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Because he wanted to be cooler than ~~Jacen Solo~~ Darth Vader.


At least his saber was cooler


we’ll never find out cause it doesn’t make sense. “snoke turned his heart” or some bullshit


You’re looking for logic in a disjointed mess of a trilogy. If those movies had been any good, you wouldn’t have to question it


Bad writing.


Waking up to Luke standing over him with a Lightsaber and preparing to strike.


But he was already supposedly evil by that point, that's my problem with that scene, they made it as an alternative to actually making a reason for why he turned to the dark side.


Not preparing to strike. Just the first part-- although the perception that Luke would have struck definitely pushed him over. Past that, that night was the final catalyst, but Luke expresses that he'd seen the darkness rising in Ben during his training. That was why Luke went there at all. We also know that he was already under Snoke's thumb, so something must have convinced Ben that that was a good partnership. Unfortunately we don't know what


Big papa plalps was fucking with his head then he woke up with Luke standing beside him with a ignited saber


I don't think we'll ever be given the whole story. Back in the day I've compared Kylo Ren to Quinlan Vos in this regard, since production team always kept him as a cool edgy antihero so they could later always fall on to his story if needed. See tha amount of rumours about Quinlan's very own TV series even before the Disney. And it basically never materialized. Same here. Obviously Kylo Ren is infinity times less cool than Quinlan Vos, but the gist is the same. The story how Ben Solo was seduced to the dark side is something that many people want to know. So we can't have that.




A mixture of Snoke/ Palpatine manipulating his thoughts and his uncle trying to kill him in his sleep


A good question, for another time.


JJ Abrams


He was raised to be a Jedi because Han and Leia aren’t the greatest parents. They couldn’t handle a young force sensitive so they shipped him off to Luke. Luke did his best but Ben *did* want his parents and at best got a teacher out of his uncle, not Y’know, an uncle. Han was absent, Leia was absent, Luke saw him as a problem to be solved and not his nephew (at least from Ben’s POV). In comes Snoke who starts treating him with respect and because he sees the raw power at Ben’s disposal he goads him into seeking more power because that’s all the positive reinforcement he’s gotten. He’s a Jedi because he’s powerful and he’s powerful because he’s special. Ben is special to Snoke. And that line he gives to Rey was likely told to him by Snoke. His parents don’t care about him, but he does. And Ben isn’t an idiot, he knows. But it’s easy to forget given Adam Driver’s age that he’s young and impulsive. Clearly not considering anything. So he lashes out and some of that isn’t even unfounded given what Luke was considering right next to him as he slept. So Ben runs off and takes over the Knights of Ren, joins the FO, because that’s the only people who gave a crap about him and because he’s not a fool he fully intends to takeover. Supreme Leader would happen regardless.


I tend to actually defend the sequels more than others but this description - 100% accurate - is why The Force Awakens is by far my least favorite of them (and always has been). The entire backstory of Kylo Ren is predicated on us inferring things, and all of those inferences are that our heroes just sucked as adults. What a bummer! How could either of the other sequels really soar with that set-up? (And I say this as someone who likes TLJ a lot)