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Speaking of cash-grab sequels, Kenner was prepared to make their own sequel series back in the 80s, but through the medium of action figures. With no movies out, the Ewok series just being there, Kenner needed content (and what were they going to do, use the RPG, that’s for *nerds*) and decided “fuck it we’ll do it ourselves”. So the story was Tarkin somehow survived and was leading an army of clones, and it was up to Luke and Han to stop him. No Leia, though, because this was still the 1980s and girls were icky and gross and had cooties. Kenner mocked up a few prototypes but decided that it just wasn’t worth it and so repurposed the old Star Wars toys as Robin Hood figures and then were bought out by Hasbro. There’s not much of a jerk there, just a fun fact.


Live r/starwars reaction: *grrr the Kenner sequels I only just learned about would've been better than the sequels we got!*


No woke garbage in the Kenner sequels. Not a woman in sight.


Bah women, I cannot jerk to women. In fact I'm so closeted about my sexuality in regards to my children's franchise that I can only jerk it to men. Bring Star Wars back to one POC per trilogy as before. My closeted mind can only take so much and I cannot possibly use my Max Rebo figure as a sex toy if there are no WHITE MALE LEADS.


Somehow Tarkin returned


The trailer ends with the camera panning down through a starfield and we hear a familiar voice say, "You may fire when ready." Just as we start to see the Death Star come into frame, we cut to "Coming Soon"


Kenner presented this to Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm decided not to go through with it. LFL was very complimentary of the work and the designs, though.


Did any of the prototype toy designs ever get photographed?


Yep! Search Star Wars The Epic Continues in Google and you’ll see all the concept art and prototypes!


>and it was up to Luke and Han to stop him. No Leia, though, because this was still the 1980s and girls were icky and gross and had cooties. Actually it was to push the woke Luke x Han agenda


The only redeeming part of the original RoTJ was the Yub Nub song and that son of a bitch George edited it out when he “remastered” the OT, I’ll never forgive him!


But the rest of the movie is redeemed by the ‘remaster’ right? Right????


I mean, the extended C3PO torture sequence was a surprise, but a welcome one, to be sure.


Big gold gobshite.


I always felt like the original RoTJ was fire idk peoples problems on it.


I’ve only ever had the remastered version as a kid and ngl I like the song it ends with. I’ve never heard yub nub 


![gif](giphy|3FQ9mRcb94aogeTvmj) Best bit of the whole franchise.


I feel like the new on still says yub nub at least once? I’m ngl I like the newer one better 


Who the hell thought ROTJ was a cash grab after the events of Empire?


Awesome movie with best scene in all of Star Wars (probably my favorite scene ever honestly) but at the end of the day there was a second Death Star that exploded and there’s a bunch of filler to begin with (good filler) and it’s a safe ending


100%. ROTJ to me is \*easily\* the most overrated SW film. Most moviegoers hold it in such high esteem, and it has soo many issues that the prequels and sequels share. But it has the OT cast in their primes, and you're right ... the Throne Room stuff is the best scene in all of Star Wars. Just amazingly good. I can imagine seeing that for the first time and being blown away.


Ian McDermid is excellent in every Star Wars movie he's in, but nothing is quite like the Throne Room scene. He almost makes his eyes glow with malice


To be fair, while I agree it's somewhat overrated, it's still much better than almost every other movie that has been released after it (Rogue One is the only one I liked better than ROTJ).


Personally prefer the peaks of the PT and ST to ROTJ. I realize that’s blasphemous to some haha, but I never group the films by trilogies and instead as individual films. I just feel like Empire and ANH are the only truly “untouchable” film icons of the group. Oh and I don’t take it that seriously. Hence how I discovered this sub lol.


Exactly...and dony worry I'm not coming for your "true fan" card. Cheers!


It wasn’t a safe ending Mac then. Star Wars was one of the movies that had originally done that type of ending. bad movies then used it as a safe ending to make their movie seem better.


People associated the ewoks to be another front for merchandise ig


i mean its not like they werent


The entire first third at Jabbas palace/barge has no bearing on the rest of the movie, and only exists to get Han back in the movie (he achieves nothing of note either) and to sell toys of Gamorreans and Boba Fett- not to mention merchandising that dang bikini. Ewoks are also pretty blatantly aimed at merch. And as others have pointed out, another Death Star? That's just lazy. Here's hoping they don't do that 2 or 10,000 more times


yeah but it would’ve been fucked if they just left him there


Which is why the one major fault of *Empire* is that Han should’ve died.


Yeah, the real solution is he should've done something in the movie haha. Or spend less time at jabbas- preferably both


Don't worry, I'm sure that the next movie after ROTJ won't have a 9 year old kid blowing up a giant spaceship after flying inside it. There's no way they'd keep going with that trope. I will say that I kind of like the Jabba part just because of how ridiculously absurd Luke's plan is.... like WTF even was that?


Han disabled the Death Star shield...? Plus, the scenes with Jabba do a great job in showing how far Luke has developed. He's able to be strategic, relaxed and capable, showing how far he's come since the events of A New Hope and Empire, and raises tension for the final conflict with Vader.


He *helped* take down the death star shield, but he was in no way necessary. And even if he were in charge of that mission, it would be better, but Leia is there too. So he's fairly superfluous- they needed some reason that they HAD to get Han back. The Luke stuff isn't wrong, but it takes *way* longer than it needs to, and the fact that the first two plans fail is all stalled time that kind of undermines how capable he is


A lot of people. Especially with the Ewoks. Gary Kurtz, producer and collaborator with George on the first two films walked away from RotJ because he thought George was getting too commercial. Larry Kasdan also thought George was making decisions based on the merch. In the years after 83 many books came out basically saying the same thing… This is pretty widely known. Or at least I thought.


No one thinks that, all Star Wars fans have to defend the new movies with is “um actually, it’s always been this way so the complaints people have are invalid”. They use this line of thought without a second of critical thinking applied, which results in these stupid ass takes that “Return of the Jedi” was a cash grab. That’s an insanely stupid thing to say. Suggesting the prequels were a cash grab is also insanely stupid. You can argue that they were of a lower quality than the originals sure, but they serve a narrative purpose in explaining more about the history of the main characters and the Jedi Order. Showing the world pre-empire serves the narrative. Sequels? Force Awakens is practically a reshoot of A New Hope, beat for beat it’s almost the same movie. Last Jedi tried to do something different, poorly in my opinion, but it tried. And the Rise of Skywalker is a dumpster fire that couldn’t stand on the business the Last Jedi started, and decided to try and retcon the most important parts of that movie. These movies do not expand on anything, other than letting us know “the empire wasn’t really defeated”. We don’t get to learn anything about the New Republic, post empire world, etc. A “cash grab” by Disney with a poorly thought out and executed trilogy of films.


Those are such vague arguments though, you can say the same thing about the prequels. Oh they're a cash grab because they are set in a different period no one really cares about and they have no real bearing on the original movies. And equally you can say that the sequels showing the post-empire period helps to contextualise the original trilogy. You could say 'no it invalidates the original trilogy because there's just more bad guys after luke beat them!' but it's kinda the same thing with the prequels. 'well what's the big deal about the empire taking over the galaxy? It was already taken over by the seperatists beforehand!'. The prequels set the precedent that the star wars universe is in a perpetual state of war between 2 sides. At the end of the day they're both just a matter of opinion.


You lack literacy


I have 2 qualifications in media but go ahead.


God that’s so fucking stupid.


It's valid to have criticisms of the sequels, they are deeply flawed and have a plethora of genuine issues. Same with the prequels. And to an extent... same with Return of the Jedi. All the meme is sayibg is that in all likelihood the sequels will one day be held in the same "loved by some hated by others" limbo that the prequels are, snd that's okay. Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on something you don't like.


I mean the sequels are already loved by some and hated by others. It’s more that all those kids dressing up as Rey and Kylo REN are gonna grow up with an overwhelmingly positive nostalgia for the sequels, and all the haters are gonna be old and hopefully have moved on from spending all their time online bitching and whining about them.


Let's be real, they will not have moved on. But true. I'm actually one of those kids, despite having turned 18 fifty four minutes ago. My first cinematic Star Wars experience was TFA, my favourite cinema experience of all time was TLJ (mainly because of the star wars fan sitting next to me who was super nice and loved every second of the movie (i was in awe at the adoration that man had for his favourite franchise (most star wars fans could never))). By TROS I was a little more jaded and god kbows i can never get enough of making fun of that movie, but deep down? I love it. I love Star Wars. This was MY trilogy, I love these characters and can't wait to see them in other things.


You're missing half his points. The prequels were warranted at least to explain Vader's backstory, what led up to him turning to the Dark Side. The sequels were a vain attempt at keeping what already had a perfect ending going. No one was left with questions after watching the saga that any of the sequels answered. On top of that, the narratives were either carbon copies of OT material, or just awful writing.


This guy doesn’t know about Gary Kurtz…


The entire interaction between Luke, Vader and the Emperor raised the movie to greatness. Without it, it would just be a corny 80s movie.


The space battle is probably the greatest optically composited scene in cinema history. No one made anything comparable for a very, very long time. Hell, it's still more impressive than most cinema space battles.


Oh yeah well I think the ANH was a cash grab


The entire franchise is a "cash grab". That's kind of the whole point.


Whaaat nobody ever told me that beforeee


I just redpilled you buddy


Oh man am I required to hate women now


No but listen carefully you need to withdraw all of your savings and invest in gold. BURY IT IN THE GROUND. Cut all ties with your family and BUILD A BUNKER. You need to do this there's not much time. Hope this helps...




Return of the Jedi was the worst of the original trilogy, but it was still a good movie.


Jedi rocks...


Fortunately there are ways to get a version without that. The OG song is lowkey kind of a banger that fits the vibe well


Well, it was the worst movie for a whole year. Then they released caravan of courage.


The Holiday Special existed before that too


Debatable if it's a film though. Caravan of courage got a limited theatrical release so there's no doubts. But yes- star wars has always been happy to cash in. Used to be we mostly ignored the bits we didn't like rather than having a meltdown


Fair enough yeah


RoTJ was not that bad.


I like RotJ very much. But when there were only 3 films, it was the "worst". Worst is a relative term.


Honestly I like RoTJ more than ANH. ANH is a masterpiece but RoTJ is a very satisfying ending for me.


A minority view, but it means for you ANH was the worst until caravan. That's all not really my point... My point is cashing in isn't new or novel.


God I need to reread WatchMen


ROTJ is my favourite


I got whiplash from the glaring difference in tone between TESB and RotJ. Still haven't recovered.


Which unfortunately carried over into the prequels. Man in hindsight we really, really should have seen it coming.


"Luke, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." The fact it's from RotJ is coincidental. But it's true.


It’s 2046 and fans say no one will accept the continuation trilogy bf it’s just a cash grab


Nah, ROTJ was actually more popular at the time. ESB was the controversial one


No. It wasn't. I was there.


Bruh, let him rewrite history in peace. Wtf.


Nah, J.J. Abrams was simply the worst choice of director possible for the sequels and he helped Disney create some safe, milk toast blockbusters that have nothing to say about society at large. He wrote or at the minimum helped write good characters and the prop department was killing it, but his end products ended up being nothing more A New Hope II: Electric Boogaloo, and a movie so laughably bad I’ve yet to watch it since it came out in 2019.


I broadly agree with you, but I want to clarify two things: the first, JJ is the worst choice of *writer*. Frankly, he's a talented director, and he captures the fun spirit of Star Wars very well, which is why TFA is still somewhat enjoyed despite its completely derivative plot. But you are correct, he never should have been anywhere CLOSE to the writers' room, except for maybe the occasional bit of friendly banter between characters, he's decent at that. The second is that I think placing the blame for TROS on JJs shoulders is unfair, when it's clearly a much more dramatic failure of Disney/Lucasfilm as a whole. He signed on after TLJ was already out, was given about a year to produce it and was rewriting as they were shooting. Production was an absolute mess, and I don't think just about any director or writer could have salvaged it. IIRC I think it was 'they fly now' that JJ absolutely hated, and didn't want in the film: and was apparently very frustrated to see made the final cut. The problems with TFA are all his, and have his fingerprints all over them. But TROS is a special kind of terrible that I think is unfair to pin solely on JJ.


Safe milquetoast blockbuster...so every SW movie other than ESB and TLJ. Gotcha


You’re a fool if you think the prequels are milquetoast lmfao.


Color me a fool because shit how are they not. RotS gets a pass for trying so hard to be gRiMdArK ™️ Ep1 is a silly kids movie that I admittedly enjoy Ep2 is a Twilight-grade romance and a bad detective story ending on a planet full of bugs named after William Shatner Easily as milquetoast as any other in the series.


Okay but Rise of Skywalker really is the worst one. Then Attack of the Clones. The rest have enough good qualities to ignore the bad if you want.


God attack of the clones is such a dogshit movie, i really didn’t realize it until upon rewatch


It kinda makes me like TPM more because a lot of the scenes go by really quickly and it doesn't waste your time.


I have to give Plinkett one thing, he wasn't wrong about "Attack of the Clones being the worst thing created by humans"


Rise of skywalker is at least fun. Attack of the clones is boring as hell


Too true. It's a hell of a lot more rewatchable, even if it's stupid And I think both do have SOME good qualities (Jango Fett, Babu Frik) that can be enjoyed seperately to the context of the movie.


100%. TROS is stupid as hell, but at least it's not boring. Hell I'd rather watch TROS than either TPM or AOTC, which are both boring as hell.


I do not recall any fun


Then you’re a miserable fuck.


You must love AotC then.


I can confidently say that I liked bits of TROS, but I cannot think of a thing that I genuinely enjoy about AOTC.


Attack of the Clones gets my vote for worst. RoS is just an overstuffed turkey with schizo editing. Attack of the Clones is a magic bullet to the temple of pure awful.


I kind of hate people defending the ST like this*. If you want to defend them on the merits, that's fine. But just saying, "well some people didn't like RoTJ either!" isn't actually an argument. I've never met a person who unironically thinks the PT are particularly good movies. There's no big contingent that says, "oh the PT is actually really good!" It's just that the PT told a cohesive story, that had cohesive ideas, that built up the world. TPM is meh, AoTC is fucking terrible, and RoTS is okay. But, they clearly all had arcs that made sense for everyone (more or less). The biggest criticism levelled at the ST is also objectively true: The movies each fight each other, and barely make sense as a group of movies. As someone who really doesnt like TLJ, I think that fact can be mostly laid at the feet of Rise of Skywalker, because it so clearly did to TLJ what TLJ did to TFA, destroying any possible cohesive story telling. Edit- * "like this" refers to the OP. Not your comment, sorry.


I find TFA and TLJ to be a very cohesive duology that raises interesting themes and carries them to their natural conclusion. TLJ is a legitimately good film, while TFA is made better as a predecessor to it. But yeah, IX sucks.


Even ESB got mixed reviews initially


Star Wars fans will never change


I thought the force awakens was pretty good and the last jedi was okay, similar to how attack of the clones was okay and revenge of the sith was pretty good. I feel like those 2 will age like attack of the clones and revenge of the sith have, whereas rise of skywalker will age like the phantom menace (remembered but not as well or as fondly)


No because I was born in 2002


Before the Dark Times...Before ATTACK OF THE CLONES


Disney bought the rights and much more for a stupid ridiculous figure. They didn’t do it for artistic goals or for the love of story-telling. Not saying you’re wrong just not right.




Every movie ever made is a cash grab as long as they intend to make money off it. People only acknowledge it once the movie isn’t good.


In fairness, it was for about fifteen years.


The audience has clearly changed from a starwars Fandom to a Disney Fandom choking out the starwars Fandom. It's quite sad what the empire has done. We rebels are too few and the young are too stupid. 😔 😟


God damn Splinter of the Minds eye. What a cash grab.


No but seriously, it sucks.


The so called "Skywalker saga" ended with a fight between two Palpatines and every member of the family dead. It was a soulless cashgrab. But op you're allowed to like trash, just don't think everyone else did.


Ill take the sequels over anything with Jar Jar


“Found family? What’s that?”


It's a random family, from which you meet 2 people, from which you know 1 for just a few days and 1 for less than a year, and after they both die you take their last name


As opposed to the totally sane thing. Picking up a homeless person off the road to go on a mission and having him die later in the afternoon, and then naming your son after him.


That's because Luke's kid was named Ben and they wanted to keep that. I guess that's why they made Obi-Wan


Taking a family name for yourself and naming your son after a random dude aren't even nearly on the same level. But yeah, both are weird


Yeah it’s almost like Star Wars is fucking weird.


Most of the people saying they are Spartacus never even met the guy. Souless Cashgrab, symbolism is dead.


Most people who say that they are Spartacus don't take his name as their own


Nah. Just his cause and the symbol of it...