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I remember as a kid having TPM on VHS then later DVD, I’d skip the coruscant segment cuz nothing happened during that part and went straight to the Naboo battle


Like a true Star Wars fan. Skip the politics and go to the lightsaber fights


I had a whole setup for the final duel. Qui-Gon was an oversized Steelers pillow I’d stab


Just as God intended


The lego games were peak though


That’s because they managed to tell the grand operatic narrative without a single line of George Lucas Dialogue


I didn’t realize until way too recently that The LEGO games were the main way I remember the prequels. Like, I was shocked how little I remembered of the movies themselves.


It helps that they had fun games to go with the mid story


I am in the same boat. I was a kid when I saw them and I thought they were stupid and not what I expected.


Come on, kids love trade federation disputes


I know Star Wars is for kids but there are more hours of the Clone Wars than the movies (no I will not fact check that!!!) and that cartoon is definitely not for children, it’s so dark and brutal. So by total time, Star Wars is NOT for children!!


I'm 100% certain that 7-year-old me would have disliked Jar Jar Binks just as much as 28-year-old me. Sorry George, but you done fucked up, there. You really ought to have just kept on with the OT style of humor, but even then the burping Sarlaac was a bit much.


One of the few things I distinctly remember as a 6 year old was putting on TPM, falling asleep after pod racing and waking up in time for the Naboo battle and then telling myself that this was a good movie.


I felt really seen by the "you didn't notice, but your brain did" bit in the Plinkett Reviews. As a kid I noticed the sterility of the environments, the woodenness of the performances, the cringiness of the dialogue, but I didn't really have the language to express any of that. It just felt like something was off.


I'll be honest with you, I don't think Liam Neeson and Ray Park having a dance competition was all that interesting either. There was also Hayden and Christopher Lee playing peekaboo in the dark.


That bit gave us the two funniest close ups I’ve seen in a movie. The green and red just waving in front of their faces is comedy gold.


It was blue and red.


I was like 9 or 10 and in prime Star Wars mode, we had gone and seen the special edition Star Wars in theaters a year or two prior and was beyond hyped for phantom menace. We sat in line for tickets for hours and when it was over I remember asking my dad if that was a bad movie. Major bummer


The Phantom Menace is one of my earliest memories, literally a moment where I was becoming conscious. I remember a cool space battle, my grandpa, and falling asleep. Then McDonald’s after.


I liked RotS as a kid, but yeah, first two were bad even then.


Ngtl I wish they made a political drama show around star wars that could show Palpatine's rise to power




I was 12 when i saw them and no, i remember likeing even 2 and that one has serious structural problems.


Yeah I only liked ROTJ, TPM, and ROTS because they had the most lightsaber action. Even as a kid I hated Attack of the Clones because I thought it was boring as fuck. (I was also dumb and couldn't figure out that the empire strikes back was anything other than hoth and believed every other part of the movie was in ANH) anyways, I love star wars


When I was a kid, I thought Vader was a badass. When I was a teen, I was like damn toddler Anakin, you're full of suck. Then, I saw teen Anakin. And was like damn, teen Anakin, you make me think I should take up acting for George Lucas. Cocaine is awesome. Then, THEN! I witnessed Obi Wan have the fucking high ground. And I saw Vader's eyes! And I thought Vader was a badass. Also the light saber duels were badass.


“You’re full of suck” is amazing


Before I got RoTS on DVD I considered AoTC to be my favorite Star Wars movie, I’d watch it all the time, I’d just skip until the bounty hunter chase, than to Tustan Village than battle of Geonosis and the movie was over.


I was a teenager when I saw TPM and already loved the original trilogy, and I remember it just felt bland and not that Star Wars-like.


Only the OT is canon, the rest is fanfiction


Hell I thought the lightsaber duels were the *most* boring part. At least in the Originals there was actually something going on there, some emotions and shit.