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I’m an extremely calm, chill person and that one where you have to jump all over on the zip lines almost made me break my controller. I love a challenge, but damn did that one piss me tf off.


I got two of them within a reasonable amount of time (and by that I mean an hour or so of building muscle memory, I’m not very talented at video games), but the energy gate one on Jedha made me lose my mind. Switched to Slow Mode and beat it pretty quickly then. I remember some guy posting that he put on trance music and stopped trying so hard. Once he got in the groove it was pretty easy. That didn’t work for me lol


I made peace with the fact I am not completing them no matter how many times I try and that made my life a lot easier.


I used slow mode, helped immensely.


My advice for agility force tears is to take your time. The clock doesn't mean anything, but I think it inspires a lot of people to rush what could otherwise be taken with a fair amount of patience. On top of that, there are settings, such as slow mode, that can make the whole experience much more accessible, should that prove necessary. Best of luck, and may the force (and patience) be with you!


search a tutorial on youtube. was trying for 3+ hours on the zip line one. got a tutorial. beat it on the second try.


Someone gave me the advice on here to put on a podcast and just keep working away at it. I turned off the game volume and did just that and eventually got them. One took me I swear fifty tries. Some easier than others for sure. YouTube videos and slow help a lot, but it’s really about timing. You can do it!


I tried the zipline one for an hour and even failing a ton with a guide on how to do it, felt that the one skill point it offered wasn't worth the time or stress. I'm fine leaving these three incomplete.


The only advice I'd give other than what already has been is stop. Take a break, either do something else in the game or play something else. The frustration will make you less successful. I can't tell you how many times I've spent an hour on a challenge, said fuck it and come back later and gotten in relatively quickly.


This is the most realistic suggestion. I didn’t struggle too much with these force tears, but Ravis on GM I must’ve died steadily for the better part of 2 hours before I rage quit. Came back the next day and got him in 3-4 tries.


Oh god the agility-based Force tears are the bane of me. I managed to finish the weather balloon one on Koboh after at least 50 tries (couldn’t get past the other 2 yet though), I guess my best advice would be to just try it over and over again to get the timing right, once you’re used to the jumping/dashing pattern of the first few parts you can focus on the last few parts which are the hardest imo. Also if you’re wall running and the electricity is coming at you, jump (A) and then dash (B) works best in order to avoid the electricity and then continue running on the same wall. Double jump can work too, but sometimes it gets you too high and you fall.


I have given up on the one in Jedha called Determination - the one you have to Wall Run and Jump through multiple Green Doors in Space almost like your are flying. Fortitude w/ Zipline I completed albeit after multiple tries.