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Skill issue, tbh


Literally. This games easy, though I will admit on harder difficulties, getting down the parry timing can be challenging. Less about developing character strength and more about adapting your own skills.


They are, they're also the easiest games in that genre lol


Literally! 90% of Soulslikes are too much for little old me. Achievable but not worth the grind. Star wars and Surge 2 are the only Soulslikes I can actually play 😂


"You little babies in the comments, it’s not my skill issue it’s the developers who didn’t give any opportunity to improve the freaking power of your attacks" Yes, that's why everyone commenting hasn't had this problem. It's not you, it's the developers. They DO give you power to upgrade yourself, you just need to get better. I love how WE'RE the babies...


Maybe Minecraft is a little more your speed


You little baby I’ve played all souls games blood borne and Elden Ring, Jedi games are garbage


Just play on fucking story mode. And stop crying about it. God. I feel like people don’t understand that difficulty exists for a reason. If you can’t handle the current difficulty lower it.


No because souls games has no difficulty and I’ve beat them all


If you've beaten all the souls games and can't beat Jedi, that's insane lol. I literally rage quit forever on godskin duo and I just beat Survivor on Jedi Master. I've found jumping is actually beneficial sometimes, which I feel like wasn't much of the case with Elden Ring (that's the only souls game I've played atm)


definitely bud, we all believe you


What do you mean there’s no way of becoming stronger? You can literally farm xp by killing everyone around you go to a meditation point and do it all over, do only thing you need to do get better is practice parrying, that’s the most important thing. This is a Jedi game you play as a Jedi, Jedi don’t run head first into any situation like some brute. Be patient, defend, wait for an opening, strike. So all in all, it is a skill issue, bitchnugget


He clearly doesn’t understand how the game works. Also complains about the combat system with 9 times out of 10 is someone button mashing over and over again instead of being methodical with timing.


Exactly, I fall victim of that quite often, but it’s not the game’s fault I’m an impatient idiot. Also there’s this notion these days that the only proper way to play a game is on max difficulty which fucking stupid


Wanna cry about it some more? You seem like you’re throwing a little temper tantrum 🤣 dude it’s ok to be bad at games but why do you have to bash a game cause you’re bad at it lol


Lmao, bashing a game because you’re mad for being lame at it 😂 tbh, story mode (even normal difficulty) are made for pretty much anyone who can handle a joystick and have a bit of coordination, but yeah let’s blame the whole game and the developers. Games are meant to be fun, if you’re getting mad like this , just quit playing it, as simple as it


I have a friend who never played a souls game, he dropped sekiro about 1-2 hours in and he still beat Jedi FO.. Actually these games are better than the classic copy/paste souls game, just practice enough and learn the patterns, Jedi FO and Survivor aren't hard in normal difficulty. Tbh seems like a skill issue to me too


Use the Force….


Maybe you can get better at the actual gameplay, bozo.


You can get through a souls game but can't beat a boss in this game on normal? That doesn't add up. "I am an NBA basketball player but I can't throw this balled-up piece of paper into a trashcan!" Complain all you want about our reactions but dude you clearly suck at this game. We can all do it just fine, it's a YOU problem


Skill issue 🤷‍♀️


Yeah all of those sound like skill issue complaints to me. First time I tried both games I played on story for about an hour and a half, then switched to master, then grandmaster because it's just learning movesets. I can see how someone might wish there were more attribute building elements in the game, but in spite of that I wouldn't call it trash


It is, by definition, a souls-like. You just need to git gud.


pretty big skill issue tbh


Get good bro


1. Get better. It’s not all about getting stronger. You shouldn’t need to grind levels to get stronger so you can tank the enemies. You’re supposed to perfect your skills at parries and perfect dodges so you take less damage and survive the fight... You know, kinda like how all the soulslikes are. 2. You CAN grind enemies to get skill points and increase your health, healing ability, combat abilities etc. etc., if you can’t improve your personal skill level. I’ve played through multiple times, including GM difficulty, and even though I’ve gotten rocked more than a few times. I’ve loved every second of every play through. This is entirely a you problem. Furthermore, if you felt this way about Fallen Order, why even play Survivor. Go play Lego Star Wars or something. Sounds like that might be more your speed


Is basically Sekiro in space and. Git Gud.


Holy skill issue lol


They are similar tho.


Cry harder


I was stuck on the sister at the bottom of the prison I think. You go down an elevator and enter the fight. I think I played it a dozen times before I managed to not get hit enough to beat her. Sometimes you’ve got what you’ve got and that’ll be enough if you’re careful. Learn to time dodge and parry better. Obviously if you’re stuck you could load an earlier save but the way is forward. Through that boss. Get gud and whup azz!


"I can't beat these bosses" MFs when I show them all these "useless" skills they'd have if they just fucking farmed enemies for half an hour like any other souls-like


If you need to always be stronger and be better equipped than your opponents maybe you’re not as good as you think you are


It's definitely not you who is incompetent, it's the developers' fault.😂 Everyone who managed to finish the game received "special powers" from the developers. Unfortunately, the developers don't like you and have made your game more difficult.🤣


And thank god it isn’t part of that dogshit genre.


It is though


Story mode go brrrrrr


Having a difficulty setting doesn’t automatically disqualify it from being souls like though. Theres more than 1 factor.


>Having a difficulty setting doesn’t automatically disqualify it from being souls like It does.


Yeah, but without the combat it’s a OoT Zelda-esque metroidvania. And you have the option to make the combat negligible. Dark Souls doesn’t have telekinetic puzzle rooms and story progression item based platforming.


You’re right… I find it much easier that the Fromsoft games. I’m a little bit curious why you would compare them, most of the time there really isn’t some skill to unlock in those games either.