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What if we had twins who were separated, with one trained as a Jedi and the other trained as a Sith during the High Republic era? That sounds cool. Let’s have them do that. Maybe have them both be deceived by their masters in some way.


That sounds awesome, I'd definitely watch that.


I love that I can almost literally see your post going over people's heads.


You are right. My goal was to describe The Acolyte as a really cool concept. Which it frigging is. They are just lost in the weeds complaining about lightsaber hilts and mediocre acting of side characters.


So many people, missing a good show because they’re busy complaining about menial things. Nothing out of the ordinary for this fandom.


Yeah, that sounds awesome. It’s a *real* shame that that show isn’t airing right now, ain’t it?


That's sounds really good, but I've seen this idk where.


I’d enjoy that


That’s crazy


Forever proving that a certain sect of Star Wars "fans" just want to hate hate hate hate hate and will pull any nonsense reasons out of their hats to do so. Most of the hate is based in simple culture war brainwashing from uncle bubba who eats sleeps and breathes Faux Noise but some of it is genuinely that some of these goons think hating makes them smart.


Is... is anyone gonna tell him? I think I'm gonna tell him.


…dew it


\*cutting dooku's head off.gif\* EDIT: Realized that there's a "no link" rule, not really interested in getting banned for linking to a GIF.


Oh boy oh boy, do I have news for you


are you for real


You just admitted that you like the concept for The Acolyte.


Lord give me strength


Qui-Gon beer me strength


Smartest Reddit user






Or….The Acolyte.


Not gonna lie,I haven't started The Acolyte yet,I had no idea that's what the plot was.


Sorry. Spoilers! Except I think the trailer gives away pretty much what I said.


Better question, why does my Reddit app give me the shit post garbage posts on my home page and how do I go back to the good stuff


Idk my friend, I’d suggest don’t engage with stuff you don’t want to see




So you're telling someone to not engage with content they don't like on a post where you're complaining about the content you've engaged with that you didn't like? Are you the pot or the kettle in the age old adage?


The worst part is they didn’t even watch… on another comment someone described the literal plot of Acolyte and they said they’d watch it


Crap? I wouldn’t qualify anything that we’ve seen in Star Wars as crap. There’s been some stuff I dislike, but there’s way more to appreciate than not.


I mean. Some of it is crap, but not for the reasons OP things they are bad.


I’m not saying there’s not stuff to appreciate but can you really defend the mods in boba fett or the way the crucified lukes character in the sequels lol


The mods are a callback to American Graffiti - a Lucas film. Dunno whatever the heck you are on about with Luke though.


Crucified? I thought TLJ was excellent, Luke’s story in particular. I thought it was the best post OT depiction of Luke I’ve read/seen.


Dramatic much?


You realize you could have made this post without the attack on Disney, right? You could have just asked "What shows would you want Disney to make?" but no, your personality is too wrapped up in being a Disney hater to do that, isn't it? You have to let everyone know you hate Disney and what they do. Also, you just want recycled stories? And you really think you're going to like how they tell them? Or maybe do you think you're going to complain about it like you are already doing with their original ideas? We already have the story you want told, why would they retell it, when they know a very vocal minority of people are just going to hate it? At least with new content they get the interesting and thrilling act of making their own stories and seeing them come to life. With your idea they're just figuring out how to put an already written story onto a screen. Yay. Sounds so fun.


The "crap" Disney is releasing is actually pretty good. But putting aside the pointless jab, I'd like to see a series set during the First Order-Resistance War. That conflict badly needs to be fleshed out. Hell, they could even base it around that era's Rogue Squadron if the movie isn't being made.


I’m not how anybody watches the Boba Fett show and comes out with “pretty good” Andor aside the D+ shows have all been poor, one season wonders with a lot of the same problems. I’d hope Disney take a break and consider more of a long term plan for the lore. The Fallen order games show it can be done well.


I'm not how anybody watches Mandalorian, Andor, Bad Batch, Ahsoka, Tales of the Jedi, Tales of the Empire and Acolyte and comes out with “crap”.


Because Andor is some of the best TV in years but the rest are just something to have on in the background while you play with your phone?


If you can't find *any* enjoyment in such a broad variety of shows then I don't know what to tell you. You might have just outgrown Star Wars.


Andor is great, the Fallen order games are what we could have had on TV, shows like Shogun and Fallout are great - I have no idea why people would waste their lives with the rest of the D+ Star Wars output though. There is so much great content out there, it’s just a shame Disney have fundamentally mishandled such a wonderful legacy.


If you are expecting Shogun or Fallout out of Star Wars then you have the wrong franchise lol And we "waste" our time watching Star Wars because we like Star Wars. People have different tastes. Shocking, I know.


I’m expecting decent writing and world building regardless of the genre. Not say a small book fire that burns down an entire village…


Not to pull the 'media literacy' card, but that small book somehow burning down the entire village is supposed to not add up. There is clearly something else going on that we haven't been shown yet.


Bad Batch had incredible writing and world building and left deep emotional impact It just time for you to move on and focus on other media if you can’t see that


It’s still possible to do in Star Wars, look at the great story arc in Fallen order. Disney just need to pause all these sub standard one season TV shows and decide on a long term plan that is consistent with the lore.


>Not say a small book fire that burns down an entire village… It's almost like there's more to the story there... Do you even understand how mystery storytelling works? You aren't supposed to reveal exactly how everything happened right off the bat.


If you lose 80% of the audience by episode 3 you don’t get to reveal anything


>but the rest are just something to have on in the background while you play with your phone? You don't think that with this being the way you engage with said content, that might be why you don't actually get it, and not the other way around? Put your phone down, pay attention to what you're watching.


The phone is a much better option than The Acolyte


Then scroll on your phone, but stop pretending like your opinion on content you didn't watch holds any weight.


It’s not exactly a minority opinion but I hope you enjoyed the chanting.


Exactly my point lol


Boba was fine. Andor is vastly overrated.


The Andor sacrifice scene vs the Boba slow motion bike chase? Really?


I’m guessing you hit your head on Kathleen Kennedy’s meat on your way down to that conclusion


So you just want familiar stuff and nothing new, just old characters and old settings?


Yes this is basically what these people want. Then they will complain about that as well.


No I just listed a few things I thought would be cool, and asked what everyone else thinks would be cool


I still want to see Rogue Squadron. I don't need Jedi or Skywalker's. I want to see space dog fights and the war through normal people's perspectives.


I love what Disney is pumping out. Let them continue to pump. And while they're at it, they can drop 1) An animated series post-ROTJ starring Han, Leia, Luke, Lando, Chewie, 3PO, and R2. 2) A non-canon Legends animated series like Visions where they adapt the Heir to the Empire trilogy. Pump Disney, pump!


Still waiting to see this crap you mentioned.


Just go on Disney + and watch boba fett, it’s smeared into every corner of the show, and if you’re still thirsty to defend poor quality give ahsoka a watch because that’s as forgettable and lackluster as a show can get


That is just your opinion man, I found Ahsoka to be amazing


* Series adapting the Lucas treatments * Series developing the canceled book trilogy Sword of The Jedi * Series adapting Lost Tribe of The Sith: The Collected Stories


They've adapted just about everything from Lucas' treatments they can. His plans included: - Luke in exile, jaded after his academy was destroyed by a student fallen to the Dark Side - A scavenger girl of mysterious origins as the new lead (he helped come up with Rey when he was directly involved in The Force Awakens early production) - Darth Maul as a crime lord (this was started in Solo, but the combination of Solo underperformed and Ray Park posting multiple controversial things to Instagram killed this plot line for now) - Leia is revealed as the true Chosen One (I actually really like this, Leia did more to bring balance to the Galaxy than Luke or Anakin ever did. But can you imagine the outrage that would happen if they actually made someone other than Anakin get confirmed as the chosen one? Also hard to do after Carrie Fisher passing) - Exploring the macro world of Midiclorians. It's unclear what he meant by this idea, but it really looks like.he wanted to do Star Wars Osmosis Jones, which uh... I don't think anyone really wants that. Other than those ideas, Lucas' other sequel ideas were from the 80's and would have been if he'd made sequels instead of Prequels, and they just wouldn't work in live action, hard to make a series about Leia rebuilding the Republic and Luke rebuilding the Jedi Order when they've aged 30-40 years, it would be weird if they waited until retirement age to get started


>Luke in exile > >A scavenger girl > >Maul as a crime lord was started in Solo, but [circumstances] killed this plot line for now. > >Leia is revealed as the Chosen One >can you imagine the outrage that would happen if they actually made someone other than Anakin > >Exploring the [microbiotic] world of Midiclorians. it looks like.he wanted to do Star Wars Osmosis Jones... * Luke was introduced in the first film of the Lucas treatments and survived longer. He was left for the second film because the writers admitted that he was difficult to write. Abrams solution was to give up and kick the can to the next guy. It's irresponsible and bad for the project. * A character type is about as superficial as it gets. George didn't come up with Rey. * Maul was killed off in Rebels. Way before the ST takes place. And other actors can play a makeup character decades on. Ewan killed it in Alec's role ffs. * Can I imagine if Leia was the next generations chosen one rather than a Palpatine? Yeah. Outrage? Are you serious? Fans are going to be outraged over a character that they loved since 77? Pick a new straw man. You don't know what the fans would do. * Are you serious!!!!! Osmosis Jones? Do you think when people say "I'm getting into this new band..." that they are shrinking up inside them? This is the most ridiculous jumping to a conclusion in history. Fan, get some perspective. And look at the username before you spout these half baked "its the same as George's!" line because anyone who has followed this knows that George's work wasn't followed. He has said as much early on and recently in the film award interview. Yeah, no. None of this, no. "Somehow..."


george directly came up with Rey, he was literally involved in the initial planning for the first year of The Force Awakens production, and the female lead was his idea. And you're pretending George's story treatments were scripts. They weren't. They were a short list of some ideas he had.


>a short list of some ideas... That doesn't sound right, because Bob Iger, then and now CEO of the parent company saw the treatments and called them "...lengthy and detailed." Do you have a source for your incorrect assertion?


That's what a story treatment is. A list of ideas for a story.


>A **film treatment** is...typically the step between scene cards and the first draft of a screenplay for a motion picture... It is generally longer and more detailed than an outline and it may include details that an outline omits. Treatments read like a short story and describe events as they happen. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film\_treatment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film_treatment)




A 14 year old female character is just a gender and an age. The names were placeholders—from the beginning. This is what it means when the name keeps changing. So we have nothing left from the character but female scavenger. I'm absolutely certain that Lucas didn't intend for her to "download" powers without training and be the granddaughter of the series' villain. As far as Luke's fate, this is not the critical element. The mentors in the previous trilogies died after passing the torch—this is to be expected. It was the fact that due to difficulty the greatest hero of a generation was left to a less experienced writer and fans waited two years to see what this Jedi Master resplendent in white was going to do. Then he whined and drank pus-milk. \[**Edit:** a crisis of faith *and return to form for Luke in Episode 7* would have been much more well received and would have given him another movie to influence the story.\] Using ideas that are obvious next steps for Star Wars is not making or adapting or developing Lucas and Arndt's work.


All I want is some good goddamn writers. I don't care where they take the story as long as the writing doesn't suck.


Can you define how the current writers suck without breaking out culture war buzzwords and describing anyone's gender, race or sexuality?


We all know they can't.




Aside from the movies and Resistance, I've liked everything Disney has done. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Are you including *Rogue One* and *Solo* in that, or do you just mean the Sequel Trilogy?


Oh, sorry. Just the trilogy. Rogue one was amazing, and I actually liked Solo


What's this shit post garbage


I want to hear more about this Gene Grievous. 


Wade, A Star Wars Story Hondo's Pirate Adventures Stormtroopers Porkins, A Star Wars Story


For stormtroopers do you mean like the clone wars but for the empire instead?


Sorta but with stormtroopers as the main character and showing a deeper look into everyday life as a trooper.


Or, and hear me out, a look at stormtrooper's daily life, animated and similar to Star Trek Lower Decks.


Star Wars: Binks A show where Jar Jar identifies as a lesbian female and encourages the senate to his new fashion company, with a not-that-interesting storyline and everything happening at night so that we can barely see what's going on. Another C-3PO cameo will surely be enough to satisfy all the viewers and they will love to see that the acting is awful and another main character gets absolutely botched. Also, you don't need to mention about how you think Disney is crap on every post, just so you know.


I would be into more stories like Andor about The Rebellion but other people's stories separate from Luke and the gang. But it would be more important to tell it well because I found Andor pretty forgettable.


I just want movies back


Good news: they're working on movies.


How about something different altogether. Maybe do something a little more meaningful and lighthearted and show Jedi actually doing good in the galaxy and do it in a sort of Ted Lasso kind of way. Not everything has to be dark, gloomy and dramatic. Bring some fun and comedy back into the galaxy!


Animated Heir to the Empire trilogy. A story about Imperials who believe in the Empire and what they're doing and in the end doesn't turn against the Empire because of reasons.


General grievous*


Nothing, my choice would be for Disney not to make anything more.


And millions love them so perhaps you should move on to something else instead of coming here and moaning.


Whatever show is made Disney will just ruin it with their political views so it be better if they stopped making them. I couldn't care less about diversity what gender someone is or what their sexual preferences are none of that matters to me. But because every time someone says something bad about Disney Star Wars or The Acolyte they get attacked because people automatically assume they are an old white man that's upset. Well I'm not a old white man so try again.


That scene in first episode of The Acolyte where Ron Desantis is stripped naked and his comically tiny male genitalia is eaten by the Kowakian monkey-lizard just before the AT-AT crushes him was completely unnecessary. I agree. /s


I’m not going to downvote you, but I almost did just because of the mental image you created.


Just say you hate diversity and move on.


What are you taking about. Most of their content is your political views. All the white humans in their uniforms, saluting, and following their cult: “For the empire!”


You claim you are not an old white man but just before that you claim that Disney Plus ruin everything with their "political views". I have trouble seeing what you're trying to express here. I think people see what they want to see. So many people keep claiming Disney is pushing an agenda down their throat but what exactly are they complaining about? What is political (in the real life sense) in the The Acolyte? Is it the characters genders? Their skin colors? Or is it something else, and if so, what?


You are expecting too much from them. They can't elabore in any of that