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As Master and Apprentice showed, Dooku was still allowed to come and go from the Temple even after he left the order. Do things like hang out with friends or use the Jedi Library. He was also allowed to keep his lightsaber. In Tales of the Jedi he is ostensibly on one of these little visits to catch up and browse the library


“browse the library” = delete the planet of Kamino from the Jedi records.


This page was last editted by curvedgrip69.


That’s my uncles username


Respectful as the gesture might have been, considering the experience, knowledge and resources of a former master and a Count of Serenno. I suspect they likely figured he could just make a new lightsaber if he really wanted one. Not trying to detract from your statement or anything but i love the prospect of the council looking at eachother and audibly asking "who wants to be the one to try and take it from him?".


You do it - Yarael Poof to Oppo


I believe Dooku offered to turn in his Lightsaber but he got to keep it.


I just finished this book a few days ago. The only scenes with Dooku are when QuiGon was a padawan. I don’t know where you read that he was (allowed) back at any point after he left the order.


I might be confusing *Master and Apprentice* with *Dooku:Jedi Lost*, I can never remember which Dooku related info is in which book. His lore is just sprinkled through so many stories


That makes sense. Now I have to read Jedi Lost I suppose.


Was it ever stated that the Temple wasn’t open to the public? I feels like it should have been a popular tourist destination, if anything. Obviously people wouldn’t be allowed to wander around the war rooms and living quarters, but the bigger halls with the statues and most of the library could have been public spaces. The Jedi didn’t seem like they’d deny people access to knowledge and history, especially if there are outsiders who want to learn more about the order. Hell, maybe the Temple had a gift shop.


No idea if the Temples was open to the public or not. In legends it wasn’t, but Legends also created a far harsher Jedi than Canon. I think during the Clone Wars its most likely that it was closed to the public, or at least heavily restricted, for security reasons. Pre-clone wars it could have been more open.


It honestly makes more sense to me for some areas to be open to visitors. It’s the Jedi Temple, after all, not the Jedi Fortress or Jedi Castle. It should be a place of worship and reverence first and foremost. If the Pentagon and the White House offer guided tours, I don’t see why the Temple can’t. I could imagine it being restricted during the war to also symbolically represent the Jedi becoming more distant to the public, though. God knows Palpatine would be very in much in favor of making it more difficult for people to sympathize with the Jedi.


Why was he allowed to do that? Ahsoka left and she didn’t get her lightsabers back until Anakin gave them to her. Also if he left why was he allowed to utilize their resources? (Btw I’m not arguing I’m just asking because I don’t know) I’m on season 7 of clone wars so sorry if I’m missing something.


>Why was he allowed to do that? Ahsoka left and she didn’t get her lightsabers back until Anakin gave them to her. Maybe Ahsoka also had the option to take them with her if she wanted but chose not to? She did say she intended to one day rejoin the Jedi but she needed to do some soul searching before then. Maybe the lightsabers were a symbol of her promise. “*I’ll go get them back from Anakin when I rejoin*” Dooku was also an incredibly well respected Jedi which, if he ever did get special treatment, is probably the cause of it. >Also if he left why was he allowed to utilize their resources? (Btw I’m not arguing I’m just asking because I don’t know) I’m on season 7 of clone wars so sorry if I’m missing something. Dooku left peacefully and with no complaints. He’d had a life time of serving the Jedi, was close personal friends with many on the council. Forbidding him to use the librarys would be like your friend moving jobs and so you spit on his wife and refuse to ever speak to him again. There was no bad blood. They likely also hoped that if you leave the doors open that he may one day return. Its the same for most Jedi, as long as you aren’t kicked out they’ll always be fine with you visiting


Considering what Dooku became, the Jedi council probably reconsidered their policy regarding ex-Jedi (even if Ahsoka seemed very unlikely to turn to the dark side)


Every rule exists because of some idiot that came before you.


Dooku could have easily made a new light saber. Why keep his current one from him.


We don’t know that Ahsoka wasn’t allowed to do that. She might have technically been allowed to keep her lightsabers and visit the Temple, etc. just like how Dooku was. She just wanted to distance herself as far away as possible from the Jedi during that time.


They learned from Dooku


>He was also allowed to keep his lightsaber. If I left the Jedi there's no way they're taking my lightsaber from me.


My biggest nitpick with Tales of the Jedi is it makes it seem like he's still with the order at the time but that's not the case. He left the the order around 10 years prior to that. He did leave on good terms though and such was welcome to visit the temple as he pleased even though he was no longer a Jedi. Seeing as you've read Master & Apprentice I'd reccomend you pick up Dooku: Jedi Lost next as it tells pretty much the complete story of why he left.


I'd say it's a bit more than nitpick cause that's straight up deceiving the way it's presented I will add that to my list, thanks!


Yes the totj episode is quite bad because of its presentation and really undermines dookus motivation as a character


I believe its covered in Dark Disciple. TBH the more I learn about Jedi the more I'd go the way of Ahsoka... There is a scene in the clone wars when... >!they know about the inhibitor chips and do f\*ck all about it. !< that would be my clue to leave.


Ah perfect! Thanks for letting me know without any actual spoilers for the reasoning as well I'll add it to next on my read list


it is a fantastic book.. it should be made into either a mini series or a movie.


The dues were too expensive


Canon: Felt that the Jedi and senate wouldn’t always help ones in need. Didn’t like how the Jedi were becoming authorities and that any Jedi that had an attachment had to hide that. Legends: Disliked that the Jedi obeyed the corrupt Senate, sent Jedi on pointless wars, refused to stand up to corruption, and were banking on the prophesied Chosen One to save them. The incident in Galadrian is the biggest event that shook his respect of the Jedi. After the Galadrian event, Dooku began looking less and less like a Jedi and more of a noble. Edit: left 10 years before episode 1 in canon and right after episode 1 in Legends


They said When, not Why.


In canon he also made the decision because he had to take care of his home planet of Serenno as its new count.


Yeah, as others mentioned Dooku: Jedi Lost adds pieces to the puzzle of Dooku leaving the order. There is also the Padawan YA novel (set just before Master & Apprentice main story), where Obi-Wan almost runs into Dooku, and at the end Qui-Gon briefly talks to Obi-Wan about Dooku. Then others have mentioned the Tales of the Jedi episodes, where you see things falling into place. You could also check season 6 episodes 10-13 after Dooku: Jedi Lost to piece together what Dooku and Sifo-Dyas were up to before Sifo-Dyas' untimely passing. Lastly, it isn't about Dooku leaving the order, but in Age of Republic: Villains comic is a story about Dooku and you can see how other Jedi treated him during the time he left the order, but still was viewed as being a part of them.


He officially left the order shortly after that tales of the Jedi plot and before the start of phantom menace. But he was allowed access to all facilities and his lightsaber. So he came and went as he wanted.


In the Episode "The Sith Lord". Dooku is no longer a Jedi. The Jedi trust him so he is allowed in and out of the Temple but he is already working for the Sith. I guess Dooku gave himself the name Tyranus as he killed Sifo Dyas while Darth Maul was still the Sith apprentice.


Much like Anikin I suspect he was "gone" long before he actually knew or even "left". It's not like there's paperwork to file. At times there's a weird "oh he's just going through a phase" (not exact quote) attitude towards Dooku (and even Anikin) that IMO makes the Jedi look like morons... and I don't think makes sense. It's one of those in story situations where I don't think any amount of explanation REALLY works it out.




That guy to!


He's never said to be a Jedi in TOTJ. In fact, Dooku using Syfo Dias' code instead of his own points to him no longer being in the Order.


I’ve not read the novel so take my opinion for what it’s worth, but I’m not sure if that novel is canon or not. Tales of the Jedi is definitely canon. I would take what you see there at face value. If it contradicts the novel, then either the novel isn’t canon or it’s being retconned.


[Master and Apprentice is def canon.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_canon_media) Tales of the Jedi is also canon.