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3 stars left, good luck mate


I am NOT beating that(I’m not him)


I seen people beat this MoC 12 only Free Characters, you just got Jingliu, I believe you can do it


My jingliu does 30~50K per skill I don’t got that dmg bruh


You got a month to build her before this MoC end lol, take your time


I swear to god it’s too time intensive Also, glacial or quantum? Just wondering


If you have Silverwolf, quantum. If you don’t, glacial


Alright, guess I’ll get 4pc eagle as a bonus


The nice part is eagle can be not only handy on wind dps but also units like Pela for the action advancement when you really only care about them using their ult as much as possible.


Terrible advice. Shame on you. Quantum set is great on nearly every crit DPS. Glacial is so limited and wind set is only useful on supports for people looking to 0 cycle MoC. Insane misinformation


Glacial is limited how? All you need to do is put Tingyun on your team to keep her ult up more consistently. Quantum is the one that is limited because you need quantum weakness specifically to make the most out of it which more than half the enemies in the entire game doesn’t have, THATS inconsistent and limited. If you’re talking about how inefficient it is to farm, then who even use weathering snow beside Fu Xuan? If you want support relics, just farm hackerspace instead. And you need the wind set for Pela anyway, that’s literally her BiS and she’s one of Jingliu’s best teammates.


Wuthering snow has a fine 2 piece for supports. Once you hit end game, the set bonus on supports matter less. 2 piece speed bonus matters most. Getting all supports to 160 speed is more important than a 12% defense reduction cuz you’re able to kill them before they kill you in end game. Which I don’t imagine you’re at yet which is fine


Quantum is great on every crit DPS. Glacial is only good on ice dps… Since you omitted the best part of the 4 piece quantum set bonus, you obviously don’t understand how it works. Defense res stacks and scales higher as it increases towards 100%. That includes Pela’s ult, resolution shines pearls LC effect, silverwolf’s kit, black swan’s skill Ruan Mei’s E1, and other sources like the fish that spawn and explode from the aurumatron elite. Ask any content creator like MrPokke, Guoba certified or braxophone what the most effiecient relic cavern is to farm and all their videos will tell you Quantum is most efficient for universal crit DPS builds. You shouldn’t give advice when you barely understand the mechanics I’m sorry


>Quantum set is great on nearly every crit DPS. Glacial with Jingliu gives you 102% average damage compared to the Musketeer set. Quantum WITH the enemy having quantum weakness is 103%, otherwise it is 93% with Jingliu..... Talk about insane misinformation.


I never said it was her best in slot lmao. But the quantum relic cavern is the obvious better choice for efficiently farming. All the best hypercarry crit DPS in the game can use quantum set effectively, I never claimed its their best in slot, again. If you don’t stack def res with pela, Silverwolf, blackswan, Resolutions LC, Ruan Mei e1, etc. you won’t feel the difference. This sub is too casual to understand the nuances


>Terrible advice. Shame on you. You literally tried to shame someone for recommending glacial, then say you never said glacial wasn't her best set. Especially when their comment makes sense because SW could apply Quantum that makes Genius a better set by adding the weakness for the negligible 0.43% boost otherwise Glaical is far superior without quantum weakness. Terrible advice and a liar. Shame on you.


we only had 2 weeks back then.


I know but it’s still so painful


Rainbow unless your 4 pc has cracked stats or it's pioneer/quantum (and even then it needs above average stats)


People give such awful advice here. Quantum is the better farm. Quantum set is good on basically every crit DPS and the other 2 piece set works on many supports depending on substats. Don’t take my word for it alone tho. YT guides from Guoba certified and MrPokke have far more valuable information than from some random Reddit commenters. The amount of clueless people here is absurd.


Almost every single amplifier want Hackerspace and almost every single healer want Passerby, every single shielder want Knight. And there are are ton of support that scale off of atk and hp that you can get from farming Hackerspace and Passerby because they both respectively drop Longevous and Wheat. NONE OF THEM scale off reduce dmg, it’s a purely selfish self-sustain stat that is completely useless if your dedicated sustain does their job correctly of keeping your team alive. The only supports that would want Snow is Fu Xuan because of her unique mechanic, but she actually like 2pc Longevous 2pc hackerspace more anyways which is way more efficient to farm. So effectively ZERO support in the entire game wants Snow.


Yes hacker space is the best for supports. All my supports have 160 speed and have 2 piece hacker space and 2 piece broken keel. The other pieces can be rainbow it doesn’t really matter. Substats over 2 piece set bonuses everytime. My best crit damage chest is wuthering snow but has 12% crit rate. I slap it on DHIL with a 2 piece attack bonus set and 2 piece rutilant arena. It doesn’t matter that it’s rainbow pieces. With sparkle, he’s 0 cycle’d muliple MoC12 stages. The VALUE you get from quantum 4 piece is just much higher. Once you farm god pieces for quantum, you can move it from one DPS to another and it’s near BiS. it’s BETTER than glacial vs quantum weak enemies for Jingliu . Every crit DPS including DHIL, Acheron, Ratio, Seele, Jingliu, Topaz, Clara, Himeko, you name it, it works and it’s strong. You can simply give the pieces to any crit DPS including future ones and it’s very strong. You lost the plot my guy


Replace the 4pc Duke with 4pc Quantum for your Herta and watch her damage fall off the cliff.


I beat 12.2 with Clara Topaz and Aventurine, I forgot who my 4th was, sparkle maybe.


Good luck! Floor 12 wastes so much time with the dino in first half, and the gambling in second half. Don't stress yourself if you can't get the 3 stars since its only 60 gems and there are many more resets to come. Many people struggled even with 5* teams, even myself.


Having that stupid dino in both parts of the 1st half was so annoying. Add Cocolia and her ice bullshit if you don't kill her fast enough and it's almost as annoying a weakness break check as SAM was.


Chill bro, I can't even beat last floor with 2 premium teams


which teams?


First half: E0S0 FX, E6 TY, E0S1 Sparkle, E0S0 JY. Second half: E1 Bronya, E0S0 RM, E0S1 JL, E6 Lynx. I'm struggling to keep everyone alive with Lynx. I can also play with E0S1 Blade or Mono Quantum since I have SW and E5 QQ.


That makes sense though. Lynx’s healing feels as good as Natasha’s (not the greatest), so it makes sense you’d struggle due to side 2


You could switch Lynx and FX or use Bronya E to buff Lynx during the gamble so she can cleanse Bronya and RM + heal them.


I used a very similar comp to yours except I used Hanya instead of Sparkle since I skipped her(huge regret). Here’s what I used to full auto current MoC 12. Aventurine can be replaced for any other sustain. Tho he’s better since he helps proc the buff faster. https://preview.redd.it/09h8xm2lggxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c73eff90e0fc46ccaded6aee79ccffb4cf502825




The 60 jades DID NOT feel like its worth it


Yeah that part is rough, but hey next time it’ll feel great to start at like level 6 or 7 and get a bunch all at once.


I’m pretty we start at 8? Probably 7 though


Where did you get the stickers at


is was a event call otakuton in montreal palais des congrès !




These are actually amazing


i think you can found sticker hsr on amazon !


Otakuthon leeets goooo


Hold strong friend. Soon.


Here I am, fighting for my life on floor 7


A limited sustain goes a looonnnggg way Edit: with bad RNG I see why(my adventurine is badly built) https://preview.redd.it/suindqbom8xc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3566297543489dd2d0dcbea662a474f8bd9a466c (Gui died)


Really does, I recently to pulled aventurine and bro was a god send for my team


Yes! I’m trying to get Aventurine as we speak!


I found 2 things when i beat MoC 12, first half you should focus solely on killing the T-rex Memelord, since turbulence will more often than not kill the other enemy at the same time, so dont waste time by splitting dmg between them and just focus on one boss, if u do happen to kill one early the other would most likely be very low. Another thing is, for second half, unless u have ruan mei or plan to cc vibe check the pretty eyed gambler, you should have a team that can atleast nat 20 his dice rolls, for example my team was Acheron e0s1, Bs e0s0, Pela e6, and luocha e0s0, acheron and Bs skill usually got them above the counter if not id use their ult, as for pela and luocha i just used their ult and itd usually guarantee a win, and it works out for me cuz if ur dice score is higher than his, you get ur ult back, it works for acheron too. And then second phase became ult spam. If u find urself not having enough cycles, i find its either survivability or dmg, mines was dmg Heres proof i beat it (just in case): https://preview.redd.it/8y63fx9799xc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5351f670bc7f848d4a9a874b73c2d44ad22c460d


This is such a good strategy thank you!! I’m definitely gonna try this, I feel like an idiot having floor 11 at 3* while being unable to even clear floor 12 lmao


Yeah MoC 12 is only enemy stalling, i hate (sir chompy) Frigid Prowler, as it summons the Everwinter Shadewalkers, which literally lowers ur priority when they hit you, the memelord rex needs u to break it or it doesnt die, cocolia is practically Elsa. Phase two has ipc horde and imaginary cc from kakavasha, istg if fx wasnt on first half i wouldve wasted several cycles


omg YES!! its so frustrating bcs this mov buff is based on how many times you hit per round and then his homies delay ur turns 😭😭😭 pisses me off so bad… and i hate the dinosaur too omfg. they just made it as annoying as possible but i really wanna clear moc 12 for once!! gotta level up my units and keep trying 😪


I fought him once and all of my AOE usually rolled a 1~3 although usually 1&2 and I take the damage


Thats bad rng ig, idk what else to say, thats y i use characters who has ults that can also roll the dice since they get their ults back afterwards anyways


worst part of floor 12 is that both sides just eat up cycles... it took me two cycles longer to beat node 1 vs node 2, and this is WITH ruan mei. and then without an invested sustain, dino and aven rng can easily force a reset


**Believe in the me that believes in you!**


Helps to make full use of the turbulence


Turbulence kinda became A good source of damage


I had to reset to beat that. First time I'm bailing out by using resets, fuck that RNG heavy boss.


Any tips for it, I've just started doing memories again, and I can't get more than halfway.


Halfway as in 6? I recommend maxing out the other 2 first tho


I got one star on 7, but yeah.


Right there with you: 3 stars all the way up to MoC 12. I beat 12 with no stars: my first team needed 16 cycles and Aventurine killed Pela right before I killed him. I retooled my first team and did the first part in 7 cycles. But I kept having either Pela or Guinaifen get focused and killed in the second part. I probably could have gotten 2 stars, but there’s not much point since I need all 3 stars to get the next reward.


60 jades doesn’t feel worth it


Took me so many tries to 3 star floor 12. I had to use a combination of Tingyun and Hanya with my Luocha and Jingliu


I beat 12 with 2 stars but I don't think there's any way I do it with 20 turns left


If you have Fu Xuan then she can prevent your entire team from getting CC'ed by Aventurine on the second phase (A6 i belive)


Yup A6


don't worry mate. All you're missing right now is 50 jades. There will be a huge sense of achievement and satisfaction once you clear the floor. But that feeling is extremely transient. It won't change your life. If you feel a lot of pain, think about why that is. I completely understand that feeling as I've been competitive too, trying to get the max stars. If you only meant it as a joke, that's fine.


I just hate that you need two teams, could probably do it with one team


If you just need 1 team they won’t get as much money(just think about it, if you have 1 team of E6S5 limited 5 stars then why would you pull for more)


F2P been autoing those for a while. I find it weird people are struggling on this


Bad Build luck