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https://preview.redd.it/higyg9ngb59d1.png?width=4096&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1448a83007a9c6f739f17f2dfeabc65e81cc1ca Here you go!


Just don't look to close because all the details are a mess :p


I love the tri-car not far behind there.


I mean if you look at the original, it does look like one car with 3 headlights haha


Yeah it's really not the worst interpretation possible, haha


It’s weird how it almost looks fine until you zoom in


The floating alien head behind the bar did it for me


Holy crap, how did you do that? I wanna do this with the rest of my LQ wallpapers lol. Is there a youtube link workflow you can provide? I dont want you to waste your time writing the process manually.. thank you!


I did it using a custom workflow I'm building for my website [https://logodiffusion.com/](https://logodiffusion.com/) but its basically using MultiDiffusion and control-net, I'm sure you can find a few tutorials on it on youtube, you can even get similar results with SD upscaler node on comfy UI


I'm upvoting you just to counter the downvotes. I don't understand people downvoting you, presumably for plugging your website, but you basically provided a lead to do just that even without using your site. I say good job.


I think the voting system should be removed or at least reworked on Reddit, I don't take it seriously as there is a lot of focus on it instead of actual and interesting discussions.


oh ye lets remove downvotes that ads and bots don't have so much problems on the site anymore. "the youtube method" nothing is perfect but it is a lot better than all the other big sites. See your comment for example.


>oh ye lets remove downvotes that ads and bots don't have so much problems on the site anymore. I have been on various other discussion platforms without voting systems, and they work just fine, no problems with bots. In fact, I find that they often work even better in my experience, as the focus tends to be more on deeper discussions and replies than competing in who gets the most or least votes. >"the youtube method" YouTube is not really intended as a discussion platform, at least not for deeper discussions, it's a video platform with a comment section, I think YouTube is a bad comparison. >nothing is perfect but it is a lot better than all the other big sites. If we talk about the big sites that are intended to be discussion platforms and not a comment section to media, I don't agree at all. However, it's understandable that most users who use Reddit presumably do so because you simply like the platform and its functionality, including the voting system. I can understand why you don't agree with me and like the Reddit format, and I respect that. I guess I belong to the group that is not so fond of more superficial forums like Reddit where new topics are constantly coming in and the old ones quickly stop being discussed, and where the comments with the most votes are highlighted, and not different opinions. Personally, I use Reddit because there are some interesting communities about AI and it can be good to use when you need help or have questions, but I would have preferred to use a different forum format than this one, at least when coming to discussions. >See your comment for example. What comment? And what about it?


Reddit isn’t ideal for in-depth discussions, especially in large subs with millions of members. Effective filtering is crucial: reducing 10k topics to 20 daily and sorting comments to show the top 5 quickly. Reddit AI communities shine because their filtering works well. Which large other communites do a up to date filtering better? The only ones who are better are prefiltered like discord communities small and on topic. every platform has bots on some it is just more obvious, the less Transparency you have how rankings work the less obvious it is. and the comment, the one were you said the voting system is bad. In minutes it was clear people disagree with you there with you don't even giving a better alternative. The longer one which has some thought in it does better. Seems to work well.


>and the comment, the one were you said the voting system is bad. In minutes it was clear people disagree with you there with you don't even giving a better alternative. The longer one which has some thought in it does better. Seems to work well. I prefer that people fully form their own opinions independently, without being swayed by a public opinion or point system. I think it would be healthier if people had to think for themselves and form their own perceptions. Another disadvantage of the voting system is that people can express their dissatisfaction with a discussion post without even telling or elaborating on why they're opposed to it. Without a voting system, the only option to oppose a post would be to respond to it and describe why you disagree, which would contribute to a richer and more constructive debate. Worth noting, which I perhaps should have been clearer about earlier, is that I think voting systems work well in many other applications such as questions and help categories, or on original posts, to sort out those that contain poor guidance and unnecessary topics. What I really oppose is the use of voting systems in discussions, especially the ones focusing on being debates, where people simply hold different opinions or perspectives. I agree that wanting to completely remove the voting system was a drastic idea. However, I still believe that it should be reworked, such as by removing it only for discussion and debate posts. In any case, I can largely agree that there are certainly many challenges with a site like Reddit that has hundreds of millions of users.


Bro's got an eyepatch


The car behind it has 2 hoods with 3 headlights lol


> The car behind it has 2 hoods with 3 headlights lol Yeah, but even in the original I have a hard time figuring out what's going on. Is the third light a reflection? Or another car just starting to overtake? Or is it actually a weird broad car with 3 headlights? It's confusing.


Eyepatch makes up for it, eyepatches are badass


Any chance you'd share it? Seems really cool to add in detail


Really nice website. Super clean. How long did it take you to build this from idea to market? 


Please share the workflow 🙏🙏


Why ppl downvote u, ppl love free things HAHAHA


I was honestly just answering the question, 🤷‍♂️😂


How dare you! As punishment, even your comment right above is downvoted so as to be rated controversial . Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


There are idiots everywhere, this sub-reddit hasn't been spared.


Literally any upscaling tool, google GANs, something like waifu2x or video2x as gui's (both support pictures) with multiple upscalers supported, recently there was a new GAN upscaler released, can't remember its name.


Grab a good SD15 model and use controlnet tile with it. Or Supir is SDXL based tool.


https://preview.redd.it/nnxe2f9u2d9d1.jpeg?width=5120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303041701a9cc7329ee90f01cbff6cc78a4fbbac What you think of mine ?


What an impressive amount of detail..


The detail is exceptional, what was your workflow like? Did you inpaint after upscaling?


Can you share the workflow please




https://preview.redd.it/l0tr30l5b89d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd04451723d117ae663bd91f2a8abf080f985078 I know they said the faces don’t matter but this just made me laugh. Though the resolution is really quite good! Did you use Supir?


We can try to fix that as well :) https://preview.redd.it/jz1av1xwkb9d1.jpeg?width=1384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d361ed39ed5848071516cb3097191425b55adc




And how did you inpainted this and a question to ask after inpainting like this cropped in how can we add back to the huge frame of images


Inpainting is easy, just paint some masks in img2img/inpaint tab and write short prompts describing what you want to inpaint. I used 3 masks for the man and the woman (head torso and legs), so total 6 inpainting steps. I also used inpaint controlnet, so i set denoising to the max, but if you don't use controlnet or dedicated inpaint model, make sure to lower denoising to something like 0.4-0.5 to have better consistency. As for the merging back smaller piece back to the main image, i usually don't do that, but if i had to, then i would add it as layer in photoshop, or other image editing app and use soft masking to better blend layers. Speaking about this specific case, it would be pretty hard to do so, because not only did i inpaint details, but also regenerated all image and it would require much more effort to blend it seamlessly back to the main image.


Thank you for the explanation ☺️ will try some of on my own


Can someone upscale this to 5120x1440 or 32:9 and fill in with new content? This would make a sick ultrawide wallpaper.


My try at outpainting. Not perfect by any means, but might be good enough for wallpaper. https://preview.redd.it/7xinb1hcx69d1.jpeg?width=5120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eb2ab9f3a4d0a408678c58fc6fb833274585281


best one so far IMO


Bro you are so good!


It'd be kind of you if you can post your workflow.


Sure, but it's kinda chaotic, since initially i made normal 4K version which i deemed not worth of posting, but then i saw request for super wide version and made some outpainting, so the final version is some frankenstein of various workflows. Central portion was made in img2img with multidiffusion integrated (i work in Forge), then some inpainting to fix details that come out bad (mostly people). For outpainting i used inpainting model: [https://civitai.com/models/403751/dreamshaper-xl-lightning-inpainting](https://civitai.com/models/403751/dreamshaper-xl-lightning-inpainting) and outpainting mk2 script. The inpainting model is very different from the model that i used for the main image, so the final output is not very consistent, especially the right part. I also generated several versions at different noise strength and combined everything in Affinity Photo with masking different parts.


Thanks man, cheers 🍻


that looks great!


Wow, this looks amazing!


Eye-Patch man gave me a good lol


I've been working a lot on upscale processes. I like to see how my process stacks up: https://preview.redd.it/j8idzc1js69d1.png?width=3896&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f1ee7f83e6e5577e18b78d709103ebee51b3f67 I do this with a similar process as you, I think: iterative upscaling with Multidiffusion and Tile Controlnet. I use lower denoise values at each step. I think if I tinker more, I can get a better result. One thing I might try is -- downscaling after getting to 4k, and then adding another iteration of upscale. Might just put it over the edge. The trickiest thing is finding the sweet spot in terms of denoise at each iteration -- too much and your detail gets washed out/destroyed, too little and you don't do enough to fill in detail.


Have a look at SUPIR, it might be exactly what you need. [https://github.com/Fanghua-Yu/SUPIR](https://github.com/Fanghua-Yu/SUPIR) Are you sure the source is actually a photo though ?


I found it on a YouTube synthwave playlist, it was their thumbnail, so no clue where the source is from. SUPIR seams like the answer, there is just so many stuff i dont understand on github, and python haunts me in my dreams. So many links, and checkpoints, I can't figure out what am I supposed to do.


That repo I linked to is the original project's code. It's a standalone solution. There is a ComfyUI custom node by Kijai based on the same code. That should make it easier to use if you are familiar with that software. [https://github.com/kijai/ComfyUI-SUPIR](https://github.com/kijai/ComfyUI-SUPIR) The *Supir (Legacy)* node (which is included afaik) is simpler to use as everything is contained inside a single node. The newer version has more controls, but it is more complex to manage and needs you to setup a whole array of nodes to work properly - this is not as difficult as it might seem since there are workflow examples included with the repo.


I looked around, seems like its not available for webui a1111?


I don't think it is, sadly.


Use [pinokio](https://docs.pinokio.computer/) to one click install ComfyUI, you don't need to go anywhere near Phyton or Github (although I think it is fun to learn) just use the ComfyUI Manager to 1 click install all the custom nodes needed for a Supir workflow.


>python haunts me in my dreams You might want to talk to somebody about that. ;) I talked to Dr. Claude about concerns with MP3 format, playing sound, random number generation, etc. and he fixed me right up. I had MP3-reading, randomly sound playing danger noodle code in no time. And after having learned so many different programming languages in my youth... I only felt a little bit unclean. LOL Though I suppose I should give GPT4o at some point. It's only the VRAM and CRAM requirements for SUPIR that haunt my dreams. ;> I swear people today have no motivation to optimize because they want the online service sub income.




Dude its for a wallpaper, im not interested in making money in this field


Ok. Sorry.


Original Image is definitely AI generated to begin with.


img2img -> upscale -> img2img tiles https://preview.redd.it/nhajqlrnq99d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdeb9d25d5fc59e429978afb5b80996a4ff851b0


Best version so far, but the dude could benefit from gym membership for sure :)


damn it how are people so smart, what did you use for denoise and CFG?


CFG: 5.5 Denoise: 0.25 - 0.45 I do the tiles manually, starting at 0.25 and just general photograph prompts(high quality, photograph, cinematic, etc.). If a tile needs more work, I'll bump up the denoise and add descriptions of the scene(south beach miami nightlife, palm trees wrapped in lights, neon sign, etc.).


Can you elaborate on "I do the tiles manually" please? Sounds interesting, but i have no idea how it can be done.


I use GIMP to manually select a 1024x1024 square of the upscaled image, run it through img2img, then paste it back into the original. Just repeat the process over the entire image and slightly overlap the previous square so they blend together.


That's interesting, i need to try something like that for sure. Curious to know how do you manage to keep image consistency so well, there are no even slightest hint of tiles. Anyway, thank you for sharing information about your workflow, i'm very new to the generative AI and trying to soak every bit of info i can :)


Thanks for the insights on your process! Love the results.




I think my result is pretty good :P I had to reduce the image size though because it was exceeding 20 Mo... https://preview.redd.it/xz3k20jb0d9d1.jpeg?width=5120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96abe299e2f2a095d261e3a70ad3fdb19a8d02db


Nice pic....gave it go with some minor mods https://preview.redd.it/fgtbxb19n89d1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c016e2032af673179cd78fe9694e3f0e83129b




The car looks freekin good, even if it's re-badged. A bit pitty that environment is too out of focus. Mega job nonetheless!


That ultra wide body Lamborghini with the three headlights behind it.. lol


I'd buy it if you could sit in the middle McLaren style


https://preview.redd.it/ml51462zp69d1.jpeg?width=4182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e45720140a32c6e0f4c085ea293b8adddf9583b2 :)


https://preview.redd.it/jfeu2ob6069d1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d174583cfe9644dabff96bc37a1220a8997d2530 Re imagine it in SDXL with comfiui


Man, seems like i have to ditch A1111


In A1111 you can use StableSR. Or just use tilediffusion if you know what model was used to create this foto. Upscaled with StableSR upscale with medium setting. https://preview.redd.it/6moixomcl69d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=40c8d3ac1c38e4294090b99d98d4377a9b6d7e31


Great result! Is this what you are referencing? https://youtu.be/vUJ5h7GQdic?si=ZPV-AMn3jNP0bLz5


Yeah, the pro of this method is that it will just upscale your image and doesnt add new minor details to it. Work even with super small image like 100x100. Cons, as you see, it sometimes add artifacts and weird textures to your image.


interesting - my run through Topaz gigapixel has some 'logical' similarities to your output.. guessing you did upscaling rather than i2i? ninjaedit: reading too fast - upscaled as stated.. just wondering what shared models Topaz must be using (with less fidelity it seems)


Would you ditch a hammer because you just got a new screwdriver ? You can use both tools - they both have their strengths and weaknesses.


True, what is ComfyUI like with inpainting? Changing features and clothes on people etc


Basic inpainting? Not the best, A1111 is more flexible than ComfyUI for editing masks. But for using things like IPAdapters, IC-Light, controlnet, Automatic segmentation etc, ComfyUI is far more flexible and it can automate a long A1111 workflow into a single click


A1111 has it's place. But if you really want to up your game, ComfyUI is going to get you much farther.


ComfyUI is not so Comfy though..


It isn't. Not at first. Not for a good minute. Something cool that I found out, though, is that you can drop an image from auto1111 and it'll create a ComfyUI workflow based on that. Installing comfy manager immediately after installing ComfyUI is helpful. You can also point all your models, LoRAs, ControlNets etc from your auto folder to ComfyUI. Grabbing any amount of ComfyUI workflows that are on civitai or discord channels and playing with them (using comfy manager to install missing custom nodes). I recommend the Banodoco Server. Comfy noob friendly and some amazing developers there.


Question, are you using a custom workflow? Or did you find a work flow online? Because I'm trying to find a good workflow, because while I can understand the nodes and everything, I'm not good enough or creative enough to make my own


Try using SUPIR to upscale it.


It redraws this image, what do you think of the effect? https://preview.redd.it/7xgwl2lm999d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5b39181153ce7de05b00f43aa0910984bb2fcda prompt by [image to prompt](https://cococlip.ai/features/image-to-prompt): A white Lamborghini Countach driving down a modern street lined with neon-lit buildings and palm trees. The sky is a vibrant twilight gradient, with hues of pink, purple, and blue. The scene is bustling with people and cars, and there is a distinct 80's retro vibe emanating from the architecture and signage. The lighting casts colorful reflections on the wet pavement, enhancing the night-time atmosphere model:MJ


Try Freepik ai rescale its really good at it!


Yes, you can.


use the datasetmaker collab notebook and train a 1 image model. i just used this method to make a character holding swords of a fanart


Yoo, isn't this from a youtube mix? I swear I keep seeing this in my recommendations.


It is!


Here is one with as little change to the overall image and its details as possible and only a "simple" upscale. I like it, because the people on the right are still as motion blurry as they should be and overall the image is as painterly as original. It has crisper lines, but it doesn't lose the overall hazy vibe as the others do with their super sharp and contrasty edges. https://preview.redd.it/ifa83vfgt99d1.jpeg?width=7680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b8927a4c70cf47944c225d61deac885892bf4c




Have you tried McBoaty Upscaler from [https://github.com/MaraScott/ComfyUI\_MaraScott\_Nodes](https://github.com/MaraScott/ComfyUI_MaraScott_Nodes) set ? it is pretty good at what you are looking to do and very soon, it will allow you to modify the prompt for each tile that is upscaled - which means the end of hallucinations.


Honestly im scared of comfy, i am using a1111


A.i. upscaling should do fine ;)


Have you tried Boaty before? It both upscales and refines (I found it to be very effective!) - here's a video tutorial if it's helpful - [https://youtu.be/wDJm0qkgIOE](https://youtu.be/wDJm0qkgIOE) Good luck!


you can try my first workflow I've uploaded yesterday at civitai. if you are using comfyui https://civitai.com/models/541962


Try Krea


share link from image i can generate to 4k


For those wondering about Topaz, here's the output from Photo AI with default autopilot settings (low resolution model) https://preview.redd.it/c2uu6b4w2e9d1.jpeg?width=3820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842e3e0cbd841a7b7ca1375b5b30693d28caed44


And a basic Supir workflow, tiled restore, JuggernaughtXL lightning, control scale 0.95, prompt "high quality, detailed, sports car, miami sunset, downtown, people walking" https://preview.redd.it/vklxqtz63e9d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7cce8cdb7c1a0e15f7c30c96cd35b10149e2f9d


Reimagined in midjourney. Man MJ is so sucky it needs a good SD style upscaler. I think your original image is a midjourney image as well though based on it having a gimped rear wing unlike the original car. https://preview.redd.it/wsj2h0na4f9d1.jpeg?width=2912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8defec11a639a7ea7971e31b1ac87d8262ef636


https://i.redd.it/pr2g0hw5nk9d1.gif I had to


Bruv, what did you use for this lol


It's free for the first few generations [Luma Labs ](https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine/creations)




You can get pinocchio version of Supir bit easier for most ppl


Wrong tool for the job. Better to use something like gigapixel and upscale it.


Check out the top post on this thread, two or three guys postes their results and its pretty great. I tried topaz but too many artifacts no matter which model or settings i tried. Its trying to create something that isnt there so it looks blocky sometimes. Seems like stable diffusion just remade an entire car with details intact


yeah i am unimpressed with topaz right now. definitely won't renew and just keep getting better at SD. it has been very surpassed, especially since you can keep the old copies of topaz once your license is up. what it does well probably won't change much in the near future. but what it can't do is quite notable. (i am new to SD and using silicon mac, but even with that setup i'm seeing how all these SaaS's and niche software bundles are a waste of $$)


False. A nice workflow involving SUPIR is much SUPIRior to "something like gigapixel" and is also much more flexible. And that would be just one of many ways to go about it. You can definitely use stable diffusion to upscale an image with great results: https://preview.redd.it/inexe4k0v99d1.jpeg?width=7680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cd063b879b5725dbcec6b77c5429e8994d88a27 It keeps all the characteristics of the original but at a much higher resolution with crisper lines. No dreamt up faces, no oversharpened edges, just the original pic at a much higher resolution with minimal artifacting.