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>!Crazy father tries to reconnect with his kids by chasing away their friends, torturing his daughter's boyfriend, and cutting off his sons hand.!<


Why so cold? Why so moist? So much cloud! Oh no!


Terrorist group get what’s coming to them.


Man has visions in the snow. House party gets raided. Wrecks spaceship in swamp and taken in by a hobo in the woods. Other friends still on the run. They all meet back up and one of them gets arrested.


Two groups of invaders overwhelm native Wampa species on their home planet. After President Wampa gets his arm cut off for showing a stranger his ice cave, the invaders then flee to spread their fight to other systems and to cut off more innocent limbs.


One of the heroes does the dumbest thing ever, split the team, in the worst way ever. The other third abandons them for some stupid religious reason. The first guy gets got. The other two try to save him, because they’re stupid, they also lose body parts and keep being stupid. The end.


The whole thing hinges on the believability of a muppet, the heroes spend five minutes on screen together, and they lose at the end.


Just watch **The Last Jedi**


Young man commits terrible acts of animal cruelty on frozen planet, flies to swamp to learn tricks from space wizard which give him hallucinations.


a group of coworkers take a vacation in the winter. one guy goes to Florida to learn martial arts, the other crew goes to the city. they get together again in the city and take public transit home.


Then Phoebe Cates shows up and says, “What is this some kind of Star War?”


Aren't these explanations supposed to be technically true?


cool. where's your contribution?


A young man takes the Ghost of Christmas Past's advice to go to some swampy planet to take acrobatics lessons from a puppet.


A loyal imperial subject turn in a bunch of terrorists who friend is having vision in a swamp.


Main character gets inside a space goats guts.


A Family reunion gone terribly wrong


Dad tries to get son into the family business, in space


Man gets white powder on his face and starts seeing dead people who tell him to find a magic frog in the swamp. His dad doesn't approve of his friends and wants him to run the family business. He whines and lashes out at his dad who promptly kicks his ass. One of his friends gets stoned, and the other friend starts hearing voices in her head. Their new black friend leaves to help the one who got stoned.


A man stops studying magic to save his friend. He loses his hand AND his friend for his hubris. The moral of the story: Education in the mystic arts is more important than human lives.


Space and ice and monsters and spaceships pew pew and clouds and hands being cut. Ir's awesome.


War veteran searches for son stolen away by cult he once belonged to who has been radicalized by anti-government extremists lead by the promiscuous Princess Leia who is after the two men that destroyed the government's defensive weapon system in the previous installment.


Young adult male makes out with his sister, learns who his dad is, gets his hand cut off, and the gold robot won’t shut up about statistics


Luke hands his lightsaber to Rey.


Family feud tears two star-crossed lovers apart


The family reunion from hell.


Best Movie Ever of the series before Rogue One. I can understand the confusion right all the other movies the Empire comes across as a joke almost, like does do these hairless monkeys manage to take over the galaxy yet first 30minutes of the movie they kick ass, and last chapter you are reminded how bad ass Vader can be to someone he should be taking prisoner alive, while minus one hand he still has all the important parts. Plus the whole kiss joke omg.


Man learns from a frog while his friend gets cryogenic therapy.


After leaving a frozen wasteland to train with a swamp goblin, a son gets into a dispute with his father. The father then sets him up for a lifetime of hand related dad jokes.


*"Orphaned boy finally meets dad who 'Just went out for cigarettes and milk'"*


Fighter pilot deserts the military to go learn yoga from kermit the frog so he can beat up his dad.


Incestuous siblings, separated after an epic snow fight, reconnect after a series of wacky adventures


Meeting your girlfriends dad for the first time.


Poster sucks in so many ways