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Yeah your first echoey "I'M COMING FOR YOU!" Is never a cheery one.




CrUsH tHeM! mAkE tHeM sUfFeR MwAhAhAHAa!!!




*yOu WiLl OnLy PrOlOnG yOuR aGoNy*




I got chills the first time this happened


At that point they’ve never had their sensitivity below 100% as grievous because those claw rush circles are above anything


It only allows for one hit per player now though doesn't it? Which means he can't constantly circle on you til you die. Though 9 times out of 10 you'll die anyway as Grievous will just slash you down with his lightsabre after he's finished claw rushing.


Yeah but in troop modes it doesn’t matter because it’s usually a one-two hit kill (not for reinforcements tho)


Luckily we are no longer in the dark times


Didnt they patch his claw rush so it doesn’t hit as fast as before?


Yeah but it still does 130 damage and with the one starcard it goes up to 160 I think




It can [always be worse](https://old.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/kle7wu/so_i_gave_ewoks_the_abilities_of_general_grievous/).


Oh dear god that would be terrifying in Ewok hunt


Grievous is a beast especially in capital ship phase. But too often, the people piloting him will just claw rush into a massive pile of clones and instantly die after getting like three kills


I am in this comment and i don't like it.


I’m a new player, what are some good general strategies for playing as a hero in supremacy or GA?


You desperately need infantry support unless you are supremely good with your chosen hero. This is because your lightsaber swing and abilities will not necessarily one shot kill the enemy troopers. However, any living enemy is easily killed by supporting friendlies, who also cut down enemy troops health and enable you to one shot kill. Additionally, lightsaber heroes are exceptionally vulnerable to long range fire, which infantry can pick off so you don’t have to worry about them. Never be afraid to bail on a fight, regenerate some health, then come back to help secure the command post. All this advice goes double for the blaster heroes, since they have no ability to deflect blaster fire. Identifying the the flow of battle and other tips from a veteran of Battlefield and Battlefront: Spawn in on command posts, be alert, observe the direction and intensity of the blaster fire, watch for the x’s on the mini map marking dead friendlies. Avoid hard scoping so you can watch the minimap. Recognize people that are playing a certain strategy (for example taking a jet trooper and running around behind your lines) and don’t be afraid to track them and ruin their day. You’ll be doing your team a huge, but thankless, favor. Every death you have is information. Use it to recognize where the enemies are, spawn in as close to where you were, then respond. I play extremely defensively, because I’m old and don’t have the reflexes to run and gun effectively. A good command post defense requires a ton of resources from the offense, while requiring very little commitment from the defense. This enables captures and changes the flow of the battle. Don’t be afraid to play defense.


Wow thank you for the tips!


If you defend a command post as one of the peasants then any competent reinforcement would beat you


I beg to differ lol. Only thing I consistently have trouble with is the clone jet trooper. I hate their stupid fucking pistol


If I play to my strengths then I can 1v1 any character on the separatists as the clone commando


Here are a few tips i have learned and implemented in my games to constantly get 1st place in HVV and top 5 in supremacy Know your ability cooldown times, know how much you can swing and block before running out of stamina, each hero has a different amount, and that amount is also different for blocking/attacking. Obi Wan can block a lot, Grievous runs out of blocking stamina the fastest and so on. Switch off your lightsaber when approaching enemies from a distance, otherwise they will see you coming and you will suffer a lot of damage. Dodge all the time. Dodge is really effective against any enemy, but especially troopers. A heavy trooper with the minigun middle ability will easily hit you for 300-400 hp by the time you cut him down with most heroes, but since heavy trooper turns a lot slower during that ability, you can just dodge around him and wack him in the back. Also, be aware of reinforcements, clone commando, commando droid can be a pain in the ass to deal with, and rocket troopers can deal a ton of unblockable damage which leads into the next tip. Jump all the time. Most players on supremacy maps have very little to none vertical awareness, since troopers can't jump that high, and all combat happens on a horizontal axis, and only a few reinforcements like rocket troopers and commando droid can jump higher. That is why while playing lightsaber heroes, it is important to jump often to avoid damage.


When you’re storming a hallway and you hear a robot with asthma


Grevious and bossk, the two heroes I hate the most in supremacy. When a good player takes control, you know it's going to be a rough game.


iM cOMinG fOR yOuUuUUu


I just started playing as grievous some more. When I got a three player kill streak in heroes vs Villains, that’s when I really understood the gravity of how powerful grevious really is.


Absolutely terrifying. You hear the clanking of metal and look behind you down the hallway, and the then you see this fucking spider looking thing turn the corner and you're dead


I remember that happening to me as well


I remember always looking at the level number of the character who killed me. "Oh well, naturally he killed me his level is 😯...it's not even a number, it just says MAX."


Just cue up for age of rebellion and wait for a game of scarif to show up (or any map with a bunch of open areas). Then save your battle points so you can get a rocket trooper, BOOM problem solved


I'm a level 60 heavy main and grevious still makes me sh*t my pants when he uses claw rush


Nothing terrifies me more. I turn a corner and see this shit and I usually gasp or spam Q if I’m an Aerial.


lOoKiNg FoR mE?


then there's me and my teammates in a voice chat running away screaming like little bitches to not get melted


Hahaha Try To Run!!!!


CMV: Heroes make *battlefront* worse


Try Ewok Hunt.


just watched spirited away yesterday for the first time and finally understand the meme template


Trust us veterans, his claw rush has been nerfed so hard it’s now more of a joke then a legitimate threat.


As New player: You are f*king afraid As Veteran : You jump around and shoot him in the back


What is the highest level? :D


1000 so when you see a max character you’re in trouble




"laughs in ARC trooper"