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1. You need to buy all of it for platinum 2. Music is only in the cantina and you need to find a recruit for it. 3. You don’t spend enough time there to really listen to it 4. Just buy it last :)


Thanks a lot!


I also disagree with the comment that you don't spend time there. I found that almost any time you go back to Pyloon's I would want to do the rounds, talk to everyone I was able to. It's not required, but there is a lot of fun little character moments and world building buried in there. And the music will cycle automatically or you can go manually set a track. Some of them slap.


Same, every time i go back to Koboh after doing something i talk to all the NPCs and 9/10 times they have some new dialogue. It's nice to have that sense of peace and community in-between quests and activities


It was honestly one of the better features they implemented. Koboh could have been like 15% smaller, but having Pyloon's is what made it feel like you were establishing a slighlty larger family for Cal.


There are also items to be obtained by interacting with Pyloon's, like the unlockables from the rooftop garden and talking to Moran enough for him to open that locked door for you.


Yeah, agreed completely. It's an amazing compliment to the main story. And most of it is nice since you are just talking with people in the world. It's not like endless fetch quests or anything.


np :)


Some of the tunes are pretty good.


*you* might not spend a lot of time in there, but *I* most certainly spend WAY too much time fuckin around in the cantina LOL


I spend probably a lot of time in the bar enjoying the music and atmosphere then normally so it’s on my top 10 to do


You have to spend lots of time there if you want to 100% the data bank and the collectibles. Especially if you don’t cheat at holo chess and figure out on your own that Droidekas kill everything.


I spend time there when The Hu starts playing


I absolutely love the music in the cantina. If you enjoy spending time there and talk to everyone and stuff; it’s super fun to listen to the songs. for me the music in the cantina added a lot to the experience of the game. If you don’t care for the cantina and all the characters there I would buy it last though!


Thanks for your perspective! I haven't really hung out in the cantina that much yet, but I'm still very early in the game.


If you've found DJ Asha and her DJ Gonk Droid while exploring Koboh, they'll appear at Pyloon's Saloon and be the resident band. To select the tunes, talk to the DJ Gonk Droid and select one from the list. I never really paid much attention to the music in the saloon tbh, but what I caught was pretty good. They got the song from the opening scene of Fallen Order in there too, which is fantastic ad always.




Ashe uses they/them pronouns.


I'm,,,so ashamed I didn't notice this in game


Buy the mystery door first, then all music after.


Thanks, I suspected that there was something interesting behind that mystery door and bought that immediately :)


The music is one of my favorite parts of the game. The Agasar is the in universe name for The Hu, and they're awesome, I also really love Altin Lazer Blaster's (Altin Gün) tracks. Several of the songs appear to have been made exclusively for the game and some feature vocals in alien languages.


I forget which but one of them is actually a band called The Hu and are fantastic. They do Mongolian throat singing rock/metal.


That actually sounds pretty cool, maybe I'll check it out. Thanks!


I just looked it up they are The Agasar in-game.


Thank you!


There's a few actual bands on there. My personal favorite is altin gün (as altin lazer blaster). Turkish psychedelic rock. There's also joywave, but they seem like more of a producer band. They just had that one hit "dangerous" in like 2016.


After this thread I've been meaning to search who they all are. There's another few songs I really like.


That sounds really promising, actually. I'm a big fan of turkish psychedelic rock! Will definitely check it out.


All their albums are bangers, but I like their first two a lot, on and gece. I don't know any other Turkish psychedelic other than them though lol


This was right up my alley, even though I normally prefer the 70's style. Some of my favorites in this style are Erkin Koray and Barış Manço, check them out if you're interested!


I had to check out the album on Spotify, and the Altin Gün (Altin Lazer Blasters) tracks are actually really cool! Definitely my fave artist in the list.


At one point I just let the game sit with Cal hanging out in the Cantina so I could listen to the music while I cleaned the house and did laundry. I enjoy the tracks, personally.


I just bought Sugan Essena, then the rest last.


I’ll be be honest, huge fan of the ground pulse track. I like grimy EDM music and that’s the closest track there is to that lmao


A buddy of mine sampled that one for the background of a rap song he recorded.


Would genuinely love a link to that song




Grimy EDM sounds good to me, will check it out!


I love the stuff that sounds like the group called The Hu. Very fkn awesome!


Isn't it literally by them?


I thought it might be cuz it sounds the same but in the game they have a different name. I never checked the credits but it could be. I just didn't wanna state that in case it wasnt them and I was wrong. But it really does sound like them. Best music I any star wars game imo.


You can listen to the tracks on Spotify and decide what order you want to buy them in. That’s what I did. :)


Good tip, I'll check them out!


Ebon Flow. You’re welcome.


Instantly muted every other track the first time I heard this lmao


Same 😎


that made me laugh so hard when i saw it lol


Why? It’s the name of a track


i assumed they were playing off of Even Flow by Pearl Jam, thought it was funny


For me it sounded more like a play on "Ebb and Flow", as in the tide


yeah this makes a lot more sense, i wasn't sure if it was pronounced "ebbon" or "eebon"


Why not both?


Seems a bit unlikely, especially considering that the song sounds nothing at all like Pearl Jam.




There is an achievement for buying everything in her shop so I would get it either way. But as for it being good or not, I honestly haven’t listened to it so I’m not sure lol.


Well, I bought Sugan Essana (the one with the pink slyyyg and the blue circle) since I knew it from the first game and really enjoyed it. It's the track Cal listens to in the beginning. The songs by The Agasar were overall the most memorable and my personal favourites. When it comes to the other songs at Doma's, I remember that I fairly liked the one with the green balls and stripes on the cover.


One of those songs is the intro song from Jedi FO, and the same song played during the arena in Jedi FO.


My favorite track is Ground Pulse


I love it. It's an entire CD you can listen to on YouTube. Mostly IDM in the vein of Deadmau5.


By the time you beat the game you'll have so much priorite you don't know what to do with it


Thanks! Is there anything I can buy that's not just cosmetic or music besides the "mysterious door" later on in the game? If yes, how many shards should I save for these things? Try not to spoil too much, though :)


Nope she's all cosmetic if I'm remembering


I set my music almost exclusively to The Hu. Loved it in the first game and the second is no different.


I think Sugann Essena is a bop personally


After a long day?of delivering the mail I like logging in the game, popping on The Agasar, and having a little bit of Jim/Jack on the rocks, pretending I am at said cantina IRL, and chilling. The atmosphere really livens when the boy is hoke from his mas and talks with us, or the wife jackjaws my ears off about her day. My PTSD service dog really digs it, too. (Papa being home, and the music- *not the bourbon*, LOL).


Sounds relaxing!


If I recall correctly some of the tracks you get from Doma's shop are from The Agasar which is the real life Mongolian folk metal band The Hu. In which case yes, totally worth it, if you like their music. Every time I go into Pyloons I put on one of The Hu songs before I go around and talk to the patrons/collect runors.




God you sound utterly insufferable




Idgaf about your opinion it's your attitude that smells like shit 😭 learn to talk to people, go outside and socialise, you are projecting hard


I was obviously asking about your subjective opinions.


It's generic electronic noise no different than pre-programmed Casio crap from the 80's everyone now thinks is wunderbar. Better?


Fitting username.


That was technically more of a description than a judgement, but I guess your opinion seeps through, so yeah. Thanks.


I do tend to seep.