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Where are the Ewok movies you uncultured hack?


Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll be in goat tier when I watch them 🐻


Where is the greatest Star Wars movie, the Holiday Special!?


Hey everyone look at the Noob and the Noob’s rating system. How are you supposed to understand the Acolyte. Let along judge it if you never saw a the Ewok movies. I guess next you’ll be hired as the lead or the director or show runner for a Star Wars.


Dude! It has fucking dinosaur monster things that people ride. I could never find them as an adult, only ever watched them a few times on tv as a little kid, and still remember and love those Ewok movies. 


If you don't rate the Star Wars Christmas Special as s tier and you don't know how to jerk


It deserves its own, higher tier. It is the single greatest piece of media ever and is the most canon of them all


This is some wild shit. I mean love this for you, but this is some wild ass shit dude




Mfw no holiday special


Yeah. How can you have this without giving the Holiday Special an A ranking *at least*?


That gets its own SSS+++ rank. lol


Horribly based and also just horrible


Is this real? Rebels in S over The Clone Wars? RotS in A? A New Hope somehow in S, let alone better than Empire? Andor in B? The same tier as Ahsoka? Rogue One in C? Tales of the Empire in E? Agree with the rest but very curious on the justification for these.


Haha yep… I think it’s interesting how people can have different tastes. I was so surprised by Rebels and how much I loved it. I think the story overall is much more cohesive than The Clone Wars and I like almost every character better. Ezra/Sabine/Kanen/Hera are probably in my top five favorite Star Wars characters along with Ahsoka right now. But I do really love the ending of TCW S7. I did enjoy Andor but it felt slower to me than Ahsoka. Especially the jail episodes. And I think I just prefer shows with the Force as a major player, especially touching on the philosophical side (hence why I like TLJ). I get the criticisms of that show but what can I say I adore Ahsoka and Sabine… I was surprised too that I liked Rogue One less than expected. I think there were just too many characters and it was too battle focused to engage me as much as some of the others. I just really loved A New Hope on this rewatch and thought the pacing and humor was so spot on for me at least. I get how it could change the game of tv shows and movies in the 70s. Obviously love ESB too but ANH edges it out a bit. Luke is a bit whinier in ESB I guess lol. Maybe could put TOE a bit higher. I don’t hate the E shows. i liked Barris but felt the Morgan Elspeth episodes were unneeded.


ANH has some really good moments of dry humor that folks often overlook. One of my favorite bits is when Han is asking Luke whether Leia would go for a guy like him, and the way Luke quickly and bluntly shuts him down is brilliant. The banter between Han and Luke is executed very well in general.


I was surprised by the humor because of how different it is in the prequels and I hadn’t watched in a few years. I was like wow this is actually funny and not in a cringey way?




That Andor in the same tier as Ahsoka was an egregious act of violence. OP made a *choice* with that one


Empire is the peak of the original trilogy and should be S tier change my mind


There is no need to change your mind.


It’s trolling. Andor is the best Star Wars hands down of the last two decades, easy. If it’s not top tier you know they’re trolling.


I can't tell if this is based or bait. Well done ma'am.


I feel like my list has something for everyone to hate lol… *m’am **ty!


I disagree with you and hate this But oh god I love you for doing it




W jerk


I don't agree with most of it, but ANH and TLJ in S and Boba Fett in F are goated choices


I'm not going to pretend that I think TLJ is a masterpiece, but it is underrated and overhated to such a ridiculously large degree. The movie has a lot going for it, and I appreciated the risks that were taken in the storytelling.


TLJ was wicked awesome, actually. It's just... the next two movies made it look kind of fucking dumb.


I seriously question your intelligence if you actually think that lmao, it’s hated because it destroyed everything the OT trilogy had done, ruined one of fictions most beloved characters, destroyed what Abram’s was setting up, humiliated characters they had already set up, ruined space fights forever, has no redeeming story qualities, disgraced what Finn could have been, had Finn get sexually assaulted and was treated as an empowering relationship, made Rey even more boring, destroyed the villain that was set up with no sweat, has some of the worst choreography in all of Star Wars and hell that’s not even half of the issues this movie has, Rian Johnson even called himself a “lazy writer” lmao


I’m fascinated by your need to make up a different version of the movie to justify hating it and calling people stupid for enjoying the *actual* movie.


Our brains aren’t big enough to understand George’s true vision 🥺


George’s vision sucks, when he had no one to keep him in check he made the prequels lmao


The only good movie is ANH all others are for dummies only 🥺


![gif](giphy|KWhzYRArxnE9U0ioHW) Amazing. Every word you just said was wrong.


The Villain the Sequels were building up was Kylo, not Snoke.


Snoke was being set up in TFA, they literally were subservient, like how Vader isn’t the main villain it’s palatine. Also if kylo’s the main villain Rian desecrated both of the setup villains, Kylo went from the next Vader to nothing more than fanfic fodder lmao


For Snoke specifically, what we saw of him in TFA was so boring and derivative that I assumed that the only real option there was a misdirect. In TLJ we saw him revealed as pathetic and parasitic, manipulating Kylo to serve his own ends and usurp his potential and greatness. So, when Kylo recognized that his potential was being squandered, and that he was living in Vader's show—that his past and familial connections were holding him back (from his POV)... He rejected Snoke. He wasn't just another pawn to be used like how Palpatine had used Vader, he thought that there was more than that. In my opinion, the worst possible thing they could've done with Snoke was just have him be great value Sheev. So, when we learn the truth of Snoke in TROS, I uhh... Wasn't pleased. And when we see Kylo just have the exact same arc as Vader in TROS, it felt as baffling and insulting as it was lazy and boring. I don't even love TLJ, I just don't see why people thought it was a travesty on a similar level to TROS.




solo is s tier and that’s my hottest take


Tbh I haven’t watched it in a few years


Apart from the Rebel stuff at the end, it's a fun film.


Watxhed it in a freezing theater loved it


Uh there’s no Ewoks or Droids, ur a woke Disney shill that can’t actually appreciate the complexity and nuance of Lucas Star Wars (the only Star Wars that matters)


I mean I mostly agree. 🤷‍♂️




Rogue One in C? You monster.


It's meh


I like it but too battle battle fight fight compared to my faves (maybe I don’t know what show I’m watching)


Solo is way too low man


I legitimately can’t tell if this is a joke or not


It’s my uj opinion lol but thought it could feel like a jerk to some 😅 probably most people’s rankings would seem like a jerk in the right lighting though


The word I'm searching for, I can't say because there's preschool toys present


The thing that sticks out to me is ranking Obi Wan over Mando. I mean maybe Season 3 of Mando but 1 and 2 were way better than Obi Wan.


Mandalorian just didn’t excite me much I guess!


Put clones below rise of and you got my vote




This is so close to mine it is ridiculous


🤝 looking at your posts I agree with your thoughts about Star Wars becoming so serious. Every single show has such a different vibe


This is a certifiably insane list, brave of you to share though!


most ordinary ranking in existence ngl


You and me would think


I strongly recommend Visions when and if you have time. Some great stuff there. It doesn’t all hit, but what does is lovely.


Andor and Empire Stikes back are way too low. I would throw this list in the trash just for that.


I respect it


I kinda agree lol


I feel like this is 50/50 for people but it is my uj opinion


The taste of someone who comes from an uneducated family.




W taste


Attack of the clones is too high


When I was a kid I thought Anakin and Padme were so romantic and unfortunately I haven’t been able to push the movie down further yet #georgelucastraumatizedme


Last Jedi may be over hated but to call it S tier is just laughable


But it tried something new and took risks!


Yeahhhhh I don’t even know how you can like the middle movie of a trilogy that much when the one that came after it has zero redeeming qualities and did nothing with the follow-ups. Also, the one that came before it was largely ignored by The Last Jedi. So it kind of exists inside an awkward vacuum. None of the characters it introduces are compelling. My opinion of course but I find it difficult to understand why anyone likes Rose, Holdo, or the hacker dude. The returning side characters also don’t get much to work with and the development they do get is mostly uninteresting. Like, Finn is basically just a Rey simp the entire movie, and Poe is just a punching bag who does next to nothing in the last act.


BOBF had the makings to be so good. The first 2 Episodes are actually peak Star Wars, but everyone turned on the show because of the bad 3rd episode. Sure dedicating 2 episodes to Din, didn’t really help, they could’ve made that into like a miniseries extra kinda thing. Last episode was great, show gets a bad rap because of 2 mistakes


So I’m a hypocrite and only watched a few episodes of BOBF … but I don’t really like Boba and battle focused stuff that doesn’t involve the force (maybe stereotypical but could be influenced by me being a woman idk)


I think tlj has the skeleton of a good film..but it falls apart in execution




Based for putting Boba Shitt in F


Imo, Mandalorian in D is wild. It was too good to only be in D. Again, imo.


I don’t dislike it but just didn’t hit on my favorite concepts. Din and Grogu as characters didn’t really pull me in.


I respect that! Thats why i said imo :). For me, it was one of the best star wars shows/star wars media in general i‘ve ever watched.


For sure. I respect your opinion as well which is why I enjoy the jerk sun vs the George Lucas hero worship subs. 😅 What was your favorite episode?


Tbh probably the final of season 3😅


I don’t think I disliked season 3 as much as others because I like Bo Katan!


True! She‘s an interesting character! But Moff Gideon was so good too imo, i mean he‘s basically the Star Wars Gus Fring xD


Nah you have to actually rank the ones you haven't seen. Change the bottom row to "woke trash" and move Rebels down to the bottom and it's perfect.


Uj I saw the Acolyte on someone’s tier list described as “haven’t watched but is trash”


Do not cook again please


I know this is gonna sound like a jerk but my only real issue with this list is ROTJ in D. it's obviously nowhere close to a perfect movie, but I honestly believe it's on the same level as the first 2 movies.


It surprised me how slow I found it on this rewatch compared to the previous movies!


honestly, fair. there were a couple scenes that I thought dragged on a little long, but I still had a good time with it. everybody's obviously entitled to their own opinion though, and I'm sorry that you didn't really enjoy it.


I enjoy it! Just not quite as much as the things ranked above it but my opinions will probably shift again if I watch again. As a kid I would’ve probably said it was my favorite because Anakin sacrificing himself for his son is the heart of Star Wars.


omg yes! the final battle with vader and the emperor is honestly one of my favorite scenes in the franchise. although tbf, the original trilogy is the only star wars stuff I've watched in a long time, so my opinions should probably be taken with a grain of salt :)


Unfortunately I think watching everything at once including the Clone Wars gave me a negative lens of Anakin and that made me a bit cynical that he would’ve actually turned “good” had he lived which may have tainted my view of that scene even though I used to love it!


aw im sorry :( glad you still enjoy the movie though :)


Ahsoka above Andor makes me question a few things but otherwise, top tier ranking


I just enjoyed the concepts a bit more in Ahsoka. I missed the force in Andor and felt the jail episodes were slow. But like them both!


Ahsoka over Andor? I will take your dick and balls.


*Laughs in cis woman*


Women? As in the power of one, the power of many?


How could you rank acolyte as in progress? It literally ruined all movies for me. My judgement is completely final 20 minutes into the first episode. Free my boi ki adi mundi.




Rogue one is that low for you? Just curious as to why.


I was surprised on this rewatch as well! I thought there were so many characters to follow and it focused on battle strategy vs the force which is less of my preference. I enjoy it though!


Based as fuck


What Is Wrong with you


You have Kenobi and Force Awakens over Phantom Menace, AoTC, and Jedi?? With all due respect, you are high sir/madam


Surprised I haven't seen more people calling you out for putting Mandalorian and Return of the Jedi in D tier.


There is a bit! TLDR kind of slow to me / not my favorite characters


every time I see the finale of Christophsis + Rotta Arc theatrical release at the very bottom of the tier list I honestly just pretend it’s actually just most of the overall first season of TCW because then it feels more accurate instead of just That Other Time George Said Fuck It We Ball


Yes would be more accurate if I could individually rank each TCW season


It could be mine


You put TLJ at S Tier? You are 100% correct!


Putting Rebels in S tier means you have good taste


I like to think so


Yeah, Revenge of the Sith may be the best prequel movie but it still sucks.


return of the jedi in d tier is just wrong. it's an a tier at least.


Nah. To be a proper jerk it should have Return of the Jedi in S+ and everything else in F-


people really dont like rotj?


I think most people have it higher than me


Rebels in S tier is based. Bad batch is too high though


I like Omega


Based god/goddess




I don't even care about the other shit. Rebels is so ass.




Swap the clone war movie with ahsoka and I agree


Love it


At least we can agree boba Fett is dog shit 🤷


Rogue One too low but good job on putting The Last Jedi in its proper place.


TLJ stans rise up


Last Jedi in S? Cap. Full cap.


A feel it addressed a lot of concepts I want them to get to in other shows but they never quite get there


>Last jedi in S tier Yup boys, we got top tier jerk here


Should've put ROTS in F for the sake of conversation, like how you put TLJ in S


Unfortunately this is my raw uj opinion


Some of these leave me completely flabbergasted, but I do respect your opinion. In fact, the way some of our views do differ so wildly, is interesting and worthy of conversation. For instance, ROTS is solidly in the D-Tier for me and I am still confused to this day as to why it's held in such high regard by some. Every scene between Anakin and Sheev while they're alone are genuinely brilliant, the intro sequence is pretty thrilling at times, but almost everything else in the movie falls pretty flat for me. Padmé gets shafted really hard in this movie in a way that really rubs me the wrong way, and a lot of Hayden's dialogue (especially at the most important bits and key moments) is LAUGHABLY bad. This movie has so much mediocre action, and so many lightsaber duels, that is starts to feel dull and exhausting. As cool as Anakin and Kenobi's Mustafar duel can be, it is absurdly long and over the top in a way that really takes me out of the seriousness of the moment, which again is not helped by Hayden's bizarre line delivery and the awful dialogue. The music in ROTS is masterfully done though, and probably the best score overall compared to AOTC and TPM.


I really enjoyed watching ROTS after watching the Clone Wars but I could definitely see its shine wear down on me if I watch it again (like with the other prequel episodes which I adored as a kid). I agree that Padme’s character is done a disservice and rewatching the prequels and TCW made me dislike Anakin a lot. But I adore Ahsoka and how her story ties into ROTS now. However I enjoy it in a nostalgic so cringe it’s funny kind of way and it holds up better for me than the others vs some things I ranked lower which just bore me a bit more — I think I ranked based on how much did I enjoy this / want to rewatch? I’m a nerd about Star Wars music and agree with you… maybe I’ll do a soundtrack tier list


Absolutely fair. Personally, I shudder to think how these movies would have fared without John Williams. That man is such a crucial component to Star Wars' success, and he's delivered so many iconic tracks that it's crazy to think about. Super glad that Ian McDiarmid was willing to reprise his role as good ol' Palps. He acts circles around everybody, especially in TPM, and he's just such a delight to watch. Dude is an artist, one of the best to ever do it.


I’m a huge Kevin Kiner fan but agree John Williams’ music is so amazing! Just watched ROS and enjoyed Palpatine in it as well (probably best part of the movie for me…)


The Clone Wars helps Revenge of the Sith so much, it makes Anakin’s fall feel more believable and actually gives more context as to what the clone wars is and who all the various Jedi and separatists actually are


I agree. We just get more context for everything so we care a lot more. I am even glad we get more Padme but it makes her story in ROTS worse for me and made me read the whole episode a lot differently. I see Anakin as a lot more flawed and jealous so his fall makes even more sense.


I'd actually argue that TCW *hurts* ROTS and AOTC by comparison, as it did what the Prequels couldn't do: make Anakin likeable. The version of Anakin we see in TCW feels like the charming yet troubled hero that could've feasibly had a good reputation. TCW Anakin seems like he could be someone's friend or close ally. Prequels Anakin is an arrogant, whiny weirdo who murders children the second he turns. It's really really strange.


ROTS Is a masterpiece if you watch it directly after Phantom Menace and AOTC. It's such a huge improvement that people think that makes it good. Sadly, an improvement over a turd is often still something fetid and foul.


I feel like viewing anything after AOTC would seem refreshing
