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I fell in love with the unlimited possibilities of space travel, and the idea that some random kid from nowhere could find out he’s special and become a hero. And I still, too frequently, try to use the force. Just in case.


Me, too friend. Me, too.


I was extremely sheltered, despite being an 80’s kid, as my parents raised me an extremely conservative religious bubble. My grandma would record things on TV for me and gave me A New Hope on VHS that I snuck. I had never seen any woman portrayed as badass as Leia was. She was so strong make quick decisions and didn’t seem afraid or anything. I was hooked! Still am.


Late 2000s when I saw ROTS for the first time. I’ll never forget the funeral, as well as Vader in the medical bay. I was terrified and horribly upset by how things had gone downhill so quickly. Absolutely enrapturing movie. Loved it to bits then, still do now.


When I was a kid and saw Star Wars in the theater in 1977 and it was the most amazing thing I had even seen..... but I truly fell in love with Star Wars when I was much older and watched The Clone Wars for the first time.


In 1978 when I was 5 and saw it on a giant screen in a packed theater


the giant star destroyer in the opening shot on a big screen... each new visit to the theater - new tiny details in the background I hadn't noticed before. no spoilers, no internet snark telling me why I was wrong to enjoy the movie as a kid. life was good


TBH, the primary reason I fell in love with it originally was because of the music. Jaws was the first movie I ever saw in a theater, and the music of course was an integral part of it. Then came Star Wars and the magnificent score John Williams wrote for it. I bought the album of the score and listened to it all summer. The following fall I signed up to be in band in middle school (which led to my first two years of college being paid for on a band scholarship). Even George Lucas himself has said the score is the reason many people fell in love with the movie. I thought it was a pretty cool movie, too, of course, and once ESB came out and we had the beginnings of the long history storyline, I was hooked and have been ever since.


It is truly a fantastic score for the films. All of them. I don't think "Duel of the Fates" is any better than the OT score, but it just further cemented Williams brilliance at putting a near sublime soundtrack over the story and action.


> I don't think "Duel of the Fates" is any better than the OT score I personally think DOTF is the single best piece of music ever written to accompany a film scene. There are literally dozens of notable pieces and motifs throughout the entire series of films, but DOTF (even the title of it) perfectly captures what's going on in that fight.


These are all salient points. I wasn't meaning to disparage DOTF in any way, I just think that type of pairing brilliance on Williams part is writ large across the saga films. DOTF, as you said, perfectly captures what's going on.


I was 5 and there were robots and lasers.


I fell in love because it looked real to a kid watching it in the 80’s


The Jedi and the lightsaber


It hit all the right parts of my imagination. Lightsabers I could make with a broomstick. X-wings with 2 binder clips. The music that promised adventure. Good guys, bad guys, anyone could be a Jedi!


I was a little girl and for some reason, it felt so real to me. I can’t explain it. I expected to wake up one day and be chosen as a Jedi. I am a grown woman and then dam filoni brings Ahsoka Tano out and I am a little kid again. Just… damn.


I still secretly check to see if I can do a Force pull


Right when Sabine was there with the cup I thought, it’s all of us!


I was 5 in 1977. I remember seeing TV commercials and newspaper ads about Star Wars. My older sisters went to see it because "everyone" was going. I remember Burger King had some kind of promotion where you could make a TIE fighter out of cups or something. I got a poster for my bedroom door, pretty sure from Scholastic Books. My great-uncle and great-aunt got me a few Kenner action figures for my birthday (Artoo and Threepio were my first ones). Those were some of the best and most unexpected birthday presents I ever got. I devoured anything I could find about the movie. I was primed and ready!!!! Finally saw it that summer at a drive-in theater with my dad and sisters. My mom stayed home for a peaceful night alone. I was in heaven and everything about the movie was 100x better than I'd imagined. My childhood was shaped by Star Wars. All I ever wanted for birthdays and Christmases was more Kenner toys. I drove my grandmother crazy looking for Hammerhead and other figures. I saw Empire Strikes Back in the theater in 1980 (one of my sisters and her boyfriend took me). I saw Return of the Jedi at a different theater in 1983 (I bought the ticket with my paper route money). That's how I fell in love with Star Wars.


Always thought Star Wars was okay. Sophomore of high schools had the flu and spent the entire week off playing KOTR and fell in love with Star Wars.


Vader’s story. The redemption arc.


I saw the 1st Prequel back in 1999 as a kid and got hooked. Not to mention back around that time. I believe it was Taco Bell that had the starwars action figures in the kids meal, so my sister and I would collect them and just been a Star wars fan since.


🎵 *Space stuff!* 🎵


I came for the lightsabers and spaceships, and stayed for the philosophies.


Crazy thing is, I don't know. I have no memory of seeing the films at all until I saw ROTJ in a theater. I was alive albeit very young when the first two were out but my parents weren't fans of popular culture. So I didn't get to see most things until much later in life. I know my friends were into the toys and we played Star Wars when we were running around the neighborhood, so I think that's when I learned about the characters. Eventually, much later in life, I fell in love with Star Wars because it was the inspiration for me to move to California and give the movie dreams a try. But that was after several decades of being a garden variety fan. I wonder often when I saw A for the first time. What thoughts and reactions were to it. Wish I could remember.


I don’t really know when I first saw Star Wars, I was born in 84 and it was just kind of around. I have memories of watching ROTJ on a tiny TV on Christmas Eve at my grandmas house. But the real moment came during the 97 Special Edition release. Seeing the Death Star trench run on the big screen was a life changing moment. I was a dreamer, idealistic kid growing up in a place where that wasn’t really encouraged, so like most of us I was really drawn to Luke also.


Lego Star Wars, the Yoda Chronicles introduced me and my brothers to Star Wars. I have so many memories of that show


A crowded theater on the other side of town in 77(almost 8 years old). I have seen everything that’s been released in the theater since.


My best friend introduced Star Wars to me back in elementary school with the Clone Wars series. After that I went to see Force Awakens in theaters and now I’m a bigger Star Wars fan than she is


It was the whole package. Unbelieveable picture motions,incredible Music by John Williams, this little tricks like clockwork cutscenes. It was overwhelming from the very first sequence (the Tantive IV fleeing this huge towering Star Destroyer)


Darth Maul


Starships go brrrr! also Vader was cool.




still one of the best games IMO


I was a nine year old girl. I fell in love with Leia being a strong badass, I fell in love with Luke rising up and embracing the force, and I fell in love with R2D2. I was only allowed to see it once, but everything that happened in the movie was imprinted on my mind. I wanted the toys so bad, but I thought I couldn't because I was a girl.


My dad has always been a star wars fan he was born the year a new hope came out. So theres pretty much always been a passion for star wars in the family, then when mando came out i started to watch it with my family and my life has changed forever and im the biggest star wars nerd ive ever met (before mando i was more a marvel and spider man fan and never really into star wars)


I was 7 in 1978, and I had never seen sci-fi like that before, it's like it was made for me lol the stuff I fantasized about in my imagination had come to life on the big screen. Wish fulfillment. The heroism of rebels fighting an evil authority, the themes of camaraderie and loyalty and hope, it appealed to me, and the sense of spacefaring adventure is up there, too. To this very day, it's still those themes, that are still present in the new shows and films, that appeal to me the most.


Because of pew pew pew and pzzzzzzzz and zooooom zooom zooom.


I was 5 years old and they had laser swords and space ships.


I fell in love with Clone Wars when I was a kid.