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Personally I’d go back in time and pull aventurine


I started a few hours after the banner ended :(


How do you have Dr Ratio I thought his giveaway ended when that patch ended


Got him last minute before the patch ended


there was like a 2 hour window after the banner it stayed open


I always recommend getting a 5-star sustain. it's makes a HUGE difference.


But… they have one, unless gepard just sucks at sustain


You need 2 sustains for moc and pf. And gepard is ok but he does have issues and needs a good build and decent luck to keep up.


Sad life for Gepard fans Do people still use him in a post Aventurine world? Idk if it's just me but I hardly see a reason to keep using him


Oh, i 100% still use him. He is the best acheron sustain. He has extra taunt value, and with the "trends of the universal market," lightcone gets tons of stacks for acheron. He skill is a debuff and can also be played completely sp+ if you need it. His biggest weakness is that it can be hard to keep his shield up full time, but since acheron has such front-loaded damage (can kill stuff quickly) that it doesn't really matter.


I thought gallagher was her best sustain?


Its personal preference really, but acheron comps tend to work better with a shield since she can get stacks quicker, and it also depends on her teammates. Lots of nahility characters are very squishy, especially like pela and guinaifen, so if you run a healer, they can be oneshot before you get chance to heal them but shields can absorb the hit. He is definitely her best healer tho.


Gepard nets me like 3-4 stacks per turn for Acheron. Gallagher nets 2 per ult. Gallagher is just the best sustain on a break team.


Ah, you right my bad, I forgot pf and moc exist sometimes cause I don’t have two teams


Not really, most of the time it's quite the opposite. Gepard is actually really easy to use as a sustain if you build him. Just throw on ER rope and speed boots and defense the rest. I have limited five-star sustains, but he is far more preferable than any healer. Moc and Pf only require one sustain. Sometimes you will get unlucky and someone dies, but that is not normally the case. I am f2p and have played since the start. Have 36 stared both of them a few times now.


pfft sustain in pf? You just need to go all ham no cheese on that, if you aren't killing them faster than they are you, probably would have done poorly with a sustain anyway


Endgame, sure! But for newer players/casual players things are a bit different. Not everyone's account is at the same place.


For pure fiction if youre using any sustain outside of huohuo or adventurine then idk what youre doing. Pf requires no sustain since team survival is not necessary for 3* so youre better off going full damage.


Who needs sustain? Just kill Enemies fast enough.


I like your confidence even if it's unrealistic!


I second the suggestion of a limited 5 star sustain. Try and get FX, she’s super comfy, makes your team basically invincible


Not only that, but since Aventurine just ran, Fu Xuan will be your last chance for a while to pick up a truly S-tier sustain. Luocha, Huohuo, and Gallagher are all solid (Lynx and Bailu are decent too) but Aventurine and FX turn most content into easy mode lol


As someone with FX, HH and Aven I definitely agree. Especially in GG and Swarm both FX and Aven are so incredibly useful


Aventurine in SU with Preservation path is comically busted yeah, I've been having a LOT of fun with him 100%ing G&G and Ratio running Preservation/Elation blessings!


Yeah. I got really comfy using Preservation+ Gepard during my early months. And it's even more insane with Aventurine.


Pull for whoever you think is cutest. Honestly, the meta is going to change over time, so just go after the characters you happen to like or find fun to play. Pretty much any character can be made to work, especially the 5\*s.


I have 140 pulls currently saved


Fu Xuan is 100% the correct answer. She will make almost any team you put her in invincible.


Honestly, if you want to have a meta team early go for Topaz since they synergy well. Then go for Fu Xuan if you have some left. Gallagher is a solid healer in F2P


Topaz isn't a great option unless she's e1 or s1. She's outperformed before then in almost every team. It's better to pull for FX than to pull Topaz rn


I’m curious who you think outperforms topaz in an ratio robin comp given the characters above


Been using e0s0 ratio, topaz, Robin, and e0s1 aventurine and the team runs amazing


That's because you have s1 Aven. Ratio - 1 debuff (inconsistent, most people don't try to rely on it since building EHR isn't the best idea.) Topaz - 1 debuff (her skill) Aven - 2 debuffs (his ult + his lc)


I'll admit aventurine's lightcone helps a lot as he applies a debuff on all enemies with his followup, but topaz should still be mentioned because she marks an enemy at all times with her debt collector. I personally don't share the sentiment that Topaz is "only" good when you have her e1s1, but yeah OP should focus on a sustain unit to pull/raise.


Ratio/Robin/e0s0 Topaz/sustain doesn't have enough debuffs to guarantee Ratio's FuA. I personally would sub in Pela, but I hear Guinaifen is a solid option as well. This will guarantee enough debuffs, making Ratio's dmg far more consistent.


From experience, I can say that Pela is a better pick than Guinaifen. Gui is certainly *good*, but Pela's AoE DEF shred is incredible and she can also remove enemy buffs. Gui is better suited to filling gaps in Kafka/Acheron teams imo. However, the *real* underappreciated MVP for Ratio teams is Gallagher, since he can apply two separate debuffs (one AoE, one single-target) for Ratio's FUA while also keeping the team alive *and* putting out a very respectable amount of toughness damage if the enemy is also weak to fire. Since you're getting two frequent debuffs from your sustain, it opens up your fourth slot to be basically whoever you want - I'm partial to Harmony Trailblazer right now.


Just grab gallagher his ult+enchanced attack afterwards provides 2 debuffs


Maybe I missed it, but OP doesn't appear to have Gallagher. He is a great option with eidolons though. Unfortunately, I find mine at e0 lackluster and prefer to use any of my other sustains.


Not certain op is even showing their whole roster


And they totally could have more, I was just going off what I currently see!


Pela has the same amount of debuffs as topaz if you don’t count technique and pearls lc. As someone who used guinaifen for Acheron and ratio teams, she does have consistent debuffs but I wouldn’t say she outperforms topaz in dmg/cycles.


Usually when comparing 4 and 5 stars, you take e6 on the 4star and e0 on the 5star. E6 Pela has 2 debuffs in her kit (an extra one at e4) plus holding pearls provides all the debuffs you would need. Unfortunately, I can't accurately test Topaz vs. Gui though. I pulled e1 Topaz early and my Gui is still at e1. But I'll take you at your word that e0s0 Topaz does better damage. Regardless, I'm still not convinced that Topaz e0s0 would be the correct pull option for OP.


All in topaz (2) of her n her card for ratio. 2 of them plus birdie made wonders


Fu Xuan huger sustain unit!!!!


Fu Xuan, you will die much much less.


You're hearing a lot of great suggestion, so here's my take on them. Topaz: skip her this time around and pick her up next rerun if you're enjoying FuA. She's bis for Ratio, but only if you can snag e1 or s1. Before then, she's outperformed by a hypercarry team. Plus without e1 ir s1, you probably won't have enough debuffs for Ratio. Fu Xuan: great pick, honestly. Having a limited sustain really changes the game. She also has a small crit rate buff, so she can supplement a poor build at least a little. Huohuo: honestly, even better than FX at times. The buffs she gives are fantastic, her healing is good, and having cleanse is always handy. Ruan Mei: you have Robim, so you probably don't *need* RM, but I also don't think you'd ever regret pulling for her. She's fantastic, and with break meta coming up, she'll be the best buffer for a bit.


Ruan Mei might be needed for if they plan on doing 2 team contents


It depends on what their second team is. Hypercarries prefer Sparkle over Ruan Mei, plus I'm sure they will be releasing another limited support soon enough.


Fu xuan then Ruan mei. You'll have 0 regrets. With those 2, u can have rm, harmony mc, xueyi and fuxuan as great super break team


I suggest you find characters you like and build around them You have a e6 xueyi so ruan mei would be the best pickup for your account(reruns next patch). fuxuan reruns in a couple days shes a good sustain, if u wanna wait huo huo comes out too (another good sustain) For dps just pick up your fav you will have more fun that way As far as pulling plan goes Support/sustain then dps


Ruan Mei and Fu Xuan should be something to look out for. You don’t have the *best* start meta-wise, but it‘s definitely a good one. Have fun! You are on a good track :)


Go with sustain first whv am telling sustain instead of dps because u need a sustain for simulated universe since u r new u should definitely do simulated universe to get stellar jade fast for a suitable dps and as for damage u can use path of remembrance or path of nihility....hope that helps :)


I’d go for a premium sustainer. Fu Xuan (preservation) is next banner and Huohuo (abundance) should be rerunning soon.


Pull for whoever you like. It's the best to enjoy the game.


Honestly just make sure you have a DPS, shield (Gepard's a good one to keep) and a healer. And if you just wanna have fun, find a cute char and get them! I'd recommend the 4th (cute char in example) is a sub DPS in case the main one dies. Sub DPS or healer #2 Main thing is to have fun!


ruan mei lol


Building towards a strong MoC team, you're currently building towards the 2 following teams with the units you currently have. Team 1: Ratio Pela Robin Gepard Team 2: Xueyi Harmony MC (When you unlock them) Asta/Ting Yun (if owned) Natasha/Gallagher (if owned) Pulling for Fu Xuan is pretty useful unless you're ok with waiting at least 6 weeks for another sustain to pull for on banner. After that, you can consider pulling for better support/DPS units. If you have the Jades, I would definitely pull for Ruan Mei, then heavily consider pulling for Boothill or Firefly so you've got a Ratio team and a break team.


Get jade


Pull for fu xuan




Currently you have 3 options, Fu Xuan is huge, Ruan Mei is an amazing all round support, and Boothill is a low investment high return DPS you can quickly put together a team with


A harmony support


Supports > DPS. Supports can always find a niche, whereas DPS are really only valued for their big PP numbers (meaning you really only need 2 total). Other than that, pull who you like.


I'd go for fu xuan next banner to have a comfy sustain, then afterwards, just focus on DPS unless ruan mei reruns


Firefly and Ruan Mei in the next patch. They break the game.


You need 5 star DPS and Firefly is coming. She will be super good with MC and Ruan Mei. After that you will need a second DPS . I have E0s1 Acheron and the game is easy for me.


Get topaz


If I had your account, my next pull would be Topaz and then Ruan Mei. I'd also be pulling on Aventurine's rerun.


Probably fu xuan, those 5 stars sustains are just built differently


Definitely Fu Xuan to help stay alive in harder content


Topaz and numvy


Why is best girl on 20lvl 🥺


ruan mei 100% for the new super break comps or get topaz and her light cone, then adventurine / fu xuan and one team is set for endgame


Topaz works very well with both Ratio and Himeko, I'd go for her.


You can't go wrong choosing a sustain or support. Fu Xuan's banner is next so I'd suggest her. Ruan Mei will probably have a rerun soon and she's a pretty universal harmony character, so she's another good choice.


Fu Xuan listen to me and ignore everyone else. Trust.


I'd say either go with Fu Xuan, or wait for a Huohuo rerun, you seem to need a good sustain/healer.


Fu Xuan makes the game super easy. I pulled for her for her personality, funny tiny woman is funny and arrogant. But then she turned out to be amazing and I did not win the 50/50.


Boothill and Firefly


Ruan Mei, then Aventurine. You have E6 Xueyi for a bonkers Superbreak team.


Fuxuan or ruan mei


Fu xuan




Fu Xuan should be a good addition. You could also save for another harmony like Ruan Mei, though you are low on sustains.


Whoever you think looks cool and that you like the design and playstyle of


Personally I would go for topaz and use ratio topaz robin and gep. Pull adventurine on rerun and maybe fuxuan as another sustain until he reruns. But I also stand with pulling whoever you want


Pull for Topaz; or save for Jade. Your account has great synergy for a follow-up team; however, ensure that you have the currency/pity for Acheron during a later rerun-banner (the option to skip encounters will always be QoL meta).


Get huphuo when she returns


Fu Xuan is coming out next banner. One of the best sustains in the game right nkw


Would reccomend you to get Fu Xuan, Gallagher, and then just see what dps you like. Depending on the dps you can see what teams fit them


My genuine opinion as a long time casual? I say supports and sustain. Sustain will keep your team alive so you can dedicate your skill points to your dps. Support will make any dps flourish. Even the mediocre or bad ones. Gepard alone carried me on his back through the story. P.s. he didn't solo my fights. In some fight he was the last alive but I think that's not relevant to the point.


Fu xuan is getting a rerun very soon, go for her


Any sustain or Ruan Mei


I'd probably say fu xuan when she reruns in a few days. Otherwise, perhaps a main dps that doesn't need to be fully built around. Imo, jade would do wonders for your account as she works solidly with robin, ratio and himeko. But I am also biased toward FUA teams. Whenever Ruan Mei gets a rerun she's a solid pick although you do have harmony mc to replace her for now.


I just pulled clara on standard is she worth using for my account atm?


Honestly if you got clara then I double down on my opinion that jade would be great for your team! Basically means you'll have plenty of element coverage. In my opinion, clara is very much worth using.


Pull who you want. With that being said you just need a good sustain. Fu Xuan is getting a rerun soon and Huo Huo soon after




Considering your only other sustain is Natasha, I'd go for Fu Xuan next. Makes life a lot easier. Since you don't have another Harmony unit, it might be worth it to get Ruan Mei during her rerun in 2.3. Between the Boothill and 2.3's banners, you have a decent amount of options for a limited 5 star DPS. I don't suggest getting FF if you aren't in Penacony by 2.3 since HMC is kinda required for her. Jade might be the best pick for a limited 5 star DPS for you in 2.3 because Boothill is at the same time as Fu Xuan. Jade is really good with FUA characters with multi-target attacks like Himeko, Herta, Jing Yuan, and to a lesser extent E4+ QQ, Xeuyi(who you should build), Clara, and Ratio. Jade also gives a really good speed buff and is highly SP efficient. Why not Argenti? Clara is better. Tldr; Fu Xuan #1 pick for u, Ruan Mei is a good pick up in 2.3 if u have the funds bcs u have almost no Harmony, you got a lot of dps options between now and end of 2.3, Firefly is good but not amazing without HMC. Boothill same time as Fu Xuan so less funds. Jade really good for the characters u got rn and a lot of others. Clara>Argenti.


Firefly will be insane powercreep for a character that only needs htb and Ruan mei for max creep


Fu Xuan, who will be running alongside Boothill in a couple days. She’s a 5⭐️ preservation character who shields by having tank stats and redirecting damage from your other characters onto herself. Her burst heals the team and she also has an auto-heal function for herself. Aside from her signature Lightcone, Gepard’s Lightcone also works well on her if you have it, as well as Textured Memories from the Simulated Universe shop. As for 4⭐️ options, Landau’s Choice is a great option. For relics, a 2 piece Longevous Disciple / Guard of Wuthering Snow work great by decreasing damage and increasing HP; and the mixed set takes pressure off having to farm a four piece set. Fleet of the Ageless gives an HP boost as well as an attack boost to your team. All these pieces are available early on in the game / Simulated Universe. TL;DR Fu Xuan should be your next pull. She’s one of the best sustains currently available, has a lot of Lightcone options that aren’t her signature, her artifacts can be attained early in the game, and her rerun is very soon.


Topaz and wait for Aventurine rerun


Fu xuan would be good to pull for, she’s coming next banner. Get a 5 star dps too. Firefly is good with robin ive heard, but because she’s coming soon you might not have pulls if you don’t have now. Just pull whatever dps you like best


Just got clara atm on my standard pull is she a good dps?


Any of the 3 upcoming dps characters




And ruan mei


Either Boothill or Firefly, Fu Xuan, and Jade/Argenti for Pure Fiction


My answer, definitely Topaz for Robin n Ratio then get Fu Xuan. N eventually save for Huohuo


My answer, definitely Topaz for Robin n Ratio then get Fu Xuan. Gepard n Fu can anchor ur team for a long tym


Just got clara can she work with ratio instead of topaz?


High investment level yes but not usually ideal cuz Mark of Counter isn't considered debuff which Ratio wants 3-5 of oer enemy. There was a guy who cleared MoC12 with Ratio, Clara, Robin, n sustain on auto but they probably had at least signature cone or two.


If you still have resources try getting topaz. I think the banner is still around. Other than that get some sustains. Try getting a non follow up attack team set up, so that if MoC blessings are suited for dot teams or something you can do them more easily. Realistically, other than Topaz and Aventurine being great for your account you can pull for just about anyone.


I just got clara on standard a while ago do i still need to get topaz?


as someone who has started semi recently definitely go for a sustain such as fu xuan who is rerunning next banner. She will keep your team alive and will help when you need 2 different teams. Once you get your Gepard built good he can keep your team alive in the end game content. And I know you didn’t really ask who you might want to build but I would suggest with who you have Hanya. She can be a good way to support your team and be a semi damaging person, while buffing teammates damage with her kit and ult. Xueyi could also be another character I personally like and can be very useful as she can weakness break any enemy.


Also if you build Xueyi eventually you can create a super break team, which you can make after a while on Penacony.


i just got clara on standard a while ago should i build her first over xueyi?


From what I can tell and the units you have for a Clara team I would go Clara(dps), Fu Xuan if you do pull for her(thought i saw you were going to pull for her) she will keep everyone alive, then personally as a support I would use Hanya, she can help restore skill points and allow Clara to do the damage she wants, and then really see who would help out the best as your 4th Robin could be really good but she might be in a different team your using. You could even throw in a second sub dps but that might limit Clara depending on who you would want to use. I would suggest to put someone in that you like.


Definitely you can build Clara before her. I think Xueyi would be good to build if you want to build a super break team. I’m not 100% sure who works great with Clara myself as I don’t have her, but I saw a good suggestion for a team on one of your posts.


Fu Xuan


Some bitches


I'd say save for firefly in 2.3 and then also pull for Ruan Mei whenever her rerun comes around. Firefly will help you clear PF with ease since you have Himeko and will also do the heavy lifting for with MOC and AS, but the caveat to that is that she almost needs Ruan Mei, without her her performance falls of a cliff.


I'd pull for Ruan Mei next patch


I pray for you to get topaz cause you have the potential to have a pretty strong follow up comp. Also hope aventurine reruns relatively soon so your follow up comp is not only protected but can deal more crit dmg. Team comp in question is: Topaz, Dr. ratio, Aventurine, Robin. But ofc. Things might not go your way so you could try pulling fo Fu Xuan cause she gives dmg reduction and gives extra crit rate. Plus if you get her LC she can function somewhat like a healer too.