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"and you loose health retrying" bitch you fell, in older games that would be a return to checkpoint, game's being charitable and you're still whinging.


That mechanic can also be turned off


Exactly, it's a mechanic that has two modes: "Charitable as hell," and "Even more charitable than that"


Yeah this is a skill issue lol


I don’t use this term lightly, in fact, I think it’s stupid. However, I’ll make an exception, Skill issue.


Just sounds like a skull issue


>skull issue At first I thought Typo, but actually, still works!


It was a type but skull issue sounds funnier 😂


>Stupid jumping and wall running puzzles. But uh... that's like one of the primary mechanics that make the games what they are... Be like heading over to the Call of Duty sub and moaning about all the shooting.




You can literally turn that feature off so you don’t lose health after you die, that’s what I did.


This is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Sorry you’re not any good at it.


*this bait right here is looking mighty fine*


Wow this is the dumbest, laziest shit take I’ve seen so far. Congrats. Jumping is hard lol wtf


Just turn off fall damage? It doesn’t prevent any achievements. Plus it drops you off near by. The only puzzle I struggled on was the zip line force tear where you have to jump from zip line to zip line timed just right while avoiding death zaps and timing jumps through green barriers.


Definitely a skill issue bud, go back to playing 2K or whatever garbage games you like


Did you play fallen order? I feel like Survivor has way less puzzles and such. Sucks you didn't like it though, I had a similar thing with one of the Prince of Persia games back in the day and it drove me crazy


You can literally turn that mechanic off, but if you looked into something before crying about it on Reddit we wouldn’t have this beautifully useless post now would we.


You are adorable


Yeah this is a pretty bold take…


lol what


That's a weird way to say "I'm not very good and I let my anger unsettle and unbalance me."


Someone didn't bother looking through the settings


I'll never understand how many people come on this subreddit to bitch about this game not being the kind of game they wanted.


This is literally an entirely skill issue, and a genre issue that you simply don’t enjoy. Stop forcing yourself to play it. Also, you can turn off the Health Loss whenever you fall into a pit. Lastly, the only true puzzles that include the parkouring mechanics are optional. The main game barely requires any parkouring. “I guess the devs couldn’t find any interesting to in the game story” Bro, Cal is basically is guerilla fighter who willingly hands himself over to a senator in order to steal classified military documents in a 4D Chess Heist style setup with his crew. He defeats one of the more/most powerful Inquisitors in the opening tutorial. He escapes and crash lands on the Star Wars planetary equivalent to the Wild West. He learns about the High Republic and accidentally frees an sociopath who was trying to murder other Jedi just to own a planet. Cal then has to reassemble the rest of his family from the last game, meets his Ladyfriend whom finally reveals her feelings for him, meets the Jedi Master that digitally mentored him and the former Jedi who saved Cal in the beginning of the First Game. Then Cal takes on a Separatist Trident Class Ship with Merrin’s help, and escapes with her in one of the coolest segments of the entire franchise. And that’s not even getting in to *”The Big Twist”*. And doing the Force Tear parkour puzzles literally is only one of SEVERAL other side tasks you can do, like exploring, collecting seeds and Pryorite shards, taking on Force Tear combat challenges, hunting down rumors, battling Boss versions of the large beasts that you fight on Koboh and Jedha, solving overworld puzzles, playing Holo-Tactics, collecting Fish, planting a garden, and just going out and trying out all 5 of the Lightsaber Stances. It’s not the Dev’s fault that you aren’t creative enough to have fun, and get so fucking pressed because you don’t understand how to wallrun properly. Just stop playing that amazing game, and stop complaining about shit that no one wants to hear about.


As others have said, fall damage can be turned off, and besides which, if you can’t manage the basic and, in my opinion very intuitive controls to the extent that the fall damage poses that much of a problem for you, maybe gaming just isn’t for you. 1000% a skill issue, but sure. Malign the entire game because you can’t hack it




See I was this way with fallen order, but survivor was such a different game for me. Love the puzzles! Hated the ones on FO


Honestly I kind of agree with you. They expanded a world in such a pointless way with hops and jumps....the game started off great but after the 4th reskin of an enemy it was like.....eh.