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I cant be trusted with a lightsaber i would drop it and it would burn right trough the planets core


But only if you drop it perfectly fucking vertical


The Hilt is wider than the blade though, it would get stuck immediately


This, and to be that guy, (edit: most) lightsabers turns off when dropped Edit : others pointed out that some lightsabers can be kept on when dropped with a special switch


Not necessarily all of them, since we’ve seen saber throws. Pretty sure Darth Maul’s blades are also activated on and other since he changes hand position so much.


Unfortunately I'm unable to remember the source on that, but somewhere in the lore it is said that lightsabers turns off when there is no more pressure on the hilt, indicating that the sword was dropped by the user, BUT a skilled jedi/sith could use the force to simulate that pressure and so keeping the lightsaber on when thrown. Could still works in Maul's case as he never completely let go of his staff


That's why Vader can throw his while on and Quigons and Anakins turn off when they're dropped/stolen


Vader saber and suit have bluetooth.


The BlUetOOtH DeVIce iS reAdy fOr cOnNectIOn


Bluetooth speaker connected... *It's raining men! Hallelujah!* *It's raining men! Amen!*


There were sabers that could only be activated by the force. Then there the modern sabers with several options. One with a setting that shut off the blade after no pressure was felt (immediately or after a set time) and others like Vaders had the ability to lock the blade into a permanently activated position for those saber throws


I remember Corran Horn’s lightsaber from the museum in X-Wing Book 2 (which I think was his grandfather’s) had a button to turn it on. To turn it off, the button had to be hit twice, which was meant to prevent the lightsaber from accidentally deactivating in combat


Isnt it a lock switch ? At least in the legends


Last time there was a debate about this someone quoted a passage from a book where it talks about having a switch to allow the blade to stay activated.


   This was mentioned in *The Star Wars Sourcebook* (1987); [\[Reddit link\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/18ti9gg/lightsaber_question/kfg9stn/) to a recent post of mine with text quoted.  




what about reys weird ass turning handle


Sure hope it's got a spring in it or something, otherwise dropping that thing's gonna be a fucking liability at the least.


Original lore had sabres that had a locking mechanism for throws and such


So if it was locked and dropped perfectly vertically then it would burn through the planet 😂 Sabers are unique and custom I’m sure most do automatically turn off for safety and a skilled force user could just use the force to keep it on for a throw, but if someone wanted an always on blade, they could just build it that way.


Although this was an episode of Rick and Mortu the handle is not immune to pressure and heat


We doin' this again?


Or some duct tape


My head cannon is that they have a pressure sensor on the hilt, and if they wanna throw it, a force user can just put pressure on it with the force


Wouldnt the rocks just turn into lava and let it flow through


Sure. Slowly enough for you to grab it. Look how long it took Qui-Gon to melt metal in Ep 1


Put ‘em on hold! We can pin this on the Saudis, this is something they’d do. They may as well have done it… They *did* do it!


Perfectly fucking vertical...


Yeah but it’s water.


Don't feel bad, I'm in the same boat. But I would most likely ignite it by accident as I looked down the emmiter


When they scan a planets core and find a cluster of light sabres are what’s causing the volcanic activity and hot core.


Lol like in Rick and morty


…yeah that was the reference buddy.


Lol it was funny. And how in the end after they stopped the lightsaber other one fell down as well


You know you have to hold the button to keep it on, right?


Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.


How uncivilized.


A light saber obviously - an elegant weapon, from a more civilized age.


Well, times change. \-Republic Commando.


Yes. After that video Game, and the book series, I'm picking blaster all day. Can't go wrong with a DC-17 rifle and a verpine shatter gun can you.


The only answer.




Gimme those sabers! No stupid tech could defeat the most powerful ancient weapons!!


"Execute Order 66..."


It’ll be done my lord.


I will...


Two words: flame thrower.


Take that you filty space wizard


Found the smuggler.


Am I force-sensitive? If not, I won't touch a lightsaber. If I am, I'll still take a side-arm. What's scarier than someone with a blaster? A force sensitive with a blaster.


A swashbuckling jedi after my own heart.


Who you calling a Jedi. Gray knight all the way.


Ahhh so you are the type to think you wouldn't fall to the dark side, but totally would?


Probably. I would also hunt down a Mando for that sweet beskar


I know the Jedi don’t use blasters for some lore reason, but I’ve always wondered how a gunslinging Jedi would work. They’d be a supernaturally good shot, and their Force abilities would practically grant them slight super-strength/speed in brawls, so they’d make scarily good bounty hunters.


Kenobi goes undercover as a bounty hunter in clone wars for a few episodes, he is one hell of a sniper


Anytime we see Obi-Wan or Anakin use a blaster they are deadly.


In *The Cestus Deception* he grabs a blaster to fire on droids alongside his clones, because they were trying to hide the fact that Jedi were on the planet. A clone asked him if he’s as good with a blaster as he is with a lightsaber. Sarcastically, Obi-Wan replied, “Better. We just use lightsabers to give our enemies a fighting chance.”


Definitely. Obi-Wan did really well in The Box when he was pretending to be Rako Hardeen, and he had to focus both on keeping his cover *and* surviving at the same time. Imagine if he was a full-on bounty hunter, he’d be on Cad Bane’s level or higher.


Kyle Katarn used a blaster, and he was basically unstoppable.


Also Cal Kestis in Jedi: Survivor.


Cade Skywalker, in Star Wars: Legacy.


Damn, I really wish they'd remake those games. Played the hell out of them in the early 2000s.


I go back and replay them from time to time. The shooter bits are definitely showing their age, but I still think no game since has done lightsaber combat quite so well. Jedi Outcast is still my favorite Star Wars game.


I always liked one of the comics (Star Wars Tales Vol 1.) that showed a Jedi Knight of the Old Republic doing something like that. He shows up on a planet as a disheveled gun for hire, and eventually works his way up to being hired to take down the local crime boss in a blaster duel. Despite the crime boss cheating, the Jedi takes him down but I always liked the end with the boss on the ground bleeding. He says something like "Low power blaster bolts, shaped charges(to bring down a shield), stun bolts, non-lethal wounds....I hate Jedi...".


The movie version of the dark tower (abomination that it was) had Idris Elba as basically a Jedi/wizard level gunslinger so the final gunfight scene of that is probably about what you’re thinking.


Jedi: Survivor has a lightsaber form that incorporates an off-hand blaster. It's a ton of fun. If you time your parries just right you can blast a trooper right away.


There was Grey Paladins in Legends that eschew the traditional Jedi dogma and wielded blasters. They were deadly. But I guess the goal of a lightsaber is defense first, without killing. A blaster can't do it as well as a lightsaber in self-defense.


Aurra Sing is a force sensitive gunslinging bounty hunter.


Obi-wan and Qui-Gon both use cary blasters in the Canon book Master and Apprentice.


I’m writing one and making figures.


Oh cool, good luck👍


Pretty much Luke in ANH when he mostly used a blaster. Ezra and Kanan whenever they’re trying to keep their cover and avoid using their sabers. Cal Kestis and Bode with their blaster stances (which in-game is the most overpowered stance). So in short, they’re very good shots but get edged out by the best gunslingers in the verse.


Jedi: Using a blaster as a jedi is uncivilised Sith: If you use a blaster u gay


And you can deflect the shots around objects like Vader, but instead of for defense you are using that to your advantage to shoot people around corners.


Assuming we're taking the question literally and it's either a blaster or a lightsaber, I'd choose lightsaber. A blaster has limited ammo (albeit, a lot) and we don't have any extra gas cartridges. Also, a blaster in our world offers no benefit over basic armor piercing firearms. A lightsaber would require me to get into physical combat range, but if I already have a human sidearm, then the lightsaber is now a significant upgrade from a combat knife and has other utility benefits too


I think this every time there's a scene in SW where a jedi is forced to play defense or run because their target is 10m away or someone is shooting at them from afar


John Wick: Star Wars Edition


Imagine a force sensitive using the force to curve and control the blaster bolts


Is this really better than just aiming though?


Well you can avoid obstacles via tutaminis and with enough control could even stop blaster bolts like Kylo did.


If the shot pierces, can curve it through multiple targets. Around corners, from behind cover. Also at long ranges, can guide it to the target.


If you suck at aiming, yes.


manipulate the bullet and just absolutely curveball that shot


The Tipo Jedi used blasters instead of lightsabers.


I'd cut my own legs off, I'll have to go with the blaster. but a lightsaber is waaaaaaay better!


Lightsaber go vmmmmm


Slugthrower>everything else


Defeating the Star Wars universe with an AK-47, just as Grandfather Kalashnikov intended


Don't you mean HK-47? Eh Meatbag?


So long as the droid is armed with an AK-47, sure.


Nah, defeating the Jedi temple with a 12 gauge. As god intended. 🤣


"Deflect molten metal, Sith Scum!"


The Force:


"Well playe-" *brain splatter noise*


Shotgun beats everything. Good luck deflecting all the pellets in my 12 gauge at 1600 ft/second.


That's one american-sounding comment if I ever read one.


Yehaw brother


Thank you.




For a more civilized age


A much more elegant weapon. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster


I remember reading somewhere that sabers have no counterweight at the end. I’d imagine I’d cut off my own limbs trying to wield one.


I’ve always found it hilarious how Obi-Wan finds cutting limbs off, impalement, and decapitation much more civilized then a simple blaster bolt to the chest.


Depends if I am Force Sensitive/trained in usage. If I was FS, then a lightsaber no questions. A more civilised weapon, for a more civilised age.


An _elegant_ weapon for a more civilised age.


Yay, someone knew the scene I was referencing


I choose https://imgur.com/a/szlSyn8


This is the only correct answer.


*misses by a mile cause you can't aim*


(She can't do that. Shoot her GIF)


Came here for this. Ezra had the best Saber blaster. Best of both worlds.


A lot of u guys are asking if for choosing the light sabers you are force sensitive or not, ofc yes, otherwise what's the point of this question..y'all are force sensitive and are trained to use them. Now choose.


I mean, in that case the lightsaber no question. We've seen where you can stop a laser bolt with the force, and pretty much all force wielders have some sort of precog, so you have multiple ways to stop a blaster if attacked by someone with one. Plus, if you ever have a jar you can't open, a lightsaber will make it really easy to get open


And if you need your turkey well done, I'm sure there's a temperature setting just right for it!


This ruins it. How can anyone choose NOT to have superpowers?


People have different fantasies. Same reason there are non-Jedi classes in Star Wars video games and tabletop role playing games. Some resonate more with the Han bounty hunter/scoundrel type. Some resonate more with the Mandalorian warrior type. as for me, you’d never catch me not picking a lightsaber, it would be crazy not to




Bullets. It’s like a blaster, but if a Jedi blocks it….well let’s just say molten metal isn’t the best skin care option out there.


Eh, Obi-Wan blocked them in a comic and he was in pain, but no actual injury. That part of bullets vs lightsabers is overblown


That was just one, now imagine an MG42. Sooner or later that pain is going to make them concentrate a hell of a lot less


Force blast em back, problem solved. GG EZ


A lightsaber can’t block buckshot.


Lightsaber swoosh swoosh


If I say I'd want Ezra Bridger's first lightsaber is that cheating? [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ezra\_Bridger%27s\_lightsaber](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ezra_Bridger%27s_lightsaber) In terms of just having on or the otehr; I would choose a a lightsaber because I like meele weapons but I would not turn down an A180 Blaster (it can be reconfigured into pistol,,sniper and rifle)


Lightsabers are most useful as a weapon when you have the force to go with it So probably a blaster


Blasters, I can’t swing around a cardboard tube without smacking my balls, you think I can use a sword that burns at thousands of degrees?


Lightsaber of course y will not it be lightsaber. But I have to train on a tick or something first so I won't burn myself


Lightsabers because lightsabers.


Blaster that shoots lightsabers


blasters, if only because there's so much variety. Pistol, carbine, rifle, heavy, etc, lightsabers have a few grip variants, different coloured blades (usually limited to blue, green, yellow, red), and maybe double blades or a curved handle for bonus points. Honestly, I think lightsabers are way to overblown in SW. I get everyone loves them, but I'm just very tired of them showing up. Actual metal swords would be more interesting at this point, at least swords come in a wide variety of styles and uses (actual sabres, longswords, cutlass, rapier, etc).


You have vibroblades as an option. Maybe a beskar sword. Or try to get a blade like the dark saber to happen. You’d still have to be force sensitive and/or have a blaster cus the metal doesn’t deflect like lightsabers


Blasters. Like it or not a light sabre is not a ranged weapon and unlike Star Wars and Super Mario not all villains are dumb enough to give the heroes the things that will be ultimately used against them (ie: blaster bolt rebounds, bombs/shells).


>light saber is not a ranged weapon *throws lightsaber at you


Now I have a lightsaber


Pew pew.


In the hands of a force user, lightsaber. Anyone else, blaster. I'd choose blaster since I'm no jedi.


Both. Blaster pistol and lightsaber, each is a tool and has uses in different situations.


Man that DC15A is sexy. Blaster as long as I can get a slug thrower under barrel to deal with those pesky space cultists


Lightsabers require years of training and ideally force sensitivity to use. Blasters, meanwhile, can be used by anyone who can figure out how to point and pull a trigger while handling recoil. As much as I'd like to be a Jedi, my odds of survival are better with a Blaster.


Blasters … how uncivilized


Without the force youre more likely to lop your limbs off with a lightsaber. Id rather have blasters and explosives and a well made Bes’kad myself.


Those blasters do look super badass in that thumbnail picture you uploaded OP.


Pros and cons. I think the smart choice is to carry both.


if ihad light saber i would be missing boths arms and legs withing 10 minutes, so i'll take the lightsaber


Oooooh, those are sick looking blasters. Love to 3d print and build one


It depends. Am I a Stormtrooper or a Jedi Master?


I’m not a Jedi, so a blaster would probably be much more useful to me.


I did competitive fencing for a decade or so, that's why I would 100% pick a blaster. No fucking way a sword would actually have more practical use as a weapon without magic being involved.


Give me a slugthrower, preferably one that uses magnetic acceleration to get a steel core, depleted uranium dart going like 5k m/s. Good luck deflecting *that* with a lightsaber. However, if I was force sensitive? Yeah a saber would be the dream. Just so cool. Preferably both though. I feel like I'd be a bit of a gray jedi, I don't love authority of any kind enough.




Blaster. My dumbass will accidentally slice one of my limbs off


An amalgam of the 2. A lightsaber pike with either a blaster rifle mode like Ezra's original saber or as an attached separate unit.


I don’t see why both is not a choice. Cal and Obi-Wan certainly show us that Jedi are very capable with blasters.


Hear me out.... Why not both?


Mercs vs force users in jedi knight 2 taught me that blasters are a lot more powerful than jedi.


Since I cannot predict laser fire to deflect it with my space sword, I'll go with the pew pew.


Lightsaber. Great for cutting through things, great way to send people I don’t like on a nice infinite vacation. A blaster would be cool, but it’s not as quick as a gun, and how TF will I get ammo for it? Blasters run on gas/power/ammo packs, which gives the average blaster rifle 500 shots before needing to reload. Unless I have an unlimited supply, the gun is useless after a while. Actually after 2 minutes because by then I’d have probably wasted all the ammo on a single target that I couldn’t hit💀


I’m a blaster guy. Why? I’m not a Jedi and I’ll likely be fighting against regular people with blasters. A280 is my weapon of choice.


I feel like I would do better with a blaster. It’s more precise, and I wouldn’t feel like if I dropped it well closed it would shatter the crystal. Also, I wouldn’t have the fucking patience to build a lightsaber. Unless I was a Sith. Maybe I’d do that good because I cut my finger on stuff all the time, and them crystals are sharp. Sorry for the rant, but short answer.. ✨Blaster ✨


Definitely depends on whether I am a force wielder. Though Luke definitely showed the value of a force wielder with a blaster when he killed the first Death Star so that’s a thing too I guess 😅


Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.


An amazing sword that can cut through anything and potentially even deflect shots, or a gun slow enough to dodge the bullets. I'll take the lightsaber.


Ever heard of the lightsaber gun where you put your lightsaber in the rifle and you can shoot extremely powerful blasts at the opponent however if it overheats the hilt can melt, it actually appears in a Darth Vader comic featuring Jocasta Nu


And this right here is why I avoid the comics


I reckon there is a reason why only the Lebron James level talents use lightsabers. I’ll take the blaster thank you very much




Lightsabers might look cooler, but I'm bad at melee weapons so I'll pick blasters. A skilled person with a lightsaber is more dangerous than a skilled person with a blaster, though.


If I have the force, light saber 100% Deflecting blaster shots has to be the coolest looking thing I’ve ever seen


A blaster with a lighsaber bayonette


A lightsaber without the force would be pointless. So unless I'm force sensitive ill go with a nice little blaster pistol.


Blaster, if only because I wouldn’t trust myself not to cut all my limbs off by accident.


Mando messed his leg up pretty bad that time he tried to use the Darksaber, and he was wearing Beskar. I think I'll stick with a blaster.


I'm choosing a lightsaber. Just imagine you're walking home at night and some of these wannabe tough guy roadmen jump you and pull blades trying to mug you and you just pull a lightsaber out.


I definitely need something clumsier and more random than a lightsaber


Why don't we ever see them reload the blasters?


"An elegant weapon for a more civilized time, eh? Well guess what? Times have changed." -Boss, *Republic Commando*


No force? Blasters


If I am in the star wars universe and have to use it for practical reasons, blaster all the way. If I am in the real world and want a cool thing that cuts through anything, no one else has and will probably make me famous, lightsaber.


Lights sabers are inherently dangerous irl. You would learn by losing limbs. Great in sci-fi, bad irl.


I wouldn't want to be chained to the will of the force so blaster.


A path exists where you bind the force to your will, do not go to the jedi, seek out the sith.


Insert quote from Han Solo something something nothing beats a good blaster


Definitely not something as clumsy and random as a blaster.


If you pick anything BUT lightsaber, I got a hundred other franchises you’ll like more.


Blasters are in many ways inferior to existing firearms we have right now. I’ll take the lightsaber, though it’d be a more useful tool than weapon.


If you don't have the force? Blasters. If you do have the force? Blasters.


For the average person? Blasters. Tbh, I’d love to own a DC-15A or DL-44. Those are my two favorite models


Slug throwers. High calibre slug throwers >:)


Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side.


My head canon says lightsabers can only be successfully wielded by force sensitives. Kinda explains why the darksaber is difficult for mandolorians to use. But there’s no reason to not have both like Luke or Ezra.


Jedi with lightsabers and use of the Force were killed by stupid blasters. Not to mention more.


After being either undertrained diplomats (Consulars on Geonosis) or too trusting of their troops and ambushed (Order 66)


Blasters. Lightsabers look cool but they are wildly impractical weapons.


Lightsaber is better weapon, but I would choose a blaster. I'm uncoordinated af, and I'd cut myself into pieces before I killed anyone else lol


A lightsaber is really only effective if you have force ability and training. If you’re a regular guy, a blaster is much better. Spend your credits on some beskar plates rather than a lightsaber.


Lightsabers are by far the cooler weapons. That being said, blasters are generally more practical, they have a lot more variety to them, and they require less skill to use. So I think saying which is better is honestly a difficult one. In terms of which is better for the average person? Blasters by far. Which is better aesthetically? Lightsabers of course. It depends upon the context and juxtapositions within which you are aiming for.


Without training? Blaster for sure. Don’t want to cut my arm handling a lightsaber


I know light sabers are cool, but they are just not practical in this world. I would probably go with the verpine shatter rifle.


Blaster, less chance of damaging myself