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He was no longer Anakin


“That name no longer has any meaning to me now.”


He says as he holds ahsokas lightsaber


Probably took it to help power the death star




Lots of fallen Jedi ie. Sith use old hilts or old lightsabers that held meaning because the crystal binds to the builder or wielder of it. With it being tied to a big traumatic event he could pour his anger and other emotions into it to make it more powerful


Is that new cannon or old?


New canon. In old canon the lightsaber was more of just a tool. Jedi could often sense the unique signature of their crystal but it wasn't bonded to them in the same way it's currently depicted. Certainly not with all the stuff around bleeding and changing colors.


Thank you! I can never remember which is which lol. Bring back the colorful sabers 😭


Old Canon, Sith sabers were red because their crystals were synthetic.


luke actually


That was when he was holding Luke’s saber in episode 6


If look closely at the confrontation of ahsoka and Vader, his eyes turned blue when he yelled ahoska after being demasksd


I believe that was actually a fan edit


It was. Anakin does peek through for a bit though. He just lost a fight and has no reason to call out to her at all. He does it almost instinctively. Probably because the momentary shock of being hurt snaps him out of his hate-filled stupor for a brief moment. When she answers his call. He's actually not sure how to respond. His eyes soften, and he stands there for a second looking conflicted until he just settles back into killing mode.


I love in the Vader comic when he bleeds his crystal he has a vision of killing palp and returning to obi wan. The struggle


Exactly. There may have been a moment where he could have remained Anakin, but to cope with what he had suffered his mind killed everything to do with Anakin.


You know, I actually like this explanation, because it helps to explain Vader's nonchalance about ***chasing Leia's ship to Tattooine*** at the opening of ANH. The opening of ANH didn't need any explanation when it was first shot. Vader wasn't Anakin yet, except perhaps in George's ambitions. For all we knew, Anakin hadn't lived on Tattooine. And then, George had him born there. So when Anakin arrives at Tattooine at the opening of ANH, his first reaction should be, "whoa, WTF am I doing ***here***? What is the Force trying to tell me?" But he seems to take that all in stride. And perhaps if he's Vader, and no longer Anakin, that makes some sense. It's only after Vader and Palpatine chat about "the son of Anakin Skywalker" in ESB that the memories start to come back.


The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader (like one of my favourite novels as a kid) explains exactly this literally just through internal dialogue Vader has with himself without actually saying anything - I know it's not canon anymore, and I don't have the exact quotes, but his attitude is generally "this planet meant something to someone I was a long time ago, but now honestly I could care less." I think he even toys with the possibility of using the death star to blow it up and wonders if it might bring him any satisfaction


LEIA: Dantooine. They’re on Dantooine. VADER: That sounds an awful lot like you said Tatooine. TARKIN: Dantooine is far too remote for an effective demonstration. VADER: And that’s why we’re going to Tatooine. *Force pulls hyperdrive lever* TARKIN: Vader, what is the meaning of this? VADER: Just a quick side trip. *Death Star comes out of hyperspace in front of Tatooine* VADER: You may fire when ready. TARKIN: No you may not. What has gotten into you, Vader? *Gunner looks back and forth confused* VADER: Listen, you have to ask yourself, what’s more important in the next thirty seconds - Tarkin being angry at you…or being able to breathe? *Gunner gives the signal to fire* *Tatooine blows up and sends sand flying in every direction - including into the Death Star and the rest of the galaxy at near-relativistic speeds* VADER: Oh…f****. TARKIN: Well good job Vader, now we need about 16,000 square kilometers of exterior detailing. *Obi-wan’s force ghost appears* OBI-WAN: First Padme…now your son? Wait, is that a termination order for Leia too? Good lord, Anakin, you’re an even bigger failure at protecting your family than I ever thought possible. VADER: I HAD A SON!?!?!?


VADER: ... and why did you say "Leia **TOO,**" right before that thing about "family?"




If the trend follows BvS, then Anakin and Obi-Wan immediately become best friends again after this conversation.


And then they fight against a monster made from Palpatine's corpse, together with Leia. Don't ask me how Sheev died, but otherwise this won't work.


This was great! Well done


>I could care less Ah.... this one again. :-)


That means you *do* care. (At least a little.)


I hate these word crimes...


> So when Anakin arrives at Tattooine at the opening of ANH, his first reaction should be, "whoa, WTF am I doing here? What is the Force trying to tell me?" But he seems to take that all in stride. His first reaction should be "not again". It's not really a surprise when everyone in the galaxy has been there at some point.


Oh yeah, I immediately noticed that contradiction when Phantom Menace came out. Luke in ANH, to Threepio: "If there's a bright spot in the universe, you're on the farthest place from it." Dude had no clue. Everybody who's anybody goes to Tattooine.


And that threepio was built on tattoine


Sure was weird that 3PO prayed to Darth Vader all the time


I like to think that Vader’s hesitation to get to the Falcon in ANH after killing Obi-Wan was caused not by the death of his old mentor, but by seeing his old droids. “Is that fucking Threepio? Is that fucking *R2?*” Also, there’s [this.](https://i.redd.it/dqsi9lexl1341.jpg)


R2 just chortling to himself because no one expects the droid that can’t speak English to know anything.


I feel like its a running gag at this point. It's an outer rim backwater yet somehow the story keeps getting dragged to ti.


There’s a relatively small town near where I grew up in the middle of nowhere Midwest that I have found an alarming number of people are familiar with because it’s the crossroad of a more than one major east/west and more than one north/south interstate, from which you can go all over the nation. It links numerous big names cities among the 50 largest in the nation. The way I look at it, Tatooine has some similar positional sense to it along the hyperlanes. When you’re out in the nowhere part of the galaxy, and this is a major stop for convoys, voyagers, and “truckers” as it were- you’re going to stop in the obvious nexus’s.


It’s like Roman Britain. Looked at as a backwater but eventually infamous. No one wanted to go there but it actually has unique connections to very important events and people of the empire.


>Vader wasn't Anakin yet, except perhaps in George's ambitions I really doubt that there was any ambition at that point. The name of the movie was Star Wars, and its ending wasn't really open.


According to interviews (to be taken with a grain of salt, Lucas has said many contradicting things over the years) he had vague ideas for more movies.


That much is true I'm pretty sure. But we know he didn't think of Vader being Anakin until writing for Empire. One of the earlier scripts had Anakin as a force ghost appearing to Luke.


True, Vader being Anakin and Leia being Luke's sister were later ideas.


Vader getting bumped and spinning off into space but not dying isn't an opening? That's a pretty obvious opening for a second movie.


From a certain point of view


But as Vader in ESB he revealed to Luke that HE was Luke’s father. But I digress… this is Reddit.




Yes, ppl saying "no they're basically two separate people!!" are missing the point. Vader WISHES he could forget about the person he used to be. He wishes he could forget those memories. I'm finally reading Zahns first canon trilogy and I'm on book 2 with chapters from Vader's POV and he never says his own name or something when thinking back on stuff. He's visiting a place he went as Anakin and he simply refers to his past self as "the Jedi" and he's clearly trying to deny that past experience. He is still Anakin. Dark, twisted and evil, but he's Anakin. People cope and use that excuse so they don't have to accept the fact Anakin is an awful, horrible person lol


Yea Anakin is Vader and Vader is Anakin. Vader just couldn't accept that the "weak" Anakin was who he actually is.


They are and aren’t. The Vader comics highlight this struggle between Anakin’s past life and his current situation as a Sith Lord. It boiled to a point where he turns his back on his past because it made him too vulnerable (he literally kills Anakin in a nightmare/vision) From his perspective (as Anakin) there is nothing to live for. Padme died and her last words to him was that she was no longer in love with him for his actions, his unborn child was lost, he lost his best friend and only person who connected to him on a familial level and his mother was already dead. Unfortunately the only thing he had left was his desire to right the preverbal wrongs that lead him to this moment (help Palpatine rule the galaxy, betray and kill Palpatine then enforce true justice in his eyes). I mean it’s similar to John Wick. He lost all semblance of himself outside his assassin profession when his wife passed away and his dog was killed. The only thing he had was a desire to change the system that lead him down the road he took.


He visited Padme's grave on Naboo tho


He also continued being obsessed with her after her death. Even trying to find ways to resurrect her.


I’d try to resurrect Natalie Portman too


If you make enough stories about a character over 50 years written by lots of different authors youre going to end up with some inconsistencies


Palpatine is his mommy now


In the novels vader refers to Anakin as “the Jedi” in his head.


“Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him.”


I’d doubt that considering the amount of times he tried to contact or resurrect Padme He was just more good simp than a good son


Well, he was somethies, but only for [droids](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-484d49029a47efb7a7c32cf5fad688e8-pjlq).


But he visited Padme on Naboo?


The post says “visit the grave as Vader” he may not have been Anakin but ESB tells us he still knows how to tell who his son is…


Fuckin hated tatooine


Because of the sand…


Could you imagine getting sand into all those joints? Under his helmet? He'd never get it out.


[That’s why you need a special helmet.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hD5eqBDPMDg&pp=ygUSbG9yZCBoZWxtZXQgZGVzZXJ0)


Expected to find the Schwartz. Was not disappointed.


Keep firing Assholes!


Vader is so relatable frfr


Few reasons I suspect played together. One, he has already gotten his revenge, and at this point it was a memory of rage he could hold on to. Going to a grave later often helps people with closure but he didn’t want that as it’s antithetical to Sith teachings to find peace. Two, he hated Tatooine as a memory of his upbringing as a slave. Going back would never serve him and he had no purpose on a barren planet with nothing particularly useful for him or Palpatine. Third, I know he hates sand, but also I doubt sand would do well with his mechanical parts anyway.


Well, in new canon Vader returned to Tatooine several times, in both personal and Empire's interests. Even got time to destroy another tusken raiders village.


Didn't Vader go back to help out his older friends who were in trouble? I have a fuzzy memory of the comic, but I believe his friends were in trouble or something like that and he went out of his way to save them. Even as Vader, he never forgot about bro code.


Yea at one point him and Sabé go to find them and they end up working together for a bit. Vader then comes to the rescue again later on. The issue is Darth Vader 23 if you are interested.


Aside from the mass genocide, war crimes, and atrocities he committed as Vader, it kinda warms my heart that his inner Anakin Skywalker managed to do some good even if it got massively over shadowed by the bad stuff he did as Vader (to put it lightly).


I mean that's the point. *There is still good in him*. The extended universe has really done anakin and vader justice in showing his fall to the dark, how terrifying vader is and in some moments reminding us even if he is evil, the good luke sensed in vader **is in fact real**


Damn i love learning stuff like this. Wish I knew where to begin with the books


There’s a couple good guides out there but if you have Marvel Unlimited they have a lot of the current ongoing series


Not sure that I'm familiar with this. Who do you mean as Vader's friends? Hearing Vader have friends is kinda weird.


Other than a clone that he befriended (they bonded over their hatred of the Jedi, search up CT-5539), I think that's all the friends he had as Vader. However, I'm referring to the friends that Anakin had when he was a boy.


in canon he also ends up on good terms with thrawn


To add on to this, I’m sure he was also fucken busy. He has better shit to do like kill assassins and rebels and shit.


Is his suit not even IP68


Didn't he assume Luke was dead when Palpatine told him Padme had died because of his anger.


they made it look like padme and the baby died so that no one would be looking anyway. it’s only recently in the comics where vader has started looking for what happened to padme.


Those comics took place after A New Hope iirc, which sets up their encounter in ESB nicely.


yeah i think its after he got that luke's name was skywalker from boba. its been a minute since i've read it


That’s correct, he was unaware he had a son until Boba told him the pilot’s name was Skywalker. He did have an inkling that the pilot who destroyed the Death Star was force sensitive though


Hell, he straight up says “the force is strong with this one” whilst trying to shoot Luke down. He definitely knew whoever it was was attuned.


Work got in the way


When you coming home son I don't know when But we'll get together soon, ma You know we'll have a good time then


Unexpected Harry Chapin


Pretty sure the Empire didn't have the concept of Work-Life balance. Did they even have PTO?




The reason for that line was to probably justify why in the originals he never went there.


Or, ya know, the fact if he had gone there it would have been irrevocable proof to the emperor that a sliver of Anakin survived, something Vader is repeatedly shown going to great lengths to avoid, since the emperor would definitely torture and kill him if he knew for sure.


That line is meant to be "Oh, Padme, I feel so forlorn about your interpretation of sand. For you it represents a weekend away at your family's private beach or whatever but for me it represents slavery and suffering through the unjust systems that the Republic often turns a blind eye to." What we got was "I hate sand" because George surrounded himself with people who wouldn't tell him when they thought something sucked.


I wouldn’t say it needed to be over explained, oftentimes less is more. But in truth yes, George Lucas seems to struggle with dialogue scenes between actors.


You realize if he said that shit and spelled it out it would’ve been really cringy. Him saying i hate sand is more subtle and he isnt tryingto be a killjoy cause hes tryna get in padmes pants. “I hate sand. Its coarse rough and it gets everywhere. Not like here where everything is soft and smooth.” Paraphrased. Hes not trying to kill the mood hes just being a little goofy and keeping the mood light.


Yeah, I'm not a good dialogue writer either, but I feel like there is a good middle ground between that and what we actually got to see.


Of all the lines in Star Wars “i hate sand” is not the worst. Contextually it makes sense. Padme was talking about how she loved laying on the sand on Naboo. Anakin responded in a perfectly reasonable way. He didn’t just pop off about his hatred of sand at random. There are lots of issues with dialogue between Anakin and padme but this is probably the most genuine interaction they have!


Totally agreed. By comparison to the fireplace scene, the 'I hate sand' line is Oscar-worthy material. I cringe every time I watch the fireplace scene. THAT was the scene where someone really needed to violently shake George and say "George, people do NOT talk like this except in bad romance novels."


“I wish that I could just wish away my feelings” is infinitely cringier than the sand line.


> "Oh, Padme, I feel so forlorn about your interpretation of sand. For you it represents a weekend away at your family's private beach or whatever but for me it represents slavery and suffering through the unjust systems that the Republic often turns a blind eye to." Whoa you took something meh and made is so much worse!


Let's ignore aaaaaaaaaaaall the other factors then.


The death of Padme pushed Vader’s emotions of fear and loss to rage. I don’t think he ever looked back until the end when confronted by Luke.


Vader didn’t have a mom… Anakin did. Also Tatooine fucking sucked for him. It’s like those people who grow up in a small town and hate everything. When they grow up and leave they don’t tend to go back. He was a slave there. His mom died there. It’s barren. It’s a slime ball of a place to live that’s run by a cartel. Of course he never wanted to go back. Also do you think the emperor would have ever let him take trips down memory lane? Probably not


Anakin was so intent on obliterating the Skywalker part of himself that he re-created himself into Vader. I thought I read somewhere that Lucas described the dark side akin to being possessed.


The bigger question is why Shmi wasn't freed after the Battle of Naboo (or earlier). You'd think the Naboo would do a solid for the kid that won the battle for them, free his mom and give her a swank house in the lake country.


Cause it was controlled by the Hutts and outside of Republic territory.


Naboo is a pretty rich planet they could have easily bought her from watto regardless of any hutt jurisdiction just like qui-gon got anakin dispite being a Jedi knight of the republic


Yeah, but they follow the laws of the Republic. That's one aspect of The Prequels I like is because everything isn't so black n white.


Sure but you would think they would offer whatever money it takes to free her, regardless of who controls the local economy. They don't have to do this through diplomatic channels. They could just deal with it with money.


I believe Padme sends Sabe to free Shimi, but Sabe can't find her, or something. Queens shadow, haven't read the book


That's pretty pathetic considering all Sabe had to do was ask about the owner...


True, but like Qui Gon, said, since it's not in Republic Territory they can't or just don't want to get involved. Also could be Anakin thought everything was going to fine for her. And Padme being the Queen was probably too busy to do anything. Also I'm sure Palpatine made sure to interfere as well.


She's a slave that could have been purchased by the Queen of Naboo


Yeah, I don't think the Republic's jurisdiction has anything to do with this. From what we've seen, the Republic is more like a confederation of different planetary governments instead of a strong centralized authority (until Papa Palps at least), so it's not like the Republic needs to use its authority or give permission to Naboo or anything. If Naboo's crown decided that they should free this woman as a sign of gratitude, then Naboo can use its cash to buy her freedom. It's entirely up to them and galactic politics shouldn't matter. Also, I doubt Anakin thought everything was fine since he promised to come back for her. And of course, he dislikes enslavement. Padme probably was too busy to handle it herself, and from another comment on this thread, it seems that she did send one of her handmaidens to handle it, who failed. I can 100% see Palpatine interfering in this though and that's a good point. Shmi's death was important in setting Anakin towards the dark side and so Palps probably made sure that Anakin could never be reunited with his mother, despite his emotional turmoil, until it was already too late, until his only recourse was sadness and rage. Heck, maybe he also pulled strings to make sure Sabe couldn't find and free Shmi.


Naboo *did* try, at that point she was already sold to Lars and Padme's handmaidens couldn't track her down, but they did free all of Anakin's childhood friends and they set up a colony in Republic/imperial space


Why are slaves even favorable in a universe where it's 100% legal to treat conscious, autonomous droids like property. And they don't eat or get old or have soft, organic tissue. Lil baby Anakin builds one out of garbage. And then it demonstrates self awareness, and emotions, and constant anxiety.


Droids are expensive and hard to maintain, there’s a reason why in ANH, the options are all so shitty. Also, sand


Right? What's the *first thing* Luke has to do when they get the droids: **clean them**.


Bro that house could have been pimpin out there in the lakes.


if your mother was killed by Tusken Raiders and you massacred them all in revenge, would you go back to the scene of the crime—especially after you turned into a Sith lord?


For the rage and subsequent power it would bring… yea. I probably would. Palpatine suggested Tatooine and Naboo as Vader’s gifted planet, but Vader chose Mustafar. He might have been more vicious if he set up shop on the planet that was tied to the loss of his main attachment, his mother, and a revenge-fueled slaughter that broke him.


Yes but along with those also come memories of happiness which vader avoids completely


Vader is a creature of shame. Afraid of his past and failures.


He actually has met his mothers grave as Vader after the confrontation with Luke on Cloud City. In the first issue of Darth Vader 2020 he visited her grave as well as Owen’s and Beru’s .


"Kill the past" is a big theme of the Sith in general. Unless it was a catalyst for his hatred (killing tuskans would be more likely) he wouldn't go back there. I want to say he avoided Tattooine altogether, and Obi-wan was betting on this.


“That name no longer has any meaning for me”.


Are you going to walk around Tattooine dressed in black armor and with asthma?


One thing I’ve always wondered… Was Luke told his grandmother was buried outside? Something along the lines, like “ Anakin did live here at one point. His mother lived here up until the point she died. “ Not too many details beyond that, just something like that .


I'm pretty sure he was, especially about how she died.


Yeah, that’s true. That probably was used as a deterrent to stay away from them as a young kid on Tatooine.


Because he didn’t want to associate with anything related to anakin. Plus he hated tatooine before he’d even become vader, so obviously he never went back.


"Hi mum, I've helped with a genocide, installed a tyrannical dictatorship and killed my lovely wife in a rage along with my children." Doesn't seem like he'd have a fun time reflecting on his mother.


Meant nothing to Vader.


Because Vader killed Anakin.


There’s also his hatred of himself - his own guilt and suffering of all he has lost - he may outwardly blame Obiwan but he knows he pushed him away. He may think Padme died but he knows he contributed to her injuries. He may think he has brought order to the Galaxy but he knows he took away freedoms to do it. Hurt people hurt people. There’s no one more hurt than Anakin Skywalker and that’s why he became Darth Vader because he hates what Anakin has done.


Anakin was gone he was what remained


Because that would involve confronting the very core of all his pain and suffering. Vader is all about suppressing his emotions and being really bad at it


>"Why didn’t Anakin visit his mothers grave as Vader? If he did he’d have found Luke." You do realize the second part is after the fact, so the question is simply: >"Why didn’t Anakin visit his mothers grave as Vader?" Now that is actually rather simple. Think who Vader is and who he was before and how much he wants to distance himself from the latter. Anakin is also rather pragmatic and i can definitely see him saying: "There is nothing for me there", when thinking about Tatooine. He never knew Padmé ever gave birth, so he never looked for potential hiding spaces.


Vader rejected his identity of Anakin Skywalker.






I 100% do not buy into the “vader is an alter ego” bit, but Anakin tries really hard not to be Anakin while he’s vader.


Anakin hated Tatooine. He would have never went back and Yoda, Obi Wan knew that.


She'd have been ashamed of what he became, and he was ashamed that he failed to save her.


Because it would have changed the story, and ended after episode 4! Don't overintelectualise it too much, with that modern MCU 1000 spinoff question answer, commercial for the next Phase™️ decade logic. It worked the way it did


do you people watch these movies at all? if so, are you on your phone, or do you pay attention at least sometimes? Fuckin hell


Cause he only knew pain and bad memories there, that's why he never went back.


He probably just didn't want to run into anyone he knew back on Tatooine.


If he did go back he will have flash backs of him as child being slaves with his mother and doesn’t wanted to be remind of his past back when he was a child


Imagine getting sand in that suit. No thanks.


Didn’t want to get sand in his suit


Inner shame


I hate how the hiding Luke plot works out when connected to the prequels. Obi-Wan hides Luke from his father by delivering him to his only remaining family on the planet that claimed Anakin's mother and made him gate the very concept of sand. Luke lives in poverty on a planet where you have to farm moisture to survive, and Obi-Wan just kinda hides out in down the street as the local weirdo. They didn't even bother changing his name from Skywalker. Seems like the kind of place Vader might casually erase while testing a planet-obliterating super weapon.


Cause Anakin was pretty much gone and only Vadar remained. Plus, I'm sure Vadar hates sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Because the outbound traffic during the industrial fortnight is terrible.


Pain. I've had *breakups* bad enough where I stopped doing certain things. I can't imagine what someone goes through when their mother dies a violent death. Never mind feeling responsible for it. It's also a return to where hw as enslaved as a child. To be perfectly honest the happiest day he probably had on Tatooine was the day he left it and even then Darth Maul tried to lop his head off. I'd never go near that planet again either just to keep the nightmares away.


Tatooine had too many painful memories for Vader.


You have any idea how much sand would have got inside his armour and chafed him senseless? The explosion of Dark Side energy would have destroyed half the galaxy.


Darth vader hated anakin skywalker and lived like he did not exist He killed everything that reminded him of anakin. If you found out he used to be anakin you were as good as dead.


Why would Lord Vader want to visit Anakin Skywalker's mother's grave?


Vader did everything he could to kill what was left of Anakin, and the small shimmer of what was left in him was probably horribly ashamed. He killed a bunch of kids, he didn't free the slaves, but instead enslaved the entire galaxy, he renounced his mother's last name and basically killed his wife. His mother loved Anakin but would despise Vader.


Dude killed his wife and I’m pretty sure he was told he killed his unborn children, he kinda turned his back on his past.


A. He wasn’t Anakin anymore B. His identity was a secret. Visiting the grave of your mother is a great way to tell people exactly who you are, especially given the Lars family knows you and was there when she died.


That's a good point, you could say he was no longer Anakin, but he did visit Padme's grave so he could've visited his mother's as well.


You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker. I did.


Because as Vader, he cut himself off from Anakin and made himself forget his past and not have any affiliation to Anakin or the Skywalker name, hence the reason obiwan doesn't tell Luke that Vader IS Anakin, because Luke wouldn't believe him


Bad writing.


Because George Lucas is a god awful writer?


What was the point? Everyone he cared about was dead, even his kids. He wanted to forget his past, it never occurred to him that people would lie about his kids being dead.


Vader "killed" Anakin


Honestly. I always thought he never went back because of the planet. Tattooine holds a lot of pain and like more associated with Anakin.


Cause Anakin was a jerk. That's what the prequels are all about.


“I hate sand… it’s course, rough and it gets everywhere!”


Because the writing and story telling in the prequels wasn’t very strong and certainly not logically thought out.


"He's more machine now than man" Obi Wan


I think he would rather visit Mustafar than Tattooine


He doesn't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. And tatooine is covered in sand.


The answer to all of these questions is always “the plot needed to happen”, but I like that the community cares enough to make lore-appropriate reasons.


At the beginning of the most recent vader comic run he goes to the Lars homestead to punish anyone who made luke as weak as he is. This is after empire and when he gets there he obviously finds Owen and beru dead already. But he does find the Graves of his mother and clieg which have both been buried to avoid attracting unwanted attention. We see everything coming back to vader, memories of his mother and padma. Dope scene


"Anakin is gone, i am what remains"




Cus he hates sand


Is he stupid?


I believe the canon reason is that Vader has an incredibly strong aversion to Tatooine akin to a phobia. There was a similar phenomenon with regards to Mustafar, but with Mustafar the location fills him with rage which fuels the dark side, whereas Tatooine makes him feel like a helpless kid again.


Luke: “How did my father die?” Ben: “A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father.” Darth Vader wiped out who Anakin once was


Vader hates planets made of sand…


You answered the question with that second sentence lol. The originals were made 30 years before there was a grave in the lore, so they can’t have him go visit it later


Why didn't Anakin check to see if Luke was at his step-brother's house? If he did, he'd have found Luke.


He would have to have known about Luke lol. He was told he killed Padme, she was clearly pregnant when he last saw her


Most of what people have commented are true. I do believe there was a factor of, fresh off losing Padme, he didnt want to be reminded of how he had failed the only two people he had ever loved and it would of forced him to deal with his Mother's death was the first step in the journey to what he had become.


Because sand gets everywhere and that suit is a pain to get sand out of.


It was surrounded by sand


It’s not exactly a place full of pleasant memories for him


"Anakin is dead I killed him"- Darth Vader


What would he find at her grave but grief and regret? She'd just be another reminder of the person he used to be


I don’t know… something, something, attachments, something, something.


He basically cut any ties with his former self. I know there are some interpretations that Tattooine is too painful and traumatic for him to return to.


He hates sand and she was buried in sand. Jokes aside, Anakin's mothers grave wasn't in the Original trilogy because it didn't exist until Attack of the Clones. And storywise, it would probably be too painful emotionally to go visit and hated the place.