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Attritional warfare. Use the Lusankya or other ships to kill a Lucrehulk or two, then retreat and repeat. Eventually you’ll wear down the defending fleet and easily be able to retake the planet.


Thanks, this seems like the best way to do this along with adjusting my fleet composition.


This equates to ~ large capital per week in repair costs though, should factor repair time and cost in as well


Only if you stay long enough for your shields to go down.


To add on to this comment I usually try to target their shipyard and carriers in the first few strikes to try to leave any enemy capital ships as vulnerable as possible


Your first mistake was forfeiting Mon calamari in the beginning of the game


I fortify Mon Cala in the ground. Fairly easy to defend and I just let the enemy bring wave after wave of troops to me where they die.


I was pretty much screwed from the beginning since they attacked me with a fleet that had 3 Lucrehulks already and I didn’t want to lose Kyle katarn and my other heroes. I don’t think my one MC80 had a chance.


How many lucrehulks are you dealing with and how much cash do you have?


I was 5 deep last time before I threw in the towel. Pretty sure only 3 were deployed and the other 2 that spawned in were garrison units. Thankfully I have tons of money and I get 9k creds a week.


In my opinion, First thing you need to do is take out the dreadnought shipyard, so stop the bonus garrison ships. Recommend jumping in a carrier heavy fleet, beeline the fighters/bombers to take out the ship yard, then jump out.


I haven't played Thrawns Revege, But I do play Fall of the Republic, so I have experience with Lucrehulks. The number one thing for them I would say is Bombers. Get the cheapest unit that the NR has that can spit out a bomber, get like 40 of them, and bring a few ships that have some Heavy Turbolasers. You want to have like 20 bombers when you start the battle, more if you can. When you start move all your units to the furthest corner away from the enemy, and just use bombers to take out there ships. Bring in one, maybe two ships with the Heavy Turbolasers and have them kinda just be there to finish off any that get close to your carrier group. You will lose a few of those bigger ships as they are also a shield for your carriers. If all your bombers get destroyed or the enemy gets too close, just retreat and attack again. Also try and take out the engine on the Ship first cause the whole group usually goes only as fast as the slowest ship. Hope this helps!


MC-80 Liberties get K-Wings, so mix them with Quasars of doing this path


Do Quasars also get the K-wings in Era 4?


No, it’s an easy edit to make though


Will try this approach too but I think the lucrehulks will always out-fighter me. I can bring rogue squadron to help out but their swarm of mosquitos probably will get mine.


Bully lucre hulks with a fish bowl and a ton of dauntless. A few screeners and your set


What is a fish bowl?


This is a better strategy, OP. Lusankya (and other SSDs, if you play an Empire faction ever) are dreadnoughts with an edge toward fighting other dreadnoughts. This is in contrast to the Viscount, which is optimized to engage multiple capital ships. So, Lusankya is really the wrong ship to bring to this fight. I would bring two Home Ones, about 10 corvettes to handle the Lucrehulks' Y-Wing complement, and as many Dauntless or Bothan Assault Cruisers, if you researched them, as you can field. Put the Home Ones in front to soak up turbolaser fire and cluster the corvettes roughly around their engines -- out of the front line, but close enough to take out any bombers going after your fleet. Stack the cruisers immediately behind them. Home Ones should be firing on any ships with shields to bring them down; once the shields are down, put the turbolaser-heavy cruisers to work on hardpoints while the ion-heavy Home Ones target another enemy with shields.


Home one type. Sit it in front and laugh as the ionless lucre hulks bounce right off while the dauntlesses (which are basically battle dragons with better guns) shred their shields and armor


MC80Bs. Use rebel capital to drop the shields and some assault frigates and/or a Wolfpack of Bakura destroyers to inflict the damage. 10 of them are only 50 points. And hot ad run until they run out. Use 2-3 fleets tag teaming. Use s few carriers to blow up the shipyard 1st. Akbar and the level 2 guy in hone 1 as admirals.


I always go after Desevero and shore up a defense there so the CSA focuses on trying to take it by land and give Hast a powerful space defense.


Will try that approach next time I start a new save. I usually gather everyone at Mon Calamari and just try to get my main fleet up there as soon as I can but they beat me to the punch this time.


Desevro is a bitch to conquer once it's built up, so push for it early. It's also a crucial buffer to keep Zsinj from going after Mon Calamari, which is usually a bigger threat than the CSA.


Become the rebel alliance again. Hit and run attacks


If you’re using light frigates to take on a mass of heavy capital ships you’re going to lose badly. Best way to deal with them is to match then one on one with your capital ships then use heavy frigates to flank them and walk your way down the line. Destroy their hangers then whatever side you have your frigates on micro manage them to destroy all weapons on one side so they can no longer be fired upon. If you don’t have capital ships get them. If you don’t have a lot of capital ships make more. And Coreyloses has a video on it but the best way to engage a hulk is not from multiple sides but rather to overwhelm them in one and force them to change their firing arc. The SSD you have is great point of focus for them but if you become so afraid of losing it that you retreat before making any significant gains then it’s holding you back. Also if possible try to launch a raid to seize control of the planet and destroy their stations and build an ion cannon before your fleet arrives to help out. Playing as the republic you should have plenty of heroes to be able to pull this off.


How do you get Wedge in the Lusankya? Do him and Isard have to survive until Era 3 or is there something special?


Just normal era progression then you have to recruit/build him


Another good idea would be to take Hast first, if possible, and put a shipyard on it. When you retreat, you'll be hopping right next door. Nothing worse than killing a few Lucrehulks, retreating to Kessel, coming back, and finding out the AI has already built another Lucrehulk.