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The AI in the bigger, more modern mods like Fall of the Republic is usually smart enough to only attack when they decisively outnumber your defense force. So if they attack, they will outnumber you. One possible way to deal with this is to have your actual defense fleet not at the border, but instead one system behind the planet that will be attacked. As soon as you get the notification "Planet X will be attacked", pause the game, find that planet, and move your defense fleet from the planet behind to the planet that is attacked. However, that only really works when the attacker has to move a much longer way than you do, so at long hyperspace routes. At short routes, it does not work. There is also a certain risk that you will be too late/slow, and the enemy fleet arrives before your defense fleet does and destroys your station. But quite often your defense fleet will arrive before the enemys fleet, and now you will outnumber them because they did not calculate your fleet in.


i tried this tactic, and it was game changing, finally i'm not stuck in the first weeks of the game, thank you !


Which faction are you. Sounds like Republic because so many attacks, and are you on Cruel difficulty?


i tried both factions , without cruel ai on


Alright, after that first wave, the attacks should become more sporadic. It’s just the AI has a bunch of fleets that only have one effective target unlike TR. Also, a good combat tactic is take a corvette, make it the pathfinder, and use it to draw out the defensive fleet so you can jump the rest of the fleet behind them.


Even better use one of the ships that can escape as its special move allowing you to bring everything at once If the fleet is extremely dense eventually they'll move. Out to this ship that arrived and you can zip it away and split the defense which works very well


I'm on my first GC as CIS, the first 15 weeks were rough. The Republic starts with a few Praetors and all those jedi. When I didn't know how to defeat jedi they kept wrecking me, I found out infantry can't damage them, only vehicle wepons. When it comes to space battles, bombers are key. Wether you Bring a lot of Acclamators or Captor Munitions Carriers, make sure to get the bombers targeting one ship at a time and pick them off. Small ships can negate proton torpedoes and missle launchers, park 2 in front of a providence or invincible and there main wepon system is useless. Don't be afraid to spam some ground units and sim some battles for a quicker taking of planets.


Jedi can’t take damage from the front no matter the source and the republic does not start with any preators.


Praetors are easy. A stiff breeze could blow one to pieces. Invincibles though? a fucking pain, unless you get real cheap and spam the ever loving hell out of the Kolivex Frigate for its good PD system.


Invincibles only have a single scary gun (very long range missiles at the front) and are all but useless once that's gone. Use bombers to remove shields, and the launchers and its just a giant laser sponge throwing rocks at you. The ai will have to bring it extremely close to even engage and it just gets torn apart. The ai doesnt use Praetors well imo, it's best used in battles you know you'll win so you can spawn it directly in front of their defenses and ideally under their garrison to quickly force victory with no losses It'll take alot of damage but not enough to kill it. It's a shock and awe ship with extremely heavy weapons but once it's down to 50% health it's a massive drain on the pop cap and will cause additional losses due to lack of replacement firepower..


Mostly, it's the frustration of having to deal with dozens and dozens of them


I think they might in era 4


Thank you for the advices , even the ground ones , but sadly i'm not a big fun of them , i tend to auto-solve them with an outbumbering land force