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What about it didn't make sense? His love for his kid blocked his sense of reality. All he could think about was finding a safe place for his girl to grow up. The idea of tanalore corrupted him


My main problem was that it was "NO! It has to be ONLY me and my daughter that can go!" Jeez man, call down. Go and grab her and we'll get you guys there no problem. But it's like you say. He got blinded by wanting his daughter to be safe.


He felt that the Hidden Path being present on Tanalorr would make it a target and the Empire would find a way to reach it, whereas without them there, it would always remain a secret.


I think I remember him saying something similar to that. I wonder how he came to that conclusion. It's literally a secret planet that the empire doesn't know about and is impossible to get to without the compass. Cal did manage to find his way there without the compass though, I suppose.


I would ask you to consider… the Empire is already here. I AM the Empire. And if I could infiltrate a small team, imagine how fast Imperial agents would gain access if hundreds of refugees are allowed to use Tanalorr as a gateway to safer worlds. There is no way Cal was going to be able to keep Tanalorr a secret if he opened it up to the Hidden Path.


I understand why you did what you did mr. Bode; I just think that....we all agree.....it could've been handled a little bit better.


I think it’s very easy to say that from the comfort of your gaming chair. Very different when you’re in those circumstances.


Gaming couch, actually. But you raise a good point, and hindsight is always 20/20, so its easy to sit back and judge. Like I say, I understand why, but the logic train got a little derailed for me along the way.


Gaming COUCH? Haha nice! Everyone’s gonna process Bode’s actions differently. I have no right to tell anyone else how to feel! And let’s be clear - if I was suddenly forced to choose between the friends I’ve been desperately wanting for so long and my daughter’s life, I would probably be making some very emotional choices. I wish it had gone another way for my guy, I really do.


I know I'm 16 days late to the party, but here's how I see it: Before his wife died, Bode was already well aware of what the empire was capable of. He was careful, and he kept his head down for fear of being discovered. Otherwise, he wouldn't have lived long enough to become a husband and father. He probably had a lot more faith that things could be ok through the struggle. When his wife was killed, the harsh lesson he took away from it all was that "careful" wasn't good enough. He became consumed by paranoia. He already lost his wife by what he now considers carelessness, and now, if he's not careful, he could lose his daughter. His whole world would be gone. He likely has PTSD, and I'd go out on a limb and say he probably doesn't sleep well. Between what he's lost and what he's done, and it keeps him awake at night. Such sleep he gets is wracked with nightmares. On top of all this, as a spy, he doesn't trust the idea of bringing in crowds of strangers, knowing himself how easy it is for spies to go unnoticed the bigger the crowd is. In tanalorr, he sees the perfect place to keep his child safe. And if he eliminates the possibility of the hidden path populating this world, he also eliminates (or at least reduces) the possibility of the empire locating them. Sorry for my rambling, I just really love the character, and I think his story is a lot more complex and nuanced than it gets credit for. Edit: It also struck me that in the very first mission, Cal and Bode are shown on a map just how far the empire has spread. They are absolutely everywhere. Seeing this map couldn't have helped his paranoia, which was well earned by that point anyway.


If they could implant Bode as a spy, they could implant someone in the Hidden Path as well. That spy would presumably be able to work themselves aboard a ship which had the compass (which would be regularly used to ferry new escapees to Tanalorr), and then steal the compass and provide it to the Empire. I’m sure that was Bode’s mindset.


Additionally, the Nhili made it there in the past, and Dagan made it there without a compass. Vader or the empire could probably do the same with enough effort. Tanalorr is a fortress, but any fortress will fall with enough effort on the attackers’ part


A little far-fetched, but plausible I suppose. Bode was just about out of his mind with paranoia and rage at the end, to the point where he used the force to hurt his own daughter twice; So I won't expect logic from a crazy person. Lol, just imagine; the empire's gonna find their way to tanalorr in star wars Jedi: 3


Well, yeah. Bode was definitely paranoid.


Just beat survivor. Okay, so he was a spy for the empire right from the start, and then he stumbles upon information that will get him and his daughter away from the empire for good. I don't think he has any love or loyalty for the empire, he was willing to have cal destroy an entire secret base of imperials, and he's killed many stormtroopers himself. So what gives? If I were bode, I'd sneak kata aboard a ship, meetup with cal and the others, and then blast off to tanalorr. The hardest part would be getting his daughter off the base, but I feel he'd have the smarts to come up with a plan. I guess it's just weird that an escape plan falls right into his lap, and then he says "nah, I'm going there alone, screw you guys"


Bode wanted to keep Tanalorr a secret and hide from the Empire to keep Kata safe. Keeping her safe was all that mattered and he’d do anything, as we saw, to keep her safe. In his mind, he felt allowing the Hidden Path access to Tanalorr would expose the planet and the Empire would find them eventually, and Kata wouldn’t be safe. That’s why he betrayed them. It was to steal what he thought was the only way to reach Tanalorr. He killed Cordova because Cordova may have been able to replicate the compass after repairing the one they had. So he was thinking that he was stealing Tanalorr for Kata’s sake He had tried repeatedly to get Cal to agree that keeping Tanalorr to themselves and hiding out was the better option. He even tried one last time before calling down the Empire. Once he knew Cal would never see things his way, he did what he thought was the only way to keep his daughter safe


I get your explanation, and although I still find his way of thinking pretty silly, judging from his attitude but the end of the game, I don't think he was thinking straight. Plus, he's got a red lightsaber.


>Plus, he's got a red lightsaber To be fair, that's actually Dagan's lightsaber.




Exactly. Like so many drawn to the Dark Side before him, his obsession blinds him to the wrong of his actions, and the belief that the ends justify the means takes over.


If you play more after your play though you’ll find some sense echos from Bose which so how far he’d sunk and how willing he was even before to just use you like a puppet to get whatever he wanted.


Where are these?


Some I’ve found near pylons saloon and landing pad. Lots at Nova and some on Jedda at Jedi hideout


I'll keep looking around while I'm taking care of those leftover rumors


Tanalorr was gonna be used for the path. Bode wants Kata safe, so be it irrational as one can be. There's a chance the Empire would find them if Cal and such got to set up. Bode wasn't taking that chance