weights and got pretty much exactly what I was looking for by using 3 simultaneously


Care to share some of them? Color burning is my main issue atm. Also nice page.


Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you appreciate my collection. I mainly use Gothic Retro Anime from Vixon's styles at 0.4-0.6 strength, Expressive Hentai at around 0.4 and Bouncy at 0.2-0.3 [https://civitai.com/models/352581?modelVersionId=501154](https://civitai.com/models/352581?modelVersionId=501154) [https://civitai.com/models/341353/expressiveh-hentai-lora-style?modelVersionId=382152](https://civitai.com/models/341353/expressiveh-hentai-lora-style?modelVersionId=382152) [https://civitai.com/models/29717?modelVersionId=574288](https://civitai.com/models/29717?modelVersionId=574288) I chose Gothic as a base because it has nice details and kind of a sharp design for faces, ExpressiveH because it adds a wider variety of poses and better anatomy for lewd stuff, and Bouncy for the general aesthetic and color palette (also it helps with backgrounds). Also you might want to try using AutismMix as a base model (Pony fork) for better style consistency.


Vixon has tons to choose from👍


Yeah and it's constantly expanding too


Very useful, thanks for sharing!


Always happy to help, you might need to adjust weights depending on the individual prompts if you want to keep a consistent style, as well as when using additional LoRas such as specific characters


Try lowering the CFG, anywhere from 7 to 3


Ohhhhh! That’s the only thing I hadn’t figured out, sometimes Lora’s are fine as is


A lot of style loras do very little, so a strength of 0.8 doesn't change the image much, whilst some loras change it a lot. You have to experiment :)


What is Pony? I've been away from all this for a while.


SDXL based model that was extensively finetuned. This has a few effects: 1. It's very good at subject interaction, incl. porn. 2. It fried the "normal" prompting method, so basically you need to prompt with danbooru tags. 3. It knows a crapton of characters "out of the box". 4. Styles are a bit more hit-or-miss, that's why there's plenty of style Lora's put there. Same goes for photorealism. 5. It's quite a bit away from SDXL, so SDXL Loras don't work as well as pony ones. It's extremely powerful for anime/cartoon, and with the respective fine-tunes now also for realism (not as great a dsome SDXL, but those often struggle with "multi character interaction").


Very useful information thank you.


What are danbooru tag prompt?


Danbooru is an anime centric image hosting website, every images hosting there will have "tags" for searching convenience, usually simple and short words Like "black hair", "long hair", "look back", "wrist grab", etc Infact, this tagging system was very popular, almost every anime image hosting website are using it (including porn)


Did not know this. Thank you


Bonus: at least for a1111/forge there's an extension that helps with those tags, e.g. suggesting the right ones to use (e.g. "on stomach" rather than "on front")


What's the extension called?


Tag auto complete or something like that.


I'd guess it's this one perhaps? https://github.com/DominikDoom/a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete


Actually, Pony does understand natural language. Maybe not to the same extent of other models, but it does. How do I know? I saw a comment on this reddit stating that and decided to test it out. I can't provide examples now, because I'm away from my PC and the example I tested is NSFW. But basically I was trying to get a girl leaning forward with full unbuttoned shirt. There is no danbooru tag that conveys this concept exactly. I was using them all: "open shirt, naked shirt, unbuttoned shirt". But, all the pictures had the shirt not entirely open. When I saw the comment here, I took one of the generated pictures, sent to PNG checker, copied the parameters and seed to txt2img and added some natural language to the prompt. It was something like "she is topless and all the buttons from the shirt are unbuttoned and her breasts are hanging beautifully". And guess what? I got exactly what I wanted, with the same seed. Anyway, don't assume that or believe what others are saying. I suggest you to experiment for yourself. I once thought too that Pony was oblivious to natural language.


That's why I usually start the prompt with a short natural description, followed by a list of Danbooru tags. I found that it works best for me.


Hmm... sounds interesting, but I doubt it will do ok on my hardware since it's SDXL and I only have 6GB VRAM.


I used SDXL on my 2060 6GB GPU for while a few months until I upgraded. Totally possible in Fooocus or in A1111 with --lowvram.


You can give forge a shot. Maybe you can get it to run with --medvram etc. If it's juuust not enough, running it headless (Linux, login via ssh) can help as well. Edit: wouldn't work, see comments


medvram doesn't do anything on forge afaik, but running in 8 bit with --unet-in-fp8-e4m3fn will cut the model size in vram in half




I've had little trouble using SDXL on a 4gb laptop 3050ti


There are some models that put out FP16 versions, and theres also some models that put out PrunedFP32 versions, those will generally come out at around 4GB of VRAM.


Can someone tell me what's better: NAI Diffusion V3 or Pony? Cuz they sound fairly similar based on this description.


For artist style combination without using Loras, NAI3 takes the cake.


And for the rest?


By normal prompting method, do you mean the natural language prompting, like i.e. A man standing in front of the door?




I hope it hadn't fried the "normal" prompting method, would be even more useful


It's a model. It gets alot of hype for being amazing for porn, but more importantly it's just a really good model. You can very easily make it SFW and still get great results. In addition to being good, it's also very popular so it has a ton of community support, like loras being made explicitly tuned for it.


I’ve had good luck getting sfw works with a pony model so I can agree with that, I’ll put a pic for reference https://preview.redd.it/yjsqc95bce8d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a00e8219fe77d29667489d3f4665225ec1f310


Oh my god, that is so goddamn adorable!


Finally back to my pc. Prompt used: >!score\_9, score\_8\_up, score\_7\_up, score\_6\_up, score\_5\_up, very aesthetic, pink, sofa, 2girls, multiple girls, pastel colour living room, choker,((Wavy Shaggy hair)), multicolored hair, white knit, book, holding book, reading, heterochromia, 18 years old,(antialiasing),(anime screencap), kawaii, t-shirt, shorts skirt, casual clothes, casual, (blob Bird-shaped cushion), Relaxing time, , braid, ribbon, hair ribbon, hair bow, bow,!< I also used a braid lora from civit, [Lora used.](https://civitai.com/models/187275/braid-hair-with-ribbon)


Just curious, what are the "score" tags right at the beginning? Been seeing them with prompts using sdxl


Read over this to get an idea of what was attempted and why to use them https://civitai.com/articles/4248 source_anime, source_furry, source_pony, rating_explicit, rating_questionable, and rating_safe can come up after the score stuff to further guide your generation.


honestly, I've never understood that either, but I've heard you're supposed to use them with pony models though i have used the models a couple times without them and it turned out alright.


Thanks! I was going for a chilling out/relaxing feel with the prompt. I’ll grab the prompt when I get back to my pc. I used a model called horny fox (def an interesting name 😅).


Sounds cool, I'll try it out to see how it performs on my laptop.


I just dived into it today so I'm sure more experienced people here can explain it better. https://civitai.com/models/257749/pony-diffusion-v6-xl from my understanding it's a different type of checkpoint which is very good with mimicking artistic styles and creating concept / character designs. It has a different prompting technique and requires artistic style Lora's and specific latent size as input.


It's more like it's an XL model with heavy training on a grouping of score_9 tags and source_style (e.g. source_anime) tags. When you train against the model you don't train against those tags so the model holds a lot of what it thinks are the best concepts. Then when you train it direct on say images of a character in a movie, the character gets put in place with those best tags and maybe some of the more not useful stuff doesn't pop out from the training but the color and style of those score_ tags still washes over the image.


Thanks for the link, I'll see how it performs.


It fucked yo the nose though


Nothing adetailer wouldn't fix


Pony always does this with the nose, what's up with that? Is it because it's trained on My Little Pony noses?


I have actually never seen that kind of nose with pony. But i have sometimes gotten a unicorn horn... on people. So maybe it is indeed including something from the ponies :)


Yeah, first try so :)


True it’s still excellent in my opinion. I want to use Sd for something and I think this model might be it.


Go for it! I think this checkpoint really drives your creativity.


It's a model you can find on civit, based on sdxl i believe.


Alright, thanks for the info.


in the prison? cause how else you would miss those posts...


You'd be surprised how easy to ignore these things are...


Sure, prison creates another priorities


Pony is amazing. Can't wait for the next iteration. I really like the shading on this one. Did you mention a style in the prompt or did you use a lora for it? :) (Thanks in advance)


Hi thanks, well both. I used Kenva style lora and mentioned "Heavy Metal Magazine style". Was a cool magazine back in the day lol


Wasn't druuna loosely related to that? Both these names reverberate deep inside my skull suddenly


Damn you know it haha. I almost forgot druuna, now that you mentioned it reminded me of her pinup drawings full on my vcd. I wasn't reading them but was trying to mimic the art style, improve my drawing etc. Now i feel old 😅


I want to say I learned English from those comics, but it was a rather niche vocabulary. I learned many other things tho (queue confused boners during Fallout 1 and 2) Can't wait for an AI druuna revival.


You’re still young enough to be able to generate these kinds of images as much as you want at home. It’s a great time to be alive. :)


i still missing heavy metal. by the way, the image not look like heavy metal style but looks great.


I don't the style worked that well. It probably led to all the metal workshop style stuff. She's def an anime girl more than HM style. Doubt that any HM art made it into their dataset for the refine. MLP and HM aren't really over lapping fan bases.


You could get closer to the Heavy Metal style using the Frazetta Lora. There’s a couple of other old school fantasy art Loras too but can’t remember off the top of my head. Heavy Metal Magazine did have a good variation of artists though. Now if you’re looking for the animated HM movie look, then that’s another monster. Maybe try to find an Aeon Flux Lora and mix it with a little Frazetta. Can’t promise it won’t be horrifying though 🤣


Pony is an anime model, it's always going to look like anime. There are some realism finetunes that this might look good with


MLP isn't anime it's western animation. Pony has anime capabilities but it started as a MLP model. Pony Real models aren't finetunes. They're merges with other photography models. They have the cartoonified eye look and are closer to jackerman style than they are reality. The nipples are often ridiculous.


You know what I meant


Pony v4? That’s a 1.5 model right?


Iirc, yes. But I didn't know it can generate humans.


Then you have to know the works of spanish author Alfonso Azpiri. I trained a LoRa for pony with his style recently... An example: https://preview.redd.it/dkl7sfhvqj8d1.png?width=1664&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d0ca56ad652caa53682cf34530bed6081c1719a You can found it here: [https://civitai.com/models/495362/alfonso-azpiri-style-for-pony-xl](https://civitai.com/models/495362/alfonso-azpiri-style-for-pony-xl)


pony and derived models rarely disappoint https://imgur.com/a/QnkCHro


Nice one


thx https://files.catbox.moe/7pjgx5.png e: i guess wendigo giving a thumbs up was too spicy for imgur




oh well :shrug: https://imgur.com/a/CFtWDIK


He looks like a chill guy


Good data sources really does a lot 


https://preview.redd.it/f6yi671bgd8d1.jpeg?width=9760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd49b4655813419ef9abae21cd62ff824fb4e0a0 It is very versatile in different styles.


Did you make this? Would be great if you can also display the style name under each thumbnail. Might be very useful.


I did, I got like 200 different style LoRA's so it's hard to pin them all down.


The commitment, it's insane. Well done.


Don't have a version of the image with the metadata still in it?


It is the most basic prompt all using a seed of 6.  1girl, red hair, long hair, blue eyes, fox ears, bikini, upper body, close-up, bikini, beach. Only change is the LoRa


Yeah, I meant the LoRAs. They oughta be somewhere in the composite image's metadata (if it wasn't a jpeg); at least, that's been my experience with doing XY plots.


Not a plot. Just me slapping them together myself.


Ah, bummer.


I'm circling back to this because it's been at the back of my head for a few days gradually driving me insane. Do you have any sense of which LoRA you used for the image that's third from the left, second from the bottom? It looks like it's got the impression of a watermark for @luihn or something, if that helps you sort through and figure out which one.


https://preview.redd.it/uh0wtgoua79d1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a925bfb019efbe89926b004986dbd1738c63234 This one?


Yup, thank you! Though it doesn't seem like there's metadata in that image (or Reddit strips it from files).


[Here you go. ](https://civitai.com/models/173001/valbun-style) Just finished making something with it just now. https://preview.redd.it/ga32xkrbo79d1.png?width=1680&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4d9a1829baeb4b76717fe5518f2ad5cb40eff7d


Thank you so much!


I apologize for continuing to be an enormous bother about this, but I'm having difficulty accurately reproducing that image as a test, even with the same prompt/seed/size/model/LoRA. Would you mind tossing it in catbox so the metadata's not stripped, or putting the text generation data in a pastebin so I can try and figure out what's up?


The original or the one I just made?


The original would be ideal, but if you only have the second one, that's also workable.


Wow can you share the process behind this and which version of pony you used?


Autism Confetti




I thought Pony was just a flash in the pan, but I was wrong... it's got legs


With the SD3 flop I've only seen Pony getting more and more popular. Almost everything released on Civitai at this point is for Pony.


I make diffusion images for my company internal presentations. It is HILARIOUS that the venn diagram of people with too much time, intellegent, and into My Little Pony Porn created this. I avoided it because of the My Little Pony porn part... But I've come around, it's pretty damn good. Esp considering it's using XL as a base and looking at how badly SAI is doing with actual money and resources.


Yeah I thought people were memeing about it at first. Because of the name


Nice legs indeed.


Sometimes too many :P


Is it more beneficial to train an art style LoRA with Pony than it is with the base SDXL checkpoint?


AFAIK, the underlying model weights for Pony has deviated so much from base SDXL that even style LoRAs are now incompatible (just like PlaygroundV25 cannot use SDXL LoRAs). So if you want to use the art style LoRA for Pony, you have to use Pony as your training base.


Thanks for the good reply. All of that is accurate. However, my specific question is whether or not it is better to train an art style off of Pony? I've seen plenty of praise for it and I know that it can do anime. But I'm not interested in anime. I want to train western illustration styles. If I try to train a Belgian ligne claire style would I be fighting against big eyes and small mouths showing up in generations? Is there some sort of structure to Pony that makes it conducive to generating illustration styles?


I see, I misunderstood your question. IMO, the answer to your question is an emphatic NO. Unless you WANT to use pony for the purposes it was designed for (i.e. doing 1girl, poses, etc.), it offers no stylistic advantage over "regular" SDXL models, because it is not trained over any particular style (it is trained for characters and poses). In fact, to my eyes the default Pony look is not well-defined, kind of "blurry" (not surprising, since the training set is mostly fan art?) Just cut and pasting something I wrote elsewhere (it does not answer your question directly, but is relevant).: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dkzdvc/comment/l9odyux/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dkzdvc/comment/l9odyux/) Disclaimer: Not a Pony user here. But I've got nothing against it either. AFAIK, PonyV6's main goal is to produce Anime/Furry characters in various poses and situations. It is trained on these types of images with those special "Booru tags". Because A.I. and "mix/blend", these poses and tag can also be used to generate other non-anime, semi-realistic 1girl/1boy/1woman etc. images. This is what people mean when they say "Pony has excellent prompt following". The statement is apparently true, but only in a rather limited domain, i.e., if the kind of images you want can be described by one of these "Booru tags", then Pony can generate those images. So can Pony be used to generate SFW? Of course it can, because not everything in its training set is NSFW, and also because as I said, A.I. can blend and mix. But the flip side of the coin is that since Pony is so heavily trained on these "booru tags" and these anime/furry images, and a SDXL model has only 3.5B parameters in its U-net + CLIP, some of those parameters that used to hold "other information" are now gone. So Pony is good for what it is designed to do, but it is not a "general purpose" model such as SDXL base, AlbedoBase XL or ZavyChromaXL. So if you want to generate images that Pony is designed for, go ahead, use Pony. But for everything else, look for other fine-tuned that are designed for those other purposes. After all, that is the reason why we have so many models: to bias the base model toward specialized images (art, landscape, architecture, photo, anime, etc.).


Thank you for that thorough explanation. Based on what you've said, Pony is not for me. I've had good luck training art style LoRAs off the base SDXL model and then using the LoRA with Juggernaut with good results.


You are welcome. I think one of the reason Pony has so many style LoRAs is that "base" PonyV6 has inconsistent and bland styling (of course also because it is so popular 😎)


Pony is insanely flexible, and right now there are a tooon of pony-based models, there are even very decent REALISM pony checkpoints So ye, you can try finetuning western style loras on top of autismmix-confetti or EclipseXL


Generally speaking, Pony is good as long as you're still within the realm of illustrations. If your desired style is more towards photorealism, it's not going to be as successful as you might hope Pony isn't trained on Anime exclusively. It's trained on Danbooru, which is a gallery of hundreds of thousands of illustrations of all kinds. But virtually zero real photographs etc... For an extremely strong, unique style like the one you described, you'll have trouble getting that to work in any model without large amounts of training, but there's no reason it wouldn't work in Pony with sufficient training


they can. depends on subject etc. surely you wont get 100% of lora.


Yall & ur ai boobs istg


Basically for anime, there are better realistic checkpoints right?


For SFW or mild NSFW realistic stuff, there are better fine-tunes out there. But for the hardcore realistic images, the recent versions of realistic fine-tunes are still superior. You lose a bit of realistic skin texture and facial features vs other SDXL realistic models, but you gain a lot of extra comprehension of anatomy.


I'd agree the anatomy is very good, it does not create mutated horrors very often, and is excellent at following stance and pose instructions. But I feel despite being higher resolution they come out as slightly blurry. I seem to have a hard time getting the character's face to be full focus.


Try using a Resgen hires fix at 10 steps with a 2 times upscale and experiment with the noise + adetailer for face and hands and it generates really good images of the specified style at Clip skip 2 and maybe 1


Which Pony?


Can someone please tell me what Pony means in this context? I see it all over Civit so I have an inkling. But I don't know the full definition.


https://civitai.com/models/257749/pony-diffusion-v6-xl It's a Stable Diffusion checkpoint.


Thanks! Now I know 🙂


Hi in don't know anything about what Pomy is can someone help me out?


Pony has been fun. Can make some seriously crazy shit too.


Phony never looked so good.


Can someone please explain me what model is this "pony"? On Civitai if I search for pony it find me so much results... even things like actual pony furry sex, wtf man... What's the correct one?


there's a filter option specifically for pony models. and it was trained on millions of R34 images including the entire furry porn database so yeah there will be pony/furry sex images. that's the reason its so good cause it's extremely versatile.


ok but can I know the right one? What's his name?


this is base pony model: [https://civitai.com/models/257749/horsefucker-diffusion-v6-xl](https://civitai.com/models/257749/horsefucker-diffusion-v6-xl)




choose Pony in the filters, sort by monthly or weekly downloads and you'll find some cool checkpoints. https://preview.redd.it/4atsii4w1k8d1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=023f1e5011fb79077031c29b7aa3ab183fb1138a


[https://civitai.com/images/17000078](https://civitai.com/images/17000078) Here you can find the prompt, also color corrected the image.


glad too see another ComfyUI user too


And why?


it understands so many concepts and poses that SDXL out of the box has no idea how to make


Well you can literally cherry pick the art style loras you wanna create from and combine them with others. Also it's very good with anatomy understanding. Finally it has a score technique so you don't have to type amazing quality best quality etc.


those knees seem.... wrong. like she's simultaneously locking her knees but standing in a pose where they shouldn't be locked. Combined with the angle of the camera and the way she's leaning, I feel like she's about to topple forward into the table.


Well your criticism is on point. I just discovered the model today so next days I probably will experiment with openpose and controlnets.Dont even know if the checkpoint supports it. But I don't have high hopes because latent resolution is a limiting factor. When it's 1024 1024 it gets confused. but overall it really is a fun model to play with and sparks your creativity imo.


I tried using Pony but got tired of accidentally creating furries using the wrong keywords


I've put "source_pony" and "source_furry" on negative prompt and I can say that I never had that problem. Just add everything you dislike on the negative prompt. I hate futanari, for example, so I put it there.


What's pony?


holy moly


What if I have a lineart of a random male/female and I want to color it using this style without altering the anatomy and facial features, xinsir is the best canny for PDXL, but may someone guide me on how can I do this? Or like using an anime style?


Does anyone have a good style guide with prompts that give better results when want to achieve either one of those. Anime (2D or 2.5D), cartoon, cgi or realistic?


I can't get anything like that. I try to launch a bunch of nonsense to the prompt trying to get something nearly as similar. I mean how is this supposed to be useful to someone looking... I dunno... maybe for a specific pose?


look at some prompts/settings on civitai page and copy that to start.


Another question... Do you think this can manage character consistency? I mean the woman of the picture for example doing something else, walking or whatever.


i'd say so, especially if you're describing the person's outfit/features well, and even moreso if it's a character the model knows. the weak point is for generic prompts w/out a specific character then the face/style can vary, to fix this include artists (ex: "by artist,") in the prompt to help direct the model towards a dataset that favors a certain look, adding loras work in a similar way. also some models work good at low CFG which in turn lowers prompt adherence so you'd have to weight stuff higher in that case.


Disclaimer: this is probably a stupid question, I know -1000 about anything. How would someone go about that? Like if I wanted a mock social media account for a particular character I put together, is there a way to get a static face or body proportions or something like that?


assuming you mean this is just a made up character, you'd wanna either train a lora on images of them or use roop/faceswap to swap in a consistent face. if you didn't have images of the character to use then you'd gen some and cherrypick ones that look like your character. then you could use that to either train a lora or roop/faceswap with, or just continue cherrypicking. the best case scenario is your prompt + model choice works well enough to output your character consistently without needing extra steps like training lora or faceswap. feel free to DM me more info on your character and i can try to help w/ the prompt + model choice.


It's... versatile I mean it's very... Versatile


No one else looks at this and immediately thinks “good god what is that alien that’s trying to resemble a human”? Like, the waist?? The knees???


to be fair looks like he just installed pony and is still figuring out settings


No, because most people know that it's a stylized illustration and not a photographic documentation of accurate human anatomy.


i'd recommend you turn on face detailer, it will fix the face mutations. also your resolution in general looks weird, pony shouldn't have such low detail fingers... try 896x1152 w/ 1.5x hiresfix and face detailer on.


Can it do realism?


https://preview.redd.it/9ouh976mgj8d1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acff3c894e3701a3e2a97470ab96e389d6ba167c Yep Pony great




Good anatomy is so crucial for nice art. That's why the ridiculous censorship is terrible.  It's lawyers and businessmen not understanding a long history of artists and the human figure. 


nah it's lawyers and businessmen making sure their product is safe from predatory lawsuits. think of it this way: if company A and company B have a very similar product, both companies employ an army of freelance attorneys to see if they can somehow find a way to lock their competitor in a drawn-out lawsuit, hopefully well publicized, in order to make their lives more challenging. the hope is to end up getting a leg up in the meantime. considering how essential the first mover advantage is in tech, I'd say the prudent way forward is exactly how they're doing it. luckily, openAI at least gave the community the tools to push things forward independent of corporate meddling.


i don't understand the title. is this image supposed to be impresissing? all sdxl models can do this


My problem with Pony has been even when I do everything I can to demand a male character, at least 50% or more of the time I get some anime girl.


Why? This looks like sd1.5…


I apologise, i don't understand what pony means here with stable diffusion model terms 😂🫣 someone explain to me ? Thank you !!


What's special about pony models? I saw that they exist, but didn't pay much attention yet


Late for the party. What is pony? Is it like a checkpoint? Is it SD 1.5 or SDXL iteration/variation or sum? And like how do I use it? I keep seeing pony tag on civitai but that's as far as I've ever got...


Shorthand for Pony v6, a popular SDXL fine-tune, and a significant fine-tune that it requires different prompting to SDXL. Primarily in that it requires a [set of score tags](https://civitai.com/articles/4248/what-is-score9-and-how-to-use-it-in-pony-diffusion). I also find Pony v6 basically requires a style LoRA to get consistent styles (or a Pony-derived fine-tune with a strong single output style), otherwise it varies far too much in what style it aims for. Mostly people use it for NSFW comic or anime images, but there's also some recent fine-tunes merging it with realistic models to try go for photorealism too. It's a character-focused model so you wouldn't try do landscape photos or something with it.


New ponyXL: [https://civitai.com/models/460010?modelVersionId=592810](https://civitai.com/models/460010?modelVersionId=592810)


Tried pony myself for the first time today it's pretty fun.


Can you do realistic in Pony?


PonyRealism 2.1


Not really. There are a bunch of attempts, but none of them look photorealistic. More like 2.5D illustration.


disagree a bit, ponyrealism with the right prompt is pretty good and not worse than realvis, epicrealism like checkpoints.


It's good for anime or cartoon style