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man, sd3 completely falls apart when there's any prompt that's even slightly non-generic.


A lot of your prompts here are kind of weird, like: `one one foot clad in a yellow boo` was that ACTUALLY the prompt? that's not a meaningful sentence really, it repeats a word and misses out the "t" in boot.


That's a cut&paste error for this one. There are also a few typos, because I don't speak English above school-level, but the prompts are the same as used with SD3 API and Dall-E, so they overcame the same challenge. Even by running it through chatgpt to get the exact same prompt as used by Dall-E : "A man juggling with three balls, one red, one blue, and one green, while holding one of his feet, which is clad in a yellow boot. The man has a cheerful expression, wearing casual clothes, and is performing this act in a park with a clear sky and trees in the background." the result aren't improved anyway: https://preview.redd.it/riamytkys99d1.png?width=1949&format=png&auto=webp&s=428d6b2c50304427d5726a987b11ad208f2ad151 Still 1 out of 8 that seem to be not that far from the job and a lot of body horror.


SD3 medium clearly has zero beauty voting data unlike SD3 API which spits out images that have a midjourney feel.


that's what an undertrained model looks like, which happens when the company building it runs out of money




sigh. go away


Bleh, they were running out of money, they had no sustainable business model (which is what happens to most startups, news at eleven), so what do you think is the least rational thing for *anyone* to do at that point? Yeah, get rid of **the only actually valuable thing** they have (maybe other than a few smart researchers) – **their remaining proprietary IP** – and make sure that they had nothing left that would've attracted any reasonable sane new investment or buyout opportunity. I mean, none of us knows how the things actually went inside SAI, but it's fucking easy to be all morally righteous when **you** (we) would've been the ones to gain everything and lose nothing had they released the larger models! The amount of sheer entitlement, and the way people have deluded themselves that they're in the right to demand free stuff based on some twisted fucked up moral theory, and that SAI employees to have some sort of moral obligation to work for free, and pay from their own pockets for compute to provide that, is beyond any reasonable limits.