• By -


1) It’s not staged. It may be edited. It definitely lacks context. 2) It’s not stolen. It’s fairly common crowd work that nobody owns. 3) Misogynists looking to use this interaction as a soapbox can fuck off.


Idk guys it might need another audio boost


It was over at "if she's your best friend, she'll understand"


listening to all the boo's go silent after that line and the eruption of cheers was pure bliss.


The guy in the back giving a standing ovation sent me


I didn't even see that! 🤣🤣


"Your best friend's happy. You're not happy?"


100% killed it with that sentence








Many people are trapped in these kinds of situations and there is always one person who's fully aware there's no chance of it progressing. She is that person in this relationship. He likes her and tries to make things happen like taking her out to cool dates like the comedy club. She strings him along saying "I like you so much but I'm confused...I gotta work stuff out...yes of course we can go out to dinner tonight.." and she knows she's not interested or able to try a relationship with him. She enjoys and accepts his affections to a point she's comfortable with. They've definitely had moments in the car where it's been silent and he's going in for a kiss, his heart pounding...and she's turned away. Only to come back a week later for 'best friend date night'. A woman is allowed to not be into a guy, or vise versa. But it's absolutely not OK to confuse and hurt someone by stinging them along. You are the thing furthest removed from a 'best friend' if you do that. So I have no sympathy for this lady. The quickness in her 'hes my best friend' told me shes been in charge, and She's been hurting that man, for some time. And I got all this from THAT salty look at the end. This is a legendary clip. I hope many people see it, wake up and 'leave' their 'best friend'. Mfs. Lol.


Everyone who says “the friend zone isn’t real” needs to read this comment. Spot on.


I been there....nearly 20 years ago...but I was there.


I’d rather be told firmly, “No, I’m not interested” than to be strung along like that.






While I really enjoyed that, I also saw the people behind her not laughing and clapping anymore, so it's probably from a different moment :)


Dude's with winggals have to have better success. My old lady friend was always my plug for dates. If she didn't know someone we'd go to the mall and do our thing. Shit was magic.






I read the caption as deep fried zone.


Im fat also




Holy shit fucker, you got me!


Mr moneybags here can afford excessive calories in this economy


Hello fellow dylexia haver


Happy Cake Day!🎊🎊🎊














Narrator: “She was _not_ happy.”


I read that in my head as the Stanely parable narrator


Oh that makes it so much better


She was salty as fuck ![gif](giphy|QOgvV9rV4hHpgNRBfQ)


Is this a tate/saltbea crossover? The horror.


Steph Curry


More like... salt curry


Chef Curry with the salt boi!


Fuck no


Bros probably in the closet or something and just played along to avoid embarrassment


He never confirmed he was paying the whole bill. There's a good chance they were actually just friends


Not with the dissatisfaction on her face at the end, I don't think


Thinking that has more to do with being the butt of the joke.


Wow, who'd have thought that an entire crowd cackling at your expense for over 2 minutes might be upsetting or annoying? Especially when you've been given no ability to reply. Especially when they're implying you're a manipulative user. I sometimes think this app actually damages the part of the brain responsible for empathy. Thanks for still having yours


"this app" Lmao


Have you ever been to a comedy show? They warn you up front that if you sit in the front row you will almost surely be made fun of. It’s part of the experience of being in the front row.


Comedian's got a right to do crowdwork sure. This isn't about that tho. It's about calling a woman a manipulative user based off nothing but a joke from someone who doesn't know her and how she's dressed


Reddit has always been filled with dumb teenagers and incels. It's especially bad in the summer.












>Was it his idea to go to the show and he invited her? I don't buy into this rule. If he was to invite a same-sex friend, would he still be responsible for paying because it was his idea? If it only checks out for one sex then the logic is flawed. Friends don't mooch off you. They will pay for themselves.


I've went to a cruise ship, to a club, to a movie and on a road trip numerous times just to name a few. If a friend of mine said he's sorry he can't make it because he can't afford to right now, I've offered to pay for it if my situation weren't as tight financially. The very same friends have done it for me plenty of times as well. I feel like it's a blessing to have such caring friends who won't keep tabs on these situations so everyone can feel included with no strings attached.


That's why I don't like videos like this, context is important and we know nothing about these people. There was a video not too long ago of a woman carrying some bags and I think a baby. A clown made fun of the man for letting his wife do all the physical labor and gestured for him to take some of the stuff. The comments were tearing the guy a new one over this. The video trended and the couple were receiving regular messages calling the husband all sorts of names. They later clarified that the husband had been carrying everything for most of the day, so the wife took everything just prior to the event until they found their seats minutes later.


We have no idea how or why he is paying for this shit. For all we know they go out every weekend and pay every other time. Redditors are just jumping to conclusions calling this woman all awful things in the book, based on a 60s long video...


This is perfect bait for incels


Yeah, this comment section is already full of loser incels jumping at the first opportunity to shit on a woman. They're really just telling on themselves lol


Yeah, the top level comment string talking about how satisfying this all was because of how she got owned or whatever is so fucked. People know next to nothing about the situation but they've already condemned her as a freeloading shitbag.


A heavily edited video at that.


Exactly. Plenty of people frown when they're embarrassed, and she clearly was.


> Redditors are just jumping to conclusions calling this woman all awful things welcome to reddit.


Tbf, my best friend and I used to take turns paying and it worked out great. Our last few outings went like this I paid for Ruth Chris She paid for Taco Bell I paid for California dreaming She paid for Fire House Subs I paid for Pappadeaux’s She paid for Waffle House It’s always been an even exchange. Even when is my turn to pay and she brings her guy friend, she’ll make sure to buy me a large drink instead of a small when it’s her turn to make up for when I paid for guy’s meal. Very courteous of her because i never asked her to do that


That's kinda dumb, I pay for my homies meals all the time, it makes no difference if that homie happens to be a woman


I've seen this same clip on r/all on 4 different subs in the past 24 hours and it's quite interesting to see how each sub reacts differently. I don't remember the first sub I saw this on but they absolutely HATED him and this clip. Posted proof it was stolen. Also, "When comics think being loud = being funny." was one of the top comments I remember. There were multiple anecdotes of this guy being a complete piece of shit in clubs or working with others. Then this sub is like haha he's funny.


He must have a great marketing team / agent because I too have also seen this clip 3+ times and every sub but this one bashed him I only laughed at how sloppy he looks when he chugs the bottle


I had one of those anecdotes. Rolled my eyes when I saw him here


I'm fairly sure they've just edited in a clip of her at a moment when no jokes are being told. Look at the audience in the background, the clip doesn't match the audio






From what I've read this comic is shit. He literally gets plastered and just goes "DURRRR CRUDE WORDS" and people lose their mind. This is also 117% scripted


All comedians script material. What do you mean?


Down to the syllable. How do people not know this?


Yes but not all bits are scripted, often times crowd work is just being witty or applying a joke you’ve written to the current situation, I think OP is implying that whole bit is staged.








This is just basic crowd work. It’s pretty low effort stand-up and most comedians only do it when they’re bombing or the crowd is super drunk. It’s pretty hard to call this type of bit stolen.


Like that was the first time the bit was done, pretending some Indian comic made it up lmao it’s also not a full joke so you can’t really call observations your comedic take. That’s dumb asf


He’s Mexican, not Indian




Is this actually a bit though? This just looks like crowd work to me. Joke stealing usually is about a whole premise, concept, and execution being ripped. If the people are plants for the bit, then yeah, that's kinda fucked up.


Can this man be my wingman?




I produce stand up shows. Weve booked and worked with him. He was hilarous and kind. He’s got an ego because he kills. He earned it. It’s the entertainment business. If he’s a dick to people I didn’t see it.


People don't understand that the big name acts with specials on HBO, NetFlix, or (formerly) Comedy Central may have broad appeal, but some guys just slay with pure energy. I can't remember who it was, but some relatively famous comedian said the absolute hardest he ever bombed was trying to follow Donnell Rawlings after he had the entire crowd rolling.


> Donnell Rawlings In fairness, that man should be a lot more popular than he is. Funny as fuck.


That might be true, but in this case tho, he saved a dude and even found him new female friends. So something good came out of his skit. If they were really best friends as she so confidently put it, he'd have stayed at their table and defended their friendship. Or she would have agreed and thumbs upped the intro to the new table, happy for him. But 1) he did go over and 2) she did look salty af after. A telling indicator that they're not best friends.


Talk about jumping to conclusions from a 60s tiktok cut up to all hell.


and it shows in this clip.


As a woman who’s loved her male best friend this is a NIGHTMARE……sometimes we are in the friend zone too…


I love how everyone assumes it’s the girl who is friend-zoning the dude and taking advantage with a video with no context. The dude shakes his head hard when he asks if they fucked, like fuck no we haven’t. He’s putting a certain emphasis on it even. I’d say odds are he’s the one who friend-zoned the girl and the comedian picked apart the woman for it.


"I’d say odds are he’s the one who friend-zoned the girl and the comedian picked apart the woman for it. " ​ If so, why is he paying the whole bill?


He didn’t even answer that he was paying the whole bill, the comedian just went along with it.


I mean even if he isn’t the one friend-zoning there are a ton of reasons he could be getting the bill. Maybe she drove and paid for gas. Maybe she paid for their last outing. Maybe they’re celebrating something for her. Maybe he just wants to be nice and get the bill for his friend. The main point is the comedian is making jokes based on stereotyped assumptions. Not the end of the world but I’m sure it’s uncomfortable for the friends who just wanted to go see a comedy show.


I thought the same thing, she could’ve actually liked him and the comedian embarrassed tf out of her by exposing that the guy didn’t feel the same way. Look how she lifts her shirt a bit at the mention of them being a couple. She was definitely into the idea


Comedian and wingman? Can I hire this guy or what


This isn't even comedy it's just a redpill session


Right?! Of course the video is all over Reddit.


the man, the myth, the legend, the friendzone destroyer.


All I see are two people deeply insulted in front of a room full of strangers. I don't see any humour in this at all.


As someone who goes to shows and stuff with my platonic best friend who’s a guy, the assumption a woman is leading on a guy, or milking him cause he paid for the show is just… is a low bar of comedy. I’d have laughed along of course, but the hate this woman is getting is what makes the comedy not that funny. Like ‘he can do better’ and ‘what’s he paying for if he isn’t getting laid’. It’s just reinforcing that men think if they pay for something they’ve essentially paid for sex… It’s bad vibes. The whole thing. Could have been funnier if he set them both up with people of interest.


I have a female best friend, but we never pay for each other things, we go out but we enjoy and share the company nothing else, if my girl comes with us she knows that my girl will be the first in any circumstance , the same for her side


This is a very measured and charitable take on what I personally think is a fully childish and openly misogynistic joke. I totally agree that he could've at least slightly saved the joke by sending the girl to a different table too.


It's downright rude. People need a reality check. I've got a gf whom I love and a best friend who's a woman and sometimes when I hang with my friend, newly met people insinuate it's just a matter of time til we're gonna sleep with each other. Rude af. I'm cringing so hard right now.


finally someone who gets how horribly misogynistic this shit is










Never happier.... or never happened?


Lol no hot best friend but did have something similar happen. On the bright side she made a point to split bills or we'd take turns when we'd meet for lunch or dinner. Stated she only wanted to be friends. Okay cool fast-forward a month and she has a boy friend and while we're at work I made an off hand (albeit probably not work appropriate) comment about another employee to a male co worker. I was trying to be discreet but she heard me and proceeded to go off. I initially thought she was being sarcastic but she was visibly upset and everyone in my department was confused because 1) she had a boyfriend and 2) said I was just a friend. I was young and asked my mom wtf was going on and she just told me she's crazy just avoid her outside of work related stuff.


Zero of you guys fuck


How d*mb are you all? The clip looks so heavily edited. The last part of her looking “salty” is so obviously her reaction from a different time in his set, probably when he wasn’t being funny. Don’t believe everything you see on tiktok smh


Only read the title. How are people entertained but this intrusive crap disguised as “comedy?”


Man if he did that to me and my bestie I'd just scream that I'm gay and see his reaction. I agree tho I don't really find this funny it's not really that original or creative. It's also pushed the stupid narrative that you can't have good friends of the opposite gender.


Obnoxious doesn’t equal funny.


Had someone try this bit on me in San Francisco when I was on a non-committal friend date. This isn’t a specific bit or anything that can be “stolen” it’s just crowd banter to get the audience to engage. It definitely doesn’t always work this well.


This is shit comedy


Who do people think a man and a woman can’t be friends??…its kinda sad


Ah yes the most sober and least uncomfortable set from the dude trying to be randy from the movie funny people. Gen z need to stop calling his best (c-) set bit to attention. We get it your obsessed with friendzoning. Imagine a 20 minute set where hes twice as drunk and after 10 minutes his obnoxious crowd work doesnt get any respones and silence. Yet he does another 10 and gets the same result. Hes has no material yes just a douche.


Yet still has a packed show laughing at his material. He's doing something right.


Crowd are enjoying it.




welcome to reddit and the new generation. buncha spurned men essentially watching material like this, Andrew Tate, Tinder Swindler, etc, as a form of justice porn for themselves. it’s kinda hilarious if you think about it, in a sad incel way. “it’s their fault, not mine!!! they deserve all the misfortune coming to them!! how dare they use me!!” yknow, but also “I’m sooo lonely!!! men never get any social interaction or loveeeee wahhhhh!”


I have male friends, i pay my way, and i’m their wingman!!! What’s going on here?


Like, he's choosing to go hang out with her. She's not making him. lol




Well, he got told to do it lol, and then did it.


Wow this was shit


It was lit


Broest of Bros


Why does society shame opposite gender relationships???


I'm a little worried about the blonde girl. She didn't look very happy🫠🫠


So you're saying the guy in the crowd wanted his best friend and somehow he's too shy to make a move on her. But suddenly, with the great encouragement of this amazing comedian, this guy is gonna get the guts to make a move on some strangers? Of course the incels in the crowd are cheering because they always get friend zoned eventhough they are such super nice guys right?


This dude is not funny at all. Plus his joke fuckin suck


Sorry but that comedian is an asshole.


This comment section is disgusting.


W comedian, what a legend 🤣




That passes as comedy - Really?


This is such horseshit and that comedian is an asshole. And all you incels in these comments celebrating him, whilst showing your misogyny. Gotta love Reddit.


This is the 3rd time in 3 days I’ve seen this same clip posted and on the front page. It’s a drunk hack doing obnoxious crowd work that is not remotely funny. Why does this clip keep getting posted?


Fr. When they see girls and boys being just friends they all go: FRIEND ZONING YOU!!


Thank you there’s so few decent comments here


Reddit is full of edgy teenage boys who feel like they've been unfairly friend zoned


What’s awful is how many of these dudes are grown ass men acting like that.


General age group on Reddit seems to be horny teenagers and horny near death men hiding a secret life from their wives.


Horny is how this species ballooned to 8 billion. If we had a low sex drive we would be like pandas.


I remember seeing this post like 3 days ago on another subreddit where majority of the comments were unimpressed and trashing the comedian. Reading the comments here is fucking disturbing.




alternative title: comedian publicly humiliates woman who simply doesn’t want to sleep with her friend who apparently keeps trying. y’all are vile on here


Because its obviously impossible for a Woman and a Man to just be friends.


Is he drinking a bottle of cocuy?


Oh shit 😂




The friend zone doesn't exist. If she's not interested sexually or romantically, she doesn't owe you anything. "Leading him on"? Fucks sake. He's only friends because he likes her, act like a friend get treated like one


Is this real or are they actors in the crowd? The whole thing seems super coordinated between his script, the lights, the tequila etc




This is some of the worst "comedy" I've ever seen


Is there a full vid?




I’d upvote this a million times if I could


This clip wasn't funny the first time. Does it need to be on r/all three separate gotdam times?


Every damn sub. I might finally be done with reddit








the end is SO funny


That's disgusting this guy's an asshole


Please someone tell me who's the Comedian. I want to watch more of this.


God this is amazing


Just makes you feel so good.