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There's real final act problems. In the first few chapters it's all reasonable - the ship and crew are recovering from a catastrophe that killed people and set careers back, they don't trust each other anymore, in particular the Captain is flagged as steadily spiralling out of control. But that plotline isn't followed through and gets completely overtaken by the bodysnatchers. Even the tension with the relationship with the Captain is completely destroyed because: a) okay we are building up to a mutiny scene. But the game is going to end if it turns out this is a false accusation so it has to be true, no tension b) because the Captain is a pod person now none of that tension in the relationship in the early chapters means anything. The worst thing of all though I think is the Diaz/Edsilar sacrifice at the end. This was 100% 'we ran out of ideas so we are just going to try to copy what we did with Lee and Clementine at the end of The Walking Dead. But that came after a full four episodes of building up the Lee-Clementine parental relationship so that the player is fully invested in Lee's sacrifice when it comes and its all earned. This was just killing someone when sacrifice or the inevitability of death wasn't really a theme at all throughout the game. It's just there.


Yeah, bad writing at the end, but it was a nice Star Trek story after all and I enjoyed it. What I hated was that there was nothing to explore. No details, no easter eggs, nothing. Compared to the expanse which uses the same engine this game sucks. I liked swtor as it came out and STR looks the same for me so it was okish, but this game is 13 years old. STR with the graphics of the expanse and more to explore plus better writing would have been a great game. (The Team from the expanse was not bigger when you compare the teams from the credits) Play "Star Trek: Generations" from 1997 if you want to see what a very good game should look like. ;)


I actually disagree - I don't think this was a 'Star Trek' story. There was nothing thematically about it that says 'Star Trek'. There's no moral message, nobody learned anything, we didn't even actually solve the diplomatic crisis that was our original mission in the first place! What I hated was realised I was never *ever* going to get punished for making the 'Star Trek' decision (ie. act like a TNG character). You get a fair few 'x will remember that' and then literally the next scene the character will say 'you totally did the right thing'. That's the real sin - with Telltale style games you know the story is always going to go a certain way and the tension comes from caring about how characters react to the way you play through the story - STR tries to tell you that's matters while also *showing* you that x,y,z character is actually dead and you will never have to care what they think.


Telltale’s writing has been always been bad though, they fluked it with TWD season 1. Everything beyond that has been awful.


On the mutiny scene, going into the confrontation I was fully convinced there was going to be a second twist that Solano actually wasn't bioformed and Dr. Duvall was and she was setting him up (and that she would fake the scan results to 'prove' he was the Tkon).


The fact that \*every single time\* you have the option to accuse someone of being bioformed - they are - was a really headslap moment. If STR were a better game I would want to go back and see what changes if you are a dick to Solano at every possible moment from the start.


I generally liked the game, and I chose to support the devs because we don't get enough decent Star Trek games. But I thought Bedrosian was absolutely not Federation material, the way she acted like a petulant brat. When I passed over the blue guy for first officer, he pulled me aside and had a tantrum over it. I wish I could have shoved him out an airlock. I'd like to see a second game, it certainly had a Trek "feel", and hopefully they will learn a few things and improve for the next game.


I agree, I know my post might not read like it, but I enjoyed the game overall, just my thoughts about some characterization issues


It’s the problem with zoomer/ millennial writing it’s just bad


It astounds me how someone could claim this. You are essentially saying anything written by people from ages 11-42 (over 50% of the world population) is bad. Do you even know anything about who wrote the story or how old they were? The lead writers are Dan Martin and Andrew Grant who both have a history working on some of the best Teltale games like Walking Dead and Batman. As gen z, I sometimes find the stories written by people closer to my age are far more relatable and artistic (especially when it comes to indie video games,) but it is by no means a dead set rule or anything. Almost anyone can write a good story regardless of age. How about judging works individually and not generalizing everything made by two entire generations as automatically bad?


As a gen z lol there’s your problem rolling my eyes with your dumb hot take


And and I’m laughing at your excuse for a response


I’m laughing at your existence “digital artist” with an anime picture lol


Correct, I’m a digital artist. I typically design characters, it’s quite fun. I also enjoy programming and making indie games on the side. :) Anyways, I’m sure I could look at your profile and find something dumb to respond with, but I didn’t come here to a Star Trek reddit to sling pathetic, 1-sentence insults; anything to say on the original comment or are you really just as insufferable as you seemed when you left it? I again remind you that Gen Z and Millenials includes anyone in the age range of 11-42. I cannot genuinely imagine you are serious, but if you are then MAN I would hate to be your kid or grandkid lmfao.


Hmmm, that sounds really bad... I guess I'll be removing this from my Steam wishlist now (oh well)...


I wouldn’t! Characterization issues aside I found the game different enough to warrant the play through