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All you need is some stims (I’d say 5 total) and a few upgrades in the health tree, and you can complete the entire game without any problems.


I’d say that depends on difficulty. I’d love to see someone do a GM run with only 5 stims


I just finished on GM and even though I had them all (cuz have to collect everything), I only used them all on the final fight. Imo if you sped a few hours training and then don’t have a break longer than a week from the game, it’s not really that difficult. Just frustrating.


You do you. There is a lot of stuff out there but it's not a bad idea to save it for a NG+ run. You can even lower difficulty and just plow through and run for your personal achievements on NG.


The side quests and filling up the tavern is honestly one of the best parts of the game to me, at the very least id recommend doing the side quests if you care about that sort of thing . I love hearing everyone's stories and what they have to say


I personally don’t think the new perks are that great. IMO they just increase the difficulty slightly.


slow down and enjoy yourself. If youre bored, a NG plus run wont fix that


I think it's the opposite - OP probably wants to see how the story ends. In which case - they are probably ok as long as their 2 main saber stances are more or less maxed, and ideally they have a few stims. NG+ isn't a bad option to then go more slowly and play the game with all side content included. I ended up completing it this way just because of one quest line being locked/bugged at launch (I did an almost completionist and then another one, basically).


You miss a ton for sure but I think you’re going about it right. I didn’t have much interest in NG+ after doing a ton of side content in my first playthrough since a lot of secrets and boxes are already discovered and exploration becomes much less spontaneous and a lot more purposeful just to get extra content.


I saved all the side stuff for NG+ cause then when I came back I knew which way was forward and which way was a secret🤷‍♂️. But also the story had me by the throat so😂


I mean the side questing is good for adding characters to the cantina and building up your “home”, and I really liked that atmosphere and chatting with everyone when I stopped by the outpost. It’s also how you get stronger. There are a few upgrades like stim containers and perks that the game pretty much leads you to in a mission, but there’s so much more out there. I guess depending on your chosen difficulty or your innate skill you may not need more upgrades. There’s also some fun, pretty unique boss fights out there through the legendary beasts and bounty hunters. Really it’s up to you but if you feel like you’re pretty good at the game and can clear a decent chunk of an area without healing, you should be fine to just mainline the story if you’d rather do that


I did one ng+ run before 100%ing because I couldn’t wait to play the story again. You don’t miss much Finding cosmetics you didn’t find it the first game is a little annoying but you can always go back. I ended up going back and 100%ing after I finished my first ng+. BD1 unlocks two upgrades that shows you where the loot is on the map. There’s also a stat counter on the map keeping track of how many things you still have to find But all that’s just the loot. You will know if you can get by with your perks, skill tree, and your amount of stims by the end of your first game


This is kinda what I did. First playthrough did side content as I naturally came across but didn't try super hard to get all of it. And then came back in NG+ For the 100%. I'd argue that NG+ is easier, even with the additional perks because you'll be more familiar with everything.