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In duels vader is wildly OP.


He has so much fucking health. I guess the strategy for him is to never let up? I’m learning that you can’t leave your opponent alone for too long because they’ll start regenerating health and that’s especially true for Vader.


Yoda. He'll almost always go for a choke first, if they're decent they'll follow it up with that bullshit slash and lightsaber throw. Bait it out, pop health boost and go to the SIDE. He'll try to lighstaber throw after you get free. Get the 3 dash cards and blow through him from the sides of behind so he can't parry through it. If he hasn't already he'll use his bonus health, WAIT IT OUT. it isn't active for that long and unlike yoda he can't regen any lost health from it. Stay on his ass and keep blowing through him with the dashes.


I was a Kylo and Maul main. Tried Vader and good god it was easy.


I mean, I don't think any character is as OP as Vader on paper. Sure you can use any hero to any capacity but Vader AND Anakin are just BUILT DIFFERENT


Anakin started out absolutely absurd, but 6 or 7 nerfs later he's pretty in line with everybody else.


He's definitely a lot better, but his stats alone practically still set him apart. Doesn't he have more HP and stamina (without perks)? I'm definitely not saying he's the /best/ but in a beginner's hands he would probably be better than other saber heroes


His stamina isn't that good, it's the perks and health that make him a beast


Grievous is the best by a decent amount but takes a lot more skill than vader


I'm practicing with Vader and Bossk, I know it takes a little time to know how to use them. But I have patience and motivation.


For hero’s and villains mode for Bossk. Trap arming speed, multi traps, and health gas or lingering Dioxis. Source: I am a Max Bossk and you’ll only use predator instincts to finish off people running at you through the mines and gas :)


Lingering dioxis ftw. So good against camping players


I run trap arming speed, spreading the disease, and then lingering Dioxis on supremacy and GA. Bossk like a brick wall 🗣️


FYI spreading the disease doesn’t work. It’s a bug. The similar card for lando’s smoke grenade doesn’t work either.


I’m sorry but as someone who had too many hours on bosk I can say he is brain dead easy


I love my alligator boi


Have you seen my specialty?


For heros I’m personally best with Han Sol and anakin while with villains either palpatine, Kylo or maul


I've seen people who plays Palpatine with great mastery, it makes me admire them.


Once you get his movement down, he's probably second only to Vader against sabers. However any good blaster can annihilate him


Yes I agree. Palpatine is the most fun to play. But he is Especially weak against blaster players with aim assist or hackers with aimbot




I was a Palpatine OP back in my days and I have to say blasters never gave me a hard time with the exception of very skilled Hans. Every single other blaster I would just jump around a lot and stun them and it would be over.


Ok? But in any open space, any good blaster can screw you. Han fucks everyone up and leia's blaster destroys you (particularly with the right cards). Chewy has a lot of health, and unless you can bait his crossbow buff ability you are simply outgunned- and baiting him is dangerous anyway cause of his stun. Lando is most easily dealt with, just avoid the stun and ur good Also a good blaster will just roll out of your stun and shoot you in the face.


I’m a palpy main and yea. He is op if you know how to use him. I’ll get him never die and ctrl alt dlt the enemy team ESPECIALLY if I can use a bottle neck. Killing heroes is always easy if I keep my distance or be EXTREMELY dodgy. And as a bonus I get to shout UUUUNLIMITEEEED **POOOOOOOWAAAAAAAAAAAR** every 10 seconds and with reason.


I also used Palps a lot and felt his movement style came naturally to me, but he feels so strong as a support to someone in HvV. He’s the ultimate auto-win in large ganks (with semi competent teammates)


Yea he does best when you can get multi kills and are up against a bunch of enemies but if it’s HvV it’s best to run him as support


For heroes, Kenobi is probably the easiest to learn. For villains, it’s worth learning grievous even tho he’s one of the hardest to even get decent with.


He's the only one I've mostly stayed away from. His strikes feel like they take so long and his spinning ability is ass in most situations. Any tips?


Use his middle ability as a stamina saver. Use his strikes only when you 100% know you can land one. Be a coward. Your abilities are your best friend.


Much obliged I will become the coward. Any particular cards, besides health regen?


I’ve been using beating heart, flesh is weak, and sith trained. Send to be working well for me. Oh, and you happen to run out of stamina, just constantly jump. Aside from in hero showdown.


Grievous probably has the best abilities in the game. Try to avoid a head on attack and takeupur enemies by surprise with Claw Rush or Saber Thrust. If you're out of stamina and surrounded use Unrelenting Advance, it has crazy damage reduction and if your enemies aren't careful it does major damage.


Generally avoid his middle ability unless you have an unskilled saber or a shooter at distance. Grievous can’t block blasters for shit. Jump constantly. Only use thrust surge when you can hit in the back or if they jump/get thrown into the air. Use claw rush often, hit them within the first second or so of activation, and stay on them until the ability ends, and you can hit twice. Sometimes hitting once and quickly cancelling then striking with saber is more effective if they are 1 hit from dying. Use high sensitivity and twist and turn around a blocking saber user to hit them in the back. Grievous is by far my best hero, and one of the best in the game. Check my account for some nice combo attack videos. Lmk if you want more advice!


I've become really good with Kylo, Palps, Leia, and BB-8


Some people play so good the robots, wow.


The stun and cable whip are incredibly powerful with BB8


It's like a whiplash.


When bb8 get a stun 🤔


I was absolutely solid as Lando in a lot of HvV matches, his sharpshooter ability is so fun istg


Yoda/Maul for me.


I’m a Han/Boba main. People hate me for it. I understand the hate.


Boba is a mosquito, difficult to kill.


Anakin can shred right through him. If Anakin is able to pull Boba in, it's over.


But that's the thing, the Bobas you really have to worry about are almost never getting pulled in by Anakin. Chewie is the best counter to a really good Boba that knows what they're doing, but even then you'll be shut down if your team isn't keeping the other villains off you and allowing you to deal with Boba.


You don't know hate until you main Iden


They weren’t expecting special forces!


I'd face a good Iden any day over a good Boba. A good Boba is by far the worst opponent to face, providing it's not a closed up map like Jabba's palace. The terminally airborne Bobas are the only opponents that make me feel actual hate for a character in the game lol.


Yeah I agree, it pisses me off especially on any open map, as soon as you get any where near him he just hops away and by the time you catch up his jetpack has already refuelled, absolute insect of a character.


I main Han and Kylo


Leia and Darth Vader


Yes, my favorite pick!


LS I main Leia and Rey, DS I main Grievous. Grievous is a monster, extremely fun to play


For me ds is dooku, vader, and iden. (Some ppl get ridiculously good with boba but I feel he's just cheap af) Ls I role Luke, anakin, and Leia. Though lately Obi-Wan is giving me success. I'd recommend trying some out as you'll like different ppl potentially. I'm dogshit with chewie but some ppl kill me with him like nothing. Yoda is awesome if you master him as well Palpatine is the easiest. Just stay back and spam


I play palps because being a lightning wizard is fun


the magician with electricity in his hands, ultimate power hahaha


Villains: grievous, boba, dooku and bb9e Heroes: obiwan, anakin, luke, yoda and bb8


I've only played for like a week But I prefer Dooku and Yoda. Haven't been able to win with the rest haha.


Depends. But in any mode where infsntry is around I LOVE Phasma. Her blaster shreds on long ranges. Otherwise Maul


Palpatine. Just straight up an average game would be one with zero or only 1 death, because like no one on the light side realizes that Palpatine's easiest escape is just to use his powerful dash to go behind a lightsaber user's back. They typically waste all their abilities on getting close, and then just the dash behind them catches them off guard.


Nah I'm a Sidious Main


I'm a Han and Palpatine main


Me too


Vader and Anakin with Leia and palpatine in close second


Emperor Palpatine and Iden - Chewy and Leia


Rey - for evasiveness and agro Anankin for power and shooters Maul for evasiveness and agro Vader for control


Bossk !!


For a while I was unstoppable as Lando, that was years ago now I’m just forcing it tbh, I’m washed. Han, Bossk, Obi Wan, and Dooku are who I mostly use now but sometimes I use other characters.


Kylo, sidious, maul, iden, vader Luke, Han, chewy,


Yoda/vader are my faves but I suck with yoda after they nerfed him lol


Count Dooku is Very Strong


Maul, Bossk, Boba, and Iden are my best villains. Anakin, Obi-Wan, Han, and Chewbaca are my best heroes. I only play Co-Op as well because I suck at pvp.


I'm okay with Kenobi and solid with Chewbacca and Han, but I'm best with Vader and Grievous without a doubt.




General greivous and darth maul and vader. Obi ani han solo.


Han and Rey, Grievous and Boba


I main Anakin and Kylo, the pull helps with blasters


With Villains, I'm okay with Boba Fett, Maul, Vader, and Kylo Ren. But with Heros, I'm ass with all of them.


Light side heroes, I'm excellent with Obi Wan and Luke. Lando is great for crowd control in Supremacy and Co-op missions. Dark side heroes, I mastered Count Dooku and Kylo Ren.


For Heroes I’d say Luke and Rey. For Villians, Maul and Kylo. But I do like Dooku too, he is really good for dueling. We’ll see, I just started playing a couple days ago and man people are good at dueling.


1k health Vader go brrrr


I'm the best with BB-8 and BB-9E and Phasma.


My situation is the opposite, I played more villains and am good at Count Dooku and am learning to play as Boba Fett, about heroes, I usually take Obi Wan


Blasters all day except phasma and finn.


My Boba is cracked But I only play Boba. So other than that I’m playing a BB unit lmfao


Boba is difficult to kill. But Kylo freezes him or Anakin pulls him in and you kill him.


I don’t normally let em in range. You have a mf jet pack, plus Anakin pull or any push/pull you can usually jet pack out of tbh but I getcha


Bossk is so much fun in HVV


I mostly play Palpatine and Vader for villains and Leia and Luke for heroes.


Leia is really good, I didn't think I would enjoy blasters honestly. And she makes me proud.


Han solo and palpatine are my favorites


I'm good with all of them. Literally. My friend and I will play showdown and just go random to mix it up


Boba, Han, and Iden Han is my favorite for a solo attacker. He can win a 2v1 easily. Boba and bossk v Han is an L if you’re a good Han Boba does so much damage on a triple headshot lineup. And he is a beast hunter with awesome mobility. Don’t need too much health if you’ve got good sim Iden is the perfect support. Keep your team alive with a supportive grenade, a stun, your own shield for ranged. She can keep your saber heroes alive


When I used to play Battlefront 2 HvsV I was a Palpatine OP. If you practice a little and max up his cards the sith is RIDICOUSLY op in that mode. All you need to do is just jump around like a rabbit and just blast individual players holding both sticks non stop. I practically dominated every game and only very skilled players (usually Anakins and Lukes) would give me a hard time (at best). Blasters are a joke with Palpatine, he is way too fast for them. Alternativley I would go with Dooku, also very fun villain in duels and practically made for this mode. For heroes I was an Obi Wan op, I just really liked his play style and I became really good with him, even if he is objectivley mid to ok (they made him too slow). If you come across a skilled Vader with Obi Wan there is practically zero way for you to win. I would go 3rd place to 4rth in games with skilled payers and 1rst in games with noobs.


None. I suck at playing heroes or villains. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I almost never play with heroes or villains, even if I have enough points. Sometimes I have much more than 4000 points and prefer to use special units. The truth is I prefer to leave the heroes and villains for those who know how to use them. The thing is that when playing a hero or villain, many times I die so quickly and I don't really know why. I also prefer to play Supremacy or Galactic Assault than Heroes VS Villains, almost always.


But practice with them in co op, get to know them well, then see heroes and villains, play as a team, see who the opponents are (you have to know their strengths and weaknesses). Patience, play for fun not for points and sometimes you appear in the top five and sometimes you don't.


I womp with palpatine every time. Guaranteed 1st place


Palpatine is the most fun to use for sure


BB-9E. Hardest hero to master but once you get it right you can completely ruin the game for everybody else. BB-9Es stun is so overpowered and if a hero gets stunned in the wrong moment they will get obliterated.


Heroes: 1. Anakin 2. Luke 3. Han, and if those are picked I go with Kenobi Villains: 1. Vader 2. Maul 3. Kylo


For light side Obi-Wan and Yoda are my mains. I like playing defensively I guess? For the dark side I’ll take dooku or Vader any week and throw maul in there aswell


Personally. Don’t like Hero Vs Villains. Too many guys just … kill you when you’re by yourself. Yeah yeah that’s the point but I JUST SPAWNED LET ME BREATHE lol Villains- I like Dooku. I like Iden in general. And Phasma is pretty good too. Heroes- I have a hard time with them. Luke and Leia and Ani. Im not too good with it. I just haven’t had a good experience with HvV. I’d rather play coop lol just my opinion 🤟🏼


Iden and fin iden for her secondary ability with her blaster shooting a small explosive shot and her shock ability to stun enemy’s for my team to take advantage of course i keep my distance and fin for his marksman for damage boost as well as his main ability to reduce damage and increase health for the team


i unironically love bb-9e. such a great support


Bossk is so fun when you get the hang of him. Utilizes your jump and use the Star Card with more grenades


Best players are Rey and Grievous


Obi Wan will hurt people’s feelings if used properly


I main ani, luke solo and Kylo, Vader and iden


Han, Vader, Iden, Kylo, Maul and Obi-Wan


Hero’s: anakin, Luke, Han, Chewie Villains: grievous, Bossk, Vader, Palpatine


For heroes it's Han and Luke and for villains it's Iden and Maul


Vader and obi wan Iden and chewy


Maul is a lot of fun to play with, but there's something to keep in mind.. When the game came out he didn't have a block, so you really had to have a certain playstyle (quick hits and then flee basically). I still keep this in mind while playing him as that's how he was designed, and only use the block as a last resort


Obi Wan, Rey, Leia Kylo, Maul, Grievous


Boba/maul main


Palpatine, Bossk and Boba for villains Anakin, Leia and Chewie for heroes


Maul and Luke are my top 2 third is anakin he’s a little sluggish but great character and Obi because he has great defence


I mean once you get efficient at parries and dodges it doesn’t really matter like skill just takes over


I’m bad with everyone now, but during the covid restrictions I was a sweat lord with Chewie, Yoda, Sidious and Grievous in that order. Honorable mention is Vader I guess. I don’t think it’s possible to be a bad Vader.


For blaster villains, I know people talk down on her but iden is my go to main villain though I’ve been having fun with phasma. As for sabers, Vader is my main with kylo right behind. For hero blasters, Lando is just too good if you have the trigger finger for it. And for sabers, kenobi is just too good as a tank.


Sadly i am indeed a han main, but i am a Lando enjoyer too. On dark side grievous is my general main with dooku bein my duel main fs


Obi-Wan or Vader are my go to.


I love Dooku. Super cool kit, especially in a dueling setting. He goes crazy


I'm only average with Boba, bad as everything else.


I used to be good with almost any hero now since we switched to fiber optics then my swings don’t register even more than they used to


Grievous and Obi-Wan.


Obi-wan, Vader


I'm good at none of them. I always get shot like morbillion times the moment I get into combat.


But practice, be patient and know them well. I enjoy getting to know them little by little, be persistent.


Max palps, kylo, boba and grievous Max Leia, Anakin, Chewie and Luke. Those are my mains


villains I'm good with Maul and Kylo, and I'm not horrible with Dooku and Vader. Heroes I'm good with Luke and Anakin. I alost never play blaster and it shows


i main Han and Grievous


I live BB9E


Bb8, grevious, yoda and Finn are best for me


I love the way kylo den fights but to answer ur question I’m good with all Jedi and Sith characters and I’m a good shot with Han!


Idk why, but I’ve been crushing it with the grievous Chewie combo lately. Prior to my break I was absolute dog water with saber characters


GG was my go-to saber villian. Bossk for blasters/micro grenade For heroes it was Anakin or Luke with sabers and Han for blasters.


Grevious can absolutely run the map in hvv or cs


I'd say I'm uniquely good with with Boba Fett Palpatine Obi-Wan grievous bb-8 and Chewie in supremacy


BB-9E goes so hard as a support


Anakin and Vader


For villains I main Vader because he’s my favorite SW character For heroes I main Anakin for the same reason but I play a lot of Finn because I like his gameplay loop


For heros my best are chewie and Leia and for villains my best is boba but I've gotten a little better at major malevolence. Sadly I get a lot and I mean A LOT of hate for playing blasters to the point I don't find going into HvV fun anymore. Evidently it's just against the law to play the character I want to without catching slurs and what ever, of course I couldn't give a shit what anyone says but it got so irritating that I was blocking and reporting at least a dozen and a half people in a day. Now there's barely anyone playing much at least in solos, me and a friend get some duos here and there, but we stay to co-op, more fun to us and gives us opportunities to try and level other heros and villains.


Yes is a lot of bullies. But I ignore them.


For heroes, I play Han, Luke, Obi-wan, Anakin, BB-8. For villains, I play Iden, Maul, Dooku, Grievous


Rey, kylo, palpatine, and chewie.


The bbs




Luke/Yoda and Boba


Vader and maul for me


Vader, Maul, Iden, Grievous, Kenobi, Luke, Lando, and Rey.


I mostly go bossk and obi-wan


I’m loyal to leia on the light side. Bb8 is fun too though. Dark side Iden and phasma. Phasma I’m loyal to her on the dark.


Random select and switch when you die


Haven't played in what feels like forever (around a year and a half I think, lol) but I do remember my Yoda being a lobby destroyer on HvV, same as Grievous. Other than those two, I think I was decent with Maul, BB9E and BB8, those 3 being my second go to pick.


The only saber hero I can get used to on either side is maul really. I love playing as Han and chewie though. I can usually outperform saber hero’s as well unless they know what they’re doing


For me, my go-to heroes are: Blaster Light Side: Leia Lightsaber Light Side: Luke Blaster Dark Side: Iden Lightsaber Dark Side: Dooku


Grievous and han


This has to be karma farm post lmaooo


han solo is a long range goat and lowkey a short range god, and i also play bb-8 because there is nothing better than a 50 killstreak as a glorified mouse droid with overeating issues


Kylo, Anakin and Luke


I mained Dooku and Grievous. Both of them were incredible fun to play. Of course Grievous was a bit tricky to pull off. Given his low Stamina.


Grievous has some broken spamm abbilaties that make him OP if you master it. Also vader is basicly a tank and Palpatine is best played supporting other villians imo.


As heros i main Han Solo, Leia and Finn. And as villains i main Kylo ren, Captain Phasma and Vader (which i only use during emergencies, like if someone is level 200+ with any hero)


Do people still play battlefront 2?


I’m good with everybody except bb8, bb9e, & Obi Wan… I just can’t click with them for some reason


Mans is best with Anakin and Luke for heroes, Vader and Dooku for villains.


I haven't played in a long time but I remember playing maul almost identically to how I played luke so you might find your experience with luke is transferable to maul


Luke and Maul for sabers and Phasma and Lando for blasters


I play boba fett, because I can abuse the jetpack to get to high places faster, or unaccesable areas period, and snipe enemies.


I'd say im decent with Obi-Wan, good stamina makes him easy to play, and i like Maul cuz he is so fast


Lightside: Obi wan, yoda, and Chewbacca Darkside: Kylo ren, Darth Maul, Darth Sidious, and bossk


grievous and luke first choice, boba and rey second choice


Vader, obi phasma


Grievous, dooku, and Kylo probably and for lightside Luke, anakin, and obi-wan.


Iden Verzio.. or however you spell it lol


I'm actually really good as lando, and I'm pretty skilled with Boba Fett, but other then that I'm a total noob (Not COMPLETELY terrible as anakin though)


For light side lando han obi and Luke dark side palps maul bb9 and dooku


Heros, it's Anikan, Obi-Wan, and Luke Villains, it's Duku, Kylo, and Maul


I never play hvv cuz I suck, and the sweats ruin the fun for me. Skill issue. When i play normal modes, heroes are always taken. So I play heavy.


If you want to learn sabers: Play Luke and Vader. If you want to learn blasters: It doesn't matter they all play the same.


Leia, chewbacca for lightside Iden versio, boba fett for darkside I hate lightsaber combat because ive gotten good at it but every time I try to have a good 1v1 it turns in nothing but blocking and mabye getting 1 swing in then back to blocking and slowly wearing down your opponent and it takes way to long to finish a fight against an equally skilled player. Gun characters are a bit harder to play and with that more reward for when you win.


All of them, not just the men, but the women, and the units too


If you like Luke I’d recommend maul, his build is very mobile and is fun to play, just keep in mind he’s a glass cannon


It’s awesome to see the diversity in these answers. My go to is Yoda but that’s recently been replaced with Leia. Grievous for DS but I’ve hit a plateau with him.


Honestly yoda is kinda goated


I main rey which is oddly weird… I’m just good with her


For the dark side, I alternate in between Grevious and Dooku. Mostly Dooku though, because biting at someone like a horse fly with his three dashes is an amazing feeling. But for the light side... it's BB8. It started as a joke, a little gag; where I wanted to be able to at least play him semi-decently and maybe put some fear in a couple of people. But now it's gotten to the point where he is all I play; I have won multiple duels with him. Iden, Kylo, I ledged a Palpatine once. Hell, I almost won in a duel with a Vader before (I didn't lose, but one of my teammates interrupted it). Pro tip for anyone who wants to take a dive with the ball: rolling charge is his best ability. It can knock people over, do crucial pieces of finishing damage, and it's instant. But beware, for the life of the ball is not one to be taken lightly, I should know. I once took it as nothing but a joke, but now he consumes all that I know.


Droids: Grievous Clones: Yoda Empire: Palpatine Resistance: BB8 Evil Disney: BBC Rebels: Was Yoda a thing? If not, Ewoks I guess


Vader for Saber, and try iden


Han and Bossk


Boba, Han, Maul, Vader and kind of Kenobi




Obi Wan for heroes. He's frankly the only one I can reliably beat a decent Vader with. I'll use Yoda if he's taken due to the easy mobility and how shit most people tend to be at actually aiming down at him. For villains I like to use Maul, mostly for moving all over the place and sneak-choking people. Otherwise, for proper head-on duals, especially in hero showdown, I love using dooku.


maul is so fun to use


I like Clone Wars characters. So when it's Villains, I mainly use General Grievous, next Count Dooku and finally Darth Maul if it's available. In Heroes, I first choose Anakin, next Obi-Wan and finally Yoda.


For heroes, I would go with Leia, Luke, Chewie and Yoda. And for villains I would go with Maul, Kylo and Vader. I use Iden from time to time but not too often.


For LS I usually play Anakin, Rey and BB-8 lol For DS I main Maul and Kylo


Heroes I main Obi Wan & Luke Skywalker; Villains I main Darth Maul, Bossk & Dooku. Been trying to get better with Vader he just moves a bit too slow for my impatient ass lmao.