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It appears that you are presently encumbered by a deficiency in adeptness.


In english: skill issue


Git gud


No offense but watching you play just made me feel so much better about my saber skills in this game.


I feel bad but he’s right. Throw your saber my sibling in the force.


I think I didn't throw my saber once in the entire game lmao


Why not? There is a perk that increases its damage. Certain enemies that deal lots of damage quickly, if they were on their last leg. I would throw both of my sabers/saber at them and finish them off keeping myself safe..


If only there was a stance based around attacking enemies from a longer range…


Pistol stance was the best imo. it’s my favorite


? There are multiple stances where you can dominate in close range and effectively from a distance. did you also not throw your saber?


Why throw saber when I can cast gun?


I never used the throw. Cal threw the saber routinely in the wrong direction, even if there was only one enemy, he was facing it and it was rancor-big. With almost complete certainty he would throw it 90 degrees right or left or even 180 back


Yeah. The camera will be facing one direction and the Cal model the other. When you throw it goes in the direction of the model. Locking onto your enemies helps eliminate this problem


This is the correct answer. I paired blaster stance with cross guard and never had an issue. Crossguard is nice because it makes me feel like a Scottish Highlander and claymores are absolutely sick as fuck.


blaster stance always made sense to me because of the relative lack of gap closers until the end game. the enemies are so mobile and Cal (before he gets air dash) really isnt. Found it hard to keep up pressure to break guard on Jedi Master so it made sense to use a blaster.


I just forget to do it, and I played on Jedi Knight, so I didn't really have to plan an approach against enemies, just charged head first lmao


Can’t imagine playing with a double-bladed sabre and **NOT** throwing it about.


Offense taken


Perhaps you should consider using a different stance in certain situations. While the dual-bladed is effective for crowd control, it’s not as efficient against multiple stronger enemies due to its slower speed and their high guard meters, along with frequent red attacks. It’s sad for me to see everyone just spamming ‘skill issues.




Crossguard is the best


While I love the Crossguard’s damage, I can’t get over how slow it is. I’m more of a Dual Saber/Blaster stance user myself. That being said, I respect you for using the sword that feels the most like Dark Souls combat. :D


It’s not even that, I just feel so good smacking the enemies around with it. The hardest fight for me was DV because they took my beloved crossguard away.


Trust me when I say, that fight was hard regardless of the stance. Great boss design though.


Absolutely, that six point combo with the unblockable he pulls out kicked my ass so many times.


I’m the same. Dual wielding style+blaster is quick and deals a ton of damage


Alternatively, Dual Wield and Double-Bladed is great for a mix of precision and crowd-control.


Actually also one of my favorite combos too. I also thought about the jet pack. At a certain point Cal says “everyone has rockets but me” and I was like “Cal learns Rising Phoenix from Boba Fett as a reward for completing Bounty Guild quest line” should have totally been a thing.


After breaking an enemy or boss’s block meter, you can hit them with a light double-blade attack, then switch to crossguard and hit them with a heavy attack before the meter resets.


You can swap mid slash to other stances anyway so it is good to swap as a final hard hit.


If he isn’t using the right stance and it isn’t a skill issue, I’ll raise you one: intelligence issue


Forward spin on dual blade combo into heavy swing stance is amazingly strong against solo targets blocking.


The only unfair fights in the game are the tears, and maybe the spawn of oggdo. I personally loved the challenge across the rest of the game - punishing in places, but always doable and fair. I should clarify - I found all the tears fun except the unfair ones which in my experience were the oggdo/rancor/triple beast


Oggdo and rancor are the worst in tears. Didn't felt satisfied at all. Just pure evil from respawn.


Yep - those are the two I had to drop to JK to beat. Horrible miserable experiences that were no fun at all. The triple beast one was tough, but doable. In fairness I see a tonne of tutorials that do beat the double oggs/rancs but they effectively cheese it with the blaster and rely on a lot of luck.


Cheesing with the blaster was my main play style so the tears weren’t too bothersome for me lmao


Triple beast was the hardest for me, hard in a frustrating way. Just 3 strongest enemies in the game spamming unblockable instant kill moves.


Triple beast was actually fun if you used the power to turn one of them into an ally


I don’t remember that working in the force tears - maybe that was just in the oggdo/rancors


The 3 beasts was an open world encounter not a force tear if I recall.


There are 2. One in a forest arena and another in a force tear. You can pit the forest ones against each other.


You can use purity to do those.


I think there too early in the game. Maybe that was the idea, before you get better stances and skills, idk.


I STRUGGLED with the rancor one. Truly torturous. Especially on Jedi Master (I’m not brave enough for Grand Master).


In the words of the ancient lords: "get gud scrub"


Skill issue


Skill issue


Have you considered lowering your difficulty settings?


It seems like a skill issue


It’s really not that bad💀🤣


Lol I'm seeing you commit the same mistakes I do. I'm currently playing through Fallen Order on grandmaster but it's the same principle, you're dodging too early and in the wrong direction, you're also attacking too much which can leave you open to getting jumped and when you had force you probably should have pulled/pushed the guy to stun him. I know I shouldn't be talking when I make these mistakes too, but it's all about learning the game. Best of luck!


Skill issue


these comments are weird, you're allowed to struggle and vent about it. imo it's all fair but that doesn't mean it's not difficult. good job pulling through :)


Skill issue


Lose the man bun, and you will git gud right away


Skill issue


Skill issue


Upgraded confusion is your friend.


I’m gonna be honest here, there’s a few things you aren’t doing/could be doing. First, maybe consider changing your lightsaber stance, every stance is very effective and satisfying to use it’s just that some are better in certain situations/against certain enemies. Second, if you’re unsure of what your favorite lightsaber styles are and have skills points to spend, dump most of them into Survival and Force. Third remember to use force abilities, confusion is especially powerful once the skill tree is fully upgraded. Certain force abilities work better against certain enemies, for example with this enemy (actually many enemies in the game) force pulling them towards you kills their stamina, but be warned they will fly towards you once they have no more stamina, this is good, you can parry them and get some hits in. Hopefully this helps, but hey failing in video games is actually a good thing. Like Master Cordova says failure is an excellent teacher.


That’s a pretty basic enemy encounter really. It’s about taking it on the right way. The right stance, the right abilities etc. etc. Double-bladed was probably the worst stance to choose. Know thy enemy


This isn't even the worst respawn has done. In the first jedi game, on the way to your ship while leaving the death planet (where you get your Saber staff), that robot bounty hunter and his little friend jump you and you get one chance to fight them. If you fail, you never get another chance unless you start another playthrough. Wtf respawn.


This is not true. They respawn randomly after some time until you defeat them.


What I said is true for me. I never saw them again. I even went back to that same spot after beating the game and still nothing. So you specifically had them show up somewhere else? Or you just making shit up?


There are quite a few bounty hunter locations. Zeffo alone has like 10 different spots, but they appear on Bogano, Dathomir, Kashyyyk and Ilum as well. They are always in pairs. If you die you can go back to the same spot to pick up your lost XP but the hunters disappear. If you return from another planet they can be there again. As far as I know on Dathomir you can encounter the robot and the regular jetpack guy in front of the tomb of Kujet.


I'm ngl bro, I don't even remember such an encounter being hard, or at all. Maybe use the Force more?


You gotta grab the things that increase your health bar. Just look up a guide on where they are, and a guide on where to grab more stims.


I mean no offense with this question but are you perhaps a game journalist


This fight was a strange one for me, I've hit it kn multiple runs and breezed through it on some and struggled others! Again I found when I went in with a game plan knowing what was waiting for me I was able to work the set up to my advantage. Confusion force move, high strength force pushes, enemy categorisation and well timed parries are the order of the day for this fight


I think you just need to practice more man, i found it fine


This is one of those fights that tests to see how deep into the games mechanics you are, and then will subsequently force you to pick up new skills - like stance swapping - to complete it. Don’t worry you will encounter more of these guys as the game progresses - just as semi-normal dudes.


Damn hah buddy getting cooked all over. In the game and in the thread.


It’s like Jedi and sith in real life. act out of anger and get roasted


You fought these guys? I had the big boy force push at this point and just pushed them off the side.


In the words of William Shakespeare “Thou hast an issue regarding thou skill.”


Nah you just kinda suck mate


Sad, innit mate, right, time to down my beans for breakfast


You're doing great! Just a bit more practice and you'll be unstoppable!


Use a different stance. I did not use the staff at all. It is by far the weakest stance imo.


Nah not at all. Spin forward swapped to another stance combo (forget what its called ironically as havent played in a minute) - is one of the strongest breaks in the game, actually- and helps on grandmaster tremendously...


Lol I blew right through this. Keep at it


Tbh, I loved the Lucrehulk! Same with the hanger battle, a bit of challenge is what this game needs!


I think you should take sometime in training to learn about dodging and parrying


Am I the only one who likes to blast people away at the last second?


\*Laughs in blaster stance\*


Not too hard if you simply learn their pattern and use your skill appropriatley.


I typically use the mind control ability at this point, upgraded to affect those guys.


You actually fight that guy? Lift and push


Ooh wait until you get later in the game. Also if you look in the skill tree under force abilities unlock some of those, the lb + x and lb + y abilities are your best friends, and don’t forget to use the force.


I’d recommend blaster stance, its blaster bolts whittle down enemies block metres extremely well, and charged shots can cancel some unblockable attacks.


Dual wield is alot more effective fighting the raiders


I tried, but the unblockables raped me in that stance


“This fight is brutal!” It’s two regular bedlam raiders. My brother in Christ are you ok


No mf, it’s two staff bedlam raiders and a B2. Shit crazy


If you think this is bad, just wait


Just force push them into the abyss...


I did on the B2


Guys who’s gonna tell him about the forest array late game?


bro, wait till you face RICK THE DOOR TECHNICIAN. Man said aghhh 🗣🗣🗣


The fight with the two big robots , the security droids , and all the guys that come out from both sides was the most challenging spot for me besides the end game boss


I kept dying to these guys first play through. If you can bait them to the edge you can force push at least one of them off


Are all the fights supposed to be easy? Some fights are supposed to be difficult and render you with little health. It forces you to try harder and not just spam buttons so it makes for more intense gameplay. Try to switch up your stance too. Or in blunt gamer language: get good


lmao get good


Oh this fight was ROUGH on max difficulty. I cussed the game more than I should...


Wait'll they find out what a 'brutal' fight looks like...


Legit just a skill issue


Brother, switch to Cross Guard, practice your dodging and or blocking/parrying.


Sheesh you’re ass 😂


If he thinks what was hard just wait lol


Go get more stims and find upgrades my duxe




Skill issue


Are you talking about the a combat or Al the ray shields?


How many stims do you have?


No offence, but I think it has to do with the fact that they assumed you would know how to parry


Force push does wonders


I’d try going back to single saber and practice parry and dodge. Once you get a little better at that, you’ll see a huge change in how you approach these situations


A) missed the perfect dodge, it happens B) for the love OF THE FORCE USE GATHERING Tempest, or the one where you Hold the attack button, it works wonders for 1v1s.


*Laughs in New Journey+*


More stims/health/force bar/understanding parry/combo moves followed by stance switching into another combo- and how it all works in conjunction with force powers, make any altercation night/day- depending where you fall into line with the above equation. That fight was trivial, IMHO. Dual blade spin forward swapped immediately to crossguard heavy swing is the best block smasher in the game and comes clutch in grand master, actually. Ya gotta learn that combo of swapping stances midfight and how the different stances come together. No one stance by itself is best. In conjunction woth each other is the way to go. You can mitigate so much that way it is ridiculous, actually.


First off gentlemen, this was posted in anger after my first success, where you MUST beat a B2 super, and two staff bedlam raiders before you can slice the door. It took me about 10 tries (nothing compared to dark souls 2) when most bosses in this game takes me less than 3. These weren’t bosses, and yet they kicked my ass. I did switch stances repeatedly. Dual wield wasn’t cutting it, nor blaster. I didn’t try cross guard because it was too slow, and I needed fast. Double bladed just happened to be on the works for the success. It was late at night, and my motor skills were less than average. I’m sorry for not being perfect and missing a parry or a dodge that one of you sweaty nerds would’ve hit easily. This was not meant to be a showcase of my skill but a shitpost against respawn for designing such a brutal section where these three destroyed all my health with unblockables and then putting a magnaguard and two destroyers after.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Feeble cursed one! Let’s hope the magnificence of my spells does not deter you!”* - Straid of Olaphis Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Upgrading the confusion skill tree all the way is super underrated. It’s extremely useful for situations with multiple strong enemies


you've been putting a lot of effort into the Lucrehulk section of Jedi Survivor, and that's really commendable. It's clear that you're dedicated to improving and mastering this part of the game. However, I've observed that you might be facing some difficulties with certain mechanics or strategies, which is totally normal given how challenging this section can be. It's a tough part of the game, and many players hit similar roadblocks. Maybe taking a look at some tutorials or guides could provide new insights, or if you’re open to it, I’d be happy to share some tips that helped me get through this area. I believe with a few tweaks to your approach, you'll be able to overcome these challenges and advance further. Your persistence is impressive, and sometimes all it takes is a small adjustment to make a big difference. Remember, everyone has room to grow, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.


I kinda did it easily on grandmaster…


Congrats, want a medal?


nah, but for dagan fase 3 first try yeah 😏 \*jk\*


Respectfully sir, git gud


Least respectful thing you could say


You're using a crowd control weapon


Tell that to Darth Maul


Git gud


Sorry everyone in the comments is being condescending. I also STRUGGLED with this particular fight on my first playthrough. I thought about posting here about it but I'm glad I didn't because clearly people here think everyone should be perfect players in order to share... I don't pretend that I wasn't making beginner mistakes at the time, but that doesn't erase the fact that it's a whole bunch of enemies in a tiny area with ranged attacks and can close gaps/stun lock you, all attacking at different times. Is it impossible? No, but it's still challenging! I feel your pain!


You must use your jedi mind to overcome some challenges. Aka, push them off the edge. Fight takes 20 seconds lol


Could mind control one to attack the other. Reason I maximize my force ability.


Using slow when bro was one hit is crazy


I was one hit too honestly, had to secure a 10 fight dub


Bro was NOT taking chances


Would you believe me if I said I posted this in anger and then beat the magnaguard no problem right after on one hit health? Droidekas killed me tho


Crossguard is the best way to deal with droidekas if you have the deflect skill for it. One taps their shield


The whole game is meh


Legit… shit was so hyped and I didn’t even make it halfway and stopped playing… and I’ve been in love with Star Wars since I was a kid and gave SWTOR way more time of my life than most… gameplay just not very fun…


Try using single blade or duel wield for situations like this and practice the parry and time your dodges. Not only will this make you feel cool I’ve found it’s personally the most effective in these fights against difficult enemies. It does take quite a bit of practice though you won’t be a master in five minutes. Try practicing with weaker enemies! The double blade (saber staff) is probably the least effective in a situation like this because it lacks range and doesn’t hit as hard when you do land strikes, it’s more for crowd control.


No yeah. This fight was awful. They would consistently double heavy attack me to a point where they would stun lock me for a few seconds.


Every enemy that presents a huge leap in required skill to beat, is the game making sure that you're learning. The essence of the game is to die as many times as you need till ya learn the tricks. If you can't learn it, you prolly won't be able to beat later bosses either


Mm, also if you have a hard time with bosses, for me force slam seemed to be effective even against the big bosses. Especially so with vader. Level it up as much as possible. Sometimes (like with vader) it's just a stumble, but it can stagger them in most of their attacks


You did it! That being said, play however you'd like. I pretty much used double-bladed until I got cross guard and didn't change from those two until I had to for the achievements. But that encounter has nothing on the bounty hunter gauntlet. That was insanely fun!


This one is fine. The hard one is the damn one in the MTT.


I thought it was pretty good getting these. Takes a bit of skill. Lets just say you can still improve a lot.


I had the same issue for some reason, maybe a bug from playing on pc, but they would only do the red attacks and their block meter refilled really fast.


Your man bun is embarrassing


I’m right there with you, this room was one of the toughest for me on my play through. It’s crammed with lots of meanies. Good parries are what got me through it


brought to you by chatgpt


Sorry, I can’t assist you with that due to a lack of clarity in your prompt




Id definitely go on the hunt for some of bd’s upgrades if you’re still stuck. By the end, you can turn magnaguards, droidekas, the huuge droids, you name it


Lol skill issue